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Chapter 303: Loyalty

The commander of Shan Jun is naturally at the base command center guest house. This is the second time that Chu Xiang has come. He is immune to the enthusiasm of the cheongsam beauty. Only Mai Maiti and Sun Hou are still so excited. He has a nosebleed posture. After all, it is not easy to see such a woman in the last days, which is different from Chu Xiang guarding a bunch of beauties every day at the base of Yutai.

Gao Hanfeng walked beside Chu Xiang, and he whispered, "The phone is charging, and it will be ready to use after dinner."

Chu Xiang was not so urgent at this moment, and said, "Okay, do n’t forget to remind Shan Hong to pay attention to the zombie and creeper movements. In case satellite communications cannot be recovered during this time, I am afraid they will be bad for the base in the dark. . "

Gao Hanfeng said: "I see. This is the main purpose of our promise to come to eat. In fact, I admire Shan Hong. It is not easy for him to settle a group of thugs to today's situation. Although the Jiayuguan base is simple, it is safe. There is still some guarantee. This is also the credit of Shan Hong, but if you infer that there are a large number of creepers to invade, then the possibility of breaking the city will be very high, which will inevitably cause a lot of casualties. The corpse is everywhere. "

Shan Hong personally greeted at the door of the guest house. Chu Xiang saw that the original communication room location had been renovated. A truckload of communication materials they brought back was being unloaded there. The base has begun to restore satellite facilities, but the price has not been discussed. Well, they will open the goods first, and it does not delay every second.

Putting aside the politeness and the scene, Gao Hanfeng and Maimatti were welcomed to the table. Hu Yidi and Hu Gao were side by side. The flames in the eyes of the uncle and nephew did not even move the wine and food in front of them. It's also quite eloquent, slandering the Hanfeng team and the eschatology team as shameless thieves, if not Shan Hong and his men in the middle and mud. I'm afraid the two sides fought on the spot.

Gao Hanfeng decided to leave the matter after he had given it up. It was meaningless to entangle with Hu Yidi and Hu Gao. "Single commander, I want to remind you of something."

Shan Hong drank a little bit higher, and his expression was also a bit unfavorable. "Oh, what is worthy of Captain Gao's solemnity, let's hear it."

Gao Hanfeng said: "Zombie operations have been quite weird these days. I have seen some large zombie groups before going out to eat, but they just wandered around but did not come to besiege the base ..."

Shan Hong's second division commander said: "This shows that the firepower of our base has formed a deadly threat to them. They now have conditioned reflexes to actively avoid the base firepower network. It should be said that this is a good thing. ==="

Gao Hanfeng said: "Things are by no means as simple as you think. Why do zombies try to damage the communication facilities of our base at the expense of high-level collars? We must know that using satellites we can observe the movement of zombies unless they are hidden in the soil. Heshui, otherwise every move will be monitored by satellites. When satellite communications are destroyed, we are blind, and we know nothing about the situation far away from the base. "Shan Hong nodded: "You make sense, but zombies are not so smart. Besides, with our defensive capabilities, it is not useful to have more t2, and the number of t3 and t4 is always limited. Even if they can cross our line of defense, there are many inside us. The evolvers help defend, as long as they dare to come, we can destroy them! "

Gao Hanfeng said: "Captain, how smart are zombies is not you and I can decide. As far as I know, there are sixteen people who understand the zombies, although their wisdom is not worth mentioning to us humans. But they are often laid The bureau is very easy to confuse our eyes. I heard from the eschatology team that there are many bases because of sloppy careless capture by zombies, and a large number of people become food for zombies. Once the intelligence is not surrounded by zombies in time, when they want to retreat difficult."

"Fart!" Hu Gao couldn't help but, "You are alarmist. We have been around Jiuquan for a long time, and we have been to many small bases. Zombies do have some wisdom, especially high-level zombies, but they must You wo n’t understand the sixteen tactics like you said, surnamed Gaodi, do n’t rely on you to get a little cheaper to influence the decision of the single army commander! ”

Gao Hanfeng said: "Oh, you said that I want to influence Shan Jun's decision. Why should I influence his decision, and what is this decision? I don't understand, please ask Mr. Hu Ming to speak."

