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Chapter 287: Two T3

Two zombies climbed on the back of the truck. Chu Xiang threw the empty gun forward and clamped a zombie neck. Click on it. The zombie's neck was broken, and the other zombie bit his arm at Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang Raised his foot and kicked the zombie's knee. The bone of the zombie's leg gave a crisp sound and broke. His body fell backwards out of the car bucket, and then the zombie who broke his neck was thrown out of the car bucket.

Ah, a man screamed suddenly. It turned out that another zombie climbed into the car bucket from one side while he was covering the night. It happened that Song Shaoming was hiding there. He was holding a May 4 type pistol in his hand. After shooting, the zombie was not slow to move, and bit his arm!

Chu Xiang picked up his jammed rifle and smashed it into the head of the biting Song Shaoming's zombies, stunned, his brain collapsed, and then he grabbed the pistol in Song Shaoming's hands and fired at the zombies who kept climbing the car. When Ding Feng in the cab saw the zombies being shot in the brain, she died completely. She immediately understood the reason for the unsuccessful zombies. So she aimed at the head of the zombies, but how could she not be trained in shooting? It was in the moving car that most of the bullets were missed. Fortunately, Chu Xiang killed the zombies who climbed to the cab in time, otherwise she couldn't be too busy.

Kaka, the pistol was also empty. Ding Feng suddenly threw her rifle out of the cab, "Catch it!"

Chu Xiang reached out and grabbed the rifle in his direction. He changed the rifle to a point-fire, a bullet destroyed a zombie, and two zombies that hindered the speed had been thrown off the wheel. Lan Gang stepped on the accelerator very Quickly rushed out of the siege of these dozens of zombies.

When the car was afraid to stop, he plunged down to a water source. Chu Xiang checked the wound on Song Shaoming's arm. Unfortunately, he was infected. The wound was bleeding with black blood, and the symptoms of ulceration had appeared. Song Shaoming's face As pale as a piece of paper, his body shivered constantly. Wang Dashan shrank in a barrel of oil and was afraid to come out.

Squeaked, the truck finally stopped. The next water source had appeared in the front. It was a small village, but Ding Feng didn't dare to enter, so he could only park the car outside. At this moment, she had time to ask the situation behind her. Chu Xiang regretfully said, "Song Shaoming is infected, and I think it will change in less than a few minutes."

"How can this be?" Ding Feng was surprised. She thought that Song Shaoming and Wang Dashan had the ability to protect themselves. After all, they were men.

Chu Xiang said: "He has less experience with the enemy, and the zombies didn't know how to shoot before he came. How to deal with him? You should take care of it." Said that Chu Chuxiang took He Birou out of the car, Wang Dashan heard that Song Shaoming wanted a corpse change. , Also scared to jump out of the truck immediately.

Ding Feng was contradictory. Before she had escaped from her hiding place, she knew that she would become corpse after being bitten by a zombie, but she couldn't do it by killing her own team member. He hugged Song Shaoming from the truck and said, "Can't kill him. He and I are villagers from a village. I promised his mother to take care of him." . "

Lan Gang muttered, "Isn't there a corpse change, maybe there is a rescue, I don't care, I just won't let you kill him"

Ding Feng is nominally the leader of the team. In fact, the team has always looked forward with Lan Gangma. Because Lan Gang has strength. And Song Shaoming and Wang Dashan are his friends. A total of four male players. He has a name over there. Others certainly listen to him.

Ding Feng had no choice but to ignore it. Lan Gang took out a saber and burned it with a lighter. Then began to simmer meat from Song Shaoming's arm. He tried to cut off all the infected muscles. But where does he know that the t virus flows through the body once it comes into contact with human blood. This is nothing more than adding pain to the infected.

"Thank you very much just now." Ding Feng went to Chu Xiang to thank him. To tell the truth, if it is not Chu Xiang firing. As soon as those zombies rushed up, they stopped the truck.

Chu Xiang returned the automatic rifle to Ding Feng and said, "Nothing. I'm also trying to save myself. Everyone should work together. Remember it later. Remember to hit the zombies. Don't shoot at random. The bombs are precious."

