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Chapter 292: Flicker

"What kind of dog is this? How can we chase us like a fly!" Sun Hou's face was pale. He had seen many dogs and even eaten dog meat many times, but it was the first time he saw these two fierce and mighty dogs. They ran faster than off-road vehicles, and the four-footed ground stirred up a cloud of dust, calling for their mighty power.

Chu Da, Chu Xiang grabbed the heavy machine gun on the off-road vehicle and fired fiercely at t3 and the two mutant dogs chasing up. While he was firing, Chu Xiang instructed Sun Hou: "Be careful of the two military dogs, I suspect the military camp The warriors in China are all poisoned by them! Once they catch up, I will find a way to hold them back, and your protective vehicle will be back to the base as soon as possible! "

Although Sun Hou was afraid, he didn't believe it, "What? Master, are you saying that these two dogs destroy the strength of a battalion? How is this possible? They are just two dogs. Besides, we will not leave Master alone!"

Chu Xiang exploded a t3's head severely, but the remaining t3 and two military dogs were much more flexible. He couldn't hit his machine gun even harder, and they got closer and closer, and soon He is about to jump on an off-road vehicle, Chu Xiang said to Sun Hou loudly: "Forgot your first rule? Obey orders!"

After saying that Chu Xiang threw the heavy machine gun that fired the light aside, he jumped up from the speeding off-road vehicle, and the remaining t sticks out his long tongue to wrap the back bumper of the off-road vehicle. An off-road vehicle, and Chu Xiang rushed towards it, the two of them hugged together. Chu Xiang had already prepared for t to land when he was about to fall off the ground, and then he threw the grenade with his safety bolt into t3.

Bang, Chu Xiang got up and bumped into a military dog. The military dog ​​was knocked down by him and rolled back to the ground. Chu Xiang also spit out on the spot because of the **** surge. He used a roll to eliminate most of the force. At that time, another army dog ​​had given up chasing the off-road vehicle, and howled at Chu Xiang who had not yet risen.

Chu Xiang couldn't care much. He deeply understood the power of the creeper. Even if the two military dogs could not reach the strength of the creeper who adjusted the station, the two together should be similar. Moreover, as military dogs, their actions are more agile. Most of the soldiers in a battalion may have been poisoned by them. You do n’t have to kill the living people. Just a small bite is enough to turn them into zombies. This mutation It is easy for military dogs to achieve this with their flexible bodies.

This is a life and death must be desperate, Chu Xiang's arm has been bitten by the mutant military dog. But he also took the opportunity to smash the army dog's ear. At this time, the grenade stuffed into the mouth of t3 exploded, his brain was blown around, and a shrapnel whistled across Chu Xiang's thigh. The painful pain immediately passed. All over the brain.

Anyway, it is already infected, even if there is one more wound, it doesn't matter. Chu Xiang clenches his teeth and ignores it. He spotted the army dog ​​with broken ears and must kill one first. Only in this way can there be hope of victory, or let them jointly attack, Chu Xiang will undoubtedly lose.

Holding the army dog ​​Chu Xiang rolled up on the ground. A piece of stone was touched in the chaos. Chu Xiang grabbed it and closed his eyes and banged on the head of the army dog. The army dog ​​tried to escape, but was caught by Chu Xiang with his legs tightly. Some stones hit it and made it miserable. The other rushed to rescue him.

At this time, Chu Xiang was desperate for nothing. He was infected with infection and lost his life, so Chu Xiang allowed another army dog ​​to bite his back and raised his stone arm for a while. Continue to smash the brain of the mutant military dog ​​on the ground, alas, although the mutant military dog's bones are hard but can not hold Chu Xiang dozens of stones and smashed down, it was finally broken open, but this did not cause the mutant military dog ​​to die directly Instead, it aroused its fierceness, rolled over and pressed Chu Xiang to the ground, and two military dogs started to bite Chu Xiang like crazy! Chu Xiang's body fluttered, and Bai Sensen's bones were exposed.

A military dog ​​bite Chu Xiang's neck. Two fangs broke Chu Xiang's neck skin. Cooing. Grumbling blood came out. Another army dog ​​bit Chuchu's belly. It sees there are weaknesses. Long teeth stabbed in and almost pulled out Chu Xiangdi's intestines!

