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Chapter 299: start to act

Maimai said puzzledly: "Are those things useful? You can't be a gun and you can't be a meal. What are you doing?"

Gao Hanfeng laughed: "Buy Maiti, do you say that the ruling class here lacks guns and meals? People always have to live. There are a few antiques in the room and office, and a layer of gold on the bedside of the bedroom. You said Do you feel comfortable when you sleep? "

Wang An, Chen Shaodong, and others laughed: "It's true, if I have enough food and I'm protected, I would think so, otherwise it would be interesting to live."

Ding Feng pointed at a pile of humane on a stone platform in front of him: "What are they doing? Line up is not for buying and selling people. The Jiayuguan base looks very decent. It is impossible to have such a business."

Gao Hanfeng said: "Girl Ding, I ask you what is decent? If one ca n’t survive, does he have the right to sell himself in order to get a chance of survival? Can it be said that decent is to let anyone starve to death Do not ask?"

He Birou defended Ding Feng: "Brother Gao, I think the decent is the government to come forward to eliminate this possibility, as long as the government is upright, no one will starve to death, right?"

Gao Hanfeng sighed, "I estimate that the last batch of flour returned last time will be cut off even after the supply of Heiwowotou is cut off, and the population trading in the market will be more prosperous."

Ding Feng said in surprise: "It really is a trader!"

Gao Hanfeng said: "It can be sold out or hired. It all depends on your own decision. There are many mechanics on that stage. They are eager to be appreciated by the base command center. They can mix a day meal as long as they join the government without having a meal. No meals are provided free of charge. "

If you go to the market, there will be more and more. Underpants, toilet paper, and sanitary napkins are also available. As long as the stall owner thinks that they are valuable, they can be exchanged, and you can even exchange a pack of cigarettes for a laptop computer. Civilians provide electricity and it is useless for ordinary people to have a computer.

Many people had the idea of ​​compressing biscuits in the hands of Gao Hanfeng. Chu Xiang also secretly paid attention to the price. Some teams can use more expensive materials, such as combat uniforms, bulletproof vests, tactical flashlights, daggers, military boots, military pots, and biscuits. Guns and ammunition cannot be traded publicly in the market because it is exclusively operated by the base government, but Undercover, some people who can embezzle weapons from the base are still doing this business secretly, and their transaction costs are lower than the base. But no one dares to trade all weapons and ammunition from here, so the base will be angry, and then you can deduct the food you have worked so hard for any reason.

Chu Xiangdi's clothes were tattered. And there was blood on it. Gao Hanfeng's ten packs of compressed biscuits changed everyone's clothing from scratch. Many are brand names. Chu Xiang changed into a white shirt and trousers. Tied the hem of the shirt to the waist of the pants. It's so handsome. He Birou's eyes were full of light. Man leans on clothes and horses on saddle. This is true.

Everyone picks and changes clothes here. Gao Hanfeng was pulled to the other side by the captains of several other teams. Everyone talked together. "Brother Gao. You've made a fortune this time. Give me a box of compressed biscuits for everyone. Everyone knows that the base was originally far from the urban area. The place where food can be found nearby is almost everywhere. Now you can only survive in Jiayuguan City. . But it was by no means a day to go back and forth. There is no high-calorie food. Our team members are afraid to stand up. "

Gao Hanfeng also refused. "Tell me what you have on hand."

A captain said: "Brother Gao. I'll use a machine gun for your box of compressed biscuits. I know this value is a bit low. You also know that Brother Gao. Last time I went out to my team with more than half of my injuries. Now I have no family. . "

Gao Hanfeng nodded and said, "Okay. You will come to me to pick up a box. We still have the old rules of weapons. We will trade out of the base for a while. But Liu. I don't lack machine guns now. The lack of land is the bomb. Next time you remember Get more ammunition. "

It is troublesome for ordinary people to bring weapons into the base. It's unlikely. It can only be deposited on the base account when entering the base. To bring weapons out of the base is simple. There are no inspection procedures at all. And almost all the weapons on the trading market flowed out of the government. So there is no problem that cannot be brought into the base.

"I have ammunition!" Said a fat captain. "How about one box for another?"

Gao Hanfeng sneered sneerly: "Master Wan. How about a box of instant noodles for you and a box of bullets?"

Wan Fat's face changed: "The surname is high, don't think you are out of luck this time, be careful the next time you overturn the ship."

Gao Hanfeng said, "Thank you, Commander Wan for your concern, I will remember to bring a life buoy."

