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Chapter 277: Extreme hunger

All the people who were behind were stunned. What a speed it was, but it took dozens of zombies to be killed in a moment, but their footsteps never stopped. Wu Feiying was so sweaty that he wanted to use a gun just now. To threaten others, if he wants to kill himself, it is easier than killing an ant!

As long as there are no mutants and a large number of t4, the zombies in the town cannot pose a threat to Song Jun. When he came, he was afraid to alarm these survivors. Now that he has no worries, he will be forced to kill the encirclement and ignore the 16 people. What did he think? As soon as Song Jun opened the road with a hidden weapon, he quickly rushed out of the city and left after he found a bus.

It is said that Chu Xiang rode on the flame horse and went straight to the destination. This is a lush ecological forest. The base was actually built in the forest. Because of the tree cover, the size of the base exceeded the prediction of Wang Bin. Bin estimates that this base has only two people, but in fact Chu Xiang observation should be between eight and a thousand people.

This base is called Daxin. It is located between Huahu and Yuanhu. An militias team protects the security of the base. Chu Xiang stands outside the base and sees many trees peeled. He knows that there should be It's out of food. It should not be difficult to instigate them to go to the Yutai base. The key is not knowing if we can find some talents we need.

Chu Xiang wants to go to the bottom and find out the situation. Let ’s think that his BMW is full of meat, and Chu Xiang leaves it outside. In case those people are hungry, it ’s not good to kill the horse, not afraid of the flames. The meat was eaten, but I was afraid that Lien Yanma would hurt his old name. This guy was really hungry and hung up on the horse's buttocks. He was not kicked out by Lie Yanma.

Chu Xiang messed up his clothes, and the whole wolf went a little bit before he walked to the base. Bang, a bullet passed by Chu Xiang's side, someone shouted in the woods: "Someone! Stop, just shoot!"

Chu Xiang scolded in his heart, you have already fired. If the ordinary person is always scared to the ground now, "Do n’t shoot, I am a human!" This is the standard answer of the last days. If you do n’t say that you are a human, then a peanut meter will die. , And specialize in head melon.

Hearing was the voice of human beings No more bombs flew out of the woods. After a while, Chu Xiang entered the base from a row of wooden fences and took materials on site. The Daxin base used fresh wooden stakes as a fence. Over time, these wooden stakes took root and sprouted, and it may not take long to grow into a large one. The tree, even if it grows into a big tree, I am afraid that it may not be able to stop t4 and mutant creatures. Maybe there have been battles here, because Chu Xiang saw that some wooden posts were newly added.

Chu Xiang had already put all his things into the space ring, fearing that someone would even go to the ring. He temporarily held the ring in his mouth and put it back on his fingers after the inspection. After confirming that Chu Xiang was not injured or dangerous, the militiamen put him in. As for how to arrange it, no one cares about it, just find a tree to set up a nest. Anyone else does it, but do n’t say, the outside is like a hot fire, but the woods are cool. If you take a nap, it is absolutely comfortable Many trees have been peeled and they don't know how many days they will wither.

Because Chu Xiang is fast. Song Jun may still be here, and he has found a tree branch to live first, and it ’s past lunch time. Chu Xiang is not clear whether this is a group meal or a separate solution, but there is no half-cooked smoke in the entire woods. Taste, there must be no food for public and private.

As soon as Chu Xiang's leaves moved on the ground, a thin little boy got out of the leaves. When he saw Chu Xiang lying on a tree branch, he smiled and avoided the tree. Chu Xiang saw that he was carrying green leaves in his arms. With tender bark. Presumably it was used as food. After the tree fell, the little boy called his mother, "Mom, come and eat."

A woman with a yellow face and thin skin took over the leaves and bark of the little boy's arms. The mother and mother were sitting under the tree of Chu Xiang. No soy sauce vinegar. Just a lot of ground leaves stuffed into your mouth. Then frowned and swallowed. Chu Xiang looked sad at heart. He hid among the leaves and took two packets of instant noodles from the space ring. Then jump off the tree.

