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Chapter 293: Attract the snake

Whether stealing food or stealing weapons is astonishing, but both of these things also have their after-effects. Stealing food lets Chu Xiang know that there is a fierce creeper nearby. Stealing weapons almost killed Chu Xiang. He recovered in a crisis. With super powers, but fleeting, it was too late to teleport.

Chu Xiang is a realist hedonist. Even if he has more things in his mind, he doesn't want to let himself feel embarrassed, so when he returns to the base of Yumen, he feels more comfortable. The creeper who adjusted the station can always figure out a way Let's get rid of it; the uncertainty of the body will someday come to an end.

He Birou stood at the top of the car door looking at her eyes. Chu Xiang's eyes were red and swollen when she saw her. She greeted her before she entered the door, and flung her in Chu Xiang's arms, "Chu Xiang! I'm so worried about you! "

As a reserved girl, this is probably the first time that He Birou has shown her love to a man so proactively, and it is also the first time that she has taken the initiative to embrace a man. But at this moment, she doesn't think much about it. She only knows that she can't live without this man. Otherwise, it will be difficult for her to live in this troubled world. This man is her life and everything.

Chu Xiang was slightly embarrassed. After all, he didn't think too much about He Birou. Although He Birou confessed to him that he liked himself, after all, this kind of confession was common in the world before, but now He Birou actively embraced himself. And it was the eyes of everyone, Chu Xiang twisted.

Maimaiti, Sun Hou and others frowned. They didn't dare to disturb Chu Xiang and He Birou's affection, so they quietly went to help unload the car. Chu Xiang patted He Birou's back: "Okay, aren't we back safely? We must quickly plan how to leave this place. Before my super power is restored, I have to rely on a large base to protect myself."

He Birou blushed and left Chu Xiang's arms. "Well, just now I heard Uncle Feng say that you are left alone to deal with t3 and the creeper. I'm terrified. Fortunately, it's okay. Otherwise, you might be surprised how I explain to Jing Yao. "

Chu Xiang comforted He Birou and left. Wenrou Township is a heroic grave. Chu Xiang can't be addicted to it. Besides, because of his relationship with He Birou, it is too much to hug her now. Can she still expect her to stay in bed at night?

"Master. Weapons have been sent to those who will shoot. What shall we do next?" Maimaiti greeted Chu Xiang anxiously and asked that they had seen the power of creepers and knew that this place should not be left for long.

Chu Xiang said: "Let's discuss it and see if there is a way to draw out the zombies at the station, and then destroy the creeper. Otherwise, we can't escape with iron."

Sun Hou said, "Okay, I'll go to a meeting."

It wasn't long before everyone gathered in the luxury car. Chu Xiang said: "Now we have food. We also have weapons. The five of you should be responsible for food distribution and shooting training. I don't want to see anyone robbing food. I don't want to see them open because they have weapons in their hands. gun."

The five of them said in unison: "Master. Please rest assured. We know what to do. In fact, these survivors are still very manageable. As long as they eat, they will not mess up. We will also follow the methods you taught us. Train them. "

Chu Xiang nodded: "Okay. Then I can rest assured. The situation here is getting more and more dangerous. We can't stay any longer. Everyone talks about how to safely enter the transfer station. How to eliminate the creeper safely? . "

In addition to Mai Mai Ti, Sun Hou, and five people. Each of them also brought several confidants. These people immediately discussed the issue raised by Chu Xiang. Sure enough, there are many people and powerful people. Chu Xiang's thinking has been stuck with the creeper. Other people's ideas are strange. It is said to dig a big trap. It is said that a grenade was hidden inside a piece of fresh human flesh. Let the creeper swallow it and blow it to death. It is said that the poisoned fire was burned and flooded. Of course these are not realistic. No medicine can poison the creeper. It is not easy to make a fire without gasoline. And the amount of ground water around here is even less likely to flood the creepers. Furthermore, whether creepers are afraid of water is still a problem.

