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Chapter 279: Assassin King

A short time later, the Yutai base issued a scientific research theory. They successfully found a t-virus-resistant bacterium coded r in the mouse. At present, the scientific research room of the Yutai base is doing its best to isolate and manufacture the bacteria. The waves struck the millennials, and agents from all over the world rushed to the Yutai base in various ways. Wang Shaohui's traps outside the base made them smashed. Finally, Xiaosi called a group of t3 days in It was dangling outside the base, which only calmed them down slightly. .

The results of the construction of the Yutai base have been affirmed by the central government, and they have adopted a completely decentralized policy. They have never asked about the management of the Yutai base. This makes Chu Xiang very satisfied, because he is not a person who likes to be controlled. He prefers a free and easy life. In addition to helping Bai Xiaowei run samples every day, he still practices various skills as usual. We must know that there are endless evolutionaries at bases across the country. Chu Xiang does not want to be left behind.

In the past two days, Chu Xiang went to Hong Kong. He mainly looked at the research on the sonic eliminator. It was very slow. It was mainly due to the lack of experts in this field. The staff who could not be recruited were recruited, but many people on the list died. For t virus, you can only take it slowly step by step.

"Brother, uncle said that if you stay at home for dinner at night, if you go to the vegetable garden and maintenance plant again, your aunt said that you would break your legs! You get together and drink and smoke, don't do good things!" Xiao Si saw Chu Xiang When I first came back, I started talking.

When Wang Shaohui and others are okay, they still open up wasteland and grow vegetables by themselves. Zhang Hongbing lives in a maintenance factory. These two places are where people gather. Usually, when they are okay, they get together to drink a little wine and beat, or play two. Poker is better than staying at home to listen to parents, urging him to plant seeds for the Chu family, as if humans are about to become extinct.

Chu Xiang was thinking of a reason to deal with it. The communicator rang, and he said to Xiaosi, "You see, it's true that my brother didn't lie to you. I'll go first."

Chu Xiang opened the communicator as he went downstairs, "Wang Bin, it's me."

Wang Bin said: "Brother Chu, didn't you let me pay attention to the information of the evolvers in the bases. There are so many things in these two days. You won't go to the vegetable garden in a while. If you don't, I will send it to your mobile phone."

Chu Xiang said: "Of course. You also hurry over. I was sullen in Hong Kong these past two days. It just happened that everyone talked at night."

When Chu Xiang arrived at the vegetable garden hut, Wang Shaohui was already busy cooking, and Xu Huai and others set up a fire grilled fish meat outside the house. Soon after, Song Jun and Nan Ruolan arrived, and Zhang Hongbing also carried a few bottles. When I came over the wine, I saw Song Jun and Nan Ruolan laughing with laughter: "Our old Song seems to have become more cheerful recently. Hey, with the moisturization of a woman, it ’s different. The scars on that face all look beautiful. . "

Song Jun stared. "What are you talking about?" Nan Ruolan kept her head low and didn't speak. The two recently went in and out together, and everyone saw a problem.

Zhang Hongbing said: "This is a revolutionary friendship. I really hate that I am not an evolutionary, or I will go out and have a sister."

Li Yingjie said: "Come on, didn't your mouth Lu Xiaohua come here in the past two days, do you dare to speak in front of her?"

Zhang Hongbing insisted on his neck, "Why dare not, she has to listen to me."

Yu Suzhen and Shi Zhengqian did not live in the villa recently either. Helicopters were not far from the vegetable garden. Chu Xiang planned to build a small airport there. Because some airline survivors were found. Chu Xiang built rows of dormitories and office buildings at the airport. Shi Zhengqian and Yu Suzhen lived there for easy management. When more aircraft are found in the future, the Yutai base will also try to open up air routes, and it is necessary to cultivate talents in this area from now on.

Yu Suzhen and Lu, she came out of the room and said, "Okay Zhang Hongbing, I will tell you what Lu Xiaohua said, and I told her about the girls you used to hook up with."

Zhang Hongbing was anxious: "Sister Yu, you can't do this, you are not righteous, you are breaking up a loving couple! If you dare to say that we all despise you together, Brother Shi will look down on you."

