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Chapter 298: Crouching Dragon

Buying and asking Chu Xiang said: "Master, why do you have to look for a satellite phone?"

Sun Hou said, "Do you still need to ask, Master must be on the phone."

Chen Shaodong kicked Sun Hou to the side and said, "Who doesn't know it is to call. The problem is that the master is here. Who else is Master calling? Is it the master?"

He Birou was blushed by Chen Shaodong's words. To be honest, her relationship with Chu Xiang has not been so close. It can even be said that now it is just her secret love for Chu Xiang, but Chu Xiang is a little flowery, no She just pushed He Birou away. If they want to be a good thing, it will take some time to warm up and warm up.

Chu Xiang said: "I feel homesick, of course, I need to call home. Well, let's not talk about this problem, what are your plans for the future?"

Wang Andao: "Do you still use the plan, we just want to follow Master and have more things with you. Now we have a certain basis for shooting. Does Master help us evolve as well?"

Chu Xiang thought of his experience just now, and smiled heartily: "As long as you do what I say, perseverance in everything, you must do everything you can to achieve the identified goals, then I think you will definitely have a chance Produce evolution. "

Xiaosi nodded and said, "Master, why did you pass the test, but Maimaiti and Sunhou were tested for the t virus? Fortunately, they did not stop it, otherwise they would be thrown out. . "

Sun Hou said: "We are evolutionaries, what do you know, there are not many people like us in the base, how can they be thrown out, it's a joke."

Xiaochai asked Chu Xiang why he did not detect the t virus. Chu Xiang smiled and did not answer. Wang An said: "What is your master to fix the lock? Master is the master. If you can easily detect them, is it still the master, this is called Unpredictable. T4 and several t3s are not Master's opponents, and who can do it at Jiayuguan Base? "

Chu Xiang told these people: "In the future, if you want to be my apprentice, don't talk nonsense, or I will drive you out of the division." In fact, Maimaiti and others did not visit the Shanmen Admissions Team. At first Chuxiang just taught them to shoot. They shouted and shouted so smoothly. Later, Chu Xiang successively killed t3, t4 and the creeper. He admired endlessly and formally worshipped Chu Xiang as a teacher in his heart.

Chu Xiang had no intention of accepting the disciples at first. After all, he lost all his superpowers at that time. How can I teach others. Even when he was at the base of Yutai, he didn't plan to accept his apprentice. At best, it's okay to give pointers to the other players one or two. Now it ’s time to see Mai Maiti and so on guarding him. He would stand up and rescue him when he was in danger. Secondly, he needed several people to protect himself before yesterday. So directing the evolution of Mai Maiti and others was logical.

Master said these five apprentices, of course, dare not violate. So everyone stopped talking about Chu Xiangdi. Maimai asked: "Master. If you want to go home, you will take us. When will we go. Do we need to make some preparations. After all, the guns have been confiscated. You must go to the base management office if you want to receive them again. Get a team certification card. Monkey and I are in the right conditions. It can save a lot of trouble. "

Chu Xiang said: "Since you want to be my apprentices, then I will not hide you. Both He Birou and I are from Yutai base. Of course, I know you do n’t know where the Yutai base is. But as long as you have a satellite phone. After a few minutes, you can appear in the Yutai base. It can be called a paradise. The security is also high. The weapons are left to the Jiayu base. As for the food, all can be avoided. The Yutai base is not short of food. "

Chu Xiang described the five envy. All of them eagerly hoped that Gao Hanfeng could quickly borrow a satellite phone. As for Chu Xiang, the ground will reach Yutai Base in one minute. Although they were puzzled, they dared not ask any more. Because there must be a secret involved. By then, as long as you look at it with your own eyes, you will understand everything.

Chen Shaodong asked, "Master. Should our original team members take it away. If Gao Hanfeng borrows a satellite phone for a while, I'm afraid to inform everyone."

Chu Xiang waved his hand: "Most of the players in your organization are capable of mediocrity. It is safer for them to stay in the base. My team at the Yutai base is almost all evolutionary. This way they can calmly rest among the tens of millions of zombies Out. "

Now that Master has given the highest instructions. So everyone waited in peace. After half an hour, Gao Hanfeng hurriedly returned from the base command center in the highland on the south side of the valley. Five brothers and brothers asked eagerly, "How about it? Borrowed?"

Gao Hanfeng shook his head. "Sorry Chu Xiang, I tried my best. The communication tool can only be used by the highest leadership. My friend dare not take this risk."

