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Chapter 288: Escape from the desert

Lan Gang's arrogance is simply bullying! Chu Xiang suddenly shot. Through these two encounters with the zombies, he knew that Lan Gang had a strength. In fact, Lan Gang's combat value did not even have one fifth of his own. Although Chu Xiang's physical strength had returned to one, but With his combat experience and special training that he had received, these skills are still there. Since Lan Gang is purely looking for something, he must learn that he is afraid! Otherwise, raising tigers is a problem.

Bang, Lan Gang was hit by Chu Xiang's sudden boxing on his face. He stumped in front of his eyes and was dropped on the sand. Then Chu Xiang's big fist fell to his head. Lan Gang was hit. Unexpectedly, the saber fell to the side, and he spit out his teeth in a few minutes and shouted for his life. He wanted to work hard with Chu Xiang, but Chu Xiang didn't give him a chance at all. Can not be compared with Chu Xiang, when Ding Feng and several people came to realize that Lan Gang had been suffocated by Chu Xiang, they immediately stepped forward to persuade.

Chu Xiang picked up the saber on the ground, and he said fiercely to Lan Gang: "The smart one, please be honest with me, or you will be stingy! It is a helpless thing to die from a virus infection, it has nothing to do with anyone. You can only blame Song Shaoming for being timid and not firing in time. In addition, your meal is not rare, please eat it yourself. "

To say that Chu Xiang didn't care that Lan had just got under the car to cool down, and He Birou really had no appetite for those meals. You should know that these two guys just entered the desert after all. They were delicious and delicious just a few dozen hours ago, so It's not impossible to cook another two meals, let alone a bag of beef jerky.

"Chu Xiang, don't get angry, that Lan Gang just made trouble," He Birou also got under the car. She handed a piece of beef jerks and said, "Here, eat this supplementary energy, who knows what dangers there will be at night."

Chu Xiang did not refuse, and the two were hiding under the car and chewing beef jerky. After a while, Ding Feng came up with a bowl of mildew buns and simmered sacks of ham sausage soup. "Chu Xiang, here you go, don't bother with Lan Gang's madness. I am the captain of this team. No, let's say he made you miserable. You take your breath away. I also hope you protect us. "

Chu Xiang said: "Captain Ding, I really ca n’t eat it. I'm afraid I ate the stuff and diarrhea. When we get to Yumen, we will find something delicious. The two of us are still staying."

Ding Feng said: "The world is no longer than before. We dare to pay attention to some food. I am afraid that there may not be enough food elsewhere. So you should eat it."

Chu Xiang knew that Ding Feng's words were true. Several bases did not worry about eating like the Yutai base, but also planted vegetables and farmed fish, and even livestock were also kept in quarantine. It would not take long to eat them. Fresh meat, and other bases, are still busy fighting zombies.

But no matter what Ding Feng said, Chu Xiang didn't want this bowl of food. To be honest, Chu Xiang didn't want to be angry, but Chu Xiang didn't want to waste their precious food. Unclear later. Anyway, he and He Birou could not swallow the moldy food. Ding Feng saw that Chu Xiang really didn't insist on it because of Lan Gang. She and Azi, Wang Dashan, and others snorted and ate all the pots of rice, and they still seemed to have a lot of aftertaste. It seems that they were really starved.

After the meal, there was nothing else. The only thing I could do was to sleep. Lan Gang's face was beaten like a pig's head. He looked at Chu Xiang from time to time with hate, Chu Xiang was not afraid of him. The saber was in his own hands. If Lan Gang dared to move With the gun, Chu Xiang promised that he would launch the projectile into Lan Gangdi's head one step. As long as he didn't work hard with him, Chu Xiang now had the confidence to defeat the brute.

Because I have to rush in the night. Besides, there is no entertainment program in the desert. Ding Feng arranged for people to take turns and also got into the car body to sleep under the sun. Chu Xiang has spent a lot of energy in these two days. And there has been insufficient nutritional supplementation. After lying down, I was lethargic. But thinking that Lan Gang was on the side, he had to fight hard. Soon He Birou saw Chu Xiang's pain. She said, "Chu Xiang. Take a break. I'll help you watch it. I'll let you know as soon as something happens."

