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Chapter 291: Looking for weapons

Chu Xiang knows his current strength. It is estimated that one or two t3 can barely cope, but it is impossible to deal with this creeper! So the previous cautiousness saw the effect at this moment. The creeper did not find anyone sneaking into the transfer station to steal food. It made a few bellows and spit out several t3s around it, and then gathered around without knowing what to plot. , These intelligent zombies are the most terrible, and there are thousands of t2 under them, they can be very troublesome if they plot

Because the entrance chosen by Chu Xiang was in the limelight, so even the smell was not left for the crawlers. The fifty or so people hurriedly climbed onto the truck. As soon as Uncle Feng stepped on the accelerator truck and drove away quickly, Sun Hou asked puzzledly. "Master, why are we so eager to evacuate, and we can still move a lot of Babao porridge?"

Chu Xiang said: "If you still want to call me Master in the future, my order must be strictly executed like this time!"

Sun Hou blushed, "I am a master. I am just curious. I will definitely obey your order."

Chu Xiang said: "Do you know what's in the transfer station? That's a creeper! The creeper may be strange to you, but I know its combat power, it can easily destroy our base! In our hands These guns have no effect on it at all! It is difficult for a grenade to blow it from the outside! "

Chu Xiang's words calmed everyone down. They only knew that t3 and t4 were great, but they didn't know that there were more powerful creatures. There was no longer any complaint about the sudden retreat. Instead, they felt that Chu Xiang was very sympathetic to everyone. Safety, unlike some selfish leaders, who only care about moving more food and do n’t take their lives seriously

Shang Chuxiang also emphasized a few points. These people must take responsibility when they return. The first is to prohibit the base people from making loud noises. Chu Xiang is afraid that the sound will startle the creepers at the station. Second, no one is allowed to grab food. But fair distribution by people like Mai Mai Ti and so on. No malpractice is allowed.

Twenty minutes later, the car drove into the base. Because it was an open secret to pull food at the transfer station, when people saw the boxes piled up on the back bucket of the truck, the crowd in the base cheered loudly and sang loudly: "Quiet! Everything you want to eat is quiet! Otherwise, Drive him out of the base! "

This threat was very effective. A group of people were scared not to pant even the atmosphere and stared at the food on the bus. Sun Hou and Chen Shaodong led everyone to line up. Whoever dared to jump in the line pulled to the end of the team and severely punished to the side. Because of their strict law enforcement, there was no disturbance in the process of distributing food, and the voice was suppressed to the lowest level.

Chu Xiang drank a few coconut winds and could n’t stop the Yinlu and eight treasure porridge. It did n’t take long to buy Maiti, Wang An, Xiao, etc., after arranging for manual care of food, they came to the luxury car to find Chu Xiang, What? It ’s really exciting to eat enough, thanks to Master. Otherwise, we may not have enough food until we die. "

Chu Xiang waved his hand, "It is the result of everyone's hard work. I ca n’t transport the food back by myself. We are very tight in time, and no one knows whether the creeper will attack the base, so we must Finding weapons, we can defend the base with weapons, and we can destroy the zombies at the station. "

I have not heard of a garrison in Yumen. The weapons in the hands of Sun Hou and others were successively obtained from the armed police. To find a large number of weapons. This is indeed difficult. Otherwise, they had suggested to Chu Xiang long ago. Now Chu Xiang asked everyone that there was only silence for a while.

A map was booked in the carriage. Chu Xiang looked carefully from the map. Hope to find a place with a garrison around. Only troops have a large number of weapons. Only a large number of weapons can guarantee their own security. And to kill creepers without superpowers. Then it must be supported by powerful weapons.

Found nothing. Chu Xiang retracted his sight from the map and said, "Since we can't figure out a way. Then we can launch people outside. If we really can't find a weapon, then we can only give up walking on the wire. We now have a truck. One An off-road vehicle. Finding two more vehicles can pull all the people out of the base. But it ’s better to find weapons. Walking away also requires weapons to defend yourself. "

Everyone has no objection to Chu Xiang's decision. So they gathered outside to eat and drink. Tell the purpose and meaning of finding weapons. One woman threw away the coconut wind drink can in her hand and said, "We have a troop on our farm. I once saw them drill outside with guns and guns. They haven't been there long. So I don't know how many people there are."