Mai Maiti and others were disappointed, Chu Xiang said: "It's okay, let's find a place to rest and talk tomorrow."

Chu Xiang naturally had his intention. He would wait for the night to sneak into the base command center, and then send a message or a phone call to Wang Bin, and soon they would appear here. With Li Haipeng's teleportation, it would be anywhere.

Gao Hanfeng said: "If you don't want to leave, go to me. Although the terrain here is high, the tent is still hot."

Chu Xiang didn't object, so Gao Hanfeng led in front, and everyone walked through the valley to the high **** on the south side. This is inside the second wall, and then there is the first wall, but it is not an office area. It is a place where food and ammunition are stored. In addition, there are some residences on the privileged floor. They were originally designed to live and work in the second wall, but who is not afraid of death, and it is not a bad thing to live in it.

As soon as people came and went, people kept saying hello to Gao Hanfeng. It seems that Gao Hanfeng has a good reputation at the Jiayuguan base, and the news that he brought back two off-road vehicles with military compressed biscuits has spread throughout the base. Many people type his compressed biscuits. The idea of ​​the land was tentative in words. However, Gao Hanfeng didn't care about talking to these people. Now he wants to entertain Chu Xiang well. In his eyes, Chu Xiang is a mysterious character. Those who dare to fight with t4 are not ordinary, and he also gains a lot. Victory, even the wounds healed suddenly, this is not counted. Judging from all speculations, Chu Xiang should definitely be an evolutionary, but the test before isolation yesterday evening showed normal. It's strange. He is a mysterious character.

Gao Hanfeng lived in a stone room. Because of the high ridged roof and the location was the same as the base's command center, it was cool and airy, far from the tent on the north side of the valley. There are many such stone houses on the south side, but the tents do not see the half-top. It seems that class differentiation will occur at any time and on any occasion.

Gao Hanfeng also had six players. This mission cost him a sacrificed player, and another player was infected. The corpse was ended by him. This operation hit Gao Hanfeng very hard, even many people in the base who were familiar with him. It can be seen that Gao Hanfeng is no longer holding his chin high. The eyes were no longer arrogant and even laughed, which made many people guess about Chu Xiang's identity.

There are five stone houses. Except for a warehouse, the rest are the dormitories of the original team members. Gao Hanfeng arranged to move two to Chu Xiang and others, because besides He Birou, Ding Feng and Uncle Feng also came along. Chu Xiang had a good impression on them. Let them suffer in the tent area on the north side.

Gao Hanfeng took Chu Xiang to the warehouse, which was filled with a pile of naval special 90-type compressed biscuits, packed in a special box every five kilograms, and there were handles on the box. Convenient to carry and very beautiful, Gao Han said: "Chu Xiang, you can retreat all this time with your help. Compressed biscuits here are half yours. You can handle whatever you say."

Chu Xiang opened a box and grabbed a few packets for everyone to eat. He said, "Just keep it, do you still plan to use them for money?"

Gao Hanfeng's face was awkward, and several players behind him reluctantly murmured. Someone muttered, "You can change a machine gun magazine for a cookie. He dare to eat it."

Gao Hanfeng glared at the talking team members, which meant that people would eat whatever they wanted. It was Chu Xiang's freedom to change something. If Chu Xiang didn't make a shot, they would be killed by Huang Quan, and it would be impossible to bring these compressed cookies back to the base. .

Chu Xiang took a sip of compressed biscuits and laughed: "Okay, don't feel bad. I know these materials are very valuable in the base. Basically we don't need these compressed biscuits. How to deal with it yourself. I said, Breakout is our plan. It is just that we work together to make things easier, let us halve the cost of biscuits, and you will continue to exchange for guns and ammunition to maintain your life, and for us this thing Only take a few sips when you are hungry, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable. ”Gao Hanfeng suddenly jumped in his heart, and he whispered to Chu Xiang:“ So you do n’t plan to stay here for a long time? I plan to cooperate with you Going out for food and supplies, as long as our two teams work together, it's not a problem to move all the remaining compressed biscuits back. "

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, we will leave this place, but the survivors from Yumen City will not leave. They will stay here. The food we went to when we arrived needs to be handled as soon as possible, the zombies. The dragon is gone, and your strength alone is enough to deal with it, but don't let other teams take the lead. "

Gao Hanfeng was also anxious. He called a team member to tell him to go to the base command center immediately to prepare for weapons and vehicles, and set off early tomorrow morning to carry the remaining compressed biscuits and instant noodles.