Ding Feng nodded. She did not pick up Chu Xiang's automatic rifle and said: "I think the gun is more useful in your hands than in our hands. I still have a few cartridges here you can take. Dao. If there are more zombies to attack. Everything is up to you. "

Uncle Feng also came over and said, "Boy. The marksmanship is accurate and harsh. Are you a soldier?"

At this moment, Chu Xiang can only use this identity to conceal his marksmanship. He said: "I have been a soldier for several years and won several awards during training. Then I retired and went to work in a tire factory. I just didn't expect to see a stable day. I have encountered a virus riot in the last few days. "

Uncle Feng sighed, "Yeah, the world is chaotic. People with no ability can only be eaten by zombies. I have seen them eat with my own eyes. It is very cruel. Sometimes living people are eaten by their stomachs. . "

Ah Zi almost vomited, "Uncle Feng, don't talk about these disgusting things."

Uncle Feng solemnly said: "Is it disgusting? Azi, you remember, you have to be strong, otherwise you can only be eliminated by this world, don't let that coquettish girl do the wind, otherwise the next dead person may be you!"

Uncle Feng's words were very unpleasant, but the fact is that Aziqi's face was purple, but he could not be angry with Uncle Feng. How to say that Uncle Feng was also an old man, she could only whisper and nodded.

Ding Feng said, "I'll go ahead and see if I can find food. Lan Gang, I beg you don't be emotional. Song Shaoming's face is very bad. You have to prevent his body from changing."

Lan Gang was furious: "Go! My brother's affairs don't matter to you! It's all because you took these two people, otherwise he won't have anything."

Ding Fengqi almost turned his back on, "Lang Gang, you ca n’t understand it! If Chu Xiang hadn't been dead for all of us just now, let's waste so many bombs to kill a few zombies. Do you have no eyes to see? You know yourself. "

Chu Xiang didn't plan to team with these people. He just wanted to find the communication tool to leave immediately. Of course, if these people want to go to the Yutai base, he would also like to help them, but now this big guy Lan has just been very unfriendly to him, and Based on Chu Xiang's current strength and his chances of winning are not big, so it's better to stay away from him.

Chu Xiang said to Ding Feng: "I'll go and see with you, let's go, He Birou, don't stay, this Song Shaoming is very dangerous."

Azi is most afraid of zombies. I heard that Song Shaoming is about to become a zombie. Of course she ca n’t stay here. Uncle Feng also hesitated to keep up. Wang Dashan looked at Lan Gang who was busy fleshing. He did n’t even want to stay here. Until everyone is gone. He growled again and again.

"Get off, get off all! Wang Dashan, you're **** mad, you won't be my friend in the future!"

The size of the village in front is not large, but it is rare to have such a village in the desert. I do n’t know what they lived in in the previous world. Observing the village quietly from outside the village because there are several houses Covering up cannot see the situation inside.

Chu Xiang came to the mouth of the village and whispered, "I'll go in and see. You should stay outside and respond."

It should be said that Chu Xiang's marksmanship admired Ding Feng and Uncle Feng, so the two had no opinion, as for Azi and Wang Dashan. The two were terribly terrified. Of course, they were glad to hear that they didn't have to enter the village. I only hoped that there would be something to eat in a while.

Chu Xiang quietly turned over a fence, which was probably used to prevent the invasion of sand outside. A dilapidated ground house was blocked in front of him. By bypassing this house, he could see the situation in the middle of the village at a glance. Chu Xiang ate it hard. Startled, the gun in his hand almost couldn't help it because the body was lying on the ground. The situation is similar to Xiemaquan, but zombies are lying on the ground of Xiemaquan, but it looks like all humans who have just died. Most of them are incomplete and many brains have been cracked. This is also what they haven't. The reason for the corpse change.

In the middle of the village is a well, with several cars, two off-road vehicles, and a truck parked by the well. A van, Chu Xiang inferred from the time and the direction of the vehicle placement, these people are those who passed the Xiema Springs the night before! Unexpectedly, they killed the zombies in Xiemaquan, but here they were killed by the zombies. Could it be t3 that night catch up?

