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Chapter 272: Battle for the Chamber of Secrets

Zhen Hou stayed in the exhibition hall to care for Zhou Muqing's parents. Jin and Jin Si were blocked by steel doors, so it was natural to stay in the secret room. This secret room was transformed from the original exhibition hall. Hou The place used to store his valuables after gaining momentum, there are many evolutionary guards, coupled with strict security, so Hou never fears that his treasure will be lost.

Zhou Muqing's parents were not originally locked up in the back room. In Hou's opinion, the old couple was not worth his trivial work, but after learning that Zhou Muqing had hired someone to help her parents, Hou had to be careful and shut Zhou Muqing's parents In the back room of the layered defense, a powerful assistant Jin and Jin four guards were sent. He was confident that he could force Zhou Muqing to submit, and then he used this as a condition to make the British agree to his request.

After Chu Xiang ’s identity was revealed, his first thing was to rush into the back room to rescue Zhou Muqing ’s parents. This was his main purpose here. Jin Youzheng was not afraid. He believed that Chu Xiang and Song Jun were trapped in the back room. Ignoring Zhou Muqing's parents, he launched a direct attack on Chu Xiang.

Waves, the air was fluctuating, as the ultrasound excited, Chu Xiang was shocked, and hurriedly extended his bones to protect Zhou Muqing's parents. Who knows that this is not an ultrasound at all. This wave caused the surrounding air to suddenly cool and Chu Xiang's bones Gaga's voice was instantly frozen, and at this time Chu Xiang realized that he was the quick-frozen man among the Four King Kong.

Song Jun had already squeezed into the closet at this time. He held his hands up, ten secret weapons shot directly at the golden face door, and Jin sneered. On the level, he was comparable to Song Jun. Moreover, Song Jun did not evolve special skills. Worthless, he drew a circle with his hands, and those hidden weapons flying to him were suddenly frozen in the air! It turned out that the surrounding air was frozen! The hidden weapon was frozen in a layer of transparent ice, and it crashed into pieces.

Chu Xiang's bones and fins were frozen. He felt a cold all over his body, and his bones were cold and painful. He fanned the bones and quacked. That layer of frozen ice crashed and fell, and saw Song Jun ’s attack fail, and Jin wanted to implement a freezing attack on Song Jun. Chu Xiang snatched up and stood in front of Song Jun. "You protect Zhou Muqing's parents!"

At this time, Chu Xiang did not dare to use ultrasonic waves, and it was easy to cause reflections in the back room. It would be awkward to accidentally hurt himself. He kicked to the ground, besides, in addition to the thick concrete, there was a thick layer of steel plate underneath. Chu Xiang could only pierce down with a bone spur.

Don't look at plants growing on the energy of Chuxiang, but their roots must be stuck in the soil, otherwise the purpose of rapid growth cannot be achieved and the foundation will be unstable. This is also a flaw in the ability to control plants. Chu Xiang quickly dropped the seed. At this time, Jindi's attack had been issued. Chu Xiang had no choice but to cover it with bone wings. Kaka, just like a person was sent into a quick-freezing chamber, Chu Xiang's bones and wings were instantly frozen again.

The feeling of coldness covered the whole body immediately, Chu Xiang grinned with painful fangs, but he didn't dare to pause at his feet, a plant sprout scooped out of the soil, and a dozen branches and stems rushed to gold immediately, and Jin did not know What was this? He was surprised by the sudden growth of plants in the back room. For a time, I also forgot to continue to chase while the iron was hot and completely freeze Chu Xiang's body, but Chu Xiang took the opportunity to fan the bones to lift the ice mast above.

Ga, chuckled, Jin saw those plant stalks entangled in him, and of course he had to fight back. Quick freezing waves hit those plants. The dozen canes were immediately frozen. Chu Xiang accelerated the energy input and wanted to break free from the ice. Crack them to the ground alive. The original sap-rich rattan had frozen into a hard maggot, and forced to order it to move only to make it powder.

This is the first person who can destroy Chu Xiang ’s plant attack. Chu Xiang ’s heart is also shocked. He decides to launch a close-up attack, and cannot let Jin continue to freeze. Thinking of Chu Xiang ’s abandoning the plant, he immediately rushed to Jin Although Jin has the ability to freeze quickly, he can't fight melee, so he takes a step backwards. Then a cold current wrapped to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang wanted to hide but knew that there were also Song Jun and Zhou Muqing's parents behind the narrow space in the back room. Frozen waves will hit them once they fall. So Chu Xiang flung his teeth up. Ga. It is the object that freezes quickly and makes a crackling sound.

