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Chapter 286: Rescued to accompany

Chu Xiang awkwardly wanted to squeeze his head into the wall of the well. "Large or small?" Chu Xiang had to ask, and he would choke He Birou always.

"Small, small ..." He Birou's voice revealed that it was even more embarrassing than Chu Xiang. She was a girl. Could it not be shy to make this request in front of a man? But what should I do? I can't help it.

"I, I put my ears up, you can do it, just stay as far away from the puddle as possible." There is no way Chu Xiang can eat or drink Lasa to sleep. This is only natural, let alone drink so much water just now, he It should be convenient sooner or later. Now it ’s best to get used to it early. It ’s best to get a big one for a while. Although the space is small, although the air is not that fresh, it must be convenient. Living people can also make urine. Strangle.

This is no way. He Birou no longer tugged at the moment. Chu Xiang pressed his face and body tightly against the wall of the well. He covered his ears with both hands, but the wellbore was so big, even he noticed He Birou. He touched his body when his hands were off his pants, and his ears were tightly tight, but he still heard the rushing water. After a while, He Birou pulled him.

"Okay, okay ..." He Birou tightened her body tightly at the corner and never said a word. It was convenient to walk a long way in the desert before, but now this small place can be avoided, this time All right, my face was all gone.

Chu Xiang loosened his ears and said nothing. He raised his rifle and started hitting the footwell. Otherwise, what else could he do, with He Birou's eyes? That's not to shame her! Besides, since a footwell can be dug up, then sooner or later, I can climb up, and when the rope is tied, He Birou can be pulled up.

When Xiangzhao entered the bottom of the well at noon, Chu Xiang dug another footwell, but he also felt a lot of water squeezed into the bladder. How could the body be absorbed after drinking so much, the remaining nature would be excreted naturally. Chu Xiang smiled cheekily: "I'm sorry, please cover your ears, please."

How did He Birou not know what Chu Xiang wanted to do, thinking of her shame before, she blushed like fire. Covering his ears and turning his head to the wall of the well, Chu Xiang knew that this kind of thing was unavoidable. He excreted quickly, but the water in the pit was still drinkable. This problem was really distressing. Although it was urine on the sand , But there will always be some seepage, oh, when will this unlucky day end.

"Let's eat. I feel hungry when I'm full of water. If I don't eat anymore, I'm afraid the stomach will have to digest it all." Powerless to dig.

He Birou now naturally listens to Chu Xiang. Women in this zombie world really have little effect. Unless you have evolved, otherwise both physical strength and ability to do things are far worse, far less than men can adapt to the external environment. .

Chu Xiang decided to eat scallion biscuits first, beef jerky can stay for a few more meals. Scallion biscuits must be eaten in separate meals. In this case, each person can only divide into five or six slices. Chu Xiang gave one more to He Birou, but who once thought He Birou picked up half of her portion. Chu Xiang's hands.

He Birou said earnestly: "Eat fast, don't talk about anything else. We'll see if we can climb out. I can't help sitting at the bottom of the well anyway and don't need much food."

Chu Xiang couldn't refuse, so he drank some water to eat the mouthful of the biscuit mouth and then continued to dig up the feet, but the problem came up because of high reasons. He had to step on the bottom two just cut The foot sockets are chiseled upwards, but the wellbore has a certain width, and the two foot sockets just cut out are not very good. You can only step on your toes and use the rifle to chisel upwards. It is difficult to do business. . It was only in the short ten minutes that Chu Xiang could no longer support him. He plunged down and fell into a puddle and took a cold bath.

He Birou also saw the problem. She saw Chu Xiang fall down and hurriedly reached out to help her. "How about, did you break it?"

Chu Xiang wiped a drop of water on his face and said, "It's okay, you said yesterday and the day before yesterday how you can soak in the water all the time. This is not soaked in the water. I suddenly feel that if I can shine some sunshine How good. "

indeed. The temperature at the bottom of the well is not high. Some people can't bear it for a long time. Chu Xiang's non-stop chiseling is okay to say, but He Birou's lips have begun to turn purple, but it can be maintained for a few hours.

