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Chapter 295: Hanfeng Squad

Chu Xiang is not a general, but his many years of experience in dealing with zombies has benefited him a lot. Leading this group of miscellaneous troops has gradually become more handy. In addition, five people including Maimaiti, Sunhou, Wang An, Xiao, and Chen Shaodong are dedicated. Do your best, and soon bring out more than 2,000 zombies from the transfer station with machine guns. In the face of a powerful metal frenzy, these t2s lack tens of thousands of tens of thousands of advantages and will not show their power. After being surrounded by segmentation, they will only be used as targets. fate.

Then Ding Feng and Uncle Feng drove the off-road vehicle to the station again, but instead of going around the door a few times this time, they drove straight in. Those zombies who lost the creeper and t3 control smelled of humanity following. They dispatched out in batches, and were wiped out in batches. By the next morning, the zombies of the transfer station had almost disappeared, and the rest were not in fear, as long as the formation of the formation was gradually cleared.

A new defensive base was quickly set up with the station building as the center. The truck pulled the people from the Yumen base in several batches. So far, the fuel in the truck was completely used up. Fortunately, it was still in the spare tank of the off-road vehicle. In some cases, Chu Xiang decided to go to the farm again. The weapons in it are very important. The more fully prepared the weapons and ammunition, the safer it is. Now the entire station is full of food and other supplies. However, the consumption of weapons and ammunition is very fast. Killing the four or five thousand zombies will almost pull back the ammunition light. To reach the Jiayuguan base safely, you must replenish the ammunition.

Leaving Ding Feng and the new defensive base, Chu Xiang added all the remaining oil and rushed back to the farm with a group of people. This time because they had weapons in their hands, everyone rushed into the military control zone and suppressed it with powerful firepower. Quickly carry weapons and ammunition. The zombies on the farm had no leader, and they could not organize an effective attack. They could only watch Chu Xiang and others safely withdraw ammunition, and carry a few barrels of fuel with them.

There was a bonfire in the new base at night. Everyone's face was filled with laughter. Even Lan Gang, Azi and Wang Dashan were very happy. Guarding piles of food, this gives people who come out of hunger a sense of happiness and security, and also eats steamed rice for dinner, which is something I would never imagine for almost a year!

"Everyone be quiet!" Mai Maiti stood up loudly, "We can have such a happy day, all brought by Master. I propose that everyone pay a respect to Master to express our gratitude to him! "

There was no wine, but instead of drinks, everyone stood up and raised glasses to Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang was very moved. The hearts were long. He didn't want to bring so many people at the beginning. After all, too many people will slow down his actions, but in the past two days, eating and sleeping with everyone, at this time let him abandon everyone to leave and feel that it can not be done.

"Thank you. There is one thing I want to remind you, do not be blinded by the bustling eyes. Although there are food and weapons here, this base is like the previous base, it can't be kept at all, and we have a little manpower It ’s not an effective defensive force at all, so we must speed up the improvement of the locomotive and leave here one day early and one day safe! "

Many people were puzzled by Chu Xiang's words. Still afraid of those zombies? However, those who have seen the creepers and the power of T3 know that Chu Xiang is not alarmist. The base of this defensive force cannot withstand their round of impact.

Everybody talked about it, clearly not willing to withdraw and nostalgia for this place where food is everywhere, he said loudly: "Your freedom we can't control, but if you don't listen to Master, you will die and no one will care! Agree with We evacuated the Jiayuguan base to start work tomorrow. If you do n’t agree, you can go to live on the wagons full of food, but when more zombies come, you do n’t know how to die! ”

Wang An was about to raise a machine gun to threaten everyone and was stopped by Chu Xiang. In Chu Xiang's opinion, the twisted melon is not sweet. Some people covet the food and let them live. It is a drag for such people to take them up without a firm will.

