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Chapter 297: Shingo Taisei

"How to do the captain?" Everyone in the car looked at Gao Hanfeng eagerly. He is the captain, and the role of the leader in the survival of the team is important.

Gao Hanfeng said: "If you walk away, if there is no one to attract the zombies on the flanks, and no one will help, our firepower may not be enough to break out of the encirclement. These zombies are savvy. They even know how to use food to attract us. I blame me for being hooked. "

One player said, "Call the captain, it will be too late if you don't shoot again, unless we look back."

"Hit!" Gao Hanfeng didn't want to lose those people either, hoping to use the advantages of the off-road vehicle to get out of the zombies, but their thickness was so large, I'm afraid that this idea is unrealistic. Does it really mean that the Hanfeng squad will be eliminated?

The sound of the machine gun sounded behind the woods in the north. As soon as the gunfire sounded, the zombies on the north side rushed there, and then the gunfire came from the south. The wires and the zombies at the two inclusions also ran over. The other party followed Plan it!

Gao Hanfeng looked around, and saw a small team quickly catch up from behind. They were detoured from the left side, all in ragged clothes, which looked similar to the begging of the crowd. The members of the Hanfeng team spit out from the nose. Disdainful sneer, but when they saw the weapons they carried, the members of the Hanfeng squad were stunned again.

They are not pistols or automatic rifles. These two weapons are very common in the doomsday world, because these two weapons are standard weapons equipped with police and regular troops. They have a large stock, and they are carrying all-color machine guns on their shoulders, although only Light machine guns, but the firepower is by no means comparable to ordinary rifles. If a team has dozens of light machine guns, then they can impact thousands of zombies. In addition to the heavy machine guns in the base, the highest value is light machine guns. .

The two off-road vehicles quickly retreated under the command of Gao Hanfeng. Because the other party's plan, An Zhao Sun Hou, appeared, Gao Hanfeng needed to connect with them in order to cooperate with the action. The team of fifteen people on the other side, despite their ragged clothes, still had the same pace. After joining the off-road vehicle, they quickly started a defensive formation. A man with a scar on the corner of the team stepped out of the team, and when he raised his hand, a man next to him handed the telescope to him.

The Scar Man observed silently for a while before he said, "Buy and buy, take a look at the people behind, the zombies are scattered to the wings, and it's time to break out."

Maimaiti turned around and went, Gao Hanfeng saw that this person was not comparable to Sun Hou. If not, Master Sun Hou said in his mouth. He stepped forward and said, "Hello, my name is Gao Hanfeng. Thank you for coming."

"Hello, my name is Chu Xiang. It is not a reinforcement. We want to go to the Jiayuguan base. This is a must pass. If it is bypassed, it will be more dangerous, so we have to force it." Chu Xiang originally meant to stagger Zombie group, but after Sun Hou's reconnaissance, he learned that the zombies surrounded the whole area. If the detour is difficult for the team without the means of travel, Chu Xiang has to change the plan.

Gao Hanfeng said: "I'm so sorry. I didn't accept your opinion before. It caused our team members to sacrifice a few. Can we join forces to break out now?"

Chu Xiang had anticipated that Gao Hanfeng would not be at the mercy of others. So he was not angry when he heard Sun Houdi's report. Without letting Gao Hanfeng be frustrated, how can he listen to himself? Now look at the style of Gao Han. He seemed to be grinding his arrogant mentality.

Chu Xiang shook hands with Gao Hanfeng and said, "Of course. It's an honor. According to our reconnaissance, the number of these zombies is no less than 6,000. But they are scattered widely. This gives us the opportunity to take advantage ... but we have to guard against them t3 and t4. Fighting between the left and right wings started. We will charge when the zombies in front are more sparse and scattered. "

Gao Hanfeng didn't think of sending someone to attract the attention of the two winged zombies and cover the breakout of the main force. But he had only ten players before. How many to send to attract the attention of the zombies? Is there a main force?