Chu Xiang is going to die. He knew that he could not escape this time. What a creeper is. In no way can ordinary evolutionaries deal with it. And his current strength is estimated to have just evolved e-fighters. Initially evolved in Chu Xiang last time. To deal with mutant cows is to rely on many people and weapons. Even so, the mutant cow was finally burned to death by a large tank of fuel. After that, Chu Xiang used super evolution to deal with creepers. And today as an unskilled evolutionary. It is dangerous for Chu Xiang to deal with creepers! But Chu Xiang had to stay to deal with them. Otherwise, let Mai Maiti, Xiao et al. Leave them to support even a round. That would kill the entire team. And the weapons could not be transported back to the Yumen base. He Birou will be in danger at that time.

Chu Xiang was not reconciled. But the neck and abdomen injuries clearly told him. With his current strength, he can't beat two mutant army dogs. Even Chu Xiang did not have the energy to counterattack the two army dogs. Let them step on their feet to further destroy his body. There was even a military dog ​​letting Chu Xiang's abdomen come to scratch his head. Just a few sips may bite your brain. I don't know what Zhang Jingyao and others know about their feelings after ending.

Let's ignore the moment of life and death. The r virus, the t virus, and even the f binder are actually smart viruses. They have strong thinking skills. The t virus created Chu Xiang's powerful physical fitness and skills. But the r virus ruined it all. Even if it is not completely destroyed, it is almost the same.

According to the mechanism of r virus action. They will end the t virus in just one hour and then self-destruct. It takes a short time from the moment they enter the human body to obtain the subjective thinking. This leads to the lack of wisdom of most r viruses. Many don't even have wisdom at all. Just instinctively swallow t virus.

But that's just conventional r virus. Enter these r viruses into Chu Xiang's body. It was not originally an injection line. Coupled with being weakened by several external environments. So they did not eliminate the t virus at a specific time. Because the t virus provides them with enough nutrients to survive. So they survived for a long time in Chu Xiang's body. Plus wrestling with t virus several times. Therefore, after a long period of study and development, the r virus in Chu Xiang's body has highland wisdom!

This doesn't count. You must know that Chu Xiang's body is not only t virus and r virus, but also an enhanced type of f-adhesive. To be precise, it is called f-virus, which is a five-color liquid, which is more intelligent. Affected by the r virus before, it temporarily dormant, but this does not mean that it has no strength against the r virus, and it uses Chu Xiang's body as the host. Once the host dies, it will inevitably die, as well Both the t virus and r virus in Xiang Xiang's body are based on this principle. The death of Chu Xiang's body brought only one result to their land, and it also perished!

Now Chu Xiang ’s life is getting weaker and weaker. As the most intelligent f virus is the first to perceive, in fact, most of its capabilities have also been destroyed by the r virus, but the r virus does not have the ability to completely destroy it, because r virus was not developed for f virus.

Talking about how the f virus would let the host die, because it has always been associated with the t virus, it immediately awakened the t virus with the remaining power, and suppressed the r virus in a short time.

The f and t viruses joined forces to temporarily defeat the mutant r virus. It is said that the mutant r virus is because the virus in Chu Xiang's body is different from the r virus in Bai Xiaowei's laboratory. Several wrong operations done by Zheng Mo completely lost some of the r virus's ability, so it is said to be mutant. To r virus. The f virus and t virus defeating the r virus cannot completely eliminate it because they do not have this ability. The so-called defeat is only temporarily suppressed.

At this time, the negotiation of a smart creature began, and the r virus lost its strong momentum. In addition, the t virus and the f virus moved it to understand that the r virus completely understood that once the host was hung up, everyone was okay. If you want to eat it, you can use it as double as you want, and you want to enjoy the world with your host. To enjoy all the joy, sorrow and joy he gets, the first thing is to save the life of this host!

