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Chapter 296: Desperate breakout

If five kilograms of ordinary compressed biscuits are needed to maintain a person's minimum daily survival, then the 90 type can reach 160 days! As for why there are navy compressed biscuits here, most of them are produced by the logistics department. This thing can be bought online before, so it is not unusual, but who eats it when there is fish and meat.

"Beep ---- Beep ---- Beep," the rapid whistle sounded, and Gao Hanfeng's surprised face changed color immediately. This is the whistle of the alarm. The team members who stayed at the commanding heights found the hostility!

The other players heard the good news of compressed biscuits, and Gao Hanfeng blocked the door of the carriage and said, "Don't go in, check what's happening right away, don't kill yourself for food!"

Those members were obedient and rushed to the commanding heights immediately. The news they brought back was horrible. Thousands of zombies came out of the trenches, bridge holes, fields, and woods. They have cut off the retreat of the Hanfeng team, and they are still slow. Slowly form a circle.

Gao Han hurriedly climbed to the commanding heights. There were people shaking and slamming. He threw the telescope to the ground. "How could this be, snake, what is your responsibility! Now we are in danger, this is your failure!"

The nickname for the whistle is long snake, tall and tall, he aggrieved: "Captain, I am absolutely not lazy, I have been staring at the surrounding situation, but those zombies are hidden, and occasionally two or two are also normal. I I ca n’t tell you if there are two zombies. If someone did n’t warn me, I might still be caught in the drum, and I want to thank them. ”

"Someone warned?" Gao Hanfeng could not hesitate to scold the snake. In fact, he also saw it. The zombies were hidden well just before. At least they could not see the eyebrows at the commanding height of this place. I can only blame him for choosing the wrong guard post, and no mobile scouts, otherwise he would never be secretly surrounded by zombies.

The snake pointed at a trail: "Look, Captain, he's coming to us."

It didn't take long for Sun Hou to run slowly. He didn't dare to act, it was easy to make Han Feng white and he had to pretend. As soon as you come up and tell people I am Niucha, who will take you back to the base, you go to Niucha outside, human beings have a sense of good jealousy.

"Hello everyone, my name is Sun Hou. After walking, I finally encountered a human team of you. How are you? Are you from the Jiayuguan base?" Sun Houxian said.

At this time, Gao Hanfeng had taken the team to the collision location, and they quickly packed dozens of boxes of compressed biscuits. Gao Hanfeng decided to use the advantages of transportation to jump west from the zombies' encirclement, and then return to the Jiayuguan base from the south wing.

Gao Hanfeng observed the movement of the zombies again. He jumped down from the roof and said, "Hello. My name is Gao Hanfeng. I am the captain of the Jiayuguan Hanfeng team. We are going to break through. Anything to keep later. If you don't want to die here, hurry up. Sunhou Road : "It turned out to be Captain Gao. Are you planning to break out west along the iron line? Then go back east and back to the Jiayuguan base? "

Gao Hanfeng said: "Of course. Do you have other ideas? I can tell you. Dozens of zombies are not terrible. Terribly, they form a scale. So we cannot conflict with zombies. The sooner we break out, the better. Just return to Jiayuguan Base. With high walls and heavy firepower. Tens of thousands of zombies are not terrible. "

Sun Hou said: "I understand. In fact, you should add one more sentence. A few dozens or thousands of t2 are not terrible. T3, t4 and creepers are terrible. Tell you the truth, Captain Gao. In the kilometers directly in front of you There is a group of zombies. They are traveling east along the iron and public lines. If you break out west, you will run into them. The number of zombies will not be less than one thousand to two thousand. I do n’t know this Not terrible. "

Gao Hanfeng climbed up to the roof again. He peered west with his telescope. After half a ring, he jumped down and said, "Nonsense. Look westward and open up where are the zombies!"

Sun Hou said: "The grass around is almost high. And there are not shallow drainage ditches and culverts on both sides of the iron. So I said there is that there is. Is there any benefit to deceive you? My master's advice to you is to break out eastward. .At that time, our team will respond to you in the north wing. Because you are small. So the south wing will also be attracted by our team to send firepower. As long as everyone cooperates properly, they will jump out of the encirclement circle and return Jiayuguan base. "

Gao Hanfeng dare not care. He walked a few meters and found a mountain bag to observe the situation on the west again. I saw the breeze flashing across the barren grass. It seems impossible to say that the zombies are hidden inside. Those grasses are not tall. If there is a zombie inside, you should be able to see the upper body. And there is water in the side trench. Zombies are afraid of water. Everyone has experience on this. So they are not likely to hide in the ditch.

Then look back to the west, although not far from the Jiayuguan base, but dense crowds of zombies in the middle, people stand cold, Gao Hanfeng made his mind, he ran back to the off-road vehicle, at this time two off-road The car was filled with compressed cookies, and Gao Hanfeng asked Sun Hou: "Who do you say is Master Di, and how much strength do you have? Do you have heavy weapons?"