Vigorously the project began. Chu Xiang delegated the supervision to Maimaiti. Now he is more confident in buying and buying. Because buying, buying and selling is an evolutionary. But his skills are very single. The body is harder than steel when it suffers an instant hit. This principle seems to be similar to f-adhesive. But buy buy mention is reused. f Once the adhesive has solidified, it can no longer be softened.

Speaking of transforming locomotive Chu Xiang, I don't understand. But Wang An and Chen Shaodong were involved in the work. They didn't go to get a tram to transform it. There are a lot of old coal-fired locomotives in the transfer station. Just pull it out for repair. This greatly shortens the construction period. After a few days and nights of continuous fighting, he finally succeeded. Pull in a few wagons of food and coal. Chu Xiang ran a few more trips to the farm during this period. Almost all of the ground ammunition was brought in. Fully loaded with two cars. The troops were ready to set off.

When walking, some people did not hide. Wang An will send someone in. Chu Xiang said, "Let them stay. After we leave, here will soon be occupied by scattered zombies. They will be forced out of the station sooner or later. But you will not believe what you say now."

Xiao cursed: "These people are cheap bones. They can't hold their feet when they see them. Sooner or later they will regret it. Do they want to impact the zombies with their strength? Stay here and wait for death. "

There are more than a dozen people who refuse to leave. Chu Xiang left them some weapons. The whistle sounded and the train drove east on the tracks. Those who left the land did not survive for a few days. Withdraw defensively. Zombies from the outer area rushed to the transfer station. At first they could hold on. It was defeated just a few days later. Not encountering t3 and creepers. It's because the bullets have run out. They had to withdraw from the wagon full of food. Never sleep on food again.

At this moment the regrets are too late. With their strength, even if they returned to Yumen Base, they couldn't hold it. In the end they only had to walk to the Jiayuguan base. Suffering from zombies and starvation. When we arrived at the Jiayuguan base, there were only people left. They regret it. Just dead people have gone. It's too late to say anything.

It is said that as soon as Chu Xiang and others traveled eastward, it was only over one kilometer from Yumen City to Jiayuguan, but it took a week to walk for more than one kilometer. The problem is very simple. The strength of Chu Xiang and others cannot be repaired at all. But the damage to the railroad tracks alone caused them headaches, and they had to stop and wait for repairs from time to time.

Fortunately, the team's firepower is strong, otherwise this zombie on the ground will eat them several times, and walked for more than a kilometer for so long. If not for the weapons and food carried by the train, I am afraid that Chu Xiang will abandon the car and walk. That way, we will arrive at the Jiayuguan base a few days earlier, maybe we have already met Zhang Jingyao and others.

"There is a broken track ahead!" Tan's grandson sent a message with a communicator. Chu Xiang instructed Maimai to mention: "Pay attention to the signal instructions and prepare to stop."

When Sun Hou explored in front of him, he found a signal at an appropriate distance and sent a signal at a proper distance. The driver who was responsible for driving the car would stop in time after seeing it, and then take someone to repair the track.

"Master, there are sounds of human activity in front of me. Should I go and see?" Sun Hou asked in the communicator.

Chu Xiang opened the map and looked at it and said, "This is close to the Jiayuguan base. Be careful, don't conflict with them as much as possible. Don't expose our team for the time being. We will talk about them later."

Sun Hou said: "I am a master, but my shoes are worn out again. Let Sister He give me two more pairs in a while."

Chu Xiang has a big head. This Sun Hou is almost two pairs of shoes a day. Fortunately, I found dozens of pairs of sports shoes from other cars when I was walking. I originally wanted to keep it for myself. Now I give it to Sun Hou. I can't blame Sun Hou, all iron is on Tieji. He doesn't know how many runs back and forth a day, and those cottage products can't stand it.

If Sun Hou is an ordinary person, it's okay to say. I can run for a few miles in a day, but the **** is coming, and Sun Hou has evolved overnight, but he only evolved two legs. It runs several times faster than the car. Now he does n’t take the train at all. Every day, the enemy's situation is explored and observed in front, the only drawback is the cost of shoes.