Gemdale's quick freezing skills are very powerful. This is why he can squeeze into the four King Kong of Hou Di. But other than that, he had little ability. Although Chu Xiang was frozen by his head. But his flutter has not changed. Only this time it became a big ice rush to Jin. Kim panicked to dodge. Song Jun seized the opportunity to escape and hit two concealers.

Chu Xiang was not frozen to death. Not many creatures can kill him by his physical value. It was just that his limbs were wrapped in ice, which made him lose his resistance for a while. Fortunately, Song Jundi hit two gold thighs with one hidden weapon. One hit the golden arm. He hid painfully into a transparent room. Then close the bulletproof glass door.

Song Jun simply ignored the pursuit. He stepped forward and knocked Chu Xiang into a Dinatu ice cube. At this time, Chu Xiang had secretly carried the capacity. A crunchy sound. Bingtuo began to produce cracks. The clashes finally broke apart. Chu Xiang jumped out from the broken ice.

Chu Xiang said: "I'm fine. The little injured and killed him while he was sick!"

Chu Xiang and Song Jun rushed to the door of the bulletproof room in the Golden Hideout. For the first time, Kim saw that the people who lived by him could break the ice cubes alive by himself. At this time he had realized that Chu Xiangdi was not weak. So I didn't plan to come out. Chu Xiang opened the bulletproof glass door with a few smashes in a punch. Kim immediately urged the quick-freeze function to freeze the bulletproof glass door firmly.

The hard ice door does not allow Chu Xiang to use the bone spurs to drill in, because a gold is drilled to remedy immediately. The two of them are not able to consume this way. Unfortunately, Chu Xiang does not have the flame function. As long as the fire is intense, it may burn the gold.

Since Chu Xiang and Song Jun couldn't get in, and Jin didn't want to come out by himself, so he could only spend it like this, so the situation was that Chu Xiang and Song Jun were blocked in the back room, and Jin was blocked in the back room by both of them. In the back room. Zhou Muqing's parents have seen that Chu Xiang and Song Jun came to rescue them. Originally, they were hungry for inconvenience. At this moment, they accumulated some strength to thank Chu Xiang and Song Jun.

Chu Xiang said: "You're welcome, we are Mu Qingdi friends, so it should be to save you."

Zhou Muqing's father said, "Originally, my mother and Xiaoqing planned to bite her tongue and kill herself immediately after seeing Xiaoqing, lest Xiaoqing because we are controlled by others, and now with your help, I think I can finally reunite with Xiaoqing. "

Song Jundao: "Uncle. Auntie, rest assured, we must take you out safely. We can't trap us here, and there are people here to protect Mu Qing."

Chu Xiang took out the satellite phone and saw that there was no signal at all. The shielding of the secret room was stronger. He put his ear against the steel door and listened, because he could not hear the outside sound because of the wall blocking. When Chu Xiang looked back at the expensive items on the booth, he opened the space ring at once, and together with Song Jun pulled the gold bars, ornaments, and hill-like diamonds all in. Gold was stunned when he hid in the bulletproof glass room. These, People were crazy, so they saved all of Hou's half-life savings.

It is not difficult to install these things quickly, but the key is to get rid of the gold and escape from this closet. Chu Xiang and Song Jun got together to discuss. The last two decided that Chu Xiang should be the main attack. His gold quick freezing ability is strong but he may not have enough energy to fight to the end with Chu Xiang and Song Jun. As long as he is negligent, he will not be saved.

Jin hid in the closet to deal with the wound. Fortunately, Song Jun disdain to use poison. Otherwise, Jin has been farting now, took the hidden weapon out of the body, and simply bandaged. Jin also noticed that the energy of quick freezing in the body was insufficient. It was not because of the injury. In fact, his physical injury did not kill him. But his evolutionary level limited him here, and his ability to use the quick-freeze ability made him feel a bit weak.

Regarding the energy storage of the evolver, theoretically, the higher the level, the more energy is stored, these energy needs to be accumulated daily. Generally, the evolutionary energy storage of the same level is the same, but Chu Xiang is an exception. There are two The first reason is that Zhang Jingyao's special skills and close relationship with Chu Xiang determine that Chu Xiang is different from others in energy storage.

