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Chapter 278: Make great progress

At first Chu Xiang did not understand why Daxin Base did not allow private food. Once he was found to be robbed like a landlord bully, someone later explained that he knew that in order to protect the militia's combat power after the food was cut off from the base, it was necessary to supply the militia first when it was found To ensure that they have sufficient fighting power to protect the base.

Suddenly this person wanted to confiscate the cooked four-pot noodles. How could the old surname starved? So the two gangs confronted each other beside the stove. After all, the militiamen had weapons. They pulled the guns. Do n’t move, whoever kills! ”

Chu Xiang is becoming more and more unaccustomed to the way of doing things at this base. Without food, he has to find a way to look outside, but his eyes are always staring at this big place in the base. What is he doing? He asked loudly: "Who are you commanders of the militia?"

The man who just said that the porridge should be confiscated clasped his hands and said, "I am, I heard that you were not convinced just now."

Someone nearby reminded Chu Xiang: "He is Liu Quan, our militia company commander. Be careful not to offend him."

Chu Xiang said to Liu Quan: "Liu Lien, I have seen a lot of people older than you, but I have heard of the rules here for the first time. The porridge has been cooked. You can let everyone drink a bowl. Do n’t do it. Some dictatorships are not good for you, and he calls you out, and he still owes me ten slaps. "

Liu Quan was furious: "Fart! Am I a company commander or are you a company commander? How can I teach you how to do it? How can I shoot with strength when I can't eat enough? Why didn't I see you in battle when I hit a zombie just now? After eating the ground, of course we people in warfare should eat it first! Take it away! "

Chu Xiang is no longer polite with them. Of course, it is not necessary to deal with these people using weapons of destruction. With his speed and strength, he could subdue them, and all the people who came up to carry the cauldron were shot out by Chu Xiang. Those people saw Chu Xiang being so brave, and someone shot him first.

Chu Xiang didn't dodge. He struck him on the skin as if he shot on a cotton pile and fell to the ground. Chu Xiang struck all the people who shot at the next five and two. Liu Quan was shocked and couldn't speak. He took Fifteen or six people came over, but were cleaned up in a moment. \\ This person is not afraid of playing. It ’s amazing.

I don't know when Liu Quan's cosmopolitan face appeared, he said to Liu Quan: "This young man came to our base with impure purpose. He is destroying the stability and unity of our base and killing him quickly, otherwise people's hearts will smash our base!"

Liu Quan also understood that there was such a disobedient person at the base, and his rule would no longer be in the future, and he waved his hand. The group of militiamen who came behind immediately armed with a gun, Liu Quan said fiercely: "Kill him!"

Chu Xiang was really angry this time. He was behind a tree, stepping on the root of the tree, and said loudly, "Dare you!"

call. It was a poplar. Suddenly it bent down like a soft girl's waist, and the branches turned into thousands of ropes and rolled towards those militiamen who were about to shoot. This sudden change shocked those people until they thought To resist being **** by tree strips, even Liu Quan and Ma face are no exception. They are young and strong, and they think that they are powerful, but those soft branches seem to have nylon ropes inside. No matter how you struggle Can't break. On the contrary, shrinking and tightening eventually made them unable to move for half a minute.

Chu Xiang directed the branch that bound Ma face to his eyes. He slaps his face and slaps, "I have twenty-nine palms. Should I fight or do you come?"

Branches will automatically bind people and move freely spiritually. The numb face was scared without expression, "Monster!"

Chu Xiang drew his ears in an instant and said, "Have me be honest!"

Ma face is still arrogant at this moment, "I don't want to die, I don't want to die, don't kill me, I fight, I slapped myself, please don't kill me, I scratch my head, I admit that I slap myself. . "

Chu Xiang freed Ma's face and let him slap himself aside. He pulled Liu Quan over and said, "Liu Lien, you protect everyone on the ground, but with so many people, you don't want to solve the food crisis at the base, but Exploiting everyone everywhere, wouldn't you stop without starving them? "

Many old names came around one after another. They were frightened just now, and suddenly jumped out a tree spirit to catch all the militiamen. Later, they found out that the tree spirit was helping them, so they were relieved. I heard Chu Xiang ask Liu Quan for someone. Immediately agreed: "Yes, this is right, if you have the ability to lead everyone out of the predicament, rather than oppressing us with a gun!" Chu Xiang loudly said: "Dear folks, now I have a place for everyone to have Do you eat or drink? "

"Go!" The crowd responded, as long as they had food, they were willing to be cattle and horses.