Hu Gaodao: "You deliberately created a dangerous atmosphere, and you want the commander of the army to reuse you. In order to achieve your unspeakable purpose. Maybe you will use the materials in your hand to exchange a commander's brigade with the commander of the army. I am right about posts such as the commander. Maybe you also want to persuade the commander of the Shan army to organize the retreat of the base. Then you can dominate the base! "

Gao Han said coldly, "Mr. Hu is talking about his purpose. I just reminded Captain Shan that the recent move of the zombie is suspicious, but today we met the creeper group outside the base. Maybe this is just the beginning. I The local opinion is that in addition to waiting for the restoration of communications, the base should also widely send scouts to detect the movement of zombies. In case the zombies really have a plan to siege the Jiayuguan base, we must make early prevention or simply evacuate. "

Hu Yidi touched his chin and made a deep and authentic statement: "The high team has a deep strategy. You know that the base has insufficient military power and can't even go out to eat food. If your news spreads outside, I am afraid the base will soon lose heart Stable, when you raise your arms, the base does not want to retreat. It will also retreat. With a population of tens of thousands, hey, with your achievements today, I am afraid many people are willing to follow you. "

When Shan Hong's face changed, so did Gao Hanfeng, but he was angry. His uncle Hu Di made up his mind not to let Gao Hanfeng's plans come true. They were white and they wanted to blacken you. You said they would Tell you two. Gao Han ignored them and said to Shan Hong: "Single army commander, I have said everything I should say. As for how to understand it is your business."

Shan Hong finally said, "I will take your warning message seriously. It ’s true that zombies came to destroy our communication facilities, but it ’s dangerous to send out scouts. We ’ve done it before. Sixty-seven scouts go out. I wo n’t be able to return after I ’m here. I ’m also worried. If Captain Gao said that a large number of creepers came to attack us, then it seems that our base really only has the option of retreating. This is something I never want to see. result."

Hu Yidi said: "Release Captain Shan, please, I will send my evolver to go out to reconnaissance. When it comes to creepers, I don't think there is a large number of creeper groups around here that would threaten the security of the base, so retreat. It is purely that some people spread rumors to create instability for the base. We have a fence and a high mountain barrier. Even the 100,000 zombies are not enough to shake the safety of the base! "

Shan Hong also did not expect a slight retreat, and tens of thousands of people could retreat if they said they could. Where else to retreat? It is definitely not possible to go west. You cannot meet a large base for a few kilometers, but there is a large base in Lanzhou to the east, but once the zombies are densely packed, how many tens of thousands of people can finally reach the base in Lanzhou is unknown.

Based on these considerations, Shan Hongdao said: "Everyone need not argue. We would rather be credible or not, but we should not take it as seriously as Captain Gao said. Let alone spread rumors inside the base to shake the army. From this moment, we will strengthen the base's defensive forces, and let the sentry on the mountain pay more attention to the surrounding conditions. If there is any change, report immediately. People in the command center are not allowed to take leave and are ready to deal with unexpected situations. "Gao Hanfeng stood up and said:" The single army commander is The top commander of the base. Naturally, no one can shake your decision, but I still recommend that you send a wide range of scouts to reconnaissance before the communication is restored. In addition, all heavy weapons will be put on a few walls to strengthen the defense. If necessary, put Tanks and self-propelled rocket launchers also opened up. Only in this way can the fire creeps deal with the creepers. In addition, don't be afraid of the instability of the base people, it is necessary to do a good job of propaganda and mobilization. "

Shan Hong was a little impatient. It wasn't that he didn't pay much attention to Gao Han's style. As the leader of an army, he had his own decisions and considerations. He would never allow anyone to shake the army and regret his dominance, let alone the fire deployment of the base. That is, after careful research, how can we say change, then put all heavy weapons into the base entrance defense, what to do in case of danger elsewhere, this is something that people who do not understand the military do.

"Captain Gao doesn't have to worry about our military affairs. Tonight we mainly have a good drink and have a good time. Come, I respect Captain Gao and buy a captain, and we will discuss how to convert the communication set later device."

Gao Hanfeng said: "Thank you for the warm hospitality of the commander of the army. We have had enough wine and we are full, so we will not disturb you. We donate the equipment to the base without compensation. I hope the base can be put into use as soon as possible to get in touch with the central government. I can observe the satellite map of the surrounding area early and say goodbye. "

Gao Hanfeng's approach was unexpected. Until they were gone, everyone was a little bit unresponsive. Gao Hanfeng went to pick up the satellite phone. Chu Xiang turned on successfully at one time, and then he quickly opened Zhang Jingyao's satellite phone. Maybe it's a little late, the Yutai base has already stopped, and Zhang Jingyao's voice is a bit vague.