"Otherwise you step on my shoulder," He Birou knew that Chu Xiang could not stay on the two small footwells for too long.

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "No, even if we cut these two up and go up? This well is not shallow."

Although the difficulties are great, anyway. In the afternoon Chu Xiang continued to try. It wasn't until the sun fell that he chiseled the two footwells in the second row. But at this time he was really exhausted and ate a few more biscuits but it didn't matter at all. It would be harder and harder to continue digging up!

He Birou couldn't bear the temperature in the well and began to tremble. Chu Xiang couldn't hold her, neither of them thought about those shy things. They didn't talk quietly. At least they had to cut four to five rows of footwells. I was able to go to the well, but Chu Xiang knew that he couldn't even cut a row. Is it really necessary to starve to a well?

At first He Birou hugged with Chu Xiang. Later, she shrank into Chu Xiang's arms. Chu Xiang pressed her face tightly to her chest. He Birou took her hand over Chu Xiang's back. She closed her eyes. I don't want it anymore. It would be a good ending to die in the arms of the man I like.

Chu Xiang also closed his eyes and rested his mind. Suddenly, a thin layer of fine sand fell from the wall of the well. Chu Xiang shouted and pulled He Birou up. He listened carefully to his ears, "the sound of a car!"

He Birou's hearing can't be as good as that of Chu Xiang. Besides, the girl never pays attention to these things. How does she know what the sound of a car in the distance will be, but Chu Xiang has received special training, although the evolved skills are gone, But he should have had it.

More and more sand fell from the wellhead. After another five minutes, He Birou heard it clearly. It was indeed the sound of a car! It was saved, they saw that there was a house and a well here and they would definitely come to fetch water, and they would be saved by then!

Sure enough, the engine sound of the car stopped overhead. Chu Xiang had heard that there was only one car, and it was not an ordinary car. It should be a heavy vehicle. After the engine was off, there were chaotic footsteps. There were five or six people. They carefully inspected the zombies on the ground, and finally someone sent out: "It's safe, these zombies have been killed!"

The first voice was a male voice, followed by a female voice. "Fetch water immediately and fill up the car's water tank. The next water source is at least 70 kilometers, and there are no zombies yet, so be sure to There is plenty of water here. You two are on alert and we are responsible for fetching water. "

He Biju said: "Let's shout, anyway, they are also human beings.

Of course, Chu Xiang had no opinion, so the two shouted, "Help, we fell down the bottom of the well, and helped pull us up."

The sound of footsteps on the ground was chaotic. The female voice just now said: "Someone in the well!" Then heard the sound of the gun bolt, Chu Xiang hurriedly said, "We are humans! Don't shoot, we fell down the well when we avoided the zombies. Save us! "

A flash of light shot into the bottom of the well. Chu Xiang and He Birou couldn't open their glaring eyes. They just listened to the female voice on the edge of the well: "There are two people down the well. Pull them up with a rope."

Soon the rope came down. Chu Xiang tied the rope to He Birou's waist and said, "You go up first, I will fill them with water before leaving."

He Birou nodded and was pulled up to the wellhead, Chu Xiang shouted below: "The well water is dry, we dug a small water storage pit, you put down the bucket and I will help you fill it up."

The female voice just now said: "Okay, trouble you, just a little bit, I throw the bucket."

Chu Xiang filled the barrel, and after a few trips, he finally climbed the rope to the edge of the well and breathed the unobstructed air again. His mood was refreshed. There is a feeling of being alive again, "Thank you." Chu Xiang was sincere and honest, he saw He Birou squatting beside a heavy truck wearing a large piece of clothing, there were four large oil barrels on the bucket, and the cab was A bunch of tattered.

"Nothing, just raise your hand, my name is Ding Feng," La Chuxiang came up. "This is Lan Gang."