"Big brother. You're not resting? Did it make you noisy just now?" The little boy was very polite and authentic. Poorly headed early in the morning. It seems true. Even polite, even hungry.

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "I haven't slept. Can I eat the leaves alone? I have two packs of instant noodles here. You can figure out how to cook them. See how big the new base can't last long. You need to find ways to retreat . "

Gollum. It was an exaggerated spit. Chu Xiang looked up and startled. The mother's eyes were as vicious as the hungry wolves. Of course not staring at him. Instead he stared at the two bags of instant noodles in his hands. But for Chu Xiang's hinted words, he didn't care. call. Two packs of instant noodles were snatched away by Thunder.哧 The packaging bag is torn. Slightly

"Liang Liang. You can't eat like this!" The mother suddenly cliffs. Chu Xiang thought that the two wanted to say some thanks before eating. Who knows mother said: "We found a pot to cook. This way we can eat more."

The little boy jumped stupidly: "I'm going to borrow a pot! Mom, you pick firewood." The little boy ran out of his mother and then remembered Chu Xiang. She hurriedly said, "I'm sorry. You are kind. We are hungry. It was really rude just now."

On the contrary, Chu Xiang laughed and said, "What rudeness is not rude, I know everyone is hungry. Don't talk about that, but it is convenient for cooking and it is good enough and it is good for the stomach. Let me help you pick firewood. "

Some of the early peeled trees have withered, and some old trees already have dead branches, so they pick up a small bundle without much effort. At this time, the little boy also borrowed pots, and the digging water can be seen everywhere in the woods. Pit, simmer half a pot of water, put a stone on the pot, Chu Xiang took out the lighter to help light the fire, and then he smoked a cigarette while watching the mother and mother cooking instant noodles, let alone some scenes Warm.

Chu Xiang suddenly remembered that when he was a child, he was surrounded by the pot watching his mother busy eating. Of course, the people in the pot now changed to the pair of mothers, but their expectations of food were probably the same. The water finally boiled, two packs of instant noodles were thrown in, and the soup was poured in. The two branches started to stir the chopsticks, and the fragrance drifted around.

Broken, Chu Xiang suddenly screamed badly, thousands of people in it were hungry early, and they sent out instant noodles to the mother and mother, and others didn't **** them. I can't do too much, lest others be suspicious.

Sure enough, two people came around first, and then a group of people rushed over like a crowded train. The little boy didn't look good, and he ran no matter how hot the iron pan was burned, followed by a group of people. chase. The woods are quite large. The upper man hides and hides in the marathon like running a marathon. Chu Xiang ca n’t laugh or cry. All of them are hungry. What is the etiquette and shame? It ’s the most important thing to be able to grab food and live. And not to stop.

I don't know how long it has run, anyhow, no one can touch the little boy's clothes. Once, his body was light and flexible, but most people were hungry and couldn't move. First, two or two people couldn't hold it. In the end, a large number of local people and horses pulled down. In the end, only the little boy was still circling the woods. His mother shouted, "Liang Liang, don't run away, everyone will not chase."

The little boy named Liang Liang ran back, but his face was not red and his heart wasn't beaten. He took the pot out of his arms and said, "Mom, just eat it when it's cold, or they will come to grab it."

The mother's tree fork peeped in and stopped. A pair of chopsticks was handed to Chu Xiang's eyes. "Brother, thank you, let's eat together. You are really a good man. Eat it. It's not hot at all."

Chu Xiang heard that the two mothers were not polite. He was embarrassed to refuse to make them embarrassed, so he squatted beside the pot and clamped chopsticks. And the mother and mother began to swipe their mouths as the wind swept away the leaves.

Bang, a leather shoe suddenly appeared and kicked the pot aside, half of the pot of soup was spilled in half, Liang Liang hurriedly lay on the ground to drink instant noodle soup that had time to penetrate into the ground, Liang Liang mother scolded angrily: " You've got your eyes on your back. Don't you see a pot here? "

"Where comes the food, the militia company has regulations, you must hand in the food when you have the food. Are you pig heads? Is it wrong to take the order of the militia company?" He has a numb face that looks like a pig killer.