Looking at the residence, Gao Hanfeng took Chu Xiang to the street in front of the base command center. The base command center is a compound. The tallest building in it is a two-story building. There is no way. The local materials are mostly stones. In order to save cement and steel bars, high-rise buildings cannot be raised.

The base command center radiates down the valley in a semi-arc shape, and a large hillside is full of stone houses. There are various business stores except the residents. You can find it if you want to buy a needle. Although the base does not allow guns to be traded in private, But as long as the price is sufficient, some people will always take the risk. The opposite of the stone house is the tent area on the north side. There are people who cannot afford to build the stone house. One is that they lack cement and the other is that they lack the food needed to build the house. .

"Chu Xiang, it's late, let's go eat," Gao Hanfeng said warmly.

Chu Xiang laughed: "Just wait for your elder brother to say this, we are really hungry. Seriously, the gimmicks provided for free in the quarantine area last night are not very good, similar to Wotou."

Gao Hanfeng said in the front: "This is not bad. When we were not allowed to go out for private food, our base could not even eat. We have to say that the base policy is in line with the development of the times."

Everyone heard the laugh, the Gao Hanfeng was also very humorous, and the relationship between the people was very close. Walked west along the street in front of the base command center. A ramen restaurant appeared in front of you, Gao Han said: "Brother Chu, brother, I can't afford you to eat at the base hostel. Let's eat bowl of ramen here. "

Chu Xiang said: "It's good to have ramen, I don't know if I can add a few slices of beef to the bowl."

Gao Hanfeng said: "I've been there. There must be no beef, but there are two pieces of meat for lunch."

The owner of the ramen restaurant is a man and a woman, maybe a couple, maybe not, but in the last days this is not important. The boss is very familiar with Gao Hanfeng, moved the stool and wiped the table enthusiastically, and added a few bowls of hot water. Tea is impossible. Even if there is a great price to pay, that gadget is a luxury, and it is estimated that it can only be enjoyed by eating in the hostel in the backyard of the base command center. However, Gao Hanfeng said that at least fifteen boxes of compressed biscuits must be prepared for dinner there, which is really expensive.

The ramen is fast food. I just started to pull it when I sat down there, but it was just ten minutes before everyone had a bowl of hot noodles. It was really covered with two pieces of luncheon meat. Li Hulu eats it. From the perspective of the world, a bowl of ramen is a dozen dollars, which can only be a low-end consumption. But now it ’s delicious. It ’s delicious. It ’s delicious.

"Boss, checkout." Gao Hanfeng called out, and the boss hurried over and asked, "Captain Gao, what are you going to use this time?"

Gao Hanfeng took five packs of compressed biscuits from his pocket and said, "Are these enough?" Chu Xiang brought eight people, in addition to the five apprentices and He Birou, Ding Feng and Uncle Feng, while Gao Hanfeng brought five people, and the other One person went to the base center to handle the exchange, which meant that he had eaten fifteen bowls of noodles just now.

The lady in the suit saw her eyes compressed with the 90 compressed biscuit dedicated to the navy. "Captain Gao, the rumors outside are true. You are really rich. Enough is enough. These five packs of compressed biscuits are enough for me to change half a bag of flour. Thank you Captain Gao, you are such a good person. We wish you every day a fortune. "

Although there is no chicken, duck, fish or vegetables, Chu Xiang's bowl of ramen is very comfortable. In the end, he drank all the soup. Seeing that the 15th bowl of noodles was worth only five packets of compressed biscuits, Chu Xiang was helpless. Ramen is not like a compressed biscuit that can be carried around, and most of the compressed biscuit still flows into the hands of the team, because the upper-level characters do not seem to be interested in this.

Boom, a sudden explosion, Chu Xiang just got up and sat down with another buttock. The sound of the explosion was in the ear, and everyone's heads were shocked, and several porcelain bowls on the table fell to the ground and shattered. Sun Hou A team member from Gao Hanfeng quickly ran out of the ramen restaurant, and soon they returned the news. An explosion occurred in the base command center courtyard!

The sharp alarm sounded before everyone came out of the hall. A square instrument in the pocket of Gao Hanfeng's jacket also sounded. Gao Hanfeng's face changed: "No, there is a zombie attacking the base! We, the evolvers, must rush to reinforce . "

Gao Hanfeng was the first to run out. There were many people on the street with alarms like him. They all rushed to the command center. At this time, the gunfire sounded like fried beans. Chu Xiang could see it without running in front of the ramen hall. The situation in the command center, where the fire was soaring, a team of soldiers kept firing around a two-story building.

Buying and asking Chu Xiang said: "Master, do you need help?"