Chu Xiang thought his heart was beating here. You must know that he doesn't have super power now, and he can't be too confident in everything, let alone a group of t3, that is, he should be cautious. dao. The van made a noise. Then the door was knocked open and a woman crawled out of it. She moaned in pain, and it seemed not to be a zombie.

Chu Xiang came forward to check, of course not because this woman looked pretty on the face, the so-called life-saving victory over the seventh-level floating slaughter, but the next scene let Chu Xiang completely dispel the idea, the woman's lower body was actually whistleed !! Gollum rolled down from the van, and then the two T3s also jumped down. They continued to hump up the thigh from left to right. The beautiful woman continued to scream in pain, but passed out after two sounds. It is estimated that She had fainted just now, and for some reason she woke up, and now she couldn't hold herself from the pain of being chewed and fainted.

These two t3 eyes are not too long, and their strength is not shallow. Chu Xiang's fingers are a little trembling. He lay quietly on the ground and crawled backwards, and finally over the wall, Ding Feng and others hurried forward and waited. They shook their hands again and again, pointing at everyone in the distance and shivering outward.

"What's going on? What's found inside? You look very bad," Ding Feng asked.

Chu Xiang said: "Hurry up, there are two t3 in the village, they will soon be aware of our arrival, if they don't leave, they will be too late."

Ding Feng and Uncle Feng were a little hesitant. "Is t3 so powerful? We need food. The food in the car is not enough for one person."

Chu Xiang anxiously said, "You can think of other ways to find food. If you are willing to stay and serve as food, I have no problem," said Chu Xiang, hurriedly pulling He Birou back, and Ding Feng and Uncle Feng looked at each other. At this time, Wang Dashan had already run away from the first one, and Azi was chasing after him. Ding Feng and Uncle Feng only followed.

boom! A gunshot broke the silence in the desert, Chu Xiang's heart was cold, and it was over. Mostly it was Lan Gang who shot and killed Song Shaoming. The shot was really terrifying, and the two t3s would surely be attracted!

Sure enough, the village made a low roar, followed by the sound of running footsteps. After t2 evolved, part of the muscle tissue was reborn. Their weight exceeded that of the original body. In addition, they ran fast and made heavy footsteps. Is normal.

Lan Gang's expression of grief was beside the truck. He was carrying a May 4 pistol. The gun smoke had just dispersed and Song Shaoming was lying on the ground. A hole was opened in his head, and it turned out that his corpse had really changed. Lan Gang already knew that when he hit the zombies, he had to hit his brain. He had to give his fellow fellow a shot as a last resort.

"Get out of here, t3 is coming!" Chu Xiang called out to Lan Gang.

Who knows that Lan Gang not only didn't get on the car, but rushed forward and grabbed Chu Xiang. Put the muzzle on Chu Xiang's head and cursed: "It's all against you! It's all your work, if you don't have Song Shaoming you won't die! I want you to give him his life!"

Ding Feng ran slower, and she shouted in the back: "Lang Gang, you are crazy. Put your gun down. Escape!"

Lan Gang was indeed a little bit frustrated and crazy. His face twitched. Chu Xiang was really afraid that he missed his shot and reimbursed himself. At this time, two t3s had leapt out of the village. Lan Gang heard two chirping sounds. He looked up and was stunned by the speed of T3 running. He had seen many zombies before. Those zombies walked slowly and never walked like these two

Taking advantage of Lan Gang's embarrassment, Chu Xiang twisted Lan Gang's arm behind his back, disarmed his gun, then he jumped into the cab and started the truck. He Birou, Azi, and others climbed up In the car, Lan Gang was still in a bun, and Ding Feng kicked him. "Not getting in the car yet. Wait for death?"

Lan Gang snorted and climbed into the car bucket, the truck roared and rushed out, and the two t3s had approached, one was knocked out by the front of the car, and the other was entangled by the wheels. Ding Feng and others Secretly, thought that t3 was destroyed, but who knew that the truck rushed over and two zombies crawled up on the sandy ground behind him. They continued to run after them.

