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Chapter 301: Skill recovery

Anyway, the staff officer jumped off the rocket-propelled vehicle, and then climbed into an off-road vehicle to rush eastward. Wanshanhe was only hesitant to work late. Four or five yaks came around, and they hit the ground with a shaking offensive. To the rocket launcher, this pile of steel objects was knocked down and overturned, and then an internal explosion occurred, and the surrounding cattle herds were blown into the sky together!

The Dragon Slayer team fled for the first time, because Hu Yidi and Hu Gao knew the power of mutant creepers and saw that they were a combination of yak and wolf, but they did not dare to fight based on the evolutionary strength of Hu Yidi and Hu Gao. However, I do n’t know that the mountains and mountains of Wanshanhe use the body to test the knife, the yak weight is strong and the head has horns as a weapon. In addition, after the evolution, the cowhide is sturdy and not easy to kill, and they are the most commonly used group attack. They do not stop the yaks in the spacious public The bunkers of the group, even the tanks, can knock them over! What's more, the yak cooperates with the flexible mutant wolves. Once close combat with them, even if you have four hands and eight feet, it is difficult to cope!

The second team that escaped was the Flying Dragon Brigade. The flagship car exploded. The remaining players were frightened. Everyone abandoned the vehicle to find a hiding place. The other small teams behind the Flying Dragon Brigade had weak weapons and continued to fight. The possibility of hurting the yak was not available, and they also dispersed after finding that the ordinary bomb could not hurt the yak.

The chaos on the road was chaotic, the sound of gunfire exploded, and the yak herds stopped running before and after they attacked, leaving the wolves on them to kill people in the vehicle, chewing and wailing everywhere, survivors who escaped the attack range were Can't bear to look back.

Hu Yidi and Hu Gao were even more resentful. The thick bumpers on the off-road vehicles were all crushed into powder! "It's a pity that our supplies! The team members can re-recruit, but the weapons and vehicles have to be lost."

Hu Gao comforted Uncle: "Uncle, don't be angry, as long as we are alive there is hope of resurgence. Besides, the wealth we have left at the Jiayuguan base is huge. Is it not easy to form a team again?"

Hu Yidi nodded, "Well, where do these yaks come from, and whether they threaten the security of the Jiayuguan base, I think we should carefully consider whether we should stay at the Jiayuguan base for development."

Hu Gaodao: "The herd should come from the Qilian Mountains, where there is a nature reserve. The number of various animals has rebounded in recent years. Yaks are important species in the west and play an important role in daily life. So regardless of Both domestic yaks and wild yaks are very large. "

Hu Yidi sighed, "We are not going to the mainland because we are afraid of the large number of zombies there, but there will be many wild animals in the west. Is there still a place for our human beings in this world?"

Hu Gaodao: "Uncle, we should look away. When it's time to enjoy, we should desperately enjoy. This time, we can safely escape from the danger. It is worth the joy. We are much luckier than those who die and are about to die."

Hu Yidi laughed. "Yes, let's go back to the base to celebrate it. I never imagined that the Jiayuguan base was so enlightened that it would openly support the special service industry. Wouldn't it be a loss if you didn't enjoy it? The Flying Dragon Brigade? Well, and Gao Hanfeng, they're all done!"

Hu Gao raised his binoculars and looked at it, "The cattle are not chasing us. They are heading west. It is hard for Gao Hanfeng to think of it! This is the price of deceiving us! Cookies? Let's eat shit."

Under the impact of the strong power of the herd, the team on the ground did not have any power to stop it. Many of the fleeing humans were hunted by the flexible mutant wolves. After a full meal, the formation ran west. Although the number of yaks slightly decreased, the total number was still only about. This scale was enough to cool any team. Unless they have powerful long-range firepower and enough power to stop the cattle from charging, otherwise they are invincible!

The Hanfeng team and the eschatology team have arrived at the crash site, the overturned wagons are still quietly piled on the railway line, and everyone gets out of the car and begins to move instant noodles and compress cookies. The chairs pulled from the airport have been thrown off the truck, and even a bag of luggage has been thrown away. Although the clothes and daily use are also valuable, they are far worse than food.