After the train stopped, Chu Xiang jumped down first, and soon Chen Shaodong came down with a person carrying a repair tool. It is important that Xiao led his team members to continue to be on the roof of the car. If a zombie touches it, he may not be killed.

Alas, a cloud of smoke quickly came up, stopped in front of Chu Xiang, and a muddy grandson appeared from the inside. "Master, there are eleven of these people. It turns out that it is impossible to go further. The two trains collided on the railroad tracks. Even if the railroad tracks were okay, we did not have the power to clear them all. Those people were looking for food in the overturned railroad cars. It is estimated that they came out of the Jiayuguan base and all of them Weapons, and two off-road vehicles with heavy machine guns on them. They didn't see me. They were about five kilometers away from there, so they couldn't possibly know our existence. "

Chu Xiang was most worried that the railroad tracks were completely impassable, and it still appeared. Fortunately, it was not far from the Jiayuguan base, otherwise it was really troublesome. Ways to hide our weapons and bring us enough food to walk on foot. "

Ding Feng and Uncle Feng organized the old surnames on the car to get out of the car. Each person was allowed to bring ten kilograms of food. When those old surnames could not see the situation here, Chu Xiang and Maimaiti began to discuss how to hide these wagons. The top is full of food and weapons. Although some ammunition is consumed along the way, the remaining total is still considerable.

Chu Xiang said: "We don't know what is happening in Jiayu Pass at the moment. It would be trouble to take the risk of entering with a lot of weapons and food. It is not impossible for them to be confiscated by the management at one time. Time and again, we need to be viable. "

Did he go to Jiayuguan to see it? The base wall is tall and the inside area is huge. I'm afraid there are many officers and soldiers. In case they bully us, we will have a retreat when the time comes. "

Chu Xiang said: "Bullying should not be, but one thing I believe is that there is no unbreakable base in the world, just because the leadership of the Jiayuguan base is incompetent. At that time, we can lead people with weapons and food to continue looking for a safer place. base."

Maimao said: "It's either mountains or deserts around. It's easy to hide things, either find a cave or dig a few bunkers, but it seems difficult to hide the entire train."

Chu Xiang climbed to the top of the car and observed: "Just go over there and dig a pit. It can't be far away, otherwise it will take a long time to move things."

There were more than fifty members who stayed on the train, and everyone worked together for several hours to hide their weapons. As for food, some were hidden. But most of them stayed in the wagon, and they didn't have time to go on. They would be in danger when they spent the night outside.

Maimatti carried an anti-aircraft machine gun on his back, and the players in the back carried deflagration bombs. Everyone hurried to catch up with the old surname in front. Chu Xiang announced that the rails in front were impassable. Everyone must use their feet to rush to the Jiayuguan base before dark. In fact, there are not many old names. It was only the second person. There were more than a dozen people left at the transfer station. There were several sick names on it. They were young and young. The strong ones all joined the team of Maimaiti and others, and the remaining ordinary staff were also forty or more. One was managed by Ding Feng, He Birou, and Uncle Feng.

Everyone hurriedly ate a meal to recharge their energy, because the whole afternoon was spent there. Chu Xiang sent Sun Hou to continue to scout ahead. Maimaiti took his teammates in his head, and Xiaoyao took his teammates to protect his old name in the middle. Wang An took his teammates to the final line. Chen Shaodong took his personnel to distribute the lateral protection on both wings.

The team moved forward quickly, and the news of Sun Hou kept coming back. It was worrying that this place was nearing Jiayuguan. The more prosperous the place, the more the population, the more zombies, and a large group of zombies on the ground in front. Around two thousand, they gradually rushed onto the iron wire and would meet the two teams at the collision.