Sun Hou said: "My master is my master. We all have one person from Yumen base. I want to go to the Jiayuguan base to seek asylum. The weapons are average. There are eighty people who can fight without the old, young and sick. You can rest assured. My master can't harm you, and he sent a team of fifteen people to support you, but that team is still winding in the north wing because they want to bypass the zombies in the west. "

Gao Han's wind was carefully observed to the north, but no figure was seen at all. It is no wonder that the eschatological world has been moisturized by a summer rain, the weeds have grown unusually tall, and the deforestation has been stopped. Many small trees In the half year period, it has grown up, and it is difficult to see the situation in the distance without the support of satellites. Of course, the scene of this green grass tree is limited to the sides of the iron and the public line, and further away is the desert, or some places. The desert is just below the base.

A member of the team walked to Gao Hanfeng and said, "Captain, this little sharp-mouthed monkey gill, I don't see him as authentic. What if he tricked us into bringing us into their siege circle, our cars, weapons, compressed cookies, which are all priceless treasures? Ah. Besides, the Yumen base is not known at all. Even if they have more than 80 combatants, what weapons can they have? Pistols? Soil guns? I heard that there were no garrisons before there. There will be weapons. "

Gao Hanfeng's face was also cold. He thought about it: "Sorry, I can't take your suggestion. We must break out west. If you want to keep up, get in the car. If you don't want to keep up, then we say goodbye."

Sun Hou sighed, "Why don't you trust people so much? We really want to help you jump out of the siege. At that time, our team will launch fire strikes on the north and south wings to attract the attention of the zombies, and there are you and us on the line. Five people will definitely be safe. At that time, our team of women, children, and disabled will also siege eastward with you. "

Gao Hanfeng was very firm as the captain. He no longer listened at all. As soon as he waved ten members, he immediately got on the car. Sun Hou immediately asked Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang ordered him to keep up with Gao Hanfeng's team. Their westbound trip will definitely run into a wall, and they will have to accept Chu Xiang's suggestion. It will be more convenient for them to take part in the Jiayuguan base, led by veterans such as them. At least it can be done with a satellite phone.

It is not wrong for Gao Han to be cautious, because something happened in the base before. There was a weak team that was cheated into a siege circle and destroyed. All their weapons and vehicles were looted. The original thing was very hidden. The vehicles and weapons were also changed by them. But unexpectedly, this team was shameless. There was internal coaxing in the local team, and this matter was disclosed, so this made all the teams in the Jiayuguan base frightened. Everyone, please defend me and defend you. Even if you receive a distress signal, no one will help. I'm afraid it's a trap to fall in and lose my team.

This is not enough. Gao Hanfeng once encountered several survivors during the process of food. What shocked him was that these survivors ate their wives and children alive, which made Gao Hanfeng more humane. Deep understanding, in fact, people can do anything when hungry, cannibalism, this is just one of them.

Nor was he afraid that the other side would trap, but Gao Hanfeng observed that it was safer to go west, but his idea was quickly broken. Two fully loaded off-road vehicles ran more than 2,000 meters. It was just that the next **** encountered trouble, and even Sun Hou changed his face in fright. Because there are two t3 in the center.

Gao Hanfeng is a person who knows goods. It can be said that there are not many people in Jiayuguan base who do not know t3 and t4, because they are deeply affected. There were once t3 and t4 crossed the defense line to the base to make chaos. They sacrificed a large number of troops to bring them one by one. Although killing, Gao Hanfeng has evolved, but at most he is a d-level captain, and his strength is really weak.

Sun Hou whispered, "I said that there are zombies in this direction. You don't want to listen. Hurry up and run."

Gao Hanfeng waved his hand to stop the driver from chaos. He said: "Aim all, listen to my password and shoot, t3 is not t2, we must not turn around, but we will be attacked behind them, and we will desperately destroy them."

Sun Hou exclaimed: "You still want to go west, I really saw a lot of zombies hidden on the two sides in front!"

How did Gao Hanfeng pay attention to Sun Hou at this moment, he stared nervously at each move of the two T3s. The off-road vehicle quickly moved downhill. Seeing that the distance between the two was getting closer, Gao Hanfeng shouted: " shot!"

At the same time, two t3s also leaped up and jumped up. They hit the place where they just stayed to stir up a piece of dust. The accurate shooting of Gao Hanfeng and others was not comparable to Chu Xiang's miscellaneous army. Although the two t3s were able to dodge, However, one was shot and killed by their concentrated firepower. T3's skin and bones were hardened, but the head still couldn't stop the rifle shell at close range, and the deeper t4 could.

After the first round of shooting, the enemy and ours also confronted each other. Huh, t3 jumped into the car of Gao Hanfeng. The driver was also a long-time war veteran. He suddenly braked, and t3 was shaken back and planted, but it However, while falling off the off-road vehicle, he stuck out his long tongue, stunned, entangled a member of Gao Hanfeng's side, and brought a lot of ground pull on his tongue. The soldier was attacked before he could cut the tongue, slap, and his head. Tucked away by the sharp tongue, blood splattered, and t3 jumped onto the off-road vehicle by force.