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, everyone drank these porridge first and made them strong enough to do something else. Don't squeeze, or I'll tie you all up!"

Someone planned to come up to take a few more bowls, heard Chu Xiang's warning, and then look at the dozens of militia who were unable to move after being **** by tree bars. Waiting in line to queue up, all my kung fu squeaked and drank, and even the militiamen on duty ran over a lot, the four cauldrons of leafy porridge were quickly divided, and many people were not spread out, no way, Chu Xiang No more food.

Ma face finally drew his slap. He swollen his cheeks on both sides and asked Chu Xiang carefully: "Brother, can you let me go, I also want to drink porridge, I just didn't know Taishan, so you just made me a dog Let it go. "

Chu Xiang said: "I want to kill you as easily as possible. You'd better be honest and serve everyone, and Commander Liu. Don't assume that you have a gun to do whatever you want. Even if you can't do something practical for the old surname of the base, Bullying them, I will now give you a chance to change, accept and let go. If you don't accept me, I will throw you out of the base. "

"Accept, promise to accept!" Ma Lian and Liu Quan replied incessantly. As for the conditions, they also had to eat shit, or they would have been thrown out of the base and wouldn't have been killed by the zombies. Who makes himself inferior to others?

Chu Xiang said: "It's very simple. Continue to do your job well and maintain the security of the base before my people come to pick up these people. After that, you don't need to worry about how to arrange it."

Liu Quandao: "Understand, I know what to do, so immediately strengthen the base's security work and check the ammunition quantity."

Chu Xiang nodded with satisfaction, and Ma face flattered to Chu Xiang: "Brother, there is less porridge, and there are still many people who haven't drank it. This is not fair to them. As the secretary, I propose to you to get some more food for sale Everyone has enough food and drink. As long as the soldiers are full, they will have the strength to fight, and their old names will be safe and secure. "

These two people are underdeveloped. They should know what to do, but they did not do it before.

Chu Xiang said: "I will naturally solve the problem of food land. You must first appease the emotions of everyone in the base, don't make me a ghost, I want to kill you as easy as pinching the ants!"

Click. Chu Xiang smashed the poplars with thick thighs next to him. Those who were freely militia were scared and turned blue. Liu Quan was still hitting Xiao Jiu Ji in the belly. When he saw this, he could only honestly check the base's defense situation. Now, the opponent is powerful and hex. Now silly will do it.

Liangliang ran over and said, "Big brother, you are so good. Do you really have food after you? Then I will follow you later, I will do whatever you ask me to do. Chu Xiang touched Liangliang's head and said : "Okay, my elder brother will take everyone to a good place, there is no worries about eating and drinking, now the elder brother will go out to find food, and you will be able to eat a while later. "

After saying that Chu Xiang was out of the base, he called the flame horse and called the base car No. 2 and the Yutai base respectively. One came to inform the base No. 2 vehicle to move in this direction. Second, let Yutai base prepare some food and he went back to fetch it immediately.

Liu Quan and Ma Lian were a lot more honest after being taught a few lessons, but saw Chu Xiang leave these two hearts and live again. They were plotting how to deal with Chu Xiang. Suddenly a horse screamed outside the base, but saw Chu Xiang came back on the horse with a dozen bags of food and rushed back. The two were stunned and stunned. They wanted to say that this place is ten miles and eight towns away They have all gone to find out that there is no other place for food, and this is still a brand new dozen bags. It seems that this person has to make the magic and let the tree listen to him, as if there is still a Maxima.

Chu Xiang rode directly into the base. He glanced at Liu Quan and Ma face coldly, knowing that the two were unwilling, but it didn't matter. With their strength, they couldn't get into trouble. After returning to the Yutai base, the two and their He sent his confidant to the Xiji base to dig coal. After that, the Xiji base will work as a labor camp. Anyone who has unsatisfactory mental skills will go there to reform and rectify. As for how to judge the wrong heart surgery, Xie Shanshan will complete it. The Yutai base cannot raise tigers, and those who hinder the base's security can kill!