"Master, fight." Mai Maiti lowered the anti-aircraft machine gun on his shoulder, and Chu Xiang waved his hand: "Don't just think about killing and killing, the terrain here is not easy to defend, and if zombies come up together we will have someone Wounded, Sun Hou, pay attention to the new movements of the zombies. When necessary, we stagger their marching time and line and try not to make direct contact. "

Sun Hou said in the communicator: "I knew Master, but the eleven-member team did not seem to know that a zombie group was moving towards them. Would you like to inform them?"

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, they should come out of the Jiayuguan base. This is a good way to get in touch with them. I suggest that you can talk to them positively, and by the way, say a few good words for us. It is helpful, but you must also guard against the idea of ​​playing against our team. You must have some mental preparation. "

The Hanfeng team is also considered to be a good team in the Jiayuguan base. They have achieved impressive results in previous food operations. This swelled the captain's and ten team members' confidence. The captain was called Gao Hanfeng and was once a veteran. It has an excellent skill and has evolved not long ago, but it has no skills, just the evolution of physical fitness, but it is not easy for ordinary people.

The Jiayuguan base is quite large after half a year's construction, but the eternal theme of the base is lack of food and weapons. When it is impossible to obtain national supplies, the base can only find ways to solve the difficulties by itself. It can go to Jiayuguan City for food damage. The management of the base will decentralize part of the power, and those who are capable can organize the team to go out to find food by themselves. The base is not responsible for ammunition and will not draw the share, but the returned food is allowed to be traded in the base.

This condition is very tempting, that is to say, how much food you find is all yours, and the management also publicly supports the black market transaction that has been underground before. This black market transaction includes food for weapons and people for food. It is also a last resort. As long as the people in the base can stutter, what sells children and sells themselves, anyway, the end of the world, even if you do n’t die, you are lucky. Regardless of what you do, if you are not convinced, come and try as a leader. Zhangkou waited to eat, and tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of zombies were waiting to eat you with your mouth open. If you have the ability, you can make the base into a paradise.

"Captain, we sent it, it's all instant noodles!" A team member unpacked the driving car, squashed out a bunch of boxes, and it was all Master Kong, with bag noodles and barrel noodles, of which the barrel noodles were the most popular at the Jiayuguan base. Known as the enjoyment of the upper class.

Gao Hanfeng frowned. "Unfortunately we haven't found a truck. These two off-road vehicles alone pull the instant noodles back. I'm afraid the oil cost is not just the price of the instant noodles."

A member of the team scolded: "Fuck, the base is really dark, and they clearly say that we will not be charged for anything, but they are holding weapons, fuel, and vehicles. We want to pay for the food if we want to do this. In the final analysis, we are taking risks. Beating their lives in danger

Another team member said, "Save it, this is a good condition. If you think about it, in case we find a lot of weapons and fuel, do you think we sent it? This condition is better than hard work. Local food has been drained by a few percent ~ ~ Gao Han Fengdao: "Don't discuss these useless, see if there are other food and supplies, instant noodles take up space without hungry, we try to find high Calorie food. "

"Biscuits! All are compressed cookies! Captain, come here, we are really developed this time, all are compressed biscuits! And meat floss compressed biscuits, gosh, you can change the most beautiful girl bag in a box!" A member of the team yelled out of a wagon, his face looked as if he was married to his wife.

Gao Hanfeng raised his eyebrows lightly, and he ran quickly, compressing cookies is a good thing. A box of instant noodles can be replaced with a magazine, and a box of compressed biscuits can be replaced with a heavy machine gun! No problem with a few rounds. How much heat does instant noodles have, and five kilograms of compressed biscuits are absolutely no problem to sustain one's heavenly survival!

When Gao Hanfeng got into the car, it was even more stunned. This is not a normal 90-type compressed biscuit, but a 90-compressed biscuit dedicated to a wagon! Of course, there are differences between military and civilian use. The formulas of the two are different, and the calories are very different. Moreover, military compressed biscuits also have a significant effect on mobilizing body fat and refreshing anti-fatigue, so that people can perform high-intensity exercise with a small amount of food .


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