It is not Gao Hanfeng who does not want to recruit more people. There are many people crying in the base who want to join the team. But those people are not qualified. Joining a team has little effect except to increase the team's land consumption. And Gao Hanfeng did not have extra food to feed them.

The zombies were getting closer to the off-road vehicle. Chu Xiang looked back anxiously. It happened that Maimatti and others got out of the grass on the edge. "Master. Our locals have caught up. They just met a few scattered zombies. One person died."

A civilian team of forty or fifty people climbed to the public. Each of them carried a box of ammunition and a bag of dry food on his back. Ding Feng was responsible for the team's safety. After confluence with Chu Xiang, he began to break through, two off-road vehicles. Driving, the two wings of the car were cleaned by ten machine guns, and the team rushed forward.

Don't underestimate the increase of these dozen machine guns. They have enough ammunition and even topped the two heavy machine guns on the off-road vehicle. The zombies in the front and sides fell down as quickly as wheat, and the zombies were scattered because of the strength of the two wings. At this moment, the flood offensive could not be organized at all, so the team was moving fast, and the Jiayuguan base was seen half an hour later.

Huh, two strong gales rushed to the public team, and two figures jumped out of the team to entangle with the two strong winds. At the beginning, Gao Hanfeng did not see what was going on. When the two sides fought, Gao Hanfeng was startled. Is a t3 and a t4!

Maimaiti is the key training object of Chu Xiang. Unfortunately, Zhang Jingyao is not here. Otherwise, she will bring it. Within a few days, you can evolve the skills of Maimaiti, but even the skin and bones of Maimati are not t3. His strength was not small at first. Now he is not afraid of injury and infection, and he has no scruples when fighting against T3.

The eyeball has evolved under the t3 neck, so the strength is not low. After being beaten by Maimaiti, he pulled his head off. However, the eyeball of T3 quickly swelled instead of the original brain. Instead, his head stimulated its evolution, which greatly annoyed him, and he bent to pull up T3's two feet to tear it apart.

However, t3 is not easy to deal with. It even took the opportunity to pull up the feet of Maimaiti, and the two of them fluttered and fell to the ground at the same time, but the posture was a bit weird, but it was like six or nine. . If the wisdom reaches the course of human beings, then this world is really playing.

Maimaiti glanced at t3's trousers because of the time. It was only male zombie who evolved to t3. The smelly and rotten lower body made Maimaiti nauseous, and his feet caused great pain. It turned out that t3 was tearing Maimat with his long nails. Maimat pulled out a grenade from his waist. He pulled out the safety plug and tucked it into the lower body of t3. The body tissue of t3 recovered very strongly. The eye below engulfed the grenade like a greedy snake.

Maimaiti kicked T3 open, he rolled his head and hid his head, banged, and exploded. The T3 was smashed from the abdomen. The smelly and black body was scattered on the ground, and Maimaiti climbed up from the ground to take a look. He was happy. The part of t3's chest down was gone, but it was still running with only two hands to support it. Yet. Maimaiti took the pistol from her arms, and it was a shot at the round eyeball. Alas, the t3 burst completely.

Besides, Chu Xiang dealt with that t4. Judging from Chu Xiang's current fitness value, it is estimated that it is the rank of Captain d. Maimaiti, Sun Hou, and Wang An, Chen Shaodong, and Xiao who have not evolved once asked Chu Xiang how to evolve and how to upgrade quickly after evolution.

Chu Xiang's answer is: strong survival and evolutionary ideas. As long as you have a strong desire for business, you will have a miraculous evolution at the end of death, even if your body is not invaded by t virus, this evolution may occur! And when you become an evolutionary, when you encounter a stronger enemy than you, as long as you have a strong idea of ​​defeating the enemy, you can continuously upgrade in battle!