This was originally contrary to the mission of the r virus, but the r virus in Chu Xiang ’s body is not an ordinary r virus. In addition, it has been living for a long time. It has been 70 to 80 hours in length. Its wisdom is very high. Although, from time to time, it is necessary to fight the t virus, but it also reacts to the host's feelings, and if so, kills itself. It seemed a bit unwilling, so the couple hit it off, and temporarily put aside their grudges and went all out to keep this host. This is the prerequisite to maintain their survival. As for future things, we must always live before we can make plans.

According to Chu Xiang's previous physical fitness and skills, a large part of the effect is t virus, but the amount of t virus is far from enough to restore the host's super ability, but time is not waiting. The two military dogs would take the life of the host at any time. The r virus and the f virus are in a hurry, and they multiply at the same time. Each virus cell contains a certain amount of energy, and they quickly transmit to Chu Xiang's body after reproduction.

At the beginning, you did your work, and I did my work, but as the number of virus cells multiplying, and the host ’s body passages were so few, the virus cells began to mix as soon as the scene became confusing. T viruses are close relatives, they can share energy and share skills, and now they do not distinguish each other. The two viruses also start to fuse with the r virus. By the end, the virus cells could no longer be distinguished. Their savior cut off and divided quickly and reproduced. Swell the host's body like a balloon!

After talking about the virus, let's talk about the dying Chu Xiang. He still regrets that he has not married to raise a baby. He regrets that he should not listen to the advice of his parents. It is business to leave Sun as early as possible. Several wives are so beautiful this time. Hang up, I wonder if they can keep widow for themselves.

Chu Xiang missed him, the army dog ​​that had scratched his head had already spoken, and hesitated! Chu Xiang thought his brain was broken, maybe Bai Huahua's brain was flowing out, thinking that he would not be a corpse, Chu Xiang was wronged. But after being wronged for a while, Chu Xiang suddenly found himself okay, and touched the heavy things on his head, turned out to be a long dog tooth!

what happened? Chu Xiang suddenly heard the mad dog biting his neck wailing, and looking down, I leaned, the wound skin on the neck was growing out fast, and he lived around the mutant army dog's head that bit his neck! Chu Xiang suddenly felt a strong spirit, all the power seemed to return in an instant, and more powerful than before, maybe it has surpassed the s-level lieutenant!

Alas, what makes Chu Xiang even more excited is that his bone knife has come out! It really came out. Chu Xiang cut off the mutant military dog ​​that bit his neck, and then pulled the dog's head out of the skin of the neck wound. When he touched the neck, the wound healed miraculously, including the huge belly. The wound is gone too!

Chu Xiang hangs in the sky. The mutated army dog ​​who had lost his teeth was spooked and fell directly on the ground. Chu Xiang suddenly burst out of energy to make him afraid. He knew that his own strength was not enough to wipe out. , Run quickly.

The remaining mutant army dog ​​crooked up from the ground and ran back, Chu Xiang suddenly yelled. A strong ultrasonic wave was emitted violently, and the mutant army dog ​​was destroyed by violent sound waves. The corpse bones did not exist, and the farm living area and the military control area, which had been quite a distance from Chu Xiang, collapsed in a large area. Impact of the past! This powerful ultrasonic power scared Chu Xiang himself.

md is blessed by misfortune, this is the only thought in Chu Xiang's mind.

When the enemy was wiped out, Chu Xiang felt relieved and thumped, and he suddenly fell to the ground as if he had been drained of bones and muscles. Chu Xiang held his head to cry, *, how the super power went and went again. I was happy for less than two seconds. It turned out that the enemy had no worries about killing the host, and the r virus turned its face. In fact, it is not the same. Now it is as intelligent as the f virus. In the past, the f virus almost dominated the host ’s body. The t virus was unknown and never Without fame or fortune, this is exactly the so-called one monk carrying water to eat, and two monks carrying water to eat. A monk has no water to eat. The r virus thinks that the t virus and the f virus have not been eliminated. It has given them a big ground. Therefore, the host's body must be dominated by it, but the t virus is afraid this time. Let the r virus Is n’t that the main body of the host looking for death? When the r virus becomes stronger, it will not destroy itself, so this time we must not be indifferent to fame and fortune, we must fight for it.