Chu Xiang easily found cigarettes and lighters from a bag of scattered luggage. For men, this thing is second only to life and women. He lit a cigarette and spit out a ring of smoke. It's easy, if you can make them full, they will really treat you as their heaven.

The sun flashed under a bra, and Chu Xiang threw the bra aside. But it turned out to be a mobile phone! In fact, Chu Xiang sees more on mobile phones. After all, in the past, as long as the world had a little economic strength, it was not unusual for a mobile phone to be used. However, after the disappearance of operators such as China Mobile, China Unicom, and Telecom, mobile phones and scrap iron are of value. Unless the mobile phone signal station is re-established at a base with high conditions, it will be useless.

However, Chu Xiang saw that this mobile phone is very special, and said that it was too big a few years ago. Unlike the big bricks, it also has an exaggerated antenna. Chu Xiang picked it up and wanted to turn it on. However, he found that the battery was dead, and Gao Hanfeng just came to Chu Xiang at this time. He was surprised: "Brother Chu, you are really lucky. This is a satellite phone. You can contact your friends."

Chu Xiang wondered if this was a satellite phone, different from what he bought from the Persian cat, or he jumped up excitedly just now. The satellite phone provided by the Persian cat is similar to ordinary mobile phones, and the signal pole is not so exaggerated. Want to come to the capabilities of the Persian cat, most of them are military supplies, military technology is more than ten or even decades higher than civilian technology. However, the so-called advanced civilian technology is often eliminated by the military, and this has been proved at home and abroad.

"It's out of power, but it still seems impossible to fight." Chu Xiang regretfully said, Bai was happy.

Gao Hanfeng said: "It's okay. After I go back, I will find a way to help you charge. I have an acquaintance in the command center. This little thing can help, but it will make you wait for a long time."

"Master, it's not good," Sun Hou shouted and ran back, with a dust behind him, so he was really anxious.

Chu Xiang grabbed the Sun Hou who couldn't hold back. "What's wrong? So panic-stricken."

Sun Hou said: "Cows, cows, yaks are coming to this side, but also wolves! Wolfs, wolves ride on the backs of cattle!"

Chu Xiang immediately ran up the hillside that blocked his view. Sure enough, the dust was rolling in the east, and a huge team was running along the road towards the place. At this time, the earth could feel the trembling.

Chu Xiang's scalp was numb. This battle was a bit of a taste of the Kaifeng battle, but most of his skills have not been restored. I don't know if he can stop the impact of the cattle with bone-weapons. According to Sun Hou, there are still cattle on the back. Wolf. This is a wonderful match, the yak can only charge, but the wolf will be close combat, letting the combination of these two makes people invincible.

How to do? Let ’s retreat, Chu Xiang ca n’t ignore the lives of others, because without super skills, there is no way to be sure that there will be a fish that misses the net. At that time, attacking a wolf will cause huge casualties to the team members. I thought that Chu Xiang was busy working below The man shouted, "Pause all! Enter combat immediately!"

Gao Hanfeng only ran to the top of the **** at this moment, and he saw the yak herds that were attacking aggressively pale. This is definitely not something that humans can stop, this time it's dead! "Chu Xiang, what shall we do?"

Chu Xiang said: "You will immediately retreat west with the team, go as far as you can, can run a few count a few. I will stay here for a while."

Gao Hanfeng bit his teeth and said, "I stay with you! Brother, you are kind to me, I can't escape!"

Chu Xiang pushed up Hanfeng's style: "Hurry up, you do n’t have any use at all. Let me buy and stay with me, and the rest of the people leave. Do n’t leave any. Quick!"

Gao Hanfeng didn't dare to talk to Chu Xiang anymore. He felt a little respectful of Chu Xiang now. He jumped on the off-road vehicle Gao Hanfeng and shouted, "Get off! Press the accelerator to the end and drive forward! Don't care about any supplies!"

The team drove west crazy and stood beside Chu Xiang in a frantic mood. "Master, I am not timid. The number of herds is large. How can we stop them? You must have figured out a way."

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "Buy and buy, it's normal for you to be afraid. Because even your master, I'm also afraid. If I put it in the past, I wouldn't look at this little thing, but today my skills are affected Damage, you must use both hands to stop the herd. I may not be able to take care of you at that time. You just have to remember to hold their bite with your tough body. It will be harder to hone your skin ,It's good for you."