Why does Chu Xiang emphasize ideas? This is his experience based on his upgrade. His upgrade is almost between life and death, and Chu Xiang relies on the unyielding will to win the final victory and continuously improve his strength. It can also be said that a person's ability is determined by his strong ideas. Applying sentence patterns, how bold and productive people are, and so is evolution. As long as you dare to think, of course, the thinking here is to meet the points Actually, you can't want to be Superman, you just need to be in the right environment. Then before evolution has reached its peak. Your potential can be stimulated.

After listening to Sun Hou ’s reconnaissance report, Chu Xiang changed his war plan, Xiao, Chen Shaodong, and Wang An asked Chu Xiang about evolution. Because their eager hope also evolved like Maimaiti and Sunhou, Chu Xiang repeated this idea to them again. How much they touched them, Chu Xiang did n’t know, but it was in the process of speaking Suddenly, Chu Xiang figured out a truth.

After losing superpowers, Chu Xiang is very guilty. He can be said to be scared. His fighting spirit is far worse than before. In the event of an accident, he will first consider safety and take less physical effort. If he wants to talk about his mental strength, he can be said to be thrown away Now, is it that this sudden disappearance of superpowers is a test of evolution? However, he handed in a blank paper in the initial test, so he was unwilling to recover his superpowers.

Once Chu Xiang had this idea, he immediately put aside all his concerns. His self-confidence was not stubborn like Gao Hanfeng, but he swelled. He is the first evolutionary master in China and will never fall because of a small setback. under! Since the super power can rescue the car at the time when life and death were at stake, it means that it has not completely disappeared, but is hiding in the depths of the body waiting for Chu Xiang to wake up with the strongest will!

This battle with T4 was an attempt by Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang did not treat himself as a captain of d-class. He came up to do his best to play. The t4 level was not low. The round eyeball has evolved into a new head. Become a monster with a one-eyed eye, two palms also become creepers, and Chu Xiang ’s madness aroused its beastiness. The two you fought with me were fierce, during which Chu Xiang suffered multiple injuries, several He was severely dropped on the ground by t4, and even a few ribs were broken, but Chu Xiang quickly got up from the ground and retaliated against this t4 with a more violent attack. ※※

In the end, not only did Mai Maiti, Ding Feng, He Birou, and others look stupid, even Gao Hanfeng was stunned. What kind of play is this? It was completely dead. He Birou was nervous and almost did not bleed Ding Feng's palm , Chu Xiang even lost a few fingers even after losing a few rounds, although the t4 also suffered a loss, but it was thick and fleshy, it was not a serious matter, and it was constantly biting Chu against the ugly one-eyed head Xiang, its newly evolved teeth are small and sharp. Chu Xiang's bitten skin fleshed out!

Although Maimaiti was anxious, Chu Xiang had told him that when he was fighting, Maimaiti's only task was to protect other people, and this was a breakout. It's not a trap that attracts the zombies. When Chu Xiang drags the main force of the zombies, Maimaiti must take someone to break through as soon as possible!

"Go! Everyone hurry up!" Maimaiti roared loudly, and everyone was awakened. Gao Hanfeng roared: "Go! Continue to break through!"

He Birou cried, "Did you bother Chu Xiang?"

Mai Mai mentions: "Miss He, we care less about Master than you do, but Master told us that after he dragged the main force of the zombies, we must meet forward with Sun Hou. Otherwise, he will drive me out of the wall, etc. After you see Sun Hou, I will of course come back with my masters to rescue Master! "

In fact, He Birou knew the whole plan. She didn't dare to violate it, and she couldn't. Can only continue to break through with the blood from the machine gun. Sun Hou's speed is fast, he can quickly pass between t2 without being injured, so he rushed to the safety zone ahead, as long as the team can reach his location, it is safe. , Where almost entered the weapon range of the Jiayuguan base. Under normal circumstances, zombies do not enter to serve as live targets.

The breakout team was very smooth, and Chu Xiang was still desperately fighting there. Why didn't he allow Maimat and other helpers? This is Chu Xiang's intention to stimulate his potential, and he would risk his life if he wanted to evolve. Chu Xiang said this while eating newly planted vegetables and infected fish at the Yutai base, and this sentence still applies to him.