Ding Feng looks very strong and strong, not as weak as He Birou, and the one named Lan Gangdi is more fierce and a bit Yao Ming. The automatic rifle is like a kid's toy in his hands, and he is still behind him. Standing two men, Ding Feng introduced one named Song Shaoming, one named Wang Dashan, and another girl named A Zi, who did not know which famous person on the Internet. There is also a middle-aged man in his forties called Uncle Feng.

Chu Xiang reported himself and greeted them one by one. In addition to Lan Gang, others are enthusiastic, after all, it is the last days. It is not easy to see a similar one, Ding Feng said, "How did you fall down the well? Did you kill these zombies outside?"

Chu Xiang said: "How can we have such a great ability, it was killed by a team before. Later, we came across a t3, but we could only hide it. Who knows that the t3 is cunning and left us? The rope by the well was cut off. "

"T3?" Although Lan Gang disdain greeted Chu Xiang, the term t3 still caused his curiosity.

Just by Lan Gang's questioning, Chu Xiang knew that they had not contacted the outside world, otherwise who else doesn't know t2, t3, t? Chu Xiang asked: "Where are you from and where are you going? We have lost our way, and now we don't know where we are."

Ding Feng said: "We escaped from Xingxingxia. We originally wanted to transfer to the Mainland along the Lanxin Line. But before we got to the railway line, we encountered a large number of zombies. We could n’t go into the desert to bypass those monsters and turn west I came here later. This place is called Xiemaquan. I have been here before, so if I know this place, I will go forward and meet the Tieguan Line again. We are hesitating to go on the line. "

Chu Xiang asked eagerly: "Do you have communication tools?"

Ding Feng shook her head and said, "No, there is a radio on the car, but there is no signal at all."

Lan Gang saw Chu Xiang hesitant to answer his questions, he suddenly got angry and grabbed Chu Xiang, "I asked you what t3 is, and you still want to seduce my Ding Feng!"

To tell the truth, Ding Feng is not a beautiful woman. Besides, Chu Xiang has never had that thought. His wife has something, and she is sexy, mature, and pure. This moment is just to understand her situation and find a communication tool. Yutai base team member, but this Lan Gang seems to have misunderstood Chu Xiang's original intention, and he has great strength, it is estimated that it is a lot higher than Chu Xiang! From a certain point of view, if he did not have such a great power. Then he is also an evolutionary.

However, Chu Xiang is not the kind of person who is easy to be restrained. He shouted and kicked Lan Gang's chest. This Lan Gang was at least two meters in height. He lifted Chu Xiang just to expose the front door, but he told Chu Xiang The sudden attack didn't look so much in his eyes, and a chest was stiffly received, but Chu Xiang also broke through the restraint of Lan Gang by means of strength.

Lan Gang was kicked and naturally unconvinced, and was waiting to be torn apart. Ding Feng stopped, "What are you doing? Are you going to fight? Lan Gang. Can you not get mad!"

Lan Gang seems to have some scruples about Ding Feng. It is estimated that he is pursuing others, so he did not refute the criticism of Ding Feng. He stared at Chu Xiang fiercely and climbed into the driver's seat of the truck. Two of his followers, Song Shaoming and Wang Dashan, also Climbing up to the back of the car, the water has been replenished, and there is no food available, of course, we must continue.

Ding Feng said to Chu Xiang: "Don't worry about that Lan Gang, he is a fierce temper, what did you say to t3. Is this zombie terrible?"

Chu Xiang didn't want to conflict with Lan, because of his current strength, everything should pay attention to peace, "t3 is a rating of zombies outside, most of us usually see t2, and t3 is more than those Ordinary zombies have a long tongue. Usually there is a round eyeball on the neck. When this round eyeball matures, they will become t4. We ordinary people can hardly deal with it. Hehe, we once owned a satellite radio station. These were all listened to above. Later, the radio broke down, and we can no longer know what the outside world is like. "

Ding Feng didn't doubt it, she nodded. "That's the case. Do you have any destination?"