Chu Xiang made a decision but couldn't say it at this time. He still hoped that they could stabilize the situation in the base and remove the rice and flour from the horse. Chu Xiang said to Ma face: "Immediately set fire to boil rice porridge. Everyone drank two bowls, and the team will be there at the latest the day after tomorrow, and I need to know the identity of each of you in the previous world, and I will share my name and work experience for a while. "

Chu Xiang ’s method is good. No one wants to drink porridge, so everyone has to come to Chu Xiang to report his name and work experience, let alone find a character on the list. Chu Xiang really wants to kill them. The pig kills the sheep to celebrate, and there are several other workers in this field. Although not as famous as the people on the list, anyway, they are better than those of Chu Xiang. In the future, the manufacture of geoacoustic repellers can help.

The next time Chu Xiang stayed in the Daxin base. He was afraid that Liu Quan and others would still instigate conspiracies and tricks. So he waited until the end of the convoy. Zhang Hongbing had repaired more than a dozen buses. These old surnames passed several meals. Nourishment also has strength, and the entire large new base has retreated, and Song Jun, Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie, Xu Huai and other teams also rushed back. They all had their own gains, but no one found other people on the list, but Song The army brought back an evolutionary, which made Chu Xiang very happy. In the future, there is no need to be afraid of invisibility and camouflage skills to evolve, this time out can be described as a full load.

The development of the Yutai base can be described with each passing day with the strong support of Chu Xiang. There are many evolutionaries in security to protect nature from flaws. Fang Guo and Chu Feng are also excellent in administrative management. Be organized. Although the population increased to 15,000, it was more orderly and stable.

The core of the grain depot is now forbidden except for reliable staff. It must be known that the grain depot can be related to the lifeblood of the base. Although Professor Inoue Haruki has started research work regardless of physical injuries, at present only one kind of peanut tree has been planted, and the flowering and fruiting period has not yet reached. How the results are unknown. In fact, it takes the most time to engage in agricultural research, because the growth of plants requires cycles, and an experiment often takes several years to complete.

This peanut tree is a mix of peanut and mutant tree genes. The idea of ​​Haruki Inoue is to make peanuts grow underground and grow on the tree like apples. Chu Xiang almost fainted when he heard this. But Haruki Inoue explained. The old peanut gene could not adapt to the current soil and water, so it will not bear fruit at all, but the probability of this hybrid peanut gene bearing fruit is as high as 80%, which can be determined in less than two months. In addition, new high-yielding wheat is also being studied in crosses, but the process is long. Fortunately, there are grain depots as the backing, and vegetables and some aquaculture as the guarantee. It doesn't matter if you wait a few years.

Speaking of crop variation. In fact, Chu Xiang also slowly discovered a law, regardless of animal or plant species, after the t virus interferes with the mutation, it changes into a large area instead of shrinking, and from the monitoring data of air quality. The oxygen content in the atmosphere has increased several times compared to half a year ago, but because of the odor of the corpse, it does not give people a fresh feeling of the air, but the increase in the oxygen content provides the living conditions for the huge body species. Chu Xiang Do not even doubt whether dinosaurs will.

The development of Yutai base agriculture can be said to be at the forefront of the world. There are now several large farm-type bases outside the original base. In view of the fact that the grain crops have not yet been set, there are currently all vegetables and cultivation. He also assisted Fang Qian and Bai Xiaowei in genetic modification of several vegetables, completely stabilized the genetic genes of these vegetables, and became the main cuisine of the new world. These vegetables are common. It is eggplant, cucumber, and tomato, which ensure the human needs for vitamins in the base. It also solved the predicament that it was only possible to maintain complementary food with a large number of cans.