Sun Hou happily ran over immediately. "Ma'am. You tell the situation carefully. Where is your farm. How many people and how many weapons does that army have?"

Women said: "Our farm is more than 50 kilometers north. There are many people in that army. They were there a few days before the virus outbreak. They are very nice. They often help our farm work. We I like them very much. As for the weapons, I do n’t understand. I just saw a lot of guns. My baby likes to watch it, but my baby already ... wow. "

Sun Hou hurriedly comforted the woman, Chu Xiang said: "It's almost a battalion. It is estimated that they have withdrawn. We immediately rushed over to check the situation, hoping to find a weapon. This time, we found the creeper and t3. My heart I'm always hanging in the air, I don't find a weapon to defend myself, I'm afraid I can't even sleep during the day. "

For public and private reasons, Chu Xiang must find weapons. Even if he does not leave with the Yumen base, it is troublesome for Chu Xiang to go to the Jiayuguan base. No one can guarantee that he will not encounter t3 and creepers again. Therefore, sufficient weapons and ammunition, powerful firepower, this is a must.

Uncle Feng quickly overhauled the vehicle again. This time, even the off-road vehicle had to be dispatched together. The personnel still transferred those people, but because the creepers were found at the transfer station, this time they left more bases for the base and the communicator also reserved for He Birou. In the event that something can be notified in a timely manner.

The woman went with the team, mainly because she was afraid to go wrong and waste time. Uncle Feng drove an off-road vehicle with Chu Xiang, Sun Hou, Wang An and others in front. They cleaned the zombies on both sides with a pistol. The team was in the afternoon. Arrive outside the farm around 1:00.

"It's just there, but there are a lot of zombies on our farm. Don't you dare go in." The woman pointed at the farm.

Trail: "Okay, if we don't dare to come here and do a fart, you can rest aside, and the rest will naturally be arranged by Master."

Chu Xiang asked the women to draw a floor plan of a farm, which was large and divided into two areas. One area is the ordinary living area, and there are some ordinary farm workers. This woman was one of them. The other area is the military control area. From the description, it seems to be an anti-aircraft artillery battalion. It should belong to the air defense force. Came here shortly.

"Buy Maiti, Sun Hou, Chen Shaodong. You all follow me into the farm ..." Chu Xiang issued an order.

With the danger inside, we are all powerful. "

Chu Xiang said coldly: "I will arrange the rest of the matter, what is my requirement for you to repeatedly emphasize?"

Trail: "Observe orders."

Chu Xiang said: "It ’s good to know, I know you are all thinking about my safety, but if you want to survive, and want to follow me to the Jiayuguan base, you must listen to my command line! No matter what my order is, you must obey it unconditionally ! "

Xiao Deng firmly said, "It is Master! We will never commit it again."

In order to build this army, they must obey their orders absolutely. So from time to time, Chu Xiang reminded them a few words. This miscellaneous army is different from Song Jun, He Yaohui, and others. Chu Xiang gave the task to Song Jun and He Yaohui. He didn't need to bother about how the two were doing. Because both of them are standing up to the sky and earth, but this miscellaneous army does not work, they are not planned to leave, I'm afraid they can't do anything.

I ordered the remaining landlords to be led by Wang An to hide out of the farm, and fire was not allowed until the last resort. Chu Xiang took Maimaiti, Sun Hou, and Chen Shaodong to sneak into the farm. Now he has enough food. Naturally, there is no need to pay attention to the living area, because there are thousands of zombies there. All of them were farm workers. The four of them climbed over the high walls and entered the military control area.

Sun Hou climbed the wall fastest. He stepped on the wall of Chu Xiang's shoulders first, then threw down the rope to pull the crowd up and down, and he was really flexible like a monkey monkey.

"It's an anti-aircraft gun!" Chen Shaodong whispered, and when he stepped on the fence, he saw six 95-type 25-mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns parked side by side. The four gun tubes looked very powerful to the sky. In addition to these six, there were six Auxiliary vehicle. There are command vehicles, ammunition supply vehicles, test vehicles and power generation vehicles.

