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Chapter 305: Crisis emerges

As Hu Gao's voice jumped out thinly, he exclaimed: "Come on, let's be honest, whoever plays tricks is a bastard!"

Chu Xiang stood out and said, "Let me try it."

"You?" Scorpion knows that Chu Xiang is not an evolutionary. "Can you do it? Since there are always swords and guns without eyes in the test, don't blame me if something goes wrong."

Chu Xiang said: "Yeah, the sword has no eyes, and if there is an accident, we can't blame anyone."

"Okay! Take a move." The Scorpion man leaped to Chu Xiang with his left foot in a ninety, Chu Xiang's head flickered to avoid the Scorpion Man's flying kick. The Scorpion Man landed on his left foot and turned his right foot to the side. The pose that ordinary people ca n’t do is kicked towards Chu Xiang again. Chu Xiang only backs up. This scorpion ’s skeleton can be deformed, otherwise it is difficult to make his legs scimitar. Ordinary people ’s bones break in this posture.

Chu Xiang retreated and Scorpion Man advanced. He successively pointed at Chu Xiang's chest after several forward kicks. Gao Hanfeng and his team members were very worried about Chu Xiang. This Scorpion Man is indeed not weak and should belong to the master of fighting. He will do great harm if he is solid.

The scorpion saw Chu Xiang step back and forth, it was more and more wary and brave, "Yeah!" He screamed and left his foot quickly moved forward and kicked to Chu Xiang's chin. After Chu Xiang, the wall was inexorable, and he could only raise his hand. From the left foot of the scorpion man, what is unexpected at this time is that the scorpion man took the left foot held by Chu Xiang as the point of force, and the right foot suddenly left the ground and crossed his head and kicked to Chu Xianghui acupoint. Fragile, once he was kicked to death, he also became an idiot.

Chu Xiang somewhat understands the scorpion's nickname. His kick from behind is really a bit scorpion poisonous, but Chu Xiang's physical fitness can be compared to a little scorpion, just just showing weakness all the time. It was a bad idea for the other party. For a moment, Chu Xiang summoned his superpowers. He stubbornly took a scorpion man's foot with his head, and then cut his left leg bone with a single palm, and the scorpion man's left leg bone was broken.

This scorpion was fiercely powerful, seeing a kick in Huixue did not kick Chu Xiang or faint. He immediately changed his strategy, still leaning back in mid-air, kicking his left foot towards Chu Xiang's face door again. This is similar to a backflip action, but during the turning process, his foot kicked out and hurt people. But Scorpion's backflip just started. There was a sharp pain in his left leg, and he heard a click. He knew that his leg bone was broken, but thinking of Hu Shao's cruelty, coupled with the sturdy scorpion himself, he ignored the broken left leg bone, but instead Quickly dropped his body to the ground, of course with his right foot as support, and then made his final blow. A white spur of bone spurs quickly grew from his thigh, just like the poisonous needle of a scorpion, and slammed into Chu Xiang's chest.

Looking out from Chu Xiang's position. The sight was completely blocked by the Scorpion. Chu Xiang smiled and compared with his own bone spurs. He really couldn't help himself. Then let him see the real scorpion power. Chu Xiang's bone spurs came first and met the Scorpion. The bone spurs collided, and saw the bone **** flying around, and the scorpion's bone spurs were broken! Fortunately, Chu Xiang was afraid that people behind him could see his bone spurs. When he broke the top of the scorpion head, he retracted, and then kicked his left leg around the head and kicked the scorpion. He slammed in the center of the scorpion's sinking point, thumped, and the scorpion fell to the ground without sound, and he was an idiot.

Hu Gao and others did not see Chu Xiang's bone spurs, but they saw Chu Xiang kicking out of the ground at last, which is a good thing for Scorpion People. How does the other party know that it is not easy to think of this trick, the bones will not be deformed. If you want to kick this foot, it can only be shot in movies and TVs. It does not exist in reality.

"Victory!" Gao Hanfeng and his team members shouted. Hu Gao's face was bruising. Successive failures left him a little confused. Must shoot. Hu Gao shouted, "Let me teach you some kung fu!"

Then Chu Xiang appeared in surprise. Two plants grew under Hu Gao's feet. The two plants grew rapidly. However, the tentacle was formed in a few seconds. call. Twist over everyone's head! Gao Hanfeng and his team members were taken aback. What the **** is this!

Hu Gaoha laughed: "I hang you! I have the ability to pick up!"

Even Song Jun has a headache to deal with these rattan rattan. Unless it is Fang Yuxuan's high temperature flame. Or Zhou Muqing turned the ultrasound to the strongest. These plants are blown directly into powder. However, these two methods should not be used in the base. Otherwise the consequences will be more serious.