Chu Xiang didn't want to sleep. I don't know why he never felt that people would get stuck in this process. It's almost holding your eyelids with your fingers. And even then the brain started to go into chaos. Chu Xiang sided. Go to him md. Sleep when you want to sleep. Lan Gang just think what he wants. Can't be trapped. Thinking of Chu Xiang's fingers loose here. Both eyelids fell down. call. He immediately went into deep sleep. This is really abnormal.

Chu Xiang didn't care to pay attention to why there was the greatest depression in his life. Maybe it was a lot of loss just wrestling with the two t3s. But in his sleep he felt that something was wrong with him. Cold for a while and hot for a while. There seemed to be bugs crawling inside. He was itchy and uncomfortable.

Suddenly hot and cold like water and fire meet. The water was under fire for a while. After a while the water was under pressure. Finally, the two were intertwined, making Chu Xiang miserable. It seems that this dream can't wake up. Chu Xiang was about to die on both sides. Hum. Suddenly there seemed to be a skylight in my head. Chu Xiang's brain knew the spirit in the sea. The two forces in the interweaving battlefield disappeared from the skylight. Chu Xiang then ended the pain and went to sleep. Maybe this is really sleeping.

"Chu Xiang wakes up. Wake up soon!" Someone constantly slaps Chu Xiang. It seems that Chu Xiang still remembers the previous fighting between the two forces. It is unknown who wins the most. But everything opened when I opened my eyes. This made Chu Xiang think that it was just a dream.

"What's wrong?" Chu Xiang rubbed his eyes. Strength seemed to grow a lot. This is a good thing. You need to know that you have a strong ability and you want to survive.

"Lan Gang just drove away secretly!" He Birou said angrily and eagerly, her eyes were still red and swollen, and she might have cried.

Then Chu Xiang realized that there was a scorching sun above his head. He looked around and saw nothing but yellow sand. The truck was really gone! Damn, you shouldn't sleep. Although this Lan Gang didn't dare to take the opportunity to make his own idea, he stole the truck for travel, this is to trap himself in the desert! But it was more painful to die than to die, not to sleep and not.

At this time, Ding Feng's voice rang behind Chu Xiang: "I really shouldn't go to sleep. This orchid is just abominable. He stunned Uncle Feng and Xiao He and took Wang Dashan and Azi to drive away."

Why didn't Chu Xiang hear such a big movement? Even if he no longer has superpowers, he should hear the sound of a car starting. It turned out that t virus and r virus met in Chu Xiang's body. The two battled like dragons and tigers, which affected and changed Chu Xiang's body without knowing it. At first, r virus prevailed. It even devoured all the t-viruses in Chu Xiang ’s body, but just now the t-virus in Chu Xiang ’s body suddenly accumulated some power to launch a counterattack, because the r-virus in Chu Xiang ’s body was originally not pure, plus the t-virus The reduction of the number caused them to lose food and atrophy, and the weakness of the r virus allowed the t virus to seize the opportunity to show signs of recovery. Since the struggle between the two was based on Chu Xiang's body, Chu Xiang had to let under the influence of them The body goes into a dormant state, when the two are fighting the most intensely. Even dropping a bomb in his ear may not wake him up.

Chu Xiang naturally did not understand the reason. However, he doesn't think about it, he doesn't think about it. Chu Xiang patted his forehead to wake himself up, Lan Gang slipped away with Wang Dashan and A Zi, and now there are Ding Feng and Uncle Feng in the team, and he and He Birou. Although it is not far from Yumen City, walking in this environment is also dangerous.

Chu Xiang said: "Let them go. As long as we are all right, I was just negligent to be vigilant against him, but it's useless to say these regrets, we will find a car to continue walking on our own."