Lengheng with the surname Wan left, and the next transactions were mostly bomb-based. Not long after everyone was satisfied, Chu Xiang had noticed that the surname was Wandidi. The team members under Gao Hanfeng explained to Chu Xiang: " The fat man is called Wanshanhe. He is currently the captain of the Flying Dragon Brigade with the strongest base in Jiayuguan base. They have more than one person. Because of the large number of people, they can return with a full load every time they go out. Our Hanfeng team can only top the small team. We still ca n’t match large teams, but most of them have government backgrounds, so we rarely compare them. In general, our Hanfeng team is still well-known in the base. This time we bring back so much compression. Biscuits, we have straightened a little while walking. "

Suddenly, the sound of a smashing gong came, everyone's attention was drawn to it, and only a man standing on the Renyi platform shouted, "Fathers and gentlemen, the Dragon Squad recruits people, as long as they are young and strong All of them can participate in the battle, and the meals are filled daily. Interested parties can register at the office under the flagpole. "

"Dragon Squad?" Gao Hanfeng and his two players were also puzzled. Obviously this team popped up, but everyone who saw the flagpole off the table understood that it was the cheeks encountered in the isolation. Hu He split his head. I did not expect that they would pull up the team as soon as they arrived, and they did not take any conditions to expand their recruits. It seems that the strength is indeed not weak.

Gao Hanfeng said: "All teams are eager to try. I wonder if it is necessary to move the compressed biscuits overnight. Everyone knows that our two off-road vehicles cannot pull out the biscuits all at once."

Chu Xiang said: "I think it is necessary, otherwise you will lose out if you really rob them."

The team member who went to work at the base command center at noon told Gao Han: "Captain, you can't go out today, or you have to spend the night outside, because the base posted new rules to prevent zombies from attacking from night. No tonight is approved. The request to enter and leave the base, and the base seems to be reforming the household registration system in order to strengthen internal law and order, and cannot stay after the curfew without registering housing in Nanpo. "

Gao Hanfeng yelled: "Why everything seems to come against us, what does it mean to base."

Chu Xiang glanced at the registration office and said, "I think the base is not all for us, and a large team entered the base yesterday. No. 4 people came in one time. It would be easy to cause riots if the management was not strengthened, and the so-called dragon slaughter All members of the team are arrogant, and the base does not stipulate some policies that restrict them, and it is justified. "

Gao Hanfeng said: "But if this is the case, you will be forced to return to the tent area on the north side. No, I will find someone to walk around."

Chu Xiang said: "Forget it, we won't be staying for a few days anyway, maybe we will leave tomorrow." Gao Hanfeng said with some contortion: "Chu Xiang. I ask you something."

Chu Xiang said: "Don't ask for anything, just say anything."

Gao Hanfeng said: "In fact, you have also seen that many people have the idea of ​​compressing biscuits. Although we did not disclose the location, every time we go out, we will have a certain direction. They just follow the direction I walked last time. I was able to find those sections of the wagon, and my team lost nearly half of my staff. Now even the driver is not enough. Can you do me a favor again? I know this request is rude. You saved our lives. In return, but asking you ... "

Chu Xiang laughed: "It's not that serious. Tomorrow, I'll go with you to get the compressed cookies back."

Gao Hanfeng almost jumped up like a child, "Okay, thank you Chu Xiang, tonight we went to the base command center guesthouse and had a delicious meal. I heard that it was similar to the previous five-star hotel. Let ’s enjoy it. Fan! "

Chu Xiang did not quit, anyway, there will be a lot of food to come back tomorrow, to see how the flowers and wine can be, but there are still many things to do in the afternoon. You must apply for a team in the name of Maimaiti or Sun Hou, or Chu Xiang and others ca n’t bring the land weapons out. Maimaiti asks the team name of Chuxiang. Chuxiang casually said, "Although we don't have a car, I still like the name."

After completing the formalities and getting back a paper certificate and two alarms dedicated to the evolver, it was already dark. Gao Hanfeng took a dozen boxes of compressed biscuits into the hostel. As for the grades in it, it is nothing but The world was just a class of incompetent hotels. But see the beautiful lady in cheongsam serving you. There is also air conditioning open, and you can eat a few plates of dehydrated vegetables and meat. You will really have a heavenly feeling, as for the other special services in it, it is even more ... can't say.

Not to mention the gossip. The next morning, everyone came to the quarantine area to wait for the ration and release of supplies. It made Chu Xiang unexpectedly that there were more than six people out today. Among them, the Dragon Squad had a number. Yesterday they recruited two. Today All are equipped with rifles to pull into battle, but it really must be cannon fodder because they really do not shoot much.

In addition, the Flying Dragon Brigade has more than one person, and there are more than ten squadrons in the rest. Most of them are masters who want to follow the soup and fish. Gao Hanfeng took a box of compressed biscuits and threw it into the distribution room staff. He reluctantly said, "Captain Gao, wasn't it a waste for them?"

Gao Hanfeng smiled mysteriously: "You will know later."