Uncle Feng was sitting in the co-pilot seat, Chu Xiang said: "Uncle Feng, come here, I will deal with t3 in the back."

Uncle Feng knew that the woman on the back of the car couldn't deal with the two undead monsters. He took over the steering wheel in Chu Xiang's hands, Chu Xiang stepped on the accelerator to the end, and then left to let Uncle Feng take over. Into the car bucket, at this time the two t3 have caught up. He Birou, Azi and others screamed in awe.

Chu Xiang has a rifle and a May Fourth type. He believes that the power of doing the May Fourth Movement at close range is greater, after all, the skin and bones of T3 have been strengthened. Ordinary bullets do not easily hurt them. Bang, bang, Chu Xiang fired his pistol. His shooting was also trained by experts. Although two t3s were flexible, they were still injured by one shot in the chest and the other in the thighs, but this acted on them. Does not seem to affect.

Huh, a t3 climbed to the back of the car and leap into the car bucket! Chu Xiang flew a shot in the head, hitting the t3's forehead, stunned, the brain splattered, t3's body hung on the car guard bar, shook it a few times, and finally fell off. After being hit by the brain, its neural tissue was damaged. It was completely dead, but the death of this t3 was also valuable because it covered another t3 and rushed into the bucket.

Ding Feng and Lan had already fired, but they found that t3 was not afraid of any harm except the head, and their muscle tissue and bones were strong. Before, they could be smashed to destroy their body with a sweep, but now The shuttles swept out and left a few holes in them at most, which did not affect their agility at all. If they wanted to hit their heads, they could jump around at t3, the car was still moving fast, and they had Chu Xiang's marksmanship.

Chu Xiang successfully destroyed one t3 and immediately turned the muzzle to deal with the other one that jumped into the bucket. Now Chu Xiang is no better than before. He has to worry about whether he will be infected, because all the energy he has evolved has disappeared. He said no before. Will be infected, but now? Not sure is to be infected, you must ensure that you are not injured by t3.

Because there is no super physical strength and skills, only the gun in hand to fight t3, and t3 is flexible, but also in close combat, Chu Xiang really does not have much confidence to win, only try to lead it away so that it does not hurt He Birou Wait.

Chu Xiang fought hard, mainly because he couldn't let go of his hands and feet. He was thrown out by t3 several times in succession. He was knocked over by the four oil barrels on the back of the car. Xiang was both annoyed and anxious. He didn't understand why he lost his evolutionary power. If it wasn't for this t3, he might have to hide away when he saw him, but now he was bullied like a stupid dog! Really hate it!

Chu Xiang was angry and hugged t3. T arm was hugged and he extended his tongue to entangle Chuxiang's neck. Chu Xiang ignored the five fingers and claws and slammed it into the eyeball under t3's neck. Supposedly, the two fell down in the car bucket and were covered with petrol and diesel. At this time, neither Ding Feng nor Lan Gang dared to shoot, because if a spark failed, the whole car's life would be caught.

Bang, they hit the car barrier. Chu Xiang was afraid of being bitten or scratched by T3. He kept rolling in the car bucket and did not give T3 a chance to sip. He could not breathe because of the tongue on the neck, but he did not dare to stop and suddenly exclaimed. After getting out of the car, the guard was knocked open, Chu Xiang held the t3 and fell off the truck!

Chu Xiang knew that at the critical moment, he died either by himself. He originally held the pistol in his hand. At this time, he did not hesitate to pull the trigger and shout, it didn't matter where he struck, the key was to attract the two men's gasoline! Bang, Chu Xiang and t3 fell on the sand with flames, but fortunately the fuel on the bucket was not detonated by the wind direction.

Bang, Chu Xiang fired again and again, this time it hit the tongue of T3. t3 was forced to release Chu Xiang's neck, at this time Chu Xiang had noticed the heat of moxibustion on his body, and he could not wait for the body to disappear. Cover your ears with your hands and cover your head to drill into the sand.

3 is a certain wisdom, but where does it know that the sand drilling pile, so exposed to the air and let the gasoline burn on the body, from time to time screamed, it fell to the ground after a while, and the high temperature can also destroy its brain Nerve, it's strange not to die.