He Biju said: "In fact, I believe Azi. At first, they crowded together and didn't know what to mumble. Later, Azi ran over to talk to me. As a result, she stunned me unexpectedly, and I heard what happened later. Ding Feng told me that Lan Gang not only stunned Ding Feng and Uncle Feng, but also came on your head first. Perhaps he was also worried about whether you would suddenly wake up. So I did n’t do any other hurried driving. Drop, now I think I'm scared. In case he kills you ... "

Chu Xiang touched the back of his head, he didn't feel at all, and vaguely remembered that it seemed that the back of his head had opened a skylight to draw out the two fighting water and fire forces. Could it be that Lan Gang gave it to himself? This is a coincidence. At the time, it was terribly painful. I didn't expect it to be flat. What if Lan Gang doesn't hit it? Chu Xiang also did not understand, everything is about chance, this is probably the chance.

Ding Feng said: "Let ’s not talk about Lan Gangdi. Where can I find a car? I ca n’t walk on foot. Fortunately, it ’s not far away. Usually we will reach Yumen City in two days.”

Chu Xiang didn't say anything, he looked around and said: "It seems that they left nothing but an iron pot. Ding Feng also wakes up," Our water is still in the car! "

Chu Xiang said: "So we have to find a car and insist on it for a day and a half. It won't work for a long time. You stay here and wait. I went back to the water source just now. There are two off-roads that are most suitable for running deserts. After that, maybe we can reach Yumen City at night. "

Uncle Feng came over and said, "I'll go back with you so that I can take care of it. Wang Dashan is as timid as a mouse. Azi is even more afraid of here and there. Without them, we would be much less burdened."

Ding Feng said: "Yes, Chu Xiang, we will listen to you after you are so powerful. You say what we want to do, we will do it. In fact, my captain's name is not true. I didn't have any skill at all, plus Lan Just disobedient, I'll be fine with you in the future. I think Uncle Feng will definitely have no opinion. "

Uncle Feng nodded, and Chu Xiang said: "Since I don't quit, now I have given an order to count the weapons first, and then you stay here and wait. I will come to the car and meet again."

Because there was no luggage, counting the weapons was only completed in one or two minutes. The guns were all taken away, and even the ammunition was scraped. Fortunately, Lan Gang didn't hit the space ring idea on Chu Xiang's fingers, otherwise it would be troublesome. Already.

The truck was driving fast when I ran away. Now I have to walk back step by step and it really hurts Chu Xiang. The soles of his feet are terrible, but it makes Chu Xiang happy that there is no t3 just now, just more. Only two t2, it may be the corpse corpse that did not completely destroy the brain. Chu Xiang suspected that God began to care for him again, otherwise there would be a t3 here, he would run away and get a car. And weapons, which have a great impact on future trips.

Chu Xiang only used a wooden stick to solve the two t2. He had already picked up a rifle from the ground, but was afraid to shoot easily. Afraid of attracting t3, causing the destruction of this team is by no means two t3 can be done, and only two t3 were found before, there may be other nearby.

Chu Xiang checked the vehicle first. Every car is easy to use, but only one off-road vehicle is needed. It is still suitable for running in the desert, and the heavy machine gun is also mounted on the off-road vehicle. I do n’t know the origin of the group. We must know that heavy machine guns are not ordinary survivors. I can get it, but seeing that their clothes are not soldiers, the possibility of ethnic minorities is relatively high.

In fact, the identity of the victims is not important. Chu Xiang naturally would not consider it. He searched carefully for the food that the team was carrying. Fortunately, he found eight boxes of canned food in the van, including canned fish, canned yellow croaker, canned luncheon meat, canned beef, canned yellow peach, and canned orange. There are canned grapes in syrup, and there are even five cases of instant noodles and some cookies. It looks like this group of people robbed a mall and supermarket with the weapons in their hands.

There was a lot of blood on the tin box, and a woman was eaten by two t3s on a van before. Now only seeing half of his head on the ground, Chu Xiang has some doubts that t3 alone will not be able to destroy this fierce team. Is there still t4 near here? Thinking of Chu Xiang's cold sweats.