After a whistle, the garage first opened, and everyone went to collect their cars, check the fuel and condition of the car. In addition to continuing to lease the two off-road vehicles, Gao Hanfeng also rented ten additional cars, because he increased the rent. These ten great liberations have attracted everyone else. If you do n’t have the bottom of the board before, who would dare to waste so much food to rent a heavy card? You must know that Gao Hanfeng has used up all the compressed biscuits brought back last time. Who doesn't believe it is out of stock.

Chu Xiang asked Maimaiti to select forty members from the population of the Yumen base. Each truck was assigned to two drivers and two machine gunners. When they reached their destination, these people were porters. The combination with the eschatology team is also a medium-sized team.

Each team found their own vehicle, and then went to the distribution room to pick up weapons. Some people kept complaining, "What the hell, the last time we returned was clearly five available machine guns. Who knows if these two are bad? ring."

Another said, "Boss, these grenades are out of date. Can you stop us, if the grenade blows up the zombies, we will die."

There is also humanity: "Is it two boxes of bullets, and when it is poured into a box, it will be full. Don't get so greedy even if you are corrupt."

It's Gao Han's turn, and he also pressed half a pack of cigarettes under the proof of the two teams, which was left over at the Command Center Guest House last night. "Comrade, please, the weapons of the Hanfeng team and the eschatology team."

There were smiles on the faces of the couplets in the room. "Oh, Captain Gao, good to say, everything is ready for you, oh, big front door. It's been a long time since I smoked such a good cigarette, or Captain Gao. You're interesting, let your people move weapons. Make sure you don't put water on you. "

Maimaiti and Sun Hou were sweating a lot. How did the arms and ammunition on the trading market in the base come to? Now everyone knows it. The fifty or more people entered the arsenal together, and each person took all the weapons. The purchase and inspection of the bag was stopped by Gao Hanfeng. The Maimai was uneasy and afraid of being manipulated. Gao Hanfeng was afraid that other teams saw that the weapons they took were standard goods for the people in the distribution room. It's almost all right. I really want to pay attention to it today, there is no need to make a task.

The condition of the car was basically okay. Soon the teams reported the preparation completion signal. When the last team also completed the preparation work, the base door opened and the high concrete fence was heavily guarded. Lest the zombies attack while the door was opened, one Cars rushed out of them, among which Dragon Squad had the most vehicles, not just trucks. They even rented two armored personnel carriers and two tire-type self-propelled artillery! There is also a large engineering vehicle that is a flagship vehicle. It is taller than an adult. It looks overbearing. The beard and split heads sit there and command. They have more than a dozen heavy machine guns and countless light machine guns. Mighty, it's definitely unusual to have such wealth just now.

The second vehicle and weapon is the Dragon Team, but unfortunately there are no more trucks available for hire at the base. Operation Wanshanhe only rented five cars a step behind. However, the off-road vehicle and armored personnel carrier let him rent a lot, and even rented a 89-type 122mm40 self-propelled rocket launcher! If Wanshanhe is either crazy or the military has a strong background. Otherwise, he will have to sell everything on this trip, because the self-propelled rocket launcher is not only expensive to rent, it is also expensive for the five military entourage. If the flour is used for calculation, the entire rocket launcher needs the price of a whole vehicle!

Except for the two teams, the combination of vehicles and weapons is the combination of Gao Hanfeng and Chu Xiang. They came out of the base gate at the first position. At the door, they saw Chu Xiangle. The Dragon Squad and Flying Dragon Squad first left the gate. They all stopped by the side, and the meaning was obvious. We just ran for the food of the Hanfeng team.

The off-road vehicle that Gao Hanfeng and Chu Xiang took was at the forefront, and Maimaiti put his tail on another off-road vehicle, while Sun Hou slipped forward to detect the enemy situation, and at any time used He Birou's communicator to contact Chu Xiang.

Gao Hanfeng was furious. "Chu Xiang, what should we do? They made up their minds to rob us of compressing cookies, these people are despicable."

Chu Xiang said: "What else can we do, we don't care about their actions at all, even if we don't take the initiative to go to them they will find it along the way, so let's go and watch first."

So the off-road vehicle took the lead, followed by a mighty truck team, followed by other team camps. People who did not know the details thought it was a base relocation.

I have to say that Sun Hou ’s scout is really hard working, and his running speed is getting faster and faster. He has a lot to catch up with the ghost killer of that year, but after 20 minutes, he will touch the situation within more than ten kilometers. Over and over, I ran back to the first off-road vehicle to report the situation in one breath and drank water while changing shoes.