Mai Mai mentions: "I know Master. In addition to protecting myself. I will specialize in bull's eye and wolf eye."

Although the wolf on the back of the yak can be seen, they are still some distance away. Chu Xiang's heart is actually more embarrassing than buying and buying. Yaks and wolves must not hurt him, but it is difficult to stop them all. If they can recover one or two skills, it is good, even if it is just a useful land. Row.

Chu Xiang held a trace of hope and walked to the side of the rails. He stretched out a bone knife and cut a few railroad tracks. Then the dead horse became a live horse doctor. He used the bone wings to try to break down the iron elements. What surprised Chu Xiang was that the railroad tracks slowly melted and disappeared! This is unexpected. I don't know if the ability to decompose iron has been restored with the growth of bone wings, or it has just been restored. Anyway, it is easy to use! With this kind of large-scale lethal weapon, it has stopped the herd to grasp it a little higher.

Chu Xiang summoned the five-color liquid. I learned after communication that the original five-color liquid was not lazy. Since Chu Xiang subdued the r virus, he has been desperately helping himself to repair his skills. The t virus naturally cooperates. Although r disease is reluctant, it resists However, Chu Xiang ’s powerful ideas also followed those two honestly. In addition to decomposing iron elements, the ability to control plants has also been restored!

Good day! Chu Xiang was greatly relieved. It is easy to say that he has these two skills. His body has broken through 5,000 fitness values, and his skills have been comprehensively rebuilt by a virus. It is time to verify their power! Chu Xiang threw the railroad track back happily, but saw Mai Maiti stunned and stood behind him.

Chu Xiang was happy and patted Mai Maiti's shoulder and said, "Why did you buy Maiti, have you seen a ghost?"

Maimaiti looked at Chu Xiang with a bit of fear: "Master, Master, how do you have, have wings? What are those railroad tracks? What is there that can fly?"

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, buy and buy, this is the secret of Master ’s land. The herd is about to rush over. We have to prepare for the battle. You will learn some things later."

Maimao nodded vigorously. "Master, I will definitely keep it secret for you, I won't talk to Sun Monkey!"

Chu Xiang stood in the center of the public, facing the yak coming from the sky. He was surrounded by green trees on both sides. With super skills, Chu Xiang's confidence increased greatly, and he was no longer disturbed. "Buy and buy, let's stop the herd and create a miracle!"

Maimaiti was infected by Chu Xiang's mood and grand words, "Master. You are the best evolutionist in the world, and my generation will follow you! Ah ..."

Maimaiti shouted loudly to express the excitement and heroism in his heart. Chu Xiang waved his hands, and did not need to step on his feet on those trees and grass. I saw that the plants within 20 meters of the circle grew rapidly, and then it was like a wind blowing down Colored ribbons hula rushed towards the yaks! As wide as the front of the herd is, the plants are scattered as wide as possible. They grow so fast that they can no longer be observed with their eyes, and they finally grow into a plant wall that is more than ten meters thick. The yak rushed in and was entangled!

Chu Xiang was very excited. Sure enough, as the five-color liquid said, his skills had changed texture. He used to contact the body with plants to transfer energy, but now he doesn't have to. And the growth rate of plants and anti-strike force are geometrically multiplied, and it is rare for plant rattan to be broken, which makes the defense line more stable.

At least one yak rushed into the plant and was trapped. They were tightened and tightened until the bones broke and died, but the impact of the striker immediately stopped, and the wolves on the back of the cow leapt and jumped. plant wall. Chu Xiang laughed and said, "Buy and buy, Master shows you a good thing!"

Chu Xiangxiang took out a handful of plants and threw it in front of him. Alas, alas, a towering tree emerged from the soil, and the tree poles were filled with fruits for a moment. This is the shooting tree. , Their growth rate and fruit size have been greatly improved than before, and those wolves have just leapt to the front of the tree. Bang, bang, the fruit exploded, and the hard arrows flew out. None of the wolves were spared, and they were all shot underground by the dense arrow rain! Buy Maiti directly petrochemical! This is even worse than heavy machine guns! And still aim automatically!