Li Xiaoming handed Zhang Hongbing a big fish way: "Don't simmer, hurry up and grill the fish, remember to put on some oil and salt, you, don't talk big without that courage, let's go slap now."

After a while, Wang Bin also arrived. The crowd was grilling fish in front of the fire. Zhang Hongbing drove the beer. Everyone drank and talked about the recent situation. Wang Bin said, "Brother Chu, the outside world is uneven. There are several bases in these two days. The local evolutionist rebelled, and the country was annoyed. "

"Rebellion?" Wang Bin explained, "Yeah, what did they say to our Yutai base to create a new world? One of the bases mobilized more than 2,000 soldiers to attack their original residence despite the opposition of the central government. In the urban areas of the city, as a result of the loss of soldiers, it is now difficult for the base to protect itself. "

There are several bases that can be established in the original residential area. Although the benefits of establishing a base on the original urban site are many, but there are so many zombies in the urban area. Naturally, they have evolved from t3 and t4. It is not an initiative to attack them. Looking for death? Even the provincial capital bases ca n’t do this. They try to choose a new base in the suburbs of the city. The situation in Beijing is special. They paid a heavy price to clean up the zombies. Until now, the zombies in the fourth and fifth rings have not been cleaned It ’s clean.

Li Yingjie said: "They are simply playing the lives of the soldiers. Such a base is best destroyed early."

Wang Bin said: "But the old name is innocent, but the central government can't do anything about it at the moment and can do nothing about them."

Zhang Hongbing said: "What's so difficult, we just need to merge them. We are not afraid of how many people come to our base, aren't we envious of the results achieved by our base, let them feel it for themselves."

Song Jun said: "We can't merge other bases casually. Although the central government has always ignored our management, it does not mean that they will let us go. Small bases are not viable. We merged. But If the power of the Yutai base is blindly expanded, some people in the central government will surely be eye-catching. Do n’t forget the big guys, there can be missiles above us.

Chu Xiang said: "Song Jun's worry is completely correct. As the saying goes, the hurtful heart must be defenseless. I know that Chairman Hua and Director Li both have trust in us, but it is not the central government who said that After all, we have to be mindful of other people's opinions. Some time ago, we crazy merged small bases. It seems that there are quite a lot of rumors on the Internet. Fortunately, the central government took the initiative to rumor for us, otherwise we don't know how many people will talk about it. "

The crowd nodded, as the zombie attack in China slowed. Resumption of production and construction has been mentioned on the agenda of each base. Whoever has more bases has more advantages. As a result, some large bases have annexed the surrounding small bases. Some even force others to join, and even fight for it. Therefore, the Yutai base has to beware of people killing chickens and monkeys in the central government. Recently, the Yutai base has stopped expanding because the expansion of the base requires an increase in the number of troops. With the increase in the number of troops and weapons, it is a fake if the central government has no concerns. Then, if this momentum is not curbed, the warlord melee situation will still appear!

Wang Bin said: "We will not talk about the base where the eggs touch the stones. There is another base that has a terrible scandal ..." Zhang Hongbing liked the lace news the most. He hurriedly said, "What terrible scandal? Is it that they opened the public hospital? Last time, you seem to have said this, and you are still clearly marking the price online."

Wang Bin said: "Opening the J-House is a trivial matter, and it is not worth mentioning. This scandal is fundamentally damaging. There is a base that actually tortures and kills live people! And it also posted photos and videos of the process on the Internet. Now the Internet has been extremely noisy, consistent The central authorities are required to severely punish the killers. "

Ma Xinghe frowned: "How to punish? Except for our eschatology team, only evolutionaries can move between bases, and security is not necessarily ensured. If the central government dispatches troops to contain them. I am afraid that no one will be rescued. There are so many people, you ca n’t just kill the good and the bad with a single missile. It ’s good to be bad.

Wang Bin said: "The highest voice on the Internet now is to ask the central government to dispatch the Ministry of National Security's evolution team. It is said that there will be results tonight. I let Ma Ming stare, and notify me whenever there is news."