"Yeah." Liang Liang spit out a grain of sand in his mouth, and he countered: "Our instant noodles were given by this big brother, and we didn't sneak them into the base. You **** knows to bully people."

He slammed on Liangliang's face, Bai Nian's cheeks suddenly swelled, and Ma's face cursed, "Dare you call me an asshole, I will kill your little cub."

When Liangliang's mother was beaten up, she numbed her face. The numb face became even more angry. She kicked Liangliang's mother aside with one foot, and then she held Liangliang with one hand and prepared to slap him again with the other hand. Did not fall, because he was pinched, and his face was green with pain.

Liang Liang took the opportunity to get rid of Ma face, and then went to the ground to help his mother. Chu Xiang originally didn't want to make trouble. After all, he didn't understand the situation of the Daxin base and caused internal disturbances. The mother was beaten.

"Your mother, let me go quickly, do you know who I am, you mb, I am the brother-in-law of the militia company commander, and let me let you be my brother again!" Ma Lian said his identity, and the militia in Daxin Base The company is the highest commanding body, and the militia company commander is the top leader of Dah Sing Ki.

Chu Xiang didn't hate others fighting, but he hated others scolding his parents most. This face was scolded twice, and Chu Xiang was furious, kicking him on the face of his face, and Ma face couldn't stand and threw himself on the ground. Chu Xiang Sharply: "Got me a **** to admit it, and incite myself to slap in the face!"

When Ma face suffered this kind of qi, although he was forced to kneel on the ground, his mouth was still dishonest, "You mb, you rebelled, come, come, kill, come ..."

Chu Xiang kicked his face four meters away, and said, "Now you need to incite yourself to slap yourself to recover from the mistake."

As Ma face shouted like this, the militia around him immediately surrounded him, completely indifferent like the bright iron wok being robbed just now, which made Chu Xiang's anger even stronger. What are these people doing to eat the land? Do they not have any sense of responsibility? It is a miracle that such a base can be maintained to this day.

The tops of the two guns were on Chu Xiang's chest. "What are you doing! How dare you make trouble in our base and give me an honest stand!"

Liangliang's mother hurried forward and said, "Don't embarrass him, he is a good man. You guys, don't be impulsive, and quickly recognize an error."

Chu Xiang said: "Thank you, but I didn't make a mistake, why should I admit it, and brought your company commander, I have something to ask him."

The two militiamen smiled and said, "Our company commander, can you easily see the ground? I think you have just scratched the skin and repaired it. Take him away. Hungry in the tree house for two days before you talk." In fact, the militia had forgotten that there was no food in the base, and it was still starving in the tree house.

Chu Xiang knew that he couldn't bear it anymore. He could only solve them by dividing the five and two, and then took these old surnames back to the Yutai base. As long as they had something to eat and drink, they believed that the old surnames were willing to go with themselves. But wait for Chu Xiang to start, suddenly someone shouted: "Zombies are here, zombies are here, all militiamen have returned to the fighting position!"

These militiamen also know the importance. Once the base is breached, everyone will be finished, so they withdraw their guns and say, "You younger, stay here for me, and fight off the zombies' offense before I find your account!"

There were crackling gunshots, and Chu Xiang secretly observed that there were several zombies attacking, but they were all ordinary t2. These militiamen could clean up as long as they worked hard for an hour, so Chu Xiang did not bother, but Ma Lian saw that Chu Xiang was stronger than him. Therefore, he wisely withdrew with the militia, and in order to get revenge, he must wait for the militia to make time. As long as his face was sloppy, Chu Xiang was not afraid that he would escape, unless the guy dared to leave the base.

Liangliang's mother said to Chu Xiang: "You guys, you can't be more real with them. They have guns in their hands, and they are still the protectors of our base. When they recognize a mistake, they will stay safe and secure at the base."

Chu Xiang said: "Well, how long do you think this base can last? I think the people here are starving. Have you thought of anything else?"