The f virus has always been the dominant body of the host. The gas that has just been suppressed by r virus can't breathe, and then it has to gain ground and give way. Who will do it, so they can't fight each other, and finally they each retreat. Although some cells have fused, they all wiped out all these cells in one go. Anyway, do n’t touch anyone, that ’s good. Chu Xiang's super power instantly made this guy take it away.

In fact, it is only a few seconds from joining hands to splitting. The end result of this incident was not only disappointment, at least a virus tried to join forces for the first time. The so-called one is two, in case the host is in danger, they will just ignore it? And this time together, each virus has mixed the characteristics of the other two viruses. In fact, their fusion is a matter of time, but the so-called smarter creatures are more difficult to manage. They can only be said to be fused if they are intelligent. There must always be a time course, but Chu Xiang, as the host, knows nothing.

"Master! Master! We will come back and fight with you!" Da Da Da, the sound of the machine gun's random shooting came from behind him, Chu Xiang lying on the ground unwilling to get up, he really couldn't believe that he was suddenly powerful and had more superpowers. Lost again, is God making fun of him?

Flap, bounced on the dog that had been beheaded, and smashed the dead dog, then several men came over crying, "Master, we are late, we are sorry for you , We should not leave you alone, we are timid, we are cowards, we are the **** king eight calves ... "

Mai Maiti, Sun Hou, Xiao, Wang An, and Chen Shaodong fluttered to their knees beside Chu Xiang, all crying loudly. They are from the heart, and you can know that Chu Xiang brought them food and Weapons, and more importantly, the hope of survival! Just now, Chu Xiang alone intercepted zombies and mutant army dogs and saved their lives and weapons. The spirit of this righteousness is definitely greater than Lei Feng, Laining, Zhang Haidi, Dong Cunrui, Huang Jiguang, and Qiu Shaoyun!

Chu Xiang climbed up weakly and said, "What are you crying, like your dead wife, am I not asking you to rush back to the base right away, how can I tell you, why not listen to my order, just look at you like this Jiayuguan base? You do n’t listen to the command line, everything is waiting to die! "

Chu Xiang was in a bad mood. Of course, when he saw these five people running back without obeying the order, he would get angry, but he regretted it after the outbreak. The five people were actually worried about his safety, but they did n’t follow the order. It is always troublesome for big things to happen at this moment, so the criticism should still be criticized. The small tree is not cut and straight, and it is always necessary to repair and repair branches.

The five of them let Chu Xiang split his head and cover his face and scolded him first. Then he cried with joy: "Master, you are not dead, okay. Originally, you did not die, we thought you were dead, scared us, without us I don't know what to do next ... "

Seeing Chu Xiang still stern, Maimaiti explained: "Master, we let the other team members take two cars back to the Yumen base, but we can't rest assured that you stay here by yourself, so we discuss it with five of us I ran back to find you. We had originally decided to live with the master and die together. I thought that he was too late to let the military dog ​​... "

Since the car is okay, Chu Xiang can no longer care about it, so as not to hit their accumulated respect for teachers. Chu Xiang said: "OK, let ’s take an example, unless you evolve, otherwise do n’t want to deal with t3 and creepers ~ ~ I do n’t want you to stay. It ’s for your benefit. Save your strength to better kill the enemy. "

Trail: "Master, there is one more thing. A lot of killing the enemy is an effective way to save our strength."

Chu Xiang said: "Whoever talks with you about protracted warfare, you want to kill the enemy in large numbers, but you also need to have this strength, and pray that you can evolve as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to survive in this world."

"Master, what is evolution? You have eliminated those two t3s and creepers, have you already evolved? How can we evolve as well?"

Chu Xiang got up, he couldn't lie still, and it was time to return to the base. If he lost his super power, he would lose it. Maybe it will come back someday. This time suddenly he saved his life, which shows that his super power is still there. I just seem to be hiding from myself, but I can't control them myself. This is also no way out, or I can go back to the Yutai base step by step according to my plan, otherwise what can I do?

As he walked, Chu Xiang explained to the five people: "Evolution, is it to let the human body break through the limits, push the fitness value higher under the transformation of t virus, and make you a superman ..."


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