Chu Xiang secretly said: "This camp configuration is really high. The minimum anti-aircraft anti-aircraft system of this size can only be configured at the brigade level. I did not expect a battalion-level unit to be equipped with one. I hope their ground firepower will also be stronger. . "

Seeing the rest of them drooling, Chu Xiang whispered: "What idiots will you send? Will you find anti-aircraft machine guns and other weapons? Don't waste time on drooling. This will let you See what a few planes can do. "

Maimaiti said, "Yeah, there aren't dozens of people who don't expect this thing to be really used. Let's hurry to find a suitable weapon. Look, there is a warehouse."

There are no complicated buildings in the military control area. And the signboard clearly stated that the camp, communications department, warehouse, military barracks, warehouse is a large one-meter-long warehouse, there are several zombies around, Zhu Xiang and others quietly touched them The zombies were destroyed, but everyone was glaring at the high-level electric locks on the warehouse door, as if there was no computer knowledge.

Maimao said: "Small, aren't you repairing the lock with the key, you can open it."

Xiao bitterly said, "Brother, it's not fake that I repair the lock, but it's a mechanical lock. I won't do this kind of electric lock."

Chu Xiang pointed to the control screen of the electric lock and said, "Why isn't it on? Is there a problem with the power supply system?"

Xiao stepped forward and checked, "Master is still very careful, and indeed the external power supply is cut off, and the emergency system power is also consumed. If I guess correctly, it has now been changed to mechanical lock control, maybe I may open it."

Chu Xiang looked at the time and said: "I'll give you five minutes, and the rest will be vigilant around. We can't force the blasting unless we have to do so. This will alarm other zombies in advance. The time for us to move ammunition will be shortened. Besides, we don't You know what weapons are in the warehouse, so it's best to open the door and find out before you start. "

Trail: "Master, I do my best!"

He said that the small stickers were tugging on the locks of the warehouse door. Of course, it was impossible to rely on hands alone. There were a few large strings of weapons hanging on the belt of the trousers. He first opened the control screen of the electric lock with a screwdriver. Below are some of the cables. Then remove the cable back panel to expose the mechanism of the door lock.

There was a crackling noise from the door of the warehouse, and Xiao Hou pulled it. Sun Hou stepped forward to help and shouted. The heavy, large iron gate moved to both sides.

The shells were all shells in the eyes, and Maimaiti exclaimed: "How much is this so much steel?" It turned out that Maimaiti was torn down before seeing it. He saw how much steel and steel he likes to measure.

Chu Xiang was a little dumbfounded. If all the anti-aircraft guns and artillery shells were in the military control area, then this trip would be almost useless, because he could not use those six anti-aircraft guns. Could it be said that this unit took away all the light weapons when it was withdrawn? ? It stands to reason that if they have a planned retreat, they should take away the anti-aircraft guns, knowing that the value of anti-aircraft guns is huge. Those soldiers always take the national interest as the top priority, and they will not easily drop anti-aircraft guns and take away only light weapons. Chu Xiang continued to look forward impatiently, and finally found an anti-aircraft machine gun behind a large number of shells. qjg02 type 14.5 single barrel anti-aircraft machine gun! Launch tungsten core shelling armor-piercing tracer and armor-piercing explosion incendiary bomb, equipped with high-level dual-purpose sight, total weight of 73 kg, good mobility, fast conversion of marching and combat conditions, easy disassembly and combination, can be carried by soldiers alone, has good The movement is flexible and the operation is simple. The magazine has a capacity of 50 rounds and an effective range of two kilometers.

"Light machine gun! There are light machine guns!" Sun Hou greeted everyone in a low voice. Chu Xiang hurried over to see that there were indeed dozens of boxes of light machine guns in a bunch of automatic rifles. In addition, there were a lot of ammunition and a lot of grenades. It seems that the battalion's firepower configuration is indeed very high, but because of the large warehouse, all the shells just confuse Chu Xiang. Actually, light weapons are stacked behind. Chu Xiang thought sadly that since both heavy and light weapons had not been moved, most of this battalion suffered unexpected events, and the possibility of a smooth retreat was unlikely.