Chu Xiang slowed down. He opened the map from the Yumen base and said, "Brother Gao, because the communication at the Jiayuguan base was broken, no one knows the general distribution map of the zombies, but we have the reason for Sun Hou. Having the intelligence advantage, haven't other teams followed us closely to grab food, and we can't go to the crash scene. "

Gao Hanfeng also heard Sun Hou ’s report just now. He knows that the zombie that was originally scattered has signs of assembly, so the sooner the food is transported back to the base, the safer it will be. Besides, this time a big blood loss is made. There is no capital for renting out vehicle weapons.

"Brother Chu. What do you mean, my brother and I are stupid and can't guess." Gao Hanfeng said very modestly.

Chu Xiang said: "Let's go to Jiayuguan Airport!"

Gao Hanfeng was startled: "Isn't Sun Hou saying that there are thousands of zombies there? And the distribution is concentrated. Besides, even if we turn in front, can we be sure they will follow, they will walk a dozen kilometers further. You can see the scene of the iron car accident. "

Chu Xiang said: "It is because the zombie distribution is concentrated. It is good for us to clean up. As for them, we do n’t have to pay attention to it. Anyway, we are not going to play. There is bound to be gains when you go. You said that the base is now the most scarce. What is it? What equipment is the most valuable to pull back? "

Gao Hanfeng was puzzled and thought for a while: "In addition to food and weapons, there is only luxury, but the base does not have a large demand for luxury. Even a truck may not be able to digest it."

Sun Hou laughed and laughed: "Lao Gao, don't look at you as an evolutionary, but your brain is not flexible enough. The most valuable thing in Jiayuguan is of course the communication equipment! Think about the communication room at the base yesterday. Just after being destroyed by zombies, what is the most lacking in the base? I heard others say that there are a lot of weapons and easy-to-preserve food in the first fence. If we get a set of communication equipment, it will not be a problem to exchange a few trucks.

Gao Hanfeng patted his head and said, "Yeah, why did I forget this incident, although the base knows that we cannot expect external reinforcements, but the timely surveillance of the zombies by losing the satellites is like a person being blinded in both eyes. In case there is a large number of zombies surrounding the base, we cannot know in advance to take precautions ... "

Chu Xiang was reminded by Gao Hanfeng's words, he jumped to his heart and said, "No good. Is it that the zombies sneaked into the command center communication room with a premeditated attack? Otherwise, why would they also injure the bird people and not be able to fly? They must have earth operations. ? "

Gao Hanfeng associates the matter with a cold sweat on his face, and said, "Yeah, there have never been any cases of zombies sneaking into the communication room before. There is really a problem in it."

Chu Xiang said: "You can't manage so much first, anyway, you can't turn around at this moment. We go to Jiayuguan Airport, and it's not a problem to fill the truck with ten trucks. After returning to the base, Brother Gao will try to remind the person in charge of the base. Scouts should be dispatched to pay close attention to the movement of the zombies before communications are restored. "

Gao Hanfeng said: "I'm afraid our words are slight and nobody believes it, but I will try my best. Okay, let's turn ahead and go to Jiayuguan Airport!"

The Dragon Squad and Flying Dragon Brigade that followed closely behind were very puzzled. An Zhao guessed that they should continue to move forward, and the Hanfeng Squad turned here. Is it necessary to go to the airport? Wan Shanhe determined that Gao Hanfeng would not return easily. Because the Hanfeng squad has also lost money this time. So he didn't hesitate to let the team keep up.

Besides, the Dragon Squad is called Hu Yidi. The young man is his nephew Hu Gao. These two men have brains and stand out from the survivors after the t-virus riot. They have accumulated a lot of wealth and weapons in a small base in Jiuquan, but that small base is not easy to defend ~ www. ~ The uncle and nephew then made a strategy to move to a nearby base.

Of course, when they come to the new base, they are not willing to be ruled, but to prove their ability is to bring wealth to the new base, but after more than half a year, it is more difficult to find food outside, and it is dangerous to find food in the urban area, so After learning about the current situation in the base, the uncle and nephew also thought of making a fortune with Gao Hanfeng.

Hu Yidi and Hu Gao did not look at a squad of less than ten people at all. Even if Gao Hanfeng later joined the eschatology team to increase their strength, but after understanding the situation, Hu Yidi dismissed it, and the two skills generally evolved. In the end, the eschatology team is not scared at all. When necessary, he can step under these two teams with strong force!

Hu Gaodao: "Uncle, what should we do? If the guess is good, they should continue to go west. I haven't heard that anyone has been to the airport before. Does that guy Gao Hanfeng deliberately lead me there?"

Hu Yidi thought slightly: "We also keep up. There will never be less material at the airport than a few boxes of compressed biscuits. Moreover, the sudden appearance of a large number of compressed biscuits will reduce its value. It is useless to pull more. I think most of them are the idea of ​​airport communication equipment. Hey, by that time, we will be waiting for the mantis to catch cicadas. "


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