Chu Xiang saw Fang Yuxuan eager to try. He stepped under his feet. A force passed. Both plants were quickly counteracted. Although Hu Gao has this powerful skill. Unfortunately, his energy is not enough. So the owner of the two plants changed hands immediately. Under the command of Chu Xiangdi, only the tentacles turned immediately. Hu entangled Hu Gao with his men.

"Ah. What's going on? What's going on?" Hu Gao yelled as he was wrapped in rattan. But he didn't know what was going on, and how others knew. Not to mention those evolutionaries are not as powerful as Hu Gao. At this moment Le Di was speechless at all. I thought Hu Gao was so angry and angry that they had to deal with it together.

"It's the end of the harm," Chu Xiang laughed. "Don't bother them, Brother Gao, we will leave a satellite phone for you, and we will contact you as soon as possible."

After the people of Chu Xiang pulled out, Hu Gao got away from the rattan. He couldn't understand how these plants would eat him back. Fortunately, he didn't hang him, but the evolutionaries under his hands died half a life. Will lie on the ground and humming blindly, don't expect to have combat effectiveness in a day or two.

"Where is the person, what about the person?" Hu Gao asked loudly, his face was deserted, and when he fought with the two plants that he had planted, the other party had withdrawn completely.

Hu Gao knew that this time he encountered a mysterious master. He had to withdraw his soldiers. Even if he wanted to fight again, he had to have soldiers. Besides, after reconciling the strange things that happened tonight to his uncle, it was not too late for the king to take revenge for ten years. Let you be proud first!

Hu Yidi was surprised when he heard Hu Gao's narrative, "What? Are our evolver challenges all failures? How is this possible and how does the other party beat us?"

Hu Gaodao: "Blast's appearance is simply farce. He was slapped by people, but he didn't even know where the opponents were. I suspect there were invisible people among them, and Hercules was even worse. He took a counterattack, but Hercules was bounced back by a force when he attacked him, and he was still spitting foam. The brain-controller was crazy, and he **** on me. Now I still stink. As for the scorpion, the bone stab poison needle was broken. His place name can be canceled later, and I controlled two plants to attack each other, but they controlled the plant to bite back. Fortunately, they did not kill the killer, otherwise they were our people. This time it's dead. "

Hu Yidi took a sigh of relief. "Such a thing would happen. Gao Hanfeng doesn't seem to be a powerful man. If he is so powerful, he would have performed a long time ago. Could it be that the people of the eschatology team are here? Secret tricks? As far as I know, there is a famous eschatology team in province s, but now there are many followers. Like the eschatology team, there are a few in almost every province, and most of them are selling sheep meat.

Hu Gaodao: "I also think that they are a team that sells dog meat. But it is not surprising that there are one or two hidden masters, but strangely there are a few more women in them. I am sure these women are absolutely Not the person who entered the Jiayuguan base with us. But I just asked at the Mengang checkpoint. Since the two of us entered the base, no one else has entered the base during this time, but I asked the base again. They say they have never seen those women before. "

Hu Yidi said, "People who suddenly appear? It's not easy. It seems that we have to deal with this loss for the time being. Don't go to trouble them again, so as not to have another accident, we will talk about it after our status stabilizes."

Hu Gao was very angry just now. However, he is also a wise man, knowing that if he continues to fight hard, he will lose both. He can't watch the hard work of laying down the foundation industry and being destroyed by the other party. He understands the term of bearing humiliation and will one day avenge his revenge.

It is natural that Chu Xiang returned to the Yutai base to celebrate, and at the same time another happy event came, and the manufacture of Bai was artificially synthesized. The reason for the breakthrough progress so fast is inseparable from the data provided by Chu Xiang. In the original theory and experiments, the r virus did not survive for a long time and could not be artificially copied, but Chu Xiang ’s body was A variant of the r virus was produced. Bai Xiaowei used this as a sample to develop a new r virus with Fang Qian within a few days, and produced the first generation of blue life injection. Injected before humans become infected with t virus. Can get 60% probability of immunity and does not have secondary immunity.

From the angle of Bai Xiaowei and Chu Xiang. The first generation of blue life anti-t-virus injection was very unsuccessful. The most important point is that the cure rate is low, reaching 60%, which means that four out of ten infected people will have immune failure, and Even the six rescued people did not have secondary immunity, which means that if they are infected, they will continue to receive injections, and they will continue to bear 40% of the risk of immune failure.

This first-generation blue life injection, which was unsuccessful in Chu Xiang's eyes, has caused a sensation all over the world. It is almost dead to be infected by zombies. Occasionally lucky people will evolve, but the probability is not even 1 in 10,000. To, and now there is a 60% chance of survival, who will not be excited, will not be bitten by zombies today, but no one can guarantee tomorrow, after all, large foreign bases are being attacked by zombies, those leaders are unable to In the case of refuge in the south, only a blue life defense was required.

