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Chapter 306: The first battle is urgent

Hu Yidi's words gave Shan Hong a lot of confidence. He said: "With a large number of evolvers of the