Since Zhang Jingyao is an energy-based evolutionary, she is different from ordinary people in energy storage. Her energy storage is ten times or even dozens of times that of ordinary evolutionaries, but her energy has almost no role except to generate electricity. If there is, it is to provide portable energy supplements for Chu Xiang. Next, Chu Xiang naturally ranks first in energy storage.

The second reason is that there is a mysterious biological five-color liquid in Chu Xiang's body. This creature is also an energy. He resides in Chu Xiang's body and brings at least 50% improvement to Chu Xiang's ability. It is also much more than the evolutionaries of the same level, which is one of the reasons why Chu Xiang persists in defeating his more powerful enemies to win in many battles.

The current gold has insufficient energy after continuous use of quick freezing. But Chu Xiang didn't notice it. As for Song Jun, he doesn't have any obvious special skills, but he has more expertise in shooting. Except for using the special steel bow, the launcher's energy loss to him is not high, so the two are not losing their spirits at this moment, but Jin is already bitter.

Chu Xiang planted the plants in the sealed glass door. He urged those plants to drill in the seams while he urged them. On the other side, he turned the bone spurs into rotary drills to drill holes in the frozen bulletproof glass door. The hole was drilled, a plant immediately extended inward, and Jin immediately sent a quick-freezing wave to freeze it, but several other places were also penetrated by Chu Xiang. The plants drilled inward from the opened eyes, and gold could not stop. Launch quick-frozen waves.

Chu Xiang didn't bother to freeze the plants that had penetrated the bulletproof glass door. He just kept on eye-catching. After the whole plant entangled the door, Chu Xiang urged the plant roots to pull back, bang! With a loud noise, the bulletproof glass door inlaid on the wall was pulled down stiffly.

Song Jun punched in a hidden weapon, and Jin Wugong went to quickly freeze the left glass door. All his speed ice waves were used to deal with Song Jun's hidden weapon, and without knowing it, he did n’t know when to float. He flew on a ball of five-colored liquid, and when he covered Jin with his head, Jin was taken aback. He immediately launched a wave of quick-freezing waves at the top of his head. At this time, he was already at the end of his strong bow. He couldn't handle it. As a result, the last wave of quick freezing that he fired did not achieve any effect at all. Except that he almost frozen his head into an ice tudor, it did not pose a fatal threat to the five-color liquid, and his consciousness was disappearing quickly. It was impossible to make a second Resisted.

Song Jun watched Kim turn into a pile of bubbles under the swallowing of a five-color liquid. He said, "Good guy. This is the first time an evolutionary who has been able to walk for so long with us together."

Chu Xiang said: "But in the end we didn't kill us. We have so many tricks, as long as he didn't notice it, we must die, but his quick freezing skills are really good, and there are almost no objects that can't be frozen. "

When Song Jun saw the five-color liquid fly back to Chu Xiang's body, he happily said, "Chu Xiang. You have gained a lot this time out. With this little guy who can devour energy, you will sooner or later become the world's first evolutionary. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "Don't put on a high hat for me. We try to take Zhou Muqing's parents out of here. We don't know what happened above. I hope Han Jiao will be all right."

Speaking of leaving Zhou Muqingdi's father, he was worried about the tunnel: "This is an underground secret room. It's not easy to leave, unless we have a password to open the stainless steel cast sealed door, otherwise they will shut down the ventilation equipment. To be strangled. "

Zhou Muqing's mother said, "You are so confused. What can we do if someone outside guards us with a password? Isn't it time for them to slaughter."

Chu Xiang's face has changed back after being revealed his identity. Since he is not true, Xie Shanshan does not have the ability to control and brain wave activities of others. Therefore, it is impossible to know the password for opening the door, but Chu Xiang has already tried it. The underground is not tens of meters deep reinforced concrete. Farther away, there is one meter thick concrete, plus a layer of twenty centimeters of steel plates. This hinders this. To Chu Xiang, he made a bone knife to cut a square hole, and then drilled down using the grounding skills.

Zhou Muqing's parents were surprised when they saw Chu Xiang disappear in the back room. In fact, in the past two days, they have seen many extraordinary phenomena. However, it is the first time that Chu Xiang has demonstrated their abilities today, so it is inevitable that they will be shocked again. At this moment, let alone Chu Xiang impersonates their distant relatives, even the close relatives, they will not have any opinions.