I have to say that Chu Xiang is right, each virus has its own stall, no matter who it is. But after all, they are just parasites. Their survival depends on the influence of the host. In the beginning, Chu Xiang ’s thoughts could not control them, causing them to kill each other. However, Chu Xiang ’s thoughts were constantly increasing, and the virus could n’t stand it. At the same time, they worry that the host's body is in danger, and they are a little weaker in resistance.

Chu Xiang got up from the ground again and again, his body's self-healing speed could not offset the damage of t, so the blood was almost inhuman. Even the t4 was a little daunted. This person is a monster that can't be beaten. Can he stand up and fight again after being so captive? And he fisted more and more fiercely. This gave t4 a sense of panic.

Clicking, Chu Xiang's leg bones were broken by t4 with his heels, Chu Xiang's heart was going to burst open. By this time, he didn't regret this urge, even he was very excited now, and the severe pain made his brain more Sober, and t4's abuse of himself caused Chu Xiang to anger.

"嗷" Chu Xiang screamed stronger than a wolf than a tiger. The shocked t almost fell to the ground with his four hoofs. The powerful business idea made Chu Xiang's body into an extremely mysterious state. At this moment Chu Xiang completely controlled everything, including the virus that was parasitic in his body, and there was another f virus that was originally his friend and had a better understanding of him.

Viruses, r viruses, f viruses are at a loss at the moment. They are controlled by a powerful idea to rapidly reproduce and grow. The power of the virus is unified. In a moment, Chu Xiang's damaged body is repaired, and then powerful energy is delivered. Everywhere to Chu Xiang's body.

Bang, Chu Xiang punched out fiercely, t still used his body to greet him just as before. In his opinion, even if Chu Xiang could not fight again, this punch would not cause much damage to it, but t4 this time counted Wrong, Chu Xiang's fists hit his back, and he shattered his bones. Even if T4's body was immortal but lacked bone support, it would be difficult to move, lying on the ground humming.

Of course, this group of zombies has more than that. It only jumped out two t3 from the surrounding zombies. They attacked Chu Xiang under the urging of t4. One of Chu Xiang's back had a bone wing. Only t3 is completely shredded! Another t3 sneaked at Chu Xiang from behind, alas, Chu Xiang's bone spur pierced from an unexpected position of His Majesty, right in the forehead of t3!

Chu Xiang stretched his huge bone wing and took a step forward. He just stepped on t4's head, and smashed his head. "T ..." Chu Xiang howled again. Pain, but joy of victory! The large block of t2 was paralyzed by Chu Xiang's howling, and the farther one retreated directly, just as the soldiers defeated, as they said in the mountain fall, they left the public and iron wires as fast as they could not, unless there were no more t3 or t Organize them forcibly, otherwise they can only wander like lonely ghosts.

Chu Xiang vibrated the bones and wings quickly rose into the air, and saw Maimatti and Gao Hanfeng leading the team out of the encirclement. At the same time, the zombies in the east also received a signal that they were losing, and the left and right wings, which were responsible for pulling the zombies, had also safely retreated, which meant a great victory. Chu Xiang was afraid he would be seen flying in the air. Landing in a hurry.

The first thing is to check the physical condition, the explosive energy has not been lost! Don't worry like you did last time. And the bone weapon is intact and easy to use! However, the evolved skills did not seem to recover, including the sudden emergence of the ultrasonic wave. Chu Xiang was a little puzzled. According to the truth, before his physical condition has become much better, those skills should be restored, and the power should be Increased.

Suddenly the skin of the arm swelled. Chu Xiang stretched out the bone knife to cut open the skin, and the five-color liquid flew out happily. The host's energy increased and it resumed its action, rubbing affectionately on Chu Xiang's face. However, t virus and r virus do not have this characteristic, so they cannot fly out of Chu Xiang's body.