Ma Ming met the programmer at Xiji Base, and now he played deputy to Wang Bin. In the future, he will have the qualification to take over the information department of Yutai Base. After all, Wang Bin will go out with the team when he has land, and the base site can be handed over. Try to hand it over.

Chu Xiang sprinkled some salt on the grilled ground fish, took a bite and drank a cold beer: "It's not a good thing to have more evolutionaries, because of human nature, when some people get some power, his It will swell, and if they are not careful, they will go to evil, and under the psychological clue of eschatology, they think that one day of enjoyment is one day, and they will definitely do things that they dared to think before, or even did not even think.

Shi Zhengqian moved out of the table. Yu Suzhen put a few cold dishes on the table. The crowd surrounded them. Zhang Hongbing handed a bottle of beer to Shi Zhengqian. Shi Zhengqian took the drink and sipped, "Evolution is more It ’s not necessarily a good thing. The key is to guide and manage them. Take our eschatology team. With so many evolvers and better skills than them, there is nothing bad to do. "

Everyone nodded again. Wang Bin's communicator rang. It turned out that Ma Ming had called. It must be a report to the central government on how to deal with the killing of survivors. Sure enough, Ma Ming said in the communication: "Wang Wang, really let everyone You guessed it, the Central Government can't resist the pressure and has sent a team from the evolution team to Dagang base to deal with the killing. "

At first, human beings are good in nature, close in nature and far apart in nature. Human beings have the same essence, but different personalities. When an ordinary person has mastered the skills of heaven and earth, he can do everything. It can be said that it is not only China, but also foreign countries. All sorts of strange things, tragedies and inhuman things happen every day. Dagang base is located south of Tianjin base. The self-proclaimed leader here is King Jin, and I do n’t know what he thinks about. I still imagine the famous name these years. Eye drops under the center.

However, this King of Jin is not simple. Dagang base dare to make a killing incident. How can Tianjin base not know, but there have been big and small things in Dagang base before. Tianjin base once sent a working group, but people were arrested as soon as they entered Dagang base. After getting up and beheading, he later sent several evolutionaries to assassinate King Jin to regain the management of the base, but instead of being killed by King Jin, no outsider knew the true skills of King Jin. In fact, he was best at gravity control.

A person loses most of his action power under weightlessness, and King Jin is not weak in the evolution of his physical value. He is most accustomed to sneak attacks and controls a weightless environment when he is fighting with his opponent. The opponent suddenly loses his leverage. It will panic and helpless, and King Jin will use his powerful physical value to kill him.

The tenth team of the evolution team of the Ministry of National Security has a total of ten people. These ten people also have their own skills, including ordinary evolution fighters and skill-based evolutionists. But this time the land leader is not the original team leader, but He Yaohui!

It turned out that the country was also very cautious about King Jin. After all, the information reported by the Tianjin base was carefully analyzed by the Military Commission, and it seemed that it would be difficult to win with the strength of the evolution group of the Ministry of National Security. However, He Yaohui is currently one of the best masters in Beijing, so he has taken on this task. They have already arrived in Tianjin in the afternoon. The order to confirm the action was not received until just now, and the country was relentless. The situation like Dagang Base must not be allowed to spread, and the wind of rebellion must be stopped.

The night was dark, but the high-temperature weather had not yet fallen. Jin Wang was drinking in the open air with his classmates, and all kinds of barbecues and flowing water came in. Each of his men and women toasted to Jin Wang, all setting foot to the ancient generals and The big brother of the underworld sent his head. It seems that the film and television poisoned them very much. "Jing Jin. We have thrown out exploration stones, what should we do next? Will they send soldiers to destroy us?" Some people raised concerns.

King Jin is just a man of fifteen or sixty, with five big habitats. He mumbled and killed a large glass of beer: "It is definitely not possible to send a large army, no army can send it, and the zombies along it are enough for them to cope; Dare to bomb us, I do n’t think so. First, they ca n’t start bombers. Second, we have thousands of hostages in hand. Who dares to treat us? ”

The following people praised: "Jin King has a wonderful plan. We will decide to have a sweet and spicy drink with you in the future."

