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Chapter 294: Tianluodi

Directly in front of it was a big tree that could not be held by a few people. Chu Xiang ran to the tree and leaned back as if he could do his best. This made the two t3s feel a little ecstatic, and the creeper gave them two death orders. Without tearing, Chu Xiang couldn't go back to make a mess, Zheng Chou couldn't catch this loach, Chu Xiang took the initiative to stop, and two t3 rushed up in anger.

Chu Xiang's feet crooked as if terrified, and then rolled to the tree on the spot. The two t3s were rushing at this moment. At this time, they were definitely not close. They could only use the power to fight back when they hit the big tree. However, a sudden cry came from behind them, the two t3 turned back in surprise, and saw a row of sharp wooden posts rushing up from behind.

The stake was cut sharp, nailed to a wooden raft, and both ends were pulled by ropes to hang on the branches. When the rope was cut off at an appropriate time, it fell sharply in an arc, and two t3 shots. It was too late and was nailed together into a big tree pole. One of the zombies had his head pierced and died on the spot. The remaining one was nailed to his limbs. He lost his freedom and could not resist any more. Then he was killed by a shot.

Sun Hou appeared from his hiding place, "Hurry up, lift the wooden raft again and quickly dispose of the two bodies!"

Several members rushed out quickly. They pulled the wooden platoons to deal with the corpses and deal with the corpses. In a blink of an eye, the place became quiet again. Mai Maiti accompanied Chu Xiang out of the tree and said, "Master, you Say that creeper is going to be fooled? Many of the agencies we have deployed have not been used. "

Chu Xiang said: "I'm going to excite it again. You should take care of this place. The creeper will not be beaten like these two t3. Everyone must play a twelve-point spirit and must not be underestimated."

The crowd should return to their respective positions with a cry. This is the method that Chu Xiang has come up with. He is not sure whether his superpowers will be restored during the battle. Therefore, he cannot take his own life to take risks. Many, but the number of t3 should not exceed five. There should be only one creeper.

The enemy does not have the advantage in number, so Chu Xiang has the opportunity to kill them one by one with the help of external forces, but these external forces need to be arranged in advance, and they need to be used as bait. Chu Xiang is not the best candidate.

After the two t3s chased out, there was no news, which made the creepers angry. What's more, it saw the person who threw the grenade, he reappeared on the commanding heights, threw grenade madly into the transfer station again, the zombies around the ground were killed, the creepers roared again and again, two t3 appeared behind it, and then It leapt forward and rushed towards Chu Xiang's position, which was a deadly fight. It seems that there are only four t3 in total, and the remaining two crawlers are isolated and helpless.

Chu Xiang retreated quickly, he didn't want to play head-to-head with the creeper. Others may not know the power of the creeper, but Chu Xiang deeply understands that even if he is desperately trying to consume his energy, otherwise he can defeat Chu Xiang only by charging, because Chu Xiang cannot now Stop it from crazy impact. This time Chu Xiang first evacuated into the woods to hide his figure. When the crawler and the two t3s caught up, the figure of Chu Xiang was gone. The creeper yelled, maybe he was scolding Chu Xiang for being timid, but Chu Xiang can be indifferent. No matter how you scold, you just don't show up.

Boom, the creeper became angry, it began to violently hit the trees in the woods, as long as you knocked down all these trees, you are not afraid of someone hiding in it! The two t3s helped in the back. Some thinner trees can be rolled down with their tongues. It can be seen that t3 is not empty.

boom! Suddenly a loud explosion exploded. It turned out that a t3 didn't know what mechanism to step on. A loud noise sent it into the sky. When it landed, there were only a few sections of the earth's limbs. That mouth can still fit together. But **** is gone after being separated.

It turned out that a bunch of grenades were buried under the tree. The sharp subway film shattered this t3. Another t close to it was also seriously injured. The abdomen was penetrated by a series of shrapnel. Even the creepers were hurt a little. But its skin is hard and thick. It's just some superficial flesh wounds. It can't hurt its foundation at all.