Chu Xiang glanced at the early days. Road: "Temporary discussions here. Let's eat first. Arrange people to do a close patrol tonight. We must work out a perfect plan before dawn. Otherwise, we can only walk to the Jiayuguan base."

Say Azi, Wang Dashan and Lan Gang. Lan Gang, a strong and powerful man, now has half his life. Wang Dashan and Azi ignored him. After losing the backing of Lan Gang, A Zi went to Wang Dashan again. Both of them were timid and tempered. It's just a woman like Azi. Once she was in a safe environment, she couldn't help herself.

"Do you know, Ding Feng and Chu Xiang are affiliated!" Azi mysteriously spread small news to the surrounding women.

Women who do not like to inquire about other people in this world are rare, so Azi ’s words aroused the interest of several women, "Oh, really, isn't Chu Xiang a pair with Miss He? Ding Feng is so ugly that she doesn't deserve it. Chu Xiang is really blind. We might as well ask our sisters, our efforts ... "

Azi didn't want to listen to these shameless women. She interrupted quickly: "You don't understand now, Ding Feng is the kind of shameless man. At first, she used Lan Gang's strength to protect the team. Then, following Lan Gang's mess, he saw that Chu Xiang was capable, so he switched to the man's arms. As a result, Lan Gang was assassinated by them. You see, now Lan Gang is so pitiful, Ding Feng even knows Several of us kicked out of the team, and you, sooner or later, will be fooled by them. "

A woman said, "No, I think Chu Xiangren is very kind."

Azi said: "You can't be confused by his appearance. In fact, he wants to drive you to drive. Think about it. We have food and weapons here. Why go to the Jiayuguan base? Isn't it to satisfy his individual? If He really thinks for us, so he should find a way to build this base instead of evacuating. A few women said, "Yeah, what you said makes sense, if we are going to fight or not, if we go to Jiayuguan base Will die, ca n’t go, no, we have to mobilize others, let everyone know his sinister purpose, we ca n’t be his substitute. "

Azi smiled comfortably. She saw Chu Xiang and Ding Feng as enemies the night she stole the truck and walked away. She was a mean woman. She can't watch others happy, she wants to create trouble and things for others in desperation.

During dinner, Wang An and Chen Shaodong heard a lot of rumors. Before the food was finished, he threw it to his staff and hurried to find Mai Maiti and Sun Hou. Now these five people use Mai Maiti and Sun Hou as Brain, buy and buy because of the shabby brain work, so everyone unknowingly regarded him as the leader of Chu Xiang.

"Tiger. There are bad rumors outside, people are unstable, and many people oppose leaving the base." Wang An said anxiously.

Maimatti was eating canned peaches, and he threw down the canned bottles and said, "What's going on? Don't want to leave the base? If you want to eat or eat here, don't have weapons or weapons, do you want to stay and die?"

Master is despicable and shameless, and the girl who took possession of He did not say that he was also occupying Ding Feng, and even said that the women in our base who were a bit dizzy wanted to sleep, and said that Master was driving them to use their bodies to drive. Go to Jiayuguan as an official and enjoy the striker for him. "

Maimatti punched a glass can bottle and smashed the blood from his fist, "Nonsense! Master Guanglei Lei. He and Girl He are not fake, but he and Ding Feng are innocent and beautiful women. Is there such a woman in our base? They also have to match! The reason why Master proposed to go to Jiayuguan is because our base is unstoppable, and there is not enough food to back it up. Only with the help of large bases can we save our lives, otherwise we will sooner or later To be wiped out by the creepers and t! Master said that they used their bodies to open? Which time did Master not lead the soldiers and always let us withdraw him when he was in danger? How can this be true! Find out to me who spread the rumors! "

There are two people in total. To find out who spread the rumors is not difficult, Sun Hou yelled: "Some people defile Master ’s prestige. As apprentices, we must not tolerate adultery, but Master is so kind that he may not let us investigate this matter, so we must Searching secretly, you must not alarm Master, and secretly deal with those who spread the rumors. "