Not afraid to hesitate, Chu Xiang began to move food. There was a lot of space behind the off-road truck. Originally, there were magazines stacked on it. Chu Xiang also put cans and the like here, and also carried a bucket of fuel from the truck. A few more guns were collected and they quickly left the place. The blood smell was strong. In case any other zombies nearby will soon be able to attract them.

When Chu Yang was about to fall, Chu Xiang rushed back to his resting place, Ding Feng and He Birou were waiting. Only Uncle Feng sat in a daze without saying a word, and everyone heard the sound of the engine stood up and looked into the distance, and everyone couldn't help cheering when they saw a car's weapons and food.

Chu Xiang didn't get out of the car. It's time to rush. He said to Uncle Feng: "Uncle Feng, come and drive. I control the heavy machine gun behind. He Birou and Ding Feng also pick a weapon for each of us. Strive to arrive at the base of Yumen City tomorrow.

This pile of food is so delicious. Ding Feng's eyes are straight. She grabs a can of luncheon meat frantically and pulls the ring apart and stuffs it into her mouth. He Birou carefully eats cookies and canned soup. From time to time, use a saber to pick up a few pieces of yellow peach flesh for Chu Xiang to eat, and some of them are good. Chu Xiang is intrigued as if he has begun to evolve again.

Chu Xiang previously suspected that there was t4 nearby, but they hurried for one night. Except occasionally seeing a few t2 midway, they did not encounter danger, but just walked more t2, which indicates that they have entered the human living area. Sure enough, I soon saw the public line. This public line is not the sand that Chu Xiang took, but the authentic asphalt.

There is no need to worry about two or two zombies on the road because of the weapons. The off-road vehicle rammed eastward along the asphalt and walked for only half an hour. At this time, the day was also bright, and a human base surrounded by rails and wagons appeared in front of it. This is the Survivor Base of Yumen City.

This base is not far from the original Yumen City. The base is built between the iron and the public line. The public and iron lines are parallel in a long distance to the east. There is a small railway station in Yumen City. The wagon head is now pulled around the base as a shelter, and the rails are nailed into the sand to prevent the wagon from shifting, and it is fixed.

The so-called wealth should not be exposed. Chu Xiang asked He Birou to find canvas to cover the food. Although it is unknown whether this base will be inspected, it is always good to cover it, but unexpectedly, there is no detection facility at this base. Even conventional virus isolation measures at other bases are not available.

Entering the base, you can see what this base is, but it is only a refuge, and there is no one to lead. Naturally, there will be no isolation inspection. Whoever wants to come in will come in and who won't stay here. You can also leave. The space surrounded by the wagon and the front is as large as a half-basketball court. Presumably there were many survivors here. I do n’t know what caused the ruined scene now ~ ~ Didn't Chu Xiangdi arrive? How many people have noticed, in fact, this base is only Erlai, with a lot of people scattered in the east and west. Even the gatekeepers were not there, except that Chu Xiang honked a few horns and the good ones helped open the door. I am afraid that they will be finished with a t3.

In fact, there are still many humans who want to gather around when they hear the horn, and most of them want to eat something, but they see the heavy machine guns and rifles on the car, but they automatically retreat. In this end time Here, every grain is very precious. They will not simply think that someone is willing to distribute food to them. If the other party does not have a weapon, they can rely on many people to grab it. However, the heavy machine gun is mounted on the car. Can destroy them, so it is better to leave.

He Birou was kind and kind. She lifted up a corner of the canvas to get food. Chu Xiang held her hand and shook her head, but she could not spat her good intentions. A food that was not good enough to stir up the people's reaction was enough to grab them. Chu Xiang instructed Uncle Feng to park the car in front of a wagon not far from the door. This wagon did not know what reason fell down from the surrounding wall and formed an angle with the wagon's wagon. Chu Xiang took the car Drive into the angle, and then tie the temporary camp behind the off-road body. This can block curious humans. They must pass through Chu Xiang ’s camp if they want to peep at the food on the off-road vehicle.


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