And there is even worse news. It is said that zombies have also appeared in the south. Originally, the brains and giants of the countries that moved there built a few large greenhouses, and as a result, they created a suitable exterior for the survival of the virus. Environment, many of the materials they brought were contaminated by t virus. It is said that a waiter accidentally cut his hand while washing the dish. As a result, he became corpse, and his corpse completely destroyed a large greenhouse base. Today's The hearts of the people in the world can be said that there is no square inch of pure land on the planet.

On the day Chu Xiang came back and saw Wang Bin smoking at the door of the communication room, he stepped forward and seized Wang Bin's flue: "What kind of cigarettes do children smoke, I find you getting worse and worse."

Wang Bin laughed: "Brother Chu, I've grown up. Look at the throat knot and beard."

Chu Xiangmeimei took a cigarette and said, "You, in my eyes, will always be a little fart."

Wang Bin has a deep affection for Chu Xiang. Since his father died, he has always treated Chu Xiang as a big brother. Of course, Chu Xiang has always regarded him as a younger brother. He also has trust in him, Yutai base and the last days. The most important communication of the team has been under the overall responsibility of Wang Bin.

"Now there are many more countries and privates who are required to order our blue life. I was so noisy that I only got out of my breath, and Ma Ming was dealing with it inside." Wang Bin said.

Chu Xiang threw away the cigarette **** and said, "In the first month, we only provided one and never delivered it. The price is up to us. They want it."

Wang Bin laughed with a smile: "Brother Chu, I feel very proud now. Do you know how the current president of the United States spoke to me, and he asked me to ask, do you believe it?"

Chu Xiang said: "I just want them to whisper and come to ask us! Please? We are not sincere enough, we need to ask."

Wang Bin also said: "There is also Russia, saying that it is willing to exchange a blue legged beauty for ten blue lives. France said that we can choose a baby at the Louvre to exchange at will."

Chu Xiang haha ​​laughed: "Same? Always ask them to send back all the Chinese babies inside!"

Wang Bin said: "I only take the order and do not return it according to your instructions. Let them go in a hurry."

Chu Xiang patted Wang Bin's shoulder and said, "Good job, continue to hang their appetite, don't you say that the zombie offensive abroad is getting more and more fierce, and sooner or later they can't stand it, they ate all our You want to spit it out and take all our land and send it back, otherwise they don't want to get it from me. "

Fang Yuxuan came out of the scientific research building, "Brother Chu, you are here. My dad said that Sister Bai is looking for you."

Chu Xiang bid farewell to Wang Bin to enter the underground laboratory, and Bai Xiaowei said, "What is the response from the outside world?"

The network of the research room and the external network are inaccessible, Chu Xiang said: "Sixty percent of the immunity is enough to drive them crazy. Last time you dealt with the agents outside the base because I was missing. This time, an evolutionary who sneaked into our country. The number of agents has increased sharply. For this reason, Song Jun has been so busy these two days that Wang Bin received a variety of conditions. "

Bai Xiaowei said: "The cure rate of 60% is a bit low, and my request is a fraction."

Chu Xiang said: "Why am I not? This has something to do with your body's safety. Let me take a 60th chance to change the safety of your body. I will definitely not do it."

Bai Xiaowei said happily: "I think you have a conscience, these days I can't follow you. Is it a link with other beautiful women?"

Chu Xiang said with a decent face: "Heaven and earth conscience, I now guard myself like a jade."

Bai Xiaowei looked at Chu Xiang like an alien: "Really, didn't choke you?"

Chu Xiang blushed: "Isn't there still Zhang Jingyao, their service is very good, and I'm satisfied."

Bai Xiaowei thought of some shameful movements, her face flushed and she said, "Did the Central contact us?"

Chu Xiang said: "Contacted, I haven't talked back. What do you say?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "Chu Xiang, you should know. I'm a military officer."

Chu Xiang said: "I know, I absolutely listen to you in this matter, and anyway, I am now holding the title of honorary consultant of the evolution group is not."

Bai Xiaowei said: "That's good, I'm afraid you can't figure it out. Give out 70 sticks of this month's yield to the Beijing base. They have serious corpses there. After all, it is difficult to clean up the old city. Survivors are often killed bite."

Chu Xiang said without mind: "No problem, we will keep ten spares. The remaining twenty will be sold. Those agents who can come to our China will be able to take them home, and save delivery."

Bai Xiaowei saw Chu Xiang so happy she said gratefully: "Thank you Chu Xiang. You are so kind."

Chu Xiang laughed: "Look, talk to me again, how can I be without you today."

Bai Xiaowei gave Chu Xiang a white look and said, "Count on your conscience, so I won't talk to you anymore. I will start to develop the second generation of blue life, hoping to increase the cure rate to 80%."