The five of them said in unison: "Yes, mb. This doesn't take us seriously, do you think that our brothers are so good at speaking, and what they are doing behind the scenes is to discredit our brothers in front of the master. We can't afford to lose our faces, and go find out immediately! "

The five brothers led their team members to search, but it was only half an hour of effort. In the end, the master of the disaster was found, the original women in the four bases, and Azi who had just arrived a while ago. The five were taken outside the base. Once the **** in the base is handled, it is easy to be seen by Chu Xiang, so the five talents should avoid it.

It's really annoying to buy people and so on. They really respected Master Chu Xiang as the boss, not only the hope that Chu Xiang gave them, but also the strength that Chu Xiang showed made him admire it, and Chu Xiang was not selfish and pulled back. He did n’t monopolize so much food. He would distribute it as much as possible. Following such a master, he was more promising. At the Yumen Base, these five people can be regarded as people with heads and faces. Otherwise, they ca n’t be Chuxiang ’s apprentices, but now someone has given them eye drops. Fortunately, the rumors have not yet reached their master ’s ears, otherwise they would be five. His face was all gone.

The five rumors were women, and one person raised a slap in the face and kept slamming their heads. Before they stopped, they stunned. The five women did not know why they were beaten, but all of them were stunned, and they dared not speak out while covering their swollen pigs.

Chen Shaodong pinched the **** of a **** woman and said, "Our grandma, say, why are you making rumors for our master? Do you think all five of us are blind and deaf?"

Then the big breasted woman realized that she was talking too much. She cried, "I didn't, I was wrong, I didn't make a rumor. It was all she said, it wasn't my business." Azi.

Azi's face was pale, she was timid, and spreading rumors to vent her indignation. She did not expect that the five people who bought and sold would delve into it. She did this kind of rumor almost every day in the previous world, and often used online media to expand The influence side has received good results, raising her personal online reputation to a very high position.

"I, I didn't make a rumor, what I said is true." Azi knew that rumors could not be broken from her mouth, as long as the rumors were true.

Wang An mentioned a slender woman, boxing on her lower abdomen, stunned, and the orange petals that had just been eaten were sprayed out, and the canned meat was mixed with it, and she was furious: "Okay. Master comes out and cans You all ate, even dare to say bad things about Master, I killed you b! "

Chu Xiang originally brought a lot of cans. After transporting them back to Coconut Wind and Babao Porridge, he took out all the cans. In the spirit of international humanitarianism, most of these cans were distributed to the old and young. This woman doesn't look like the person being cared for, but when she cans out of her stomach, she knows how despicable she is.

The little furious called other people, and the five brothers and brothers fought and screamed at the five women. Finally, even their mothers did not recognize them, and they bought and kicked on Azi's ass. : "Say, what do you think now? We don't mind keeping the five of you here. I just think that you will get their mouths dirty after they eat them!"

Azi is almost the same as Lan, almost half a life, now she regrets it. I'm stupid. I saw Lan Gang being beaten to death by this group of people. Why can't I help making a rumor? Do I like that man too? However, Azi still knew herself, she knew that Chu Xiang would never like her.

"I was wrong, I will never dare again, I am mean, I am despicable, I will change it later. Please forgive me," Azi's rumor could not be maintained, because she knew that if she dare to insist These men are shameless, and they do n’t care about them being women at all. You must know that in the previous world, women were the most dominant. Even if they were unreasonable, they would not dare to mess with the average person if they just rolled on the ground. And the government has to give a few facets. But now these anarchic and unorganized men have no intention of making them feel better at all. They have never thought of any aspect.

Wang An asked for instructions to buy and mention: "Tige, what should I do? Kill them?"

The five women came out in horror. They knew that the social organization had collapsed. Even if these people killed them, there was no reason to justify them. Even if the police saw him on the spot, he had to shut up and not see it. Law? Human beings are about to perish and talk about laws, and strength is law! Killing is nothing more than pinching an ant to death.