After confirming the weapon situation, Chu Xiang said: "These weapons and ammunition are heavy, we must drive in the vehicle, but outside the control zone is the farmland living area, where there are a lot of zombies. Let ’s set up a few machine guns to prevent them. First, I will tell you about the use of machine guns. In addition, I will raise two anti-aircraft machine guns to defend the outside. I will take charge of this anti-aircraft machine gun, but you need to find out how to operate a few people. At the same time, I also need to cooperate with my shooting. You need to learn quickly in combat. We don't have time for pre-war training courses. "

"Yes, Master." Everyone was more and more thorough in the execution of Chu Xiang's words. Chu Xiang did not dare to delay time and hurriedly observed the terrain first. The fence of the military control area was tall. It was impossible to climb over it. There are other zombies in the area, but as long as the firepower is sufficient to keep the warehouse to the gate area, Chu Xiang takes people to arrange the firepower point, an antiaircraft machine gun is placed at the gate of the control area, and an antiaircraft machine gun is placed outside the warehouse. After the ammunition, Chu Xiang pulled up the antiaircraft machine gun at the door and fired a high-explosive armor-piercing projectile to open the gate of the military control area.

Sun Hou shouted to the outside: "Drive in! Everyone comes in to carry weapons!"

The sound of the gun has alarmed Uncle Feng and Wang An. They heard Sun Hou's shout and they drove into the military control area immediately. The sound of the action caught the attention of the zombies in the farm living area. They went from the farm living area to the military control area. In a swarm, Chu Xiang turned the muzzle of the anti-aircraft machine gun. Alas, the large-caliber armor-piercing explosive incendiary bomb was swept towards the zombies, and the pieces of zombies were blown up and burned. Even the fence and trees could not stop the bombs from firing The scene was very tragic.

In accordance with Chu Xiangdi's instructions, Sun Hou took his teammates to get light machine guns and immediately warned the zombies that came out of the military control area, while Maimaiti took his ten team members to pick up weapons and ammunition and ran to the outside of military control. The car has already entered the military control zone, and the gate must be guarded, otherwise people will be dumplings. Although there is an anti-aircraft machine gun at the door, Chu Xiang needs to control the overall situation, so the door must be reserved.

The remaining ten people carried weapons and ammunition on trucks and off-road vehicles under the command of Chen Shaodong, Xiao and Wang An. All the light machine guns and ammunition were required. Two more anti-aircraft machine guns and ammunition were pulled away. The rest Grenade, automatic rifle and ammunition are installed in the position, but unfortunately there is no bazooka, otherwise it is a weapon to deal with t3 and creepers.

"Master! Not good, there are more zombies in the barracks!" Sun Hou warned the zombies in the barracks. They started firing with machine guns, but who knows that the more zombies they shoot out, the more soldiers in military uniforms. More than one soldier zombies rushed out, and the members of Sun Hou's team were not good at shooting. They couldn't stand under panic. Sun Hou had to ask Chu Xiang for help in time.

Chu Xiang lowered the anti-aircraft machine gun at the door. He ran to the front of the warehouse and set up another anti-aircraft machine gun there. The sound of the cricket's firing suppressed all machine gun sounds. The zombie soldiers who rushed out were torn up and torn apart, and together with ten machine guns from Sun Hou and others, the warehouse was temporarily safe.

Chu Xiang threw the anti-aircraft machine gun behind several of the team members who had been following him: "You guys try to shoot, and then send two people to the door to guard the anti-aircraft machine gun ~ ~ master the shooting skills, do you have Ask me in time if you understand the place. "

Xi is fast in battle, because no one dares to be lazy, stealing and playing with a firearm may kill his own life! From time to time, Chu Xiang pointed out that when the two cars were filled with guns and ammunition, the two firing squads were basically formed. The accuracy and response speed needed to be strengthened, but they were better than people who could not do anything. Chu Xiang again An anti-aircraft machine gun was thrown on the roof of the vehicle, and an evacuation order was issued.

After Sun Hou cut off the machine gun on the off-road vehicle, the zombies that emerged from the living area were swept up. His ground shooting skills were greatly improved in actual combat. The truck quickly evacuated from the farm area in front of the living area. Two silhouettes jumped out, they kept chasing the off-road vehicle, and Sun Hou's machine gun fired very quickly, but they continued to draw the z letter while they were traveling. It was difficult to hit them with Sun Hou's marksmanship.

"It's t3!" You don't need Chu Xiang to say that everyone knows.

Alas, two gray shadows were suddenly shot from the military control area. Chu Xiang ’s vision had the best response. He saw a cold war in his heart and saw the two gray shadows. He jumped off the truck and immediately got on the off-road vehicle. Sun Hou I can't help praising Chu Xiang's ability to get off and get on the car, because he can also see the two gray shadows in the barracks, which are two military dogs!


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