Chu Xiang shook his head. "How can there be any destination, but just find a place to stay, let's follow your team? I will repay you when we get to the nearest base."

Ding Feng smiled: "What people say for humanity does not reciprocate. One more person has more strength, but we do n’t have much food. Please forgive me."

Chu Xiang pulled He Biju: "No, since you must know the line to Yumen City, as far as I know there is a small human base. As long as we can get there, we will be rescued."

Lan Gang snorted in the car: "Repay? Look at your shameful repayment, let me say first, it doesn't matter if you go with us, but don't try to share our food!"

Chu Xiang didn't want to care about it. He got in the car body first and then pulled He Birou up. It didn't matter that the two were squeezed in a corner. Ding Feng got into the cab. Azi and Uncle Feng also got up. Squeezed, but fortunately, Azi and Ding Feng are in good shape. So it can also fit. The truck engine ignited again and ran forward, but in fact they had no purpose. I just want to find the nearest human base.

Song Shaoming and Wang Dashan didn't seem to be verbal. Except for occasional glances at He Birou, the two did not say a word. They were wearing pistols. Only Lan Gang, Ding Feng and Uncle Feng had rifles in this team, plus This one is Shang Chuxiang, but this one is not yet known, because the upper part he used to smash his feet is covered with lime, which is probably enough.

Chu Xiang was afraid that He Birou's beauty would cause trouble. He deliberately messed up He Birou's hair, and coupled with He Birou's running in the desert for two days, he could not see it, so no one could see through it, and He Birou knew Chu Xiang carefully With a little cover, she could hide the people on the car.

It ’s true that Chu Xiang still feels that the car is still in the desert. The speed ca n’t be raised at all. After looking around for a long time, I can see a little landform. He was still in the desert. In fact, this land was either in the desert or deep in the desert. Ji had buried the sand.

On the way, Lan Gang also came down to add oil once, and later switched to Uncle Feng and Ding Feng to drive. The car stopped at dawn and Chu Xiang thought that before they arrived, they said that they were a source of water underground, but Lan Gang was mute. Jumped out of the cab and said, "Mum, it's so unlucky, it must have pulled someone who shouldn't be pulled, and it was a flat tire."

Ding Feng also got out of the driveway: "No one has passed this for a long time. If I did n’t rely on the compass, I ca n’t determine the direction. We can stick to the road driving in the sand and sea until now. Spare a tire? "

It turned out that this uncle Feng would repair the car. He climbed up and overturned the bucket: "There is one more. But the temperature of the sand in the bright day will be very high. If we stick to it, we may have a flat tire."

Ding Feng said: "We are going to the next source of water. We will repair the car immediately. As soon as the sun comes out, we will stop and rest. Did n’t Chu Xiang just say that there is a small human base in Yumen City, let ’s try our luck there. A water source is only fifty to sixty kilometers away from Yumen City, and we'll rush through it one night, maybe we will be rescued soon. "

No one is idle. Immediately came down to help. Changing tires was very easy. After a while, Chu Xiang started screwing. Chu Xiang suddenly heard the sound of rustling footsteps. Although the sound was not loud, he was **** the screws against the ground so he could hear. Xiang Xin suddenly put down his tools and stood up. Under the dim light, he saw a dark shadow shaking in the distance. Chu Xiang jumped into the cab roof immediately. Standing high up, it's a zombie! There are at least fifty or sixty of them, and they will appear in the desert! At first, Ding Feng didn't know what Chu Xiang was going to do, so she threw away her work and quickly repaired the car. Lan Gang even scolded, he blame Chu Xiang stepped on his head, because the cab is his special seat, how can Chu Xiang have time to theory with Lan Gang, he pointed to the front and said: "It's a zombie! Everyone alert! "

When I heard Chu Xiang shouting that the people below were immediately confused, it can be seen from this that they have no experience of being near the enemy, and they can live to this day without knowing what **** was gone, even Song Shaoming and Wang Dashan took it. The posture of the gun is wrong, and the situation can be better with Ding Feng and Lan Gang. The Azi saw the zombies in the distance and was frightened directly. In this way, who knows if he can go to Yumen City.