King Jin laughed and laughed: "In the future, I can't forget everyone if I eat a bite. As long as Beijing defaults on the exploration stones we put on the Internet, they can't respond to us. Then the next step is to seize the battle-ready grain depot in Tianjin base, We have to truly take the mountain as king, and the heavens and the earth are the only ones. I do n’t have to listen to anyone ’s command and ambassadors. I ’m the master of my site! ”

Someone reminded King Jin: "Jin King, you must be careful to assassinate the evolutionist. This matter has turned the Internet upside down. Many people support the country to send an evolution team to deal with you."

King Jin still didn't care. Haha laughed: "I haven't seen the evolutionists yet. Don't they like to play assassinations? Well, we also assassinated them and gave me a survey of the officials in the Tianjin base. These two days also Stab them behind. "

The water-like barbecue is still on the upper end, but there are thousands of old surnames outside the barbecue site. They smell the smell of the barbecue and complain, but what can they do? Even those soldiers with guns are not their opponents and can only be enslaved.

A male waiter in uniform walked to Jin's table with a tray of chicken wings. "Jing, please eat chicken wings."

Jin Wang, who was drinking, said casually: "Let's put it there, and give each person below a plate. These things can be eaten one less. Few cold storages can be completely preserved. I also want to eat baked milk. Try the pig ... "

Hum, two sharp swords suddenly pierced towards King Jin. It turned out that the waiter smashed the tray at Queen Jin, and the explorer found a weapon from the back to carry out a sneak attack. Alas, two fast swords were inserted into King Jin's chest at the same time. Then he evacuated at the same time, the blood splashed out like a spray, and the men who were eating barbecue in a circle below were stunned. It was not until the blood of Jin Jin's chest squirted for a second that he remembered calling an assassin!

The guards around hula laared up, and the machine gun shot mercilessly at the assassin, and the assassin flew left and right with two fast swords, and all those bombs were even fired! Sword to the ground quickly!

"Kill him to take revenge for King Jin!" The evolvers below shouted and shouted around. Although their strength was not very high, but when there were more people, they dispersed the power of the attackers, and the snipers from time to time Shooting, seeing the situation of the attackers getting more and more dangerous. At this time, the chefs of the barbecue kebabs ran up the tongs and rushed over. One of them even controlled the coals into a fireball, exhaled, and circled the soldiers. Suddenly, most people were scalded and could no longer shoot. There was also a long tooth that had been torn and bitten by King Jin's men. The image was horrible.

Of course, He Yaohui came to assassinate King. He sneaked into the base and found a way to mix with the male waiter. He finally found a chance to get close to Jin Wang, and then quickly shot and killed him. The matter smoothly made He Yaohui afraid to imagine. Although the retreat was blocked, but There are companions in the old name, as long as they create confusion in time, Yisong can escape here.

Sure enough, for a while, the old surnames didn't know why they had bombed the battalion. They rammed around, and this side was greatly affected. The sniper could not aim, and He Yaohui took the opportunity to repel the siege of several evolvers and began to retreat with the other players.

Someone fired at He Yaohui ~ ~ He waved his sword to cut the bomb, but the situation changed rapidly. The two swords fired by He Yaohui were completely soft, but the opponent shot him in the chest, and then another bomb He shot from the distance in the middle of his thigh, and the blood sprayed from the thigh gun floated like a smoke floating in the air. He Yaohui didn't understand why he was weak. He didn't understand until he saw his feet off the ground. He was weightless. The sword hit at this moment is like hitting, let alone hurt, it is not bluffing.

Let ’s look at the team members who came with He Yaohui as well. They were easily captured, and He Yaohui was the most injured. A shot on his chest caused him to lose his mind. He did n’t understand why. It suddenly turned into this, but as long as the task was completed, it was worth the death, but all of a sudden He Yaohui saw a man who resembled the man killed by him came out of the crowd. The following evolutionists chanted: "Jin king."

He Yaohui fainted, killed the wrong, hit the enemy and ambush!

The Jin King that came out looked similar to the original one. He waved, "Hum, I want to kill the old, no way! Give me two executioners first, put the process of killing them on the Internet, and let the central gang. Guys know that they are great, send one to kill one, send two to kill a pair! "


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