One minute later, Chu Xiang got out of the sand pile. It was pitiful. His hair and eyebrows disappeared after being destroyed by ultrasonic waves. Fortunately, the time of fire was short, and after all, his physique was not the same as that of ordinary human beings, and there were no injuries in the rest of the place. God still cared for him.

Ga, the truck stopped, Lan Gang, Ding Feng, and Uncle Feng got pale. Now they only know what t3 is, and t3 almost means perish! If it weren't for the first t being headshot soon, I'm afraid the two t3s would attack the truck together. This time, the entire army was wiped out, and in the process of Chu Xiang's decisive battle t3, they could not help! Xiu Langang still has an extraordinary strength! Except that he started to fire a few shots, he almost had no other performance. It seems that he is not trained without training, and he has no strength to know how to use it.

The crowd first gasped for a while while sitting on the sand, and finally Ding Feng said, "Thank you, you saved us all again."

Chu Xiang said: "Where, I'm saving myself."

Ding Feng went to the cab and found a few clothes and said, "Change them. You can't wear them anymore. Our truck can't start now, we have to wait for the oil in the back to run out before we dare to reignite. We might as well take a break and eat some food . "

Chu Xiang nodded. The car was in a hurry just now. I hadn't seen the previous water source. I was hungry for several meals. After a fierce battle, my stomach was unbearable. But when I saw Ding Feng taking it, When he came here, he had no appetite. It was a hairy bun and a ham bag with a sack! This stuff is bad enough to eat dead people!

"We've got this food together," Ding Feng said embarrassedly. "Why don't we go back to the previous village? Maybe there will be food. The two t3s have been killed by you. They should be safe."

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "I'm not sure there are only two t3s there. If there are a few more t2s out now, I'm afraid we won't be able to cope with it, so I would rather be hungry than go back again. You know how to go there, yes How far can I get to Yumen. "

Ding Feng said: "If we continue to rush, we can arrive at the latest tomorrow evening at the latest."

Uncle Feng said, "But we can't keep running, otherwise the rest will have to be measured by footwork. This car can't stand it."

Chu Xiang said: "Then we will find a place to avoid the sun and wait at night."

But in the desert, there is no place to shelter from the sun except for the small sandbags. There is no way for everyone to put a sunshade on the tires, and then Ding Feng takes out an iron pan from the cab to start cooking. Of course, it is impossible to share a **** for each person. Anyway, there is plenty of water, and there is also solid fuel. Ding Feng's idea is to cook a steamed bun and ham sausage.

He Birou was always worried about Chu Xiang's body. She took a closer look at Chu Xiang while others were not paying attention. It was a little relief when she was sure that there was no problem. Chu Xiang was moved, although he never thought of He Birou, but He Birou told him Your concern is sincere.

Wang Dashan didn't dare to get close to Lan Gang, and now Lan Gang held a saber in his hand and compared blindly from time to time ~ ~ Chu Xiang was also very snoring. Lan Gang must now hate him, but Chu Xiang just now Killing t3 made him dare not come forward to find trouble easily, but this guy didn't think it was Chu Xiang's arrival that let them have bad luck again and again. I was afraid that he wouldn't give up. He must solve him.

"Dinner!" Shouted Ding Feng. Wang Dashan and Azi rushed over first, which was often the case. The straw bales and rice buckets were equal.

Chu Xiang was extremely hungry, but he walked forward and smelled it, and there was no appetite. A long-haired bun, a ham sausage with a sack, if not the human stomach has evolved, I presumably have a drink of soup Being able to kill people is really an indispensable weapon for home travel.

Chu Xiang was still hesitant to eat or not to eat. A saber was standing in front of him. It was Lan Gang. He said coldly, "You are not qualified to eat!"

Ding Feng's face changed, "Lang Gang, what do you want to do! Take the knife away, and Chu Xiang is the most qualified person to eat in it. If it weren't for his two t3s, it would cost us all lives!"

Lan Gang sneered: "If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have encountered t3. I found these foods and he is not eligible to eat them.


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