Chu Xiang made a simple communication with the five-color liquid. Finally, I understood what happened to my body. It turned out that I did n’t know when there was more r virus in the body. This is really bad. The r virus specifically devours the t virus. No wonder you will lose all your superpowers, but you ca n’t think of entering the r virus in your body. Damaged. As a result, it failed to eliminate the t virus within the prescribed time, and instead formed a poisonous situation.

Fortunately, Chu Xiang relies on a strong will to completely control the virus. Although they are a bit incompatible, the strength of unity cannot be underestimated, and they are controlled by Chu Xiang's mind. They will not kill each other. Instead, it is used by Chu Xiang's body, becoming part of Chu Xiang's energy, and blessed by misfortune! Chu Xiang's physical fitness exceeded the 5,000 mark. Easily enter the s-level lieutenant generals, and there is also a momentum to impact the ss-level generals! In Bai Xiaowei's theory, that's the cause.

What made Chu Xiang more unexpected was that this virus was able to send and receive freely. When it does not need super power, they can hide in a certain point in the body. Chu Xiang is just like ordinary people, not at this point. The samples used to test could not detect the abnormality in his body, and once Chu Xiang issued a strong idea command, the virus would instantly fill his body for his use.

Chu Xiang is currently most worried about skills, but learned after a deeper exchange with the five-color liquid. Lost skills are not lost forever. It turned out that due to the destruction of the r virus, all his skills required time to complete the repair. The first successful repair will be the physical deformation and the ability to control plants, and the five-color liquid tells Chu Xiang that this repair is not a complete repair of the bad land, but a complete makeover. The skills have changed qualitatively, and the power will be several times stronger !!

Although I ca n’t return to the Yutai base for the time being, Chu Xiang is still very excited to learn the news. This is a typical blessing caused by misfortune. Sion lost his horse and knew nothing about happiness. This is also the result of his own hard work. r virus and t virus, maybe this generation will be destroyed by them. As for the f virus, Chu Xiang does not need to control it and listens to commands.

Seeing the two off-road vehicles approaching here frantically, Chu Xiang signaled that the five-color liquid immediately entered his body, and then he withdrew his super powers and merged with the rushing Maiomati and Gao Hanfeng. "Wow, Master, you are terrific, you have eliminated t4! It is indeed our Master, we respect you so much."

Gao Hanfeng was also very shocked. When he left before, he clearly saw Chu Xiang's bruises all over his body, but now he looks at Chu Xiang but it is all right, but the blood on his clothes is clear.

Gao Hanfeng jumped out of the car and held Chu Xiang's hand. "You created a miracle. As far as I know, t4 was eliminated by your own strength. You are the first one at the Jiayuguan base! Thank you for saving us all!"

Chu Xiang waved his hand: "It's nothing, just touch the shit. If Captain Gao doesn't mind, take us to the base." Gao Hanfeng said: "Of course, no problem, my orders and my subordinates are to save you, and there will be What a curse, Mr. Chu, please order! "

Chu Xiang smiled and said, "Okay, I'm welcome. I entered the base to help the survivors settle down, and then borrowed a satellite phone for me."

Gao Hanfeng said: "There is no problem in placing survivors. There is also a person in charge of this work on the base. However, it seems that nobody has borrowed a satellite phone before. The only way to get in touch with the outside is the base command center, but I will do my best, please Mr. Chu

Chu Xiang said: "Don't go so far, just call me Chu Xiang. Everyone get in the car and leave here, the zombies have retreated, we should withdraw."

He Birou saw Chu Xiang return unharmed, and she burst into tears in Chu Xiang's arms. Chu Xiang comforted her: "Okay, don't cry, let others see you will laugh at you, tell you good news, don't worry about me in the future, my superpowers have recovered, and much more than before."

He Birou embarrassedly wiped away the tears on her face, "Really. Does that mean we can go back to Yutai Base?"

Chu Xiang said: "Not yet, bone-weapon can be used, but other skills will have to wait for a while, if flying back is not impossible, but the distance is too far. After all, the speed of flying is not fast, I think I still go to the base to find one Tell them by satellite phone and don't worry them. "

"Well," He Birou said neatly, "Unfortunately I didn't help anything, and it hurt you so much grievance. You won't blame me."