"Who," said his voice exhausted and sad.

There was a pain in Chu Xiang's heart. These days, Zhang Jingyao and others must be sad. "Jing Yao, it's me." I wanted to make a joke to make Zhang Jing Yao guess, but Chu Xiang couldn't help but shed tears when he said it out, He Birou Pulling the others away, let Chu Xiang himself stand on the street in front of the command center.

The voice in Huyi's microphone changed with excitement and joy. "Are you really Chu Xiang? Oh ..." Zhang Jingyao cried, showing how wronged she was.

Chu Xiang said: "Be good, don't cry. Am I not good? Something unexpected happened, but the danger has passed."

Zhang Xiangyao's words made Zhang Jingyao immediately wake up, "Yes, what's your superpower? Did you drink tea containing r virus by mistake? Do you know where you are, we will go to protect you right away, don't hang up, I will let Shan Go and inform Song Jun and Li Haipeng. "

Chu Xiang also hung up on the phone. Zhang Jingyao cared to warm his heart. "I'm currently at the Jiayuguan base. I guess that the disappearance of my superpowers may be related to the r virus, but you can rest assured that I will be blessed by the disaster. Breaking through the s-class and making a huge leap in skills, I just found a communication tool, and I won't call you right away. "

Xie Shanshan exclaimed in the receiver, but Zhang Jingyao told Song Jun and Li Haipeng that she ran out immediately. Zhang Jingyao then turned to Chu Xiang and said, "Congratulations to your husband, I didn't expect you to be like this. The big evolutionary cross, I am so happy for you, in fact, no matter what level you have evolved, as long as you are safe, this is our most concerned thing. "

Chu Xiang said: "Thank you for your wife. I know that you must be worried about me these days, but when you came out, you forgot to bring a satellite phone, and when you lost the transmission ability, you happened to be in the desert, which led to you being contacted until today."

Zhang Jingyao said with relief: "Well, as long as you are safe, this is more important than anything. Is Birou beside you, did you leave the base together?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yeah, she's fine now. Don't worry about it."

"Then how did you go to the desert? In the past few days, Li Haipeng has almost traveled all over China, but there is no news from you. If there is no evolutionary special trade union that is not good for you or the Yutai base, we would have scatter the sea to catch the public. You are wanted everywhere. "

Chu Xiang smiled, "I want to test my teleporting ability. I just took He Birou back to her hometown to see. Who knows that my teleporting ability was out of control because it affected the virus midway. When the teleporting ability completely disappeared, neither of us would. I know where I am, hehe, to tell you a secret, I almost drank my own urine. "

Zhang Jingyao exclaimed, "Ah, you must be thirsty, how did you get out of the desert in the end?"

Chu Xiang imagined Zhang Jingyao's plump body and said, "I want to hold you and talk, I miss your arms so much."

There was a sudden flash of light in front of me, and Li Haipeng's voice came, "Chu team, I brought you. Hold it if you want to hold it, I can't see anything in my eyes."

Sure enough, Zhang Jingyao appeared on the street in a pajama holding a satellite phone. She was thin in tears and embarrassed. The two huged each other and kissed each other ’s body. They didn't separate until the light bulb coughed next to them. Li Haipeng said with a shoulder to his shoulder, "Tough work for you."

Li Haipeng also shed tears, "Chu team, we all care about you ..."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, don't look like a girl. Isn't it good for me?"

Li Haipeng wiped his tears and said, "Let's go, I'll take you back to the Yutai base."

Chu Xiang said: "Wait a while, I'll take He Birou."

Zhang Jingyao said to Li Haipeng: "Take everyone here. I think there must be friends from Chuxiang Xinjiao here. Let's meet and thank them for taking care of Chuxiang during this time."

When Li Haipeng disappeared, Chu Xiang took Zhang Jingyao's hand and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the five apprentices you just received."

Zhang Jingyao was already in a good mood. He laughed and let Chu Xiang pull her away. "Husband. When did you accept the apprentice. It must be very powerful."

