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Chapter 302: Full load

"What? The whole army is over?" Jia Hongguan's highest commander Shan Hongjun grew surprised.

Hu Yidi said: "Yes, Shan Jun, we encountered mutant animals. They are mainly composed of yaks and wolves. Their impact and combat power are high. None of our large vehicles can stop their offensive, except for us. , The others are probably too fierce. "

The first division commander, Wan Changming, said anxiously: "What about Wanshanhe? How is the Flying Dragon Brigade?"

Hu Gao said sadly: "According to Captain Wan ’s staff, Captain Wan was reluctant to leave a few vehicles. He stayed on the self-propelled rocket-propelled vehicle without rushing out. Later, the yak knocked over the rocket-propelled vehicle and exploded. Calamity ... "

"Well," Wan Changming's head collapsed to the ground with pain, Wan Shanhe was his son, how could he not worry!

Shan Hong also felt shortness of breath for a while. This operation, however, he monitored the whole process. The firepower of the Dragon Squadron and the Flying Dragon Brigade can absolutely cope with all sudden changes. Armored personnel carriers, and more than 20 off-road vehicles, all of which can be configured with heavy machine guns. Even if they encounter tens of thousands of zombies, they can fight, but they are all finished in a moment? The base rented out all trucks. How to go out to find food without truck support in the future? Such a strong firepower is all over, who dares to go out even if there is a truck?

Hu Gao comforted Master Wan Changming, while Hu Yidi enlightened Captain Shan Hong. Both his uncles and nephews knew that this was a good opportunity to enter the core management of Jiayuguan. "Single army commander, Jiayuguan base must be able to block the creepers with its thick concrete fence. In fact, they are not impeccable. As long as we use more heavy weapons, we will let them be slaughtered after they lose their impact advantage."

Shan Hong said indifferently, "How long can we stay inside the base? One month or one year? How many heavy weapons can we use? All the trucks did not return, and the communication facilities were also destroyed by the zombies. The Flying Dragon Squad also It ’s all destroyed, so no one would risk going out for food, so what will happen in the future, who can tell me? "

Hu Yidi said: "The commander of the single army does not have to worry. The strength of our Dragon Squad has not been completely lost. Although there are no trucks, we have many other models. After the creepers have dispersed, we will organize the team and throw them out. Get the supplies and the vehicles back. ^^^^ Our uncle and nephew will surely solve the problems for the commander of the Shan army. Please rest assured. "

Shan Hong glanced at Wan Changming, and then he thought about it: "Since the Dragon Team does not exist, the base will fully support your Dragon Squad in the future. I hope you can set an example for other evolvers and find more food for the base. The military can open the door for you in terms of weapons and personnel. Don't let me down. "

Hu Yidi and Hu Gao were overjoyed. The military secretly supported the Flying Dragon Squad. Now they need a new team to be the spokesperson, and the Dragon Squad will take advantage of the opportunity to fill the vacancy in the future. The uncle and the nephew immediately asked Captain Shan Hong vowed to express his determination.

Captain Shan Hong waved his hand: "Don't say it's useless. The Jiayuguan base is mostly greedy for life and fear of death. You must take the lead and organize everyone to go out to find food. The military currently focuses on defensive base security, so You ca n’t be distracted, you must make good use of the resources of your evolutionaries, otherwise the military will withdraw your secret support and preferential policies. "

Hu Yidi said: "Please rest assured, Shan Jun. We will make a look for you to see. This encounter with the creepers is really an accident. Not only our Dragon Squad, but also a strong team. It's helpless to see those creepers, but I think the number of creepers is always limited, and they can't stay in one place forever. The future Jiayuguan is still our human world. "

The Flying Dragon Brigade has disappeared, but it has fostered a promising team to slaughter the Dragon than the Flying Dragon Brigade. Only the leader of Shan Hongjun is considered stable. In fact, the military has also captured a group of evolvers. However, Shan Hong does not want to use them to go out for supplies. If ordinary soldiers are dispatched, it is necessary to increase the number of personnel to ensure safety. Such a dispersal of troops is not appropriate. This has been proven by previous incidents. It must be done by civilians who have nothing to do, even if any loss does not endanger the security of the base.

"By the way, I heard that the Hanfeng team transported a large number of compressed biscuits yesterday. Did you go out with those biscuits today? Gao Hanfeng is also a personal talent. I did not expect that he would be killed. It is a pity." Shan Hong asked casually. Road.

Hu Yidi said: "As the commander Shan said, we ran the batch of compressed biscuits. But Gao Hanfeng's young man was despicable even though he was an individual. He even led us to the airport in half. Later, I thought it would be good to go to the airport. , Just to find a new communication tool for the base, so we commanded the team to clear the zombies in the airport, and then we successfully obtained a lot of materials in the airport, but we met the creepers on the return journey, and their impact was amazing. My evolvers did not even have the opportunity to attack, so did the evolvers of the Flying Dragon Brigade. Later, in the idea of ​​saving strength, we quickly withdrew the base. The commander of the single army was assured. As soon as the outside creepers left, we immediately Transporting the equipment back to the base is a solution to the immediate needs of the base. "

Shan Hong's face slowly commended and praised: "Okay, Mr. Hu is a smart and considerate person who knows what our base lacks most. If you can really pull those supplies back, the base will never treat you badly!"

Hu Gaoxii said idly: "With the commander of the army, we immediately send people to check the enemy situation outside the base, we must live up to the commander's entrustment! We are not like the people like Gao Hanfeng, they only play conspiracy and talk, and in the end Wasn't it eliminated by this world? Huh, the Captain, you do n’t know. It ’s hard to imagine that Gao Han ’s ingenuity is inconceivable. I remind you, have you considered the vehicle configuration of his team today? ”

Shan Honglue recalled: "It's not right. Ten trucks only have two off-road vehicles to protect them. I thought they had discovered the enemy's situation beforehand and no heavy firepower was needed to protect the convoy, or their food trade was empty and they couldn't afford the extra lease. The cost of off-road vehicles. "

Hu Yidi said: "I agree with what Shan Jun said. This Gao Hanfeng is greedy. He is desperately trying to reduce the cost of protecting vehicles in order to rent more trucks. Because he is accurate, we will strengthen the firepower of the team at all costs. He only needs to follow us. It's enough to fight with the autumn wind behind, but it's ridiculous that when they left the airport, they only pulled half of the trucks, and two of them were shabby tables and chairs. "

Hu Gaodao: "But the depth of the surname Gao is also here. He suddenly left our brigade halfway and sneaked back to move the compressed biscuits. This is a clear way to use us as a bridge board to dismantle and kill donkeys across the river. Later, we encountered the creeper group and were dispersed, but I saw that the creepers organized a huge formation and headed for them. I'm sure that the two off-road vehicles have definitely been killed by the group! This It's a matter of stubbornness, and I dare to use personality to guarantee it. "

Shan Hong didn't say anything. He understood that there was no cooperation between the teams. This was also impossible. In the last days, people did not trust anyone, but Shan Hong still hoped to have more teams like the Hanfeng team. In this way, the food crisis in the base can be controlled, but if the Dragon Squad really has the ability, it is also a good thing to rely on their influence to call other evolvers to act in unison, and the base is determined to support them.

Hu Yidi and Hu Gao kept showing off eloquence, flattering and complimenting the leaders of the command center, and suddenly the internal telephone rang. The staff officer immediately stepped forward to answer, "... what? A large convoy entered the base area? Can you see the signal? ... is our base going out in the morning? Are you sure? ... Okay, I know, you wait for instructions . "

The staff officer put down the phone and said to the commander of Shan Hong: "Captain, a large convoy came from the base. The observation post said that it was a vehicle leaving our base in the morning. It seems that the locals of the Hanfeng team returned."

"What?" Hu Yidi and Hu Gao were taken aback. "This is impossible! Many of our evolvers, along with self-propelled artillery and 40 self-propelled rocket launchers, can't stop the creepers. A small Hanfeng team and an eschatology formed in less than a day. Can the team escape them? Just kidding! "

But Shan Hong insisted: "Are they not going to know if we go and see?"

So everyone in the command center ran to the first fence of the base to observe. At this time, the convoy had traveled outside the base. After the identity was verified, the gate of the quarantine opened, and people and vehicles came in orderly. Hu Yi Di and Hu Gao's faces were ugly because they recognized that this team was really the one that set off in the morning. \\ Many of them were abandoned by them when they encountered creepers, but the people who drove these vehicles were the Hanfeng team and the eschatology team that had just been set up for a day, but the two teams with the most traffic were brought back. With so many supplies, everyone was stunned. This is nothing but an empty glove white wolf.

The pile of instant noodles and compressed biscuits speed up the heartbeat of leaders such as Shan Hong. These foods are easy to store. Increasing the inventory of such origins is important for the future stability of the base. Moreover, they also saw the many materials removed from the airport. It is said that the plan was successful except that a few people were sacrificed, but the people who sacrificed had nothing to do with the people who returned the supplies. Inventory by number. None of the Hanfeng team and the eschatology team died at the expense of injury!

After entering the quarantine zone, Chu Xiang naturally did not need to bother with the remaining matters, and Gao Hanfeng negotiated with the base. He took five apprentices into the isolation room, and slept for half a day in the United States and America. After six hours of release, he could catch up with dinner. This time, he learned a lot. Gao Hanfeng and others will not have to worry about food, clothing and accommodation in the future.

"Hey, hey, don't sleep, Captain Shan has waited to see you," the defensive soldier knocked on the iron fence and called Chu Xiang and others. Chu Xiang rubbed his eyes and got up from the hard bed while Sun Hou waited. People ignored it at the end, and each one kicked each of them, and they sat vaguely on the edge of the bed. Gao Hanfeng had no time to lie down just after completing the transfer formalities.

"I'm Shan Hong, the chief commander of the Jiayuguan base." Shan Hong didn't have a long stand on the base. He shook hands with Gao Hanfeng enthusiastically, and then shook hands with Maimaiti because he didn't know that the two teams behind them were Chu Xiang. It is just the records on the An Zhao registration form to confirm the leadership of the two teams.

"Good growth," Gao Hanfeng still respects Shan Hong, no matter how hard he tries his best to manage the base, unlike some base leaders patronizing for his own benefit, as for some unreasonable phenomena in the base, Some are born in compliance with the environment and cannot be treated at all, and some are fly mosquitoes that do not drill seamlessly. Even if you take precautions, there are always omissions

Shan Hongdao: "Everyone has worked hard. You did a great job this time. You brought back a large number of supplies, and among them are the communication facilities most needed by our base. I don't know how to thank you."

Maimaoti smiled and said, "Thanks, don't have to, just give us those materials at a reasonable price."

Shan Hongdao: "That's for sure. Otherwise, who else will take the risk of going out to find supplies and food after all your hard work is in vain? Yes, I don't understand one point, according to the Dragon Squad. There is a crawl outside our base. And they have impacted your team once. I do n’t know how you repelled them and how you took the goods from the creepers. "

Gao Hanfeng had discussed with Chu Xiang long ago, and he said, "It's a single army commander like this. We did meet a group of yaks and wolves and drove us westward forty miles. But I do n’t know why We lost ourselves to the south, so we moved the biscuits and instant noodles safely. We were lucky enough to pick up a few other trucks and off-road vehicles on the ground. This was not all brought back. "

"You bullshit!" Shan Hong started clamoring before he said Hu Yidi and Hu Gao behind him. "How fast can your car run? Can you pass those creepers faster? So you're lying! Pick up a few A truck that others do n’t want? That ’s our hard work, so we have to return them to us! ”

Gao Hanfeng smiled lightly: "Captain Hu. Even if we are lying, how do you think we escaped the creeper attack? Do they have a relationship with us? We and the creeper team up to lie to you? As for those The truck, put it on the upper side of the road, said nothing, and watched a lot of land and materials. No one wants to let us pick it up. How can this be the case in this world. "

Gao Hanfeng was right, what if he lied about the creeper? Everyone knows that the creepers have six relatives who don't recognize them, and want to cooperate with them to cheat. The Dragon Squad is defeated, and the Flying Dragons team is defeated, but there is no reason to say that the Hanfeng team will also lose in front of the creepers! If you are lucky, what can you do? If you do n’t agree, try it.

In view of this, Hu Gao is not entangled in creepers, he said: "Who said that we don't want those supplies, we want to wait for the creepers to retreat and get them. Now you must return the truck and supplies to us!"

Gao Hanfeng said: "The truck returned to you, so you can sell the base lease contract, but the above materials were pulled into the base at the risk of our lives. There are thousands of guards at the door of the base. You think Laziness is not too lazy, but in view of your heavy loss, we can leave the office to you to deal with, and ask you not to mention even mentioning, so that everyone will be hurt.

Although the amount of office use brought back from the airport is quite large, it is not worth a few dollars. You ca n’t eat, drink, or drink, which is used by the command center, but you deal with the command center. Basically don't expect much benefit. At most, it is to give some concessions, for example, the exchange rate of ammunition and weapons can fluctuate appropriately. Or rent some heavy weapons that only the military has, such as tanks. You must know that the strength of the Jiayuguan garrison is not weak, and the weapon configuration is also high.

Hu Yidi and Hu Gao almost fainted on the spot. The two pointed at Gao Hanfeng's hands and feet, completely different from the arrogance when entering the airport. If there were not important military figures next to them, and there were many evolutionaries behind them to protect them, I am afraid that Hu Yidi and Hu Gao will open the killing ring, but now they can only endure it, otherwise, what can they do, and they will not have the upper hand with the theory, but also let the base leaders reduce the impression of the Dragon Squadron, which will not be obtained Base military support is important.

In desperation, Hu Yidi and Hu Gao fell away. Shan Hong didn't care. He considered it in his mind. The base could not come forward because it was not good to offend anyone. To say that the materials thrown on it, said They can also be ownerless. The Hanfeng team pulls back. This is something that everyone will do. On the other hand, the materials are brought from the airport by the Dragon Squadron and Flying Dragons team. This kung fu is taken up by others, and no one can accept it.

Shan Hong said to Gao Han: "I want to feast you after the quarantine is over. I hope everyone can look back."

Gao Hanfeng gave a glance at Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang nodded. Gao Hanfeng said: "Okay, thank you, Shan Jun, as if we still have a few bottles of good wine in the car, and we will bring it to Shan Jun.

At the same time, Shan Hong also invited Hu Yidi and Hu Gao. The thin dead camel is larger than the horse. In fact, in Shan Hong's mind, he is more inclined to the Dragon Squad. He carefully checked the bottom of the Hanfeng team and the eschatology team. There are a total of evolvers in it, Gao Hanfeng, Maimaiti and Sun Hou. No one can compare with the evolution team of the Dragon Squad. It may be as they said. They hit the **** and accidentally picked up a big deal, but now They have a lot of materials in their hands. They are banqueted to let the outside world know that the government is looking for the support of the team, and the second is to hope that the Hanfeng team and the eschatology team can make some concessions in the transaction price after the relationship is closed.

In fact, with the power of Shan Hong, he could completely confiscate the materials in the Hanfeng team ~ ~ However, Shan Hong is a high-educated military leader after all, although he has not completely achieved justice and strictness, but In the general direction, Shan Hong is still principled, and he has a long-term vision and knows the importance of mobilizing the masses. If he finds an excuse to confiscate the materials of the Hanfeng team, it will severely hit other people ’s accumulation. Who else will venture out to solve the difficulties for the base, I am afraid that even the Dragon Squad will be guilty when they are happy, so the task of killing chickens and eggs can never be done.

The reason why Chu Xiang promised to participate in the banquet was to take this opportunity to remind Shan Hong to pay attention to the zombie movement, because from many aspects, the Jiayuguan base may be listed as a key target for zombies. It may not be possible to have earth operations in the near future. Today ’s accident The group of creepers encountered may be a signal.

Hu Yidi and Hu Gaoyuan did not intend to go to the banquet, but one of the uncles and nephews decided that they would not give Shan Hongnian. Although their uncles and nephews are both evolutionaries and their strength is not low, there are many evolutionaries under their hands, but The military took this issue into consideration early, and collected many evolvers early in the morning to maintain the stability and safety of the leadership at the base. Therefore, under the premise that the military brain cannot be controlled, it is necessary to have a good relationship with them. Great loss, but it is not too late for Jun to take revenge for ten years. After the banquet tonight, give the Hanfeng team and the eschatology team a great look!


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