Such a large-scale planting of vegetables and the extremely high yield brought a problem. Excess ground vegetables could not be wasted, so the eschatology team turned into a vegetable sales team and moved around bases in several surrounding provinces to exchange vegetables for salt, paper, Batteries, clothes and other living materials have established cooperative relations with many human bases, and have also helped other bases to fight off the zombies' attacks on many occasions. Now in the surrounding provinces, the Yutai base and the eschatological convoy are all respected, even More than a dozen small bases offered to join, and they evacuated the original base and merged into the Yutai base.

Most of the time, Chu Xiang did not go with the team, but Song Jun and Nan Ruolan took a few low-level evolutionaries to go out to practice. Only when they could not solve the difficulties, Chu Xiang would ride the flame horse to help . Because he often participates in actual combat outside, the evolving skills of the eschatological team have grown thousands of miles, and even Ma Xinghe, Zheng Haoran and Wei Qingchun, who have evolved late in the later period, have reached the c-level major. It is necessary to know that the highest level of the national evolution team at this time is b Lt. Col.

The second phase of the scientific research building has also been completed. It can be proud to say that Yutaiji's scientific research facilities are first-class in China. Even if it is internationally obtained, Chu Xiang even plans to go to the United States to find some more advanced research equipment. However, Li Haipeng will go to Japan to be a general, but it is currently difficult to bring the equipment back to the United States. This plan can only be done temporarily and will be discussed again after the sonic destroyer is successfully manufactured.

With the collection and research of a large number of samples, Bai Xiaowei and Fang Qian's anti-t virus fluid finally got their eyebrows. They speculated from several experiments that mice and mosquitoes have a common bacterium, which inhibits the t virus in them. It has played a significant role in in vivo reproduction, but the isolation of this bacterium cannot be completed at present, let alone manufactured. However, this is a big progress. At least the research direction has been determined, and that is to isolate this mysterious bacterium and strive for Can be artificially manufactured and applied to human anti-virus.

In addition to the rapid development of scientific research, the modernization process of Yutai base has also accelerated. Sun Gaoqiang and Wang Bin's tinkering capabilities are surprising. Currently, in addition to electric lights, telephones, and trams passing between bases, Yutai base's own signals The tower has also been set up, which can transmit and receive signals over longer distances, and even opened ordinary mobile phone signals between several bases, but it is troublesome in determining how to charge. At present, it is only a monthly subscription. After all, the amount of use is limited and the machine room Can be satisfied.

Of course, the process of modernization cannot be separated from energy. In addition to increasing the coal supply capacity of the Xiji base, solar energy, wind energy, and hydropower are all used. Chu Xiang, Wang Bin, and Sun Gaoqiang are still planning to build nuclear power stations. Difficult, just think about it, it is not a few years to build a nuclear power plant with the power of one country, let alone a base.

During this period, the communication between bases in China further strengthened. Many bases broke the news of evolutionaries. Even more bases would have 50, but their level was not high. Chu Xiang was willing to solicit but We met at the meeting and felt that it was not necessary to gather together. At the same time, it was impossible for Zhang Jingyao and Song Jun to bring so many people to train ~ ~ Erlai also needed the protection of other bases.

However, the emergence of evolutionists sprouts like mushrooms. This shows that the t virus has an increasing impact on human beings, and also proves the benefits of China ’s vast land. Although there are many foreign evolutionaries, there are absolutely no such numbers in China. Moreover, the large bases in foreign countries are seriously disturbed by zombies and mutants. The current development is difficult. For example, in Japan, the emperor ’s base has been changed by four, but the zombies they move to follow the base. The Japanese are going crazy now, they are already planning to withdraw to Nanzhou.

The Americans are having a hard time. The US President even threatened to use nuclear weapons to deal with zombies, while Russia, Britain, France and other countries jumped out and accused the Americans of launching a nuclear war. If they dare to use nuclear weapons, they will be subject to these countries. Unanimous revenge.

The nuclear weapon is a double-edged sword. If you do n’t use it, it may be difficult to end it. Americans naturally understand this, so they also plan to withdraw high-level staff to Nanzhou. It ’s the Chinese who have been nourished by the small day. Although the zombies will attack various bases from time to time, there is no high-level leader, which is easier to deal with. Moreover, China is the first to grow vegetables after the virus. Some countries that have eaten enough canned food have stated that they must report to China after navigation Order vegetables and they are willing to pay any price.


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