Chu Xiang said: "Look at the strength of the evolvers in the Jiayuguan base before you say that you and Sun Hou have not yet been equipped with alarms, so don't worry, I think they have a lot of evolvers here, and they should be more than enough to deal with incoming zombies."

A t3 jumped out of the small building on the second floor, suddenly standing in the courtyard and throwing his hands, a big net flew out somehow. When the hood turned towards t3, the one who was struggling around t3 couldn't escape. The soldier's violent firing ended his life.

"T4! There is a t4!" Someone yelled loudly, and a t rushed out of the fire. The ugly head and crawling with his buttocks were really disgusting, and a steel sledgehammer suddenly turned Smashed out of the air, the t4 didn't know the depth at first, but it used its shoulder to hard-wire it, and T4's body hit a few rolls, and half of the shoulder was smashed! But wait for it to escape. A piece of iron suddenly fell in the sky, everything was inside, chopper knife saber knife fruit knife, these things came very quickly, the power of stabbing was also very large, t4's sturdy skin could not stop it. The tie was like a hedgehog, but it was dead, and suddenly a flame sprayed down, t4's figure was submerged into the sea of ​​fire and soon disappeared.

A commander of the security center of the command center looks like a person standing on the off-road vehicle and yells as he walks: "Pay attention to the alert, continue to other positions, and report the situation at any time."

"There is one more t4!" Shouted the soldier, at this time there were more and more people around the courtyard, and this t4 was violently attacked as soon as it emerged. One guy with long wings on his back was the luckiest, even holding t4 to spread his wings and fly, his wings were not as big as Chu Xiang's. However, his wings were hairy, covered with a layer of skin underneath, and flew smoothly. The t4 was not honest in the air after he was taken away by the bird. The birdman stumbled and dropped it to the ground. T4. The dizziness that fell from the height was dizzy, and suddenly more than a dozen weapons were stretched out beside them, each of them even beat the poor t4 group to death.

After a while Gao Hanfeng walked back with regret. "Well, it's late, so they took the lead and didn't even get the soup."

Chu Xiang was puzzled. "Brother Gao, what's your explanation? Can it be said that the evolution of the Jiayuguan base consciously is so high that they can't hit the zombies, do they all feel sorry for the motherland and the people?"

Gao Hanfeng laughed: "Brother Chu, you don't know anything. As long as the internal cadaver is calmed down, the people who are successful can enjoy free hospitality at the base."

Sun Hou said: "Even if I eat twenty bowls of noodles every day, I don't have to rush to fight zombies, I still can't understand it."

Gao Hanfeng looked at He Birou and Ding Feng, and then lowered his voice: "These free items include looking for a woman. Both flying can be done. Everyone is grateful to protect the base's evolvers, so it does not exclude the base's reward policy. Besides, most active evolvers I do n’t want to eat and drink because the shops here are small businesses. It ’s enough for everyone to eat. There is no need to eat others to death. ”

Sun House smiled: "It turns out that there are still such benefits. I said why they are all rushing. I'm afraid they fall behind, but where is the girl? You won't tell me that it is just like the owner of the ramen restaurant just now. Right. "

Gao Hanfeng said: "How can you wait until the sun goes down to see this street to ensure that there will be amazing discoveries."

"Flocks of birds! There are birds in the sky!" Someone shouted loudly, and everyone looked up to look at the sky. Sure enough, a group of flying birds appeared behind the flying birds. They were fast, and they did not know where they were hiding. Here, the birdman didn't notice the enemies in the air at all. Because the bird was fast, the birdman blasted the birdman like a cannonball. The birdman could not escape being shot several times and finally fell off the air!

Huh, a net suddenly formed in mid-air, and the birdman fell on it to avoid blooming on the buttocks. With a command from the head of the guard, several flamethrowers were pulled out. Huh, the flames shot directly into the sky. Birds The group was expelled quickly, and a few were eliminated by snipers. Today's sneak attack by Zombie is completely defeated.

The head of the regiment continued to arrange the mission responsibly: "Squads 1, 5 and 5 are responsible for fighting the fire, while Squads 2, 4, and 6 continue. We must ensure that the command center operates normally in the afternoon."

Seeing the battle just now, Chu Xiang said to Gao Han: "I can't think of hiding dragons and crouching tigers at the base of Jiayuguan. There are so many evolvers and they are all extraordinary."