Gao Hanfeng's response is also fast. As soon as T3 jumped onto the off-road vehicle, his muzzle pointed at it, but it was impossible to raise it in a hurry so as to aim at T3's head. His purpose was to hit t3 off the off-road vehicle and fire. The bullet penetrated t3's abdomen, but did little damage to t3.

Sun Hou is also an evolver. Although he has only evolved a running skill, his physical value has always advanced. Seeing this t3 is menacing, he only has a pistol on his body, and fired while shooting in the high Han style, ejecting through t3 Ground eyes. At this time, the gunner who manipulated the heavy machine gun on another off-road vehicle also adjusted the muzzle. The sound of the stunned machine gun was deafening, and the large-caliber bullet penetrated into the body of t3. It floated off-road like a leaf. car.

Here to talk about the capabilities of t3, in fact, at the beginning of t3 was seen as a terrible human killer. This title has certain prerequisites. Human beings are afraid of zombies under the eschatology. Only t2 makes them terrified. Suddenly, there is a t3 that jumps flexibly and has a killing tongue. This allows humans to reach their fear of them. The peak, meanwhile, can be said to be zero in the original evolution. When humans meet t3, they have no choice but to escape.

But today is not what it used to be. Humans continue to grow in the fight against zombies. At the same time, there are more and more evolvers, and t4 and creepers are emerging one after another. This makes the power of t3 invisible. Increasingly, it is not difficult to kill a few t, of course, it is not as simple as eating and drinking. However, the eyeballs under the two necks just now have not formed, and the evolution process is not deep. It will be easier to kill.

Ga, two off-road vehicles stopped one after the other. The teammate Gao Hanfeng was dead. These people were born and died with Gao Hanfeng. Gao Hanfeng cried his body off the off-road vehicle with tears. The machine gunner shouted: "Captain! There really are zombies ahead!"

Gao Hanfeng looked up and saw a lot of wet zombies crawling out of the drainage ditch on both sides, and a group of zombies crawling out of the wild grass on both sides. When they reached the office, they stood up, forming a dense crowd. Zombies are also growing up! They can use water and grass to hide their bodies. Of course, all this is likely to be controlled by high-level zombies behind the scenes, but everyone knew that zombies were afraid of water. As for the reason, it is impossible to explain. Now zombies are not afraid of water. It seems that they have adapted to the water environment! This is very bad news!

Sun Hou's voice shuddered and said, "You should believe this time, you really don't see the coffin and cry, and you are too careful. My master is thinking about it for you, but you should treat your donkey with your heart!"

"Less nonsense!" Gao Hanfeng roared. "Let's run over!" He was a little exhausted.

Sun Houqi almost did not fall down from the off-road vehicle. "You, you, you are stupid. The front is very dangerous. We turn to the east and there is our strength. If it ’s not the Master ’s repeated request, the ghost will not bother you. Let the zombies eat you! "

After saying that Sun Hou jumped off the off-road vehicle and ran back to the east, he decided to disobey Master ’s order once, because he really could n’t get used to Gao Hanfeng ’s way of doing things, a muscle. When this is the time, he still considers his observation and decision That's right, or are you afraid that others will hit his team's idea?

The nine team members looked at Gao Hanfeng. They seemed to be afraid of the dense zombies in front. Gao Hanfeng was also a little shaken, but they couldn't allow them to think much. At this time, the zombies had arrived, and the machine gunner said nothing. , T2 fell in large areas, but more zombies climbed up from both sides. They followed, and two heavy machine guns fired together to block the road, but zombies also appeared on both sides of the off-road vehicle. The power of automatic rifles was always limited. Finally, one of the team members was dragged off the off-road vehicle by the zombie, and Gao Hanfeng finally regretted it.

"Turn around! Go east!" Gao Hanfeng knew that he was absolutely unsure of passing through this bus. He had counted how many bombs there were in the car ~ ~ The first missing thing in Jiayuguan base is not food but bombs. After changing these bombs, he gave almost all the gains from the last operation to the base, and now he has put the team in danger because of his stubbornness and wrong judgment!

During the U-turn, another team member was swallowed by the zombies and swallowed up. Another team member was injured. Gao Hanfeng really wanted to shoot himself. He regretted not trusting others and regretted his stubbornness, but at this moment said It was too late, and rushed out with the rest of the team.

The speed of the off-road vehicle is very fast, but I did not see the Sun Hou who ran away until I climbed to the top of the **** just now. Gao Hanfeng was very puzzled. Is Sun Hou drilling small? But the off-road vehicle can't turn off the bus. Now there are only two options. It goes east along the bus or east along the iron. However, these two are actually one because the two lines are very close to each other. Both and the middle zone are completely filled.

There was no time to hesitate and search for Sun Hou. The off-road vehicle was sprinting forward along the public line. The zombies in front were getting closer and closer to the range. They were also dense. If no one came to the side, going east and west was actually one. At the end, Gao Hanfeng's face dripped with sweat and sweat. The grand monkey wasn't really angry just now. No wonder no one can take away so much food here. It turned out that these zombies were waiting for them to come on the hook.


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