Liang Liang's mother said, "Come out? What else is out when the world is over. Only one day can be counted. Which one here is not so thinking?"

Talking about the old surnames around them, now they know the origin of the two packs of instant noodles, staring at Chu Xiang's body, hoping that Chu Xiang is still hiding somewhere to let them have a full meal.

You can't blame Liangliang and her mother for being selfish, just a small pot of instant noodles, plus Chu Xiang can eat alone, if you let all of them eat. Can't even spread a noodle.

Looking at these hungry people, Chu Xiang felt a pain in his heart: "Dear folks, I want to take everyone away from the Daxin base. I know that there is a place to eat and it is absolutely safe. You need to do it to show yourself. The original expertise, continue to plant the land, continue to work on the construction site, would you like to follow me? "

No one answered, all of them looked at Chu Xiang with curious eyes. That means that this guy was frightened by the gun just now. This kind of thing was common in the previous world, but now the end of the world. Where can I find safety, and where else can I take care of it?

Chu Xiang knew that if they wanted to convince them that they had to take some practical action, he thought that there was still half a bag of flour in the space ring, and he said, "Let's go find a few big iron pots, and then pick up the firewood. Let's make noodle soup!"

This sentence is attractive, but everyone keeps his eyes wide open. Chu Xiang is so big. If you want to boil noodles, you can take out the flour and take a look.

Chu Xiang could only crawl up to the tree, cover the open space ring by covering the leaves, and jumped down carrying a half bag of flour. The crowd then smashed. The scooping water of the firewood for the pot was chaotic and noisy. The gunfire outside was suppressed. Liang Liang climbed up after Chu Xiang jumped off the tree. He didn't find anything for a long time and then jumped down disappointed.

Everyone picked up firewood and the flame was high. Soon, five large iron pots were set up, and a raging fire was burning below. Although this raised the surrounding temperature higher, everyone's face was sweating, but my heart was sweet and sweet. It's up! I forgot when was the last time I drank porridge. The Daxin base ran out of food early. These days I was hungry with leaves and finally smelled the fragrance of flour. Can it be exciting?

An old man suggested: "Everyone can't patronize this full meal. I don't think the boys have much flour. Besides, there are militiamen in front of them. They always have to sip. If we work hard, we will find some more. Wild vegetable leaves come, mixed with food to eat more hungry! "

Everyone is certainly not against it, so in addition to staying behind the fire, they began to look for edible wild vegetables. In fact, the wild vegetables in the forest of Daxin Base have been dug out, and there are not many young leaves. Fortunately, the forest is large enough, otherwise Even the leaves are gone.

Do n’t be afraid if there are no wild vegetables, everyone will put the leaves on the tree, peel the tender strips, and soon fill the five cauldrons. After the water is boiling, pour the flour and stir, in fact, it is the leaf paste porridge ~ ~ There wasn't even a bit of salt. Fortunately, there were still some of these things in the Chu Xiang space ring, so he went up the tree again and took the salt.

Seeing Chu Xiang empty the tree with a packet of salt under the tree, this time it was not only bright and curious, but even a few young people couldn't help but climb the tree, but apart from the miserable branches that were stripped In addition, they saw nothing. The crowd could not help but sighed mysteriously to Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang laughed: "I was a magician, and I couldn't get in the eyes of everyone."

It turned out to be a magician, everyone suddenly realized, but they forgot that what the magician had changed was also prepared in advance, and the audience often fooled themselves, thinking that the magician was just a mere change.

The noodles with salt have a stronger flavor. Although the leaves are astringent and bitter, the appetite is still soared by the smell of flour. Some people ca n’t help but hold a broken bowl and sip it first. Someone stopped them, but the porridge pot quickly *, the leaves rot early, and now you can drink!

I don't know when the shot was sparse, and a sudden roar frightened everyone who was going to divide the porridge. "Okay, we worked hard in front of you, but you secretly cooked here, and said, where's the flour! You So daring, come here, confiscated all their porridge! "


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