Chu Xiang said: "How could it be. I am very grateful for this experience, otherwise my evolution will not progress rapidly, as long as the skills will always recover, you can rest assured."

The Jiayuguan base is in front. It is a large valley surrounded by mountains that are not easy to climb. There are also guard posts and patrol units on the top of the mountain. A cement wall of more than two meters thick and several kilometers high will be sealed in the valley. Damn, such cement walls work together. To prevent the fall of the entire base due to the fall of the first line of defense, the Dao's cement wall is a wide valley, and the surrounding bases have been merged several times. Today, there are nearly 10,000 people living in it.

This valley is still far from Jiayuguan City, but several bases will be set up in the urban area, so vulnerable to attack by zombies. In fact, whether it is a mountain or a fence, it can only block t2. For monsters such as t3 and t4, They are hardly affected. So the law and order inside the base is also getting stricter. Moreover, the population detection of the base has also been improved, and the Jiayuguan base has also found a method to quickly test the t virus. This has to be said that chaos has promoted technological progress.

These newcomers, Chu Xiang, were drawn for blood tests. As a result, Maimaiti and Sun Hou were specially registered because they were found to contain t virus. If they did not become corpse after six hours of quarantine, they could know without their admission. They are evolutionaries.

The base has special preferential conditions for the evolutionaries. They can team up to go out for food on their own, but the ordinary people's team is more restricted. After all, ordinary people have low survivability, and the base does this for their consideration. But in case the base is in danger, the evolver is also obliged to help the base defend. However, Chu Xiang's test results were completely normal, which puzzled He Birou. Chu Xiang smiled and suggested that she was at ease.

Surprisingly, there are still a group of survivors coming from Jiuquan today. Their team is not weak. The number of them is above two. The leader is Da Hu, and there is also a mid-rank. Paul's world, and his hair is made like a dog.

Nearly No. 4 crowded the isolation zone between the first fence and the second fence. People who can survive in the last days are not good-natured, and the crowd will inevitably have a quarrel. Fortunately, the weapons have already been used. Put it up, otherwise a battle is possible.

Maimaiti couldn't get used to the momentum of the other party, and wanted to teach them with his steel body, but who knew that the other party came out a small, thin, but just pushed up the Maimaiti, Chu Xiang knew that the other team also had A master of evolution, he stopped Maimatti from continuing to work, persuading others to rest assured to wait for the end of quarantine. If riots occur in the quarantine, the machine guns on the two high walls will be shot at desperation, because it is not necessary to quarrel with the dead. It's worth it.

After dawn, Chu Xiang and others finally walked out of the quarantine area ~ ~ This base is not black, at least the work style of the reception desk is commendable. Only part of the food carried by the Chu Xiang team has been hacked. Registered, if these people go out in teams in the future, weapons will be released in full.

After leaving the quarantine area, with the help of Gao Hanfeng, these people from the base of Yumen City were placed on a small high ground on the north side of the valley. The valley runs in an east-west direction. The bottom of the valley is a bit deep and the water is likely to be wet. Only survivors who have no relationship or respect will be arranged into the bottom of the valley. In the event of a flash flood, they will be in danger, but the valley is not long, so the probability of flash floods is almost Zero, otherwise it would not have been chosen here as the base address, but even if there were no flash floods, the residence was humid and unbearable.

Chu Xiang finally brought people into the Jiayuguan base. Now he is also relieved that Maimaiti and Sun Hou must be taken away, but other locals are not well qualified. Chu Xiang does not plan to take them in the future. Back to the Yutai base, of course, you can go to wasteland to plant land.

It ’s noon after finishing the busy work, Gao Han said: "Chu Xiang, I'll ask a friend at the base command center to see if I can help you borrow a satellite phone."

Chu Xiang said: "Thank you Captain Gao, I'll wait for your news here."


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