Flip-flop, Uncle Feng's rifle began to fire, and it looks like this is also a tender hand. Chu Xiang jumped out of the car and said, "Uncle Feng, don't rush to shoot, it's impossible to shoot so far. You must save the bomb Row."

Uncle Feng's temper was not so bad, he should stop firing, but Lan Gang did not, while loudly instructing Wang Dashan to hurry to repair the car, while firing wildly towards the zombies, he soon lighted up a magazine, even Ding Fengdu It can be seen that Lan Gang did not knock down a zombie at all. When they set off, they did not bring much ammunition. If they lost at this rate. It is clear. This batch of zombies died before they were finished playing.

As Zi saw the zombies getting closer and closer and crying, "Let's run away. Don't hit them, they will be eaten by them. I have seen them eating people, it is scary."

At this time, the last screw was tightened, and everyone quickly got on the car. Ding Feng was not as timid as Azi, and she commanded Lan Gang aloud, "Let's go! We can't turn back, and turn around again. Who knows how long it will take. "

Lan Gang is also a sturdy character. When he stepped on the accelerator, he greeted the zombies madly. Under the light of the car, these zombies were horrible. After a high temperature in summer, their skin rotted badly. The group of zombies is t2. If it is a group of t3 lands, these people have nothing to do.

The car has been walking on a sandy hill that has been changing in accordance with Ding Feng's instructions. This is the original Gongji. Lan Gang dare not drive the car off the base at will. Who knows where a sand nest is trapped and will die. The group of zombies is walking on the base, they are almost lined up, stretching out a few meters, the car must run over them if they want to rush over!

Bang, the first zombie collided with the front of the truck, black blood flew, and the stinky meat sauce covered the front windshield of the car. Ding Feng, Song Shaoming, and Wang Dashan swept projectiles without money, Chu Xiang looked Distressed, he only cursed badly with only one shot. Sure enough, his rifle got stuck in the shell, even if it was used as a chisel, it couldn't stand the frustration.

"Everyone hit the zombie head!" Chu Xiang reminded loudly, this group must be the first official battle with the zombies, they do not know where to fight, they did not destroy a zombie after hitting half a bomb, maybe they are still strange in their hearts .

Bang, another zombie was hit, and the speed of the car suddenly dropped, and two zombies were stuck under the wheel. Besides, it was in the desert, and the speed couldn't be faster ~ ~ several The zombies started to climb after the car bucket, and two others grabbed the cab left and right and began to pull and pull.

Song Shaoming and Wang Dashan just replaced the magazines. The two did not know how to cooperate with the shooting. They ran out of bullets at the same time and stopped all at once. The zombies took the opportunity to climb into the back bucket. The two had no time to fire again and were flung. The naked zombies squatted in the car bucket, and the pistol fell to the ground with a bang.

At this moment a zombie had straddled the fence of the truck bucket, Chu Xiang stepped forward and kicked, banged, kicked the zombie off the car, then he bent over and picked up the pistol on the ground, bang, bang, bang, every The guns blew off a zombie's head and immediately cleared the side of the truck.

"Ah!" There was a scream in the cab. It turned out that a zombie had pulled the door of Azi's side open. The door was flickering and swaying because the car was still moving, and the zombie was holding it like this The door was hung from the car, and Azi was surprised to see the horror without making a noise.

Chu Xiang raised his hand and fired another shot. The zombie was knocked off the door, fell to the ground and was drawn under the wheel. Ding Feng squeezed to Azi to tighten the door. At this time, the zombie on the other side of the back bucket also crawled. Up, Chu Xiang could only return to the gun, only the zombies were rolled out of the truck after being headshot, and the pistol made the sound of an empty strike needle, and did not play.


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