Most of Chu Xiangdi's seeds are stored in the space ring, and with his super power recovery, he can open the space ring, and the space ring has expanded to a capacity of seven cubic meters, but the food inside is already for today's Chu Xiang It doesn't matter.

Chu Xiang's wing flew into the sky, although he could not fly for a long time. However, it is still easy to do short-term aerial shooting. The ground projectile formed at the end of the bone wing is quickly fired at the yak under the strong urging of the bone wing. The small projectile is not larger than the machine gun warhead. However, the power attached above is not comparable to machine gun bullets, but it is accurately shot at the yak's head and the wolf's head.

The sound of the maggot's brain continued to crack, and large yaks fell to the ground. The remaining wolves on the back of the ox only wailed and fled. Even the yaks, who thought they were strong and invincible, turned their heads and killed more than two companions in an instant. This speed is not what they can afford. If you stay for a few more minutes, I am afraid that even the remaining shortcomings will have to be hung up.

The sound of rumbling cowshoes headed south, and the wolves only chased after them. They were defeated. It was impossible to launch another attack. In just five minutes, the huge group of creepers was finished. He didn't contact the creeper at all, and he paused thinking on the spot.

The shooting effect of the bone wing was beyond Chu Xiang's expectation. Both the force and accuracy were greatly improved than before. With the small projectile Chu Xiang can also kill the crawlers, and the number of projectiles stored and fired increased, becoming a large area to kill the enemy. Great weapon! From this point of view, the power of those skills that will be recovered in turn will inevitably take off. Chu Xiang's heart is blooming like flowers. The bitter value that has been eaten these days!

Chu Xiang landed and recovered all the weapons, and restored the mutated plants as usual. Now he is in a good mood. Not only did he pick up a satellite phone, but he also successfully restored several skills. This is not critical, regardless of his physical fitness or Skills have undergone major changes compared to the previous, completely breaking through the bottleneck limit, and the power has gone thousands of miles! Don't mention self-protection at this moment, it is no problem to fight back, and with the current strength, even if there is no satellite phone, as long as the base communication is restored, no one can stop him if he wants to call!

"Master, master ..." Maimaiti said only two words for so long. He didn't know what to say. He was completely stingy, flying, using his body as a weapon, and controlling plants ...

Chu Xiang can understand the mood of buying and buying. He patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry about buying and buying. You can also continue to evolve forward. One day you will reach this high and go back to everyone." Come on, let's remove the instant noodles and go back to the base. "

Although Maimaiti was excited, he didn't say much. He ran excitedly to the west. It didn't take long for him to meet the grandson of the inquiring news. After more than ten minutes, the team rushed back and Gao Hanfeng and others were given the sight Frightened, there are dead crickets and wolf corpses all over the place. They want to know what Chu Xiang has done, but they can buy and keep secrets. Chu Xiang himself doesn't talk. They can only swallow up the doubts and shocks, and quickly the team Loaded with instant noodles and biscuits, the convoy rolled to the east.

"Look, the Dragon Squad and the Flying Dragon Squad were killed in front!" Sun Hou pointed to the tragic battlefield ahead ~ ~ Chu Xiang was a little sad, these guys looked down on themselves and refused to cooperate with themselves, did not expect Who ended up complaining like this? He was not sure of his skill recovery before. He was not even sure of protecting his own team. Even if he received the distress signals from the Dragon Squad and the Flying Dragon Brigade, he would not be able to come to the rescue. Even if they are unlucky, the supplies in this place can be cheap. Myself.

Chu Xiang turned to Gao Han and said, "Inform our driver to allocate half of the staff to inspect abandoned vehicles. As long as they can drive away, drive away! Transfer important materials to other trucks that cannot be driven away. No. "

Gao Hanfeng laughed: "These guys wanted to follow us to eat Qiufeng to eat meat, but did not expect to make us a wedding dress in the end. Chu Xiang, I ca n’t see you more and more, how can you catch up with me? Holy, so many creepers can't help you. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "I'm me, but it's just luck. The big construction vehicle is very overbearing. Let's go there and look good."

Gao Hanfeng shared the same feeling. The two climbed onto the construction vehicle and directed a larger convoy to the Jiayuguan base.


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