Going back to the Jiayuguan base, Gao Hanfeng easily stopped going out after getting a lot of supplies. After all, he knew that he could successfully fight Chu Xiang twice, and now Chu Xiang returned, he took these ordinary people out of the base. Even a single creeper would kill them.

The Dragon Squad became famous in two days. Hu Yidi and Hu Gao even entered the Jiayuguan city with many evolvers. Although they were only on the periphery, they still obtained a lot of materials, including some guns. Shan Hong was pleased with the ammunition. He also held a base conference to commend the achievements of the Dragon Squadron, calling on the human spontaneous organization of the base, or joining the Dragon Squadron to go out to solve the difficulties for the base.

Easy success does stimulate some people. Joined the Dragon Squad to drink the soup, and some of them wanted to get a high return, but only two days later, the situation outside the Jiayuguan base changed suddenly. On this day, a total of eight teams went out, but returned in the evening. There are only two. Judging from the past, the rest of the teams that cannot return on time should be in distress.

The second day of the Dragon Squad organized a large-scale operation, but unfortunately they encountered the creeper again. The multi-person team only had more than one person running back to the base, and the vehicle ’s weapons were damaged again. That evening, the base satellite After the installation and commissioning of the equipment was completed, the Jiayuguan base immediately contacted the central government and quickly obtained satellite monitoring images.

From the satellite view, the number of zombies outside the Jiayuguan base has increased significantly in recent days, although they have not formed a perimeter. But the roads entering and leaving the base were blocked. In fact, the zombies were not terrible. They were terribly creepy creepers. And their whereabouts cannot be seen from the satellite image.

Shan Hong spent more than ten hours in the command center without rest. The intelligence analysis of the staff was unfavorable news. Things may really be like Gao Hanfeng said. Zombies will make a major blow to the Jiayuguan base.

"Go ask Captain Gao to come and discuss things," Shan Hong told the guard.

Gao Hanfeng came to the command center shortly after the fact. In fact, he had been ordered by Chu Xiang to keep the last lot of supplies safely in the base to eat his old books. When he saw Shan Hong, he asked: "Shan army commander, find I have any instructions. "

Shan Hongdao: "Captain Gao. Our base encountered annoyance. The terrible situation that you said at the dinner table appeared last time. The Jiayuguan base was cut off from outside traffic by several large zombies. This is not important. Creeper group. Come back again, they attacked the Dragon Squad, and I want to hear your opinion on the matter. "

Gao Hanfeng said: "It's a pity that the time to retreat is lost. Captain Shan, you still have to organize heavy firepower to prepare for the defense base."

Shan Hongdao: "If the creeper really comes to attack our base. Captain Gao, how much do you think we can hold the base?"

Gao Hanfeng simply said, "Zero."

Shan Hong's face turned white instantly, and a staff officer yelled at Gao Han, saying, "Nonsense! You dare to shake the army!"

If Shan Hong waved to stop the staff, he said, "Captain Gao, how can you say this? We must know that our weapons and equipment are very advanced, and we can't even hold one point of confidence."

Gao Hanfeng said: "Unless you use a nuclear bomb to destroy everything, it is simply to request the country's missile strike assistance. It is impossible to keep the Jiayuguan base by the weapon at hand. But one day is one day. We can never do nothing. "

Shan Hongdao: "Using nuclear bombs is absolutely impossible. Everyone knows that using nuclear bombs is to destroy themselves. And the country's missile assistance may not work. You need to know that there are more bases that need missile assistance, and most missiles are still performing combat readiness. On duty, and one missile launches one less, the country generally will not agree to this request, but we have self-propelled artillery and rockets. Isn't this enough to repel the creeper's attack? "

Gao Han Fengdao: "Single army commander, if the zombies really make up their minds to focus on the Jiayuguan base, unless you find a powerful evolutionary to cooperate, otherwise only the city will be destroyed ~ ~ powerful Evolutionist? "Shan Hong had a glimmer of hope." Aren't you? The country is responsible for the rise and fall of the husband, Captain Gao, it seems that you need to help. "

Gao Hanfeng shook his head and said, "The commander of the army alone deserves me. My strength is at the level of a major c major. It is a bit difficult to deal with a creeper, let alone a creeper group."

Shan Hong also said, "The Dragon Slayer! There are many evolutionaries in their team!"

A staff officer reminded Shan Hongdao, "Captain, they were just broken up by the creepers in the morning, and let them deal with the creepers. This is not a joke."

Shan Hong reluctantly said, "What then? Anyway, please ask Captain Hu to come over to negotiate."

Hu Yidi and Hu Gao soon arrived. After listening to Shan Hong's introduction, Hu Yidi groaned for a moment, "Our team suffered two defeats not because our evolutionaries were incompetent, but because we did not have the advantage to cushion the creeper's impact. "If we are just guarding the city, we have the confidence to repel the creepers, unless they can run across the concrete fence around the base."


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