The explosion angered the creeper. It desperately hits the tree. This wood was not too big at first. In a few moments, the dozens of trees in the forefront had completely destroyed the creeper. Except after t3 struck a group of machine grenades just now. There is almost no ambush inside. So the creeper and the other one, T3, killed the big tree, which was held by several people.

thump. thump. Two corpses fell from the tree. At first glance, the creeper dispatched two t3s. It just hung up at this moment. The creeper went crazy. It can be said that since it came out, it has never suffered such a loss. And the powerful four major staff will instantly go away. Now even humans have not been found. It carried the power of a bull to run wildly against the tree.

call. The wooden raft was lowered again. This creeper can also be regarded as the only one with eyes and ears. Although crazy, he still heard the abnormality behind him. Looking back, it was cut into sharp wooden rows. It didn't bother at all. boom. The stakes were all broken! The creeper's skin is so hard that it can't be penetrated by ordinary bombs. How can these stakes hurt it!

But these stakes are not intended to hurt creepers. It just attracted its attention. Let the creeper rush to the trap without fear. boom. The ground suddenly collapsed. The crawler's body is less than 15,000 pounds. The support cannot support such a weight. The creeper struggled to fall into the pit more than five meters with the two corpses!

When the creeper stepped on the trap, Chu Xiang pushed the 02-type single-barreled anti-aircraft machine gun from behind the big tree, pierced the explosive bomb and swept wildly towards t3, which was left behind, while the rest waited for him. With a pack of mud and sand quickly running to the pit, no one asked, split his head and covered his face and smashed into the deep pit. The creeper responded quickly. When his foot fell, he stepped on a few barbs and immediately jumped out of the pit. With its strength, the five-meter pit couldn't hold it at all, but it just leaped halfway, throwing down several heavy sandbags and smashing the crawler who had nowhere to borrow.

Then the sandbag was thrown faster and more urgently, and it actually buried the creeper alive. At this time, Chu Xiang's anti-aircraft machine gun swept Zheng Huan. The t3 was startled by the sudden fall of the lord, and his belly was grenade. The blow operation was not as flexible as before, wearing a deflagration bomb hit its chest, and tore it up for a moment!

"Throw the sandbag! Throw it! It's about to bulge out!" Sun Hou commanded his team members loudly. The trap pits were already filled, but the sandbags seemed to be unable to hold the creeper, and they kept showing the creeper drum by drum. Struggling to resist. However, according to plan, the sandbags have been completely filled.

Maimai said to Chu Xiang anxiously: "Master, can't hold it down! Find a way!"

Chu Xiang threw away the anti-aircraft gun and said, "Quickly release the water! Fill the pit with air to seal off the air!"

Sun Hou patted his head. "I was so anxious that I forgot this step."

The simple water-saving tools were carried out, and buckets of water were poured into the trap pit. The weight of water soaked in the sand naturally increased, and the air between the gaps was completely isolated. Sun Hou uneasily sent more than a dozen people to dig a few baskets of soil from other places to fill a big grave bag. Everyone jumped on it. Jump the trap completely down to earth,

This is a good job. Everyone is sweating, but everyone is very excited. Why ca n’t I think that the creeper who knocked down a tree with thick thighs was buried alive. Perhaps the worst creeper in the world should count it. I didn't even perform once from the appearance to the curtain call. Ten minutes later, I don't know if the creeper can survive in the dirt, Chu Xiang dare not arrange for Sun Hou to take someone to meet Ding Feng. He and Maimatti stayed and continued to monitor the creeper's condition.

After more than half an hour, the off-road vehicle drove to the woods. Ding Feng and others jumped out of the car. They successfully completed the attraction program. More than 2,000 zombies were around by them at this moment. Without the command of the creepers and t3, most of them will no longer be honest in the transfer station, and when their forces are dispersed, it is a good time to eliminate them.

"How? Have you stopped that creeper?" Ding Feng asked eagerly. Sun Hou didn't have time to talk about it in detail, so Ding Feng didn't know the situation here.

Maimaiti pointed at the grave and said, "Buried in it, Master is afraid it hasn't died yet, so we are paying close attention."

Ding Feng laughed: "Why did the burial come? Didn't we prepare for Dao insurance? We never thought that the first one would kill him. We really didn't hit him."