Gao Hanfeng disdainfully said: "Unfortunately, all of them are afraid of dead ghosts. Except for those who dare to deal with orders t3 and t4, most of them dare not go out to team to go out for food. Otherwise, it is my turn to the Hanfeng team. Of course, we cannot compare large teams. People have a government background. "

It is normal for people to be selfish, but these people are greedy for fear of death, and they do n’t know how they evolved. God is really partial to them. At least Wang An, Xiao He and Chen Shaodong think so.

Chu Xiang did not comment on this. The evolutionist Chu Xiang, who is more greedy for life than death, has seen it. Although God favored them for a while, these people have never become a master. Since the battle has ended, Chu Xiang He didn't want to stay any longer, he said: "Let's go, the sun on the street is so spicy, let's go back to sleep." Being able to sleep after having a full meal is a high enjoyment in the last days. Everyone has this. sense.

At this time, the command center heard a faint report of the situation. Chu Xiang was suddenly attracted by a few words. He winked at Sun Hou and looked at the command center. Sun Hou ran away and waited for Chu Xiang and others to return. Sun Hou also rushed back in the stone room of Gao Hanfeng, and he leaned in Chu Xiang's ear: "The command center has not suffered much damage. It seems that only the communications department has been damaged and the connection with the outside world has been temporarily broken."

Chu Xiang didn't know how to do it. He just planned to borrow the communication equipment of the Jiayuguan base in the evening. At noon, the zombies were destroyed by lunch. What happened to these zombies is that they have resentment against themselves. If the news from Sun Hou is not false, it means that they can only fly back with their wings, or use their wings to fly to the next base to obtain communication tools.

Because of his mind, Chu Xiang, who was still asleep, took a nap. He sneaked out of the stone room after everyone fell asleep, and found a hidden place to instantly evoke super powers. When the wings of the bones spread, he quickly rushed into the sky, hoping that no one was at nap Beware, otherwise it is not appropriate for others to see even if they don't recognize themselves.

Chu Xiang flew very high. He flew out of the Jiayuguan base safely. The next human base is in Zhangye. This distance is not the distance from Yumenguan to Jiayuguan. The time is not waiting, so Chu Xiang flies very fast. It can fly for up to five minutes. Chu Xiang found that the energy consumption was very large, and at this time he remembered that the periosteum on his bones and wings did not recover! This ability seems to be ranked behind several skills, right?

Chu Xiang's take-off yesterday depended on the rapid vibration of the bone fins, but the periosteum between the bone fins was not generated and could not hold the airflow. Therefore, this vibration is a consumption of energy. If Chu Xiang has reached the s level, I am afraid that it will take even a minute. Can't keep up, just like when the bone and wing evolution was just completed at the Poshui Bridge, but Chu Xiang was in a state of excitement yesterday, and he didn't notice it at all.

Chu Xiang's depression can be imagined now. He landed on the ground and sat for a while. He used this flying method to rush to Zhangye. He didn't know how many times to rest. I'm afraid it's almost the same as walking speed, and it consumes a lot of energy. Safety, in the event of encountering zombies in the air or during a break, this is very troublesome.

After thinking about it, Chu Xiang decided to temporarily return to the Jiayuguan base. Anyway, now he can protect himself. It is not so urgent to return to the Yutai base, but Zhang Jingyao and others must be worried about death, but this is also no way. Who makes himself unlucky? Yet.

When Chu Xiang sneaked back to Gao Hanfeng Stone House, everyone just woke up ~ ~ Gao Hanfeng carried a box of compressed cookies to Chu Xiang: "Chu Xiang, let's go to the trading market to find something useful."

Chu Xiang was depressed, so he just went out to relax, and took He Birou, Ding Feng, and other people down the south **** with Gao Hanfeng. The trading market was in the tent area at the bottom of the valley. No one was in the morning. After noon, the number of talents gradually increased. The market There are many soldiers patrolling around. In fact, not only the market place at the bottom of the valley, but patrolling soldiers can be seen everywhere in the entire base. This is probably related to the frequent attacks on the base by the zombies. Moreover, it is easy to conflict between people in the last days. There are soldiers suppressing around easily and no one dares to mess.

The most prominent location at the entrance to the market is several large tents. The stall owner turned out to be several soldiers wearing military uniforms, Gao Hanfeng explained: "They are the booths set up by the base. In addition to providing free quantitative food, all people can pass the barter. Food in exchange for food, after all, the amount and quality of food provided free of charge is limited. "

Sun Hou looked at the white flour inside and said, "What can be exchanged?"

A member of Gao Hanfeng's nicknamed Changshe said: "Anything, as long as it is recognized by the other party. As far as I know, the highest conversion ratio is gold and antiques."


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