It did n’t take long for Chu Xiang to drill back again. He had already got through to the ground. Although this smashing function was a gray face every time, it was really good for escape. But ordinary people are really struggling to climb this tunnel. Thanks to Chu Xiang and Song Jun took care. This left the secret room quickly. As Zhou Muqing's father said, Hou turned off the ventilator of the secret room regardless of Jin's life, but Chu Xiang and others did not have to worry about this.

The satellite phone already had a signal. Chu Xiang immediately contacted Li Haipeng. It turned out that Zhenhou suddenly ended his entertainment return with the British evolutionist. Li Yingjie called back but Chu Xiang had entered the basement and could not receive the signal. He could only notify Li Haipeng. Li Haipeng immediately evacuated with Xu Huai and Han Jiao. Waiting outside the exhibition hall at this moment.

Chu Xiang and Song Jun carrying Zhou Muqing's parents rushed to Han Jiao and others. They immediately reported the news to Zhang Jingyao and heard their parents Zhou Muqing crying excitedly. The Zhou family only has a daughter like her, but her parents ca n’t help her, but fortunately she has so many friends, otherwise her evolutionary power may not be her opponent.

"Are we waiting for you to come back or retreat?" Zhang Jingyao asked.

Chu Xiang said: "Hou already knew that someone had been impersonated. I was afraid that Shangri-La was not safe. You immediately withdrew. I asked Li Haipeng to respond. Later, I was afraid he would wake up and control Mu Qing."

Hou still doesn't know that the secret room is empty. Otherwise, he will immediately tell the guard of Shangri-La to leave Zhou Muqing. Although Zhang Jingyao, Xie Shanshan, Xiao Si, Li Niu and others are here, but can not fight or not, here It is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, with a dense population and a stronger garrison. It is not easy to deal with misunderstandings.

At present, Li Haipeng immediately rushed to Shangri-La to pick up Zhou Muqing and others. Everyone found an abandoned building near Victoria Park to temporarily hide. It took ten minutes to bring all the people from Shangri-La out. At this point, Zhou Muqing finally saw her parents and people safely. Hug together crying and laughing.

Father Zhou said: "Xiao Qing, thanks to your friends, otherwise Dad and your mother made up their minds to commit suicide in front of you."

Zhou Muqing shed tears: "Dad, how can you do that, and you want me to die in front of me."

Father Zhou said: "But if we don't let you know that you are dead, you'll be afraid that Hou will fake your name and force you to submit. You won't be fooled if you see us leave."

The reader really had a lot of thoughts. Father Zhou didn't want his daughter to carry a stain on his back, so he would rather commit suicide in front of Zhou Muqing. Such people are more obedient and more principled. This is also what Zhou Muqing has always been afraid of speaking to his parents. She likes Chu Xiang. After all, Chu Xiang already has a girlfriend, and this kind of thing is simply outrageous in Zhou ’s eyes.

Zhang Jingyao said: "Well, no one has to die now. Let Hai Peng take a rest. After a while, we will all return to the Yutai base. Never come to this place again."

Zhou Muqing said happily: "Well, my parents will not like to stay in Hong Kong after this incident, everyone can be together again, ah, fat sister, we cannot leave him."

Li Haipeng said: "No in the room, or I'll bring him back together."

Zhou Muqing said: "I'm patronizing the safety of my parents. He has a room himself, and maybe he should let the hotel security guard him. What can I do, Chu Xiang, you can find a way to save him."

Anyway, Fei Fei has been with you for a long time ~ ~ Although Zhang Hongbing often scolds him as a dead lady, in fact, the person is not bad, and he takes good care of Zhou Muqing. Zhou Muqing was able to The rapid rise can be said to have a lot to do with his talented management.

Chu Xiang said: "I'm going to find Fat Sister, you start to transfer to Yutai base. I'm afraid that Chi will change. After all, Hou's strength is not weak. If he finds that there is no one in the back room, he will definitely start his evolution. Come to arrest us. "

Song Jun told Chu Xiang: "There are more evolutionaries in Hong Kong, I'll stay to help you."

Li Haipeng said: "Let ’s do this. I will send you back to the base and stay for a while. In case things get better, there will be care."

Zhang Jingyao said, "Now Haipeng will give you back now. I will stay with you. Chu Xiang will immediately go to Shangri-La with the military brother. If there is a problem, we will use a communicator. If the communicator is out of range, use a satellite phone."

Chu Xiang also knew that if it really hit him, it would be easy for him to get out, but he was afraid that it would be difficult to save the fat again, so he did n’t reject everyone ’s proposal, and immediately set off with Song Jun to dive back to Shangri-La. Everyone.


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