Four innocent women thought they had been miserable by Azi. They rushed wildly. Make full use of the woman's unique dark skills, alas. Scratching, tearing, biting, pinching her hair, and pulling her ears, but it was just a piece of work that took away most of Azi's life and lay on the ground and panted.

Maimao said: "It doesn't matter if these four are missing, Master doesn't know them, but this idiot should not be less. She once fled with Master and let Master know that it would be troublesome for us to deal with her quietly."

Sun Hou said: "Okay, I'll kill these four, let this word, otherwise she will kill her!"

Trail: "Forget it, killing these four is easy for Master to blame us. Is there an air-tight wall in the world? Just teach them some lessons. If there are any rumors in the base, ask them!"

The five brothers only saw the good side of Chu Xiang. In fact, where did they know that Chu Xiang was also a killer, it was only during this time that he would no longer kill people under the discipline of Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan, otherwise according to his previous temper The five women also interrogated Mao and directly destroyed it humanely.

The rumor matter was quickly dealt with, because Chu Xiang sent someone to buy Maiti and other people. Tomorrow will also deal with the zombies at the station. Tonight, preparations must be started. After seeing the strength of t3 and mutant army dogs, Maimaiti and others knew that this wagon fence is not **** in the eyes of those monsters, so the sooner you retreat, the better.

When Chu Xiang was eating, he thought about it from the beginning, and it was not cost-effective to take his own body and fight with the creeper. In case his super power did not recover during the fight, wouldn't it be bad? I still have to mobilize the masses. Anyway, I only see one creeper and a few t3 at the moment. Then try it. If you can't, think of other methods. Do you always win or lose in battle? It is not shameful to fail.

Chu Xiang and more than eighty people rushed to the transfer station overnight. They observed the terrain to discuss and arrange it for one night. It was not completed until the sun was shining, and now all they need to do is to lead the creeper out and then connect it with t2 is separated so that it is easy to focus on it.

Because the station was located in a mountain stream, Chu Xiang's arm was very strong, he took a bunch of grenades to stand on a commanding point, shouted, threw the grenades down to the denser zombies in the station, and the constant explosion of blast, After t2 was shocked, they gathered around Chuxiang here, but because of the iron fence, they had to turn around and go around the gate, and an off-road vehicle was parked at the gate. The off-road vehicle was driven by Uncle Feng. Ding Feng and Xiao led several people to set up machine guns in the car. They constantly attracted the zombies out of the transfer station, and took them in the opposite direction of Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang is not worried that t3 and creepers will attack off-road vehicles ~ ~ Because the station is very large, the doorway situation can not be seen in this position, but as t3 and creepers, they will not labor hard For the gates, the iron fences trapped them, but they couldn't trap them.

Sure enough, the explosion stunned the creeper in the tuning room. It rushed out of the tower to make a continuous roar in the direction of Chu Xiang. This creeper probably evolved from a cow, with a large body, and two heads Strong horns.

Behind Chu Xiang is a complex terrain, where there are hillsides, woods, rivers and stones. Chu Xiang is more happy to see the grenade thrown by the creeper, but it is limited by strength and cannot be thrown around the creeper, otherwise Blow it up and get dizzy.

Two t3s appeared quickly behind the creeper. After the creeper roared, they flew towards Chu Xiang. The iron fence more than two meters high couldn't stop them. They jumped out of the station and leapt forward. Chu Xiang on the hillside launched an attack, Chu Xiang quickly retreated, and the two t3s followed closely.

Chu Xiang escaped into the woods, and the two t followed him without hesitation. Huh, a long tongue wrapped around Chu Xiang's neck. Chu Xiang had already prepared, and his hand was a knife. The sharp saber cut the tongue of T3. , T3 is even more angry, and desperately bites Chu Xiang, as long as they are caught by Chu Xiang, I'm afraid it will definitely be a shattered underground field.


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