Xiao proudly said: "Do not look at who is in charge of the overall situation, who is our Master, and it ’s not enough to deal with the creepers. I said at the time that the stakes and the fire dragon array can be saved, how about, now believe Come on ... "

Om, um, there was a sudden shock from the ground, and then the slippery grave bag stepped up and a mass of mud suddenly swelled up. Chu Xiang said, "No, it's not dead yet. If you don't, you need to use the two formations. . Everyone be on guard! Return to your post! "

Sun Hou gave two sentences directly, most of the guy was angry but your arrogance came back to life. "

A quite machine gun aimed at the grave bag, Chu Xiang said: "I'm afraid the machine gun can't penetrate its skin, and pull the anti-aircraft machine gun over!" Several team members immediately threw the machine gun and pushed the anti-aircraft machine gun to the grave bag. Chu Xiang Dispersing the surrounding people, he raised his anti-aircraft machine gun and aimed at the grave bag.

Boom, a pile of sandbags was ejected, this creeper can be so powerful that it will not die if it breaks the air for dozens of minutes! Moreover, the heavy sand can't hold it, but it can be seen that its color is also greatly damaged. I just got out of the mud and got a little dizzy. I don't seem to know where it is. This gives Chu Xiang the best shooting opportunity. .

Alas, he stabbed the creeper with a deflagration bomb at 14.5mm, hitting the creeper's hard skin, but was stopped when he encountered its bone, even though this creeper was also hit Repeatedly going backwards, but it seems difficult to completely eliminate it.

Huh, while Chu Xiang replaced the ammunition box, the beaten **** creeper flew towards Chu Xiang in the air, it was completely crazy, first it was wiped out by his men and he was frequently angry, and then he was buried in the ground almost Just hang up. Seeing Chu Xiang at this moment is an envy when the enemies meet. It decides to kill Chu Xiang at all costs!

Chu Xiang was too late to fire again. At this time, he was desperately trying to meet the huge body of the creeper. The two scrambled wildly on the ground. At this time, although there were several machine guns next to him, Xiao also took the antiaircraft gun and filled it However, Chu Xiang was fighting fiercely with the creeper, and no one dared to shoot easily, because Chu Xiang would be injured if he was not careful.

Chu Xiang's current strength is still not duel with the creepers, even if it is not only one, Chu Xiang can deal with it. After all, this is only a t-level creeper. Even the strength of Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie may not dare to grasp the other kills. Of course, with the help of other weapons, Chu Xiang now only has a saber in his hand. He stabbed a few knives to try and couldn't penetrate the creeper's skin at all!

Chu Xiang was so annoyed that why the superpower had not yet appeared. It seemed that the idea that the superpower would automatically appear to be life-threatening at the critical moment was not secure. Now he was very dangerous, but the bone knife was still unable to excite. So in the future, we can't count on superpowers. Actually, Chu Xiang doesn't know, he is not at the moment of life and death at least, at least life is safe for the time being, so the virus is too lazy to manage it. Once Chu Xiang's body breath is weak, they will be more anxious than anyone, but Chu Xiang Where did he know this? Let him try to make himself half dead first. How could he do this if he was not sick?

"Master, I'll help you!" Mai Mai mentions Chu Xiang falling into the wind. He immediately joined the battle group, but his strength was weak and he was swept out by the creeper's tail as soon as he entered. However, Maimaiti didn't give up, climbed up and carried the saber to continue rushing in, and the creeper annoyed him to interrupt Chu Xiangdi's decisive battle, and opened his mouth to bite Maimaiti while holding Chuxiang with his forefoot.

Maimaiti has also experienced several battles. His response was timely. He fled away from the creeper's big mouth, and then pierced the creeper's neck with a knife. He used enough power, but the result was a saber. The crisp sound is broken! Maimaiti just know why Chu Xiang did not let them participate in the war. Faced with such a powerful creeper, these people have no way to start.

The creeper fell into the air with a bite. His head continued to open his mouth and bite at Chuxiang, who was held by its hoof. At this moment, Chuxiang was unable to turn over. He could only pierce the saber into the mouth of the creeper. Who knows that the creeper Shaking his head, he threw out his saber, and then continued to bite Chu Xiangdi's head. Chu Xiang inflated and did not topple the creeper.

Maimatti suddenly rushed up again. He clung to the creeper's mouth with great carelessness, "Master, run away!" The creeper's strength is far more than that of Maimai, and Maimai held it up and down, but it only persisted for two seconds. Click, the creeper's The big mouth is still true! Maimaiti made a cry, and the creeper screamed.

Chu Xiang hurriedly turned away from the creeper's control through the arrest of Maimatti. When he saw that Maimatti was trapped in the creeper's mouth to save him, Chu Xiang was angry. I don't know if the super power is restored. He held the creeper's upper and lower jaws, hi! Click it. Chu Xiang's mouth was dislocated by Chu Xiang, and he couldn't hold his mouth together. Maimaiti took the opportunity to retract his arm from the creeper's mouth.

"Master, get away!" With a small roar, Chu Xiang just had time to turn his body over, and fired the detonation bomb into the mouth of the creeper, which was awful, and the bullet penetrated the creeper and came out from the back of his head. , Just a few shots to break this creeper's brain! Its skin is hard but there is no skin in its mouth. It is much easier to push it from the inside out.

Victory! This creeper is now completely killed, and it will never be able to get up again, unless it violates the zombie's life rules, because its head was smashed by the slump of deflagration bombs, and it has now fallen dead on the ground.

"How do you buy Maiti?" Chu Xiang immediately escaped from the death to check Maimaiti's injuries, hoping that he did not bite his arm. Otherwise, how to buy Maiti to survive, and also hope that Maiti can survive. Otherwise, the corpse will change and Chu Xiang will have to solve the death of this good apprentice himself.

"Master, I'm okay, I'm really okay, miracle, I feel sore, but you really didn't hurt my arm!" Maimao said aloudly, tearing off the sleeves.

Chu Xiang couldn't believe it, but he saw with his own eyes that in order to prevent the crawler from biting his head, he used both hands to hold the crawler's upper and lower jaws, and then the crawler bit his arms into his mouth, but carefully checked I really didn't find a wound on my arm.

Chu Xiang drew out a pistol from his waist, and fired two shots at Maimaiti's arm, not to mention Maimaiti, even the others were frightened. He threw away the anti-aircraft machine gun, "Master What's wrong with you, why buy and buy? "

Ding Feng said in panic: "Chu Xiang, what do you mean? Where did you buy offense offend you?"

Maimaiti was cracked by two shots, but Jier laughed at Chu Xiang: "Master, I'm Superman, I've evolved, isn't it?"

Chu Xiang withdrew his pistol with a smile and said, "I never imagined that you might have evolved a hard bone. It was a miracle that the creeper's teeth could not bite you just now."

Everyone knew what was going on. The legendary evolution happened! Xiao, Sun Hou, Wang An, and Chen Shaodong flew up to check the arms of Maimaiti, and they were intact. The four shouted and shouted. An ordinary person suddenly had superhuman ability, which made others envy. The ground is dying.

Maimao said: "Thanks to Master ~ ~ Otherwise, I may not be able to evolve until I die. If you listen to Master later, I can guarantee that it will also evolve."

Wang An muttered, "I knew that I was not going to guard the fire dragon just now. If I came to rescue Master, it would evolve."

Chu Xiang said: "Everyone is quiet, you listen to me, whether or not evolution can be related to your strong ideas, but this does not mean that everyone can have evolution, and some people are completely controlled by the t virus and the body will become Zombies, so don't generalize this kind of thing, don't try it on purpose, or you will pay the price of your life! "

The crowd responded that they would not be stupid to find a creeper to bite themselves. Chu Xiang was relieved, and then he said: "Since we have eliminated the creeper, then we will attack the station while the iron is hot. Now there is no shortage of weapons. There, Only t2 is left, and I believe it will be of great help to your practice of marksmanship and cooperation. "

Everyone cheered, and their teams quickly drove out of the woods and mountains. The layout of the night was not wasted. Although the creeper was not killed in the organization at the end, at least the organization consumed its energy before finally killing it successfully. Now it ’s time to clean up t2. Seeing that we can capture a lot of food stations, everyone laughed excitedly.


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