Chu Xiang said: "It's true that only two of the five apprentices are evolutionaries. These two have no ability except one to run fast and the other to be a hard bone, but they really treat me as a master. Protected me with all my heart. "

Zhang Jingyao said: "Then we have to thank them well, I will bring them around when I look back."

"He Birou, see who's here," He Birou and the others have already returned to the tent area on the north side, but the light is still faintly inside, and Chu Xiang knows she is waiting for herself to return.

He Birou got out of the tent. "Jing Yao, you came here so quickly and saw you happy."

"Master, who is this?" Five people from Maimaiti also got out of the tent. There was even Gao Hanfeng. It turned out that he didn't return to the stone house on the south side. He needed to register to stay on the south side, but there was no requirement on the north side. Because, in addition to his Gao Han style, who would give up living in a wide and cool stone room?

Chu Xiang laughed: "This is your madam, she is so powerful. In the future, let her bring you more. You will proceed if you have n’t evolved, and you will upgrade quickly if you have evolved."

The five brothers didn't hear the upgrade later, but were surprised by the title of "madam", "Master, aren't you kidding, how much is madam?"

He Birou and Zhang Jingyao were right next to me. He heard a few people jump out of his sister, He Birou, and immediately blushed to explain to Zhang Jingyao, "Jingyao, don't listen to them talking nonsense, jokingly."

Zhang Jingyao smiled and didn't answer. If it was said that these two people did not produce a little bit of enthusiasm for so many days outside, it was strange. There was a person out of thin air around him, "Brother Xiang!" She rushed to embrace Chu Xiang desperately, and the two kissed in public to express their feelings of love, and then Chu Xiang had time to say hello to Song Jun.

But Song Jun has n’t said a few words here. Sister Fang Su and Fang Ya also came. Of course, the second daughter was also holding Chu Xiang. Soon Zhou Muqing and Fang Yuxuan, Lin, and Xiaosi also came to join in the fun. There was a lot of noise, and many people were shocked at the sight of the probe. Damn, this is the pajamas beauty exhibition.

People such as Maimaiti and Gao Hanfeng were stunned and stunned, and they came out with a hot, super-chic Zhang Jingyao who had shocked them, but none of the women who appeared later were cunning and crying. There are a lot more here. What's more terrible is that one of them still looks like a big star. Is this possible? Probably just like it.

Chu Xiang has never been so busy at this moment, it was easy to be intimate with everyone, but also to introduce other people to know the original eschatology team members, and wait an hour to complete this process.

It's not good for Gao Hanfeng to see everyone standing outside. The key is that there are more beauties, and most of them come in pajamas. It can be seen that they are walking in a hurry. Many survivors around this group of beautiful women have come to watch. There. "

Maimao said: "Can't you go to the south side after the curfew?"

Gao Hanfeng said: "Regardless of what this set is doing, we do n’t give the military a satellite communication facility. It ’s not enough for them to stink. Let ’s go. What can they do to us?"

In fact, people like Maimaiti saw that their identity as a master is not simple. Just say how this group of people appeared, no one understood it at all! They all came out of thin air. They did not walk through the gates of the base, nor did they fly by airship. No one had ever heard of this! This is also afraid of a curfew to check a bird.

Hu Yidi was busy confessing and complaining about parting, and Hu Yidi and Hu Gao began plotting. Hu Yidi said to his nephew, "The surname Gao is very deceptive. You must give him some color to see. UU Read the book Otherwise he will ride on our heads and shit, which is not good for our future development, and it is easier for us to lose people

Hu Gaodao: "Uncle, I have the same intention. Tonight, he showed all the limelight, but he made several remarks that touched the mold of Shan Jun's mold. We shot and taught him that maybe the army commander would be confused if he knew it. Do n’t act now and wait any longer. ”

Hu Yidi said: "Although the other party only has a famous evolutionary and is of average strength, it is strange that they have avoided the impact of the creepers. So you must not take care of yourself. Don't lose the face of our Dragon Squad again. "

Hu Gaodao: "I understand my uncle, so I will take six evolutionaries to it. Two to one should have the confidence to win. Brain controller, Hercules, Scorpion, Fly, Blast, Hedgehog, any one is enough. A dozen. "

Hu Yidi nodded and said, "It is true that their strength is much higher than the other side, but you have to grasp it, just give a little lesson to the surname, don't make things big, or the commander alone will not explain it."

Hu Gao said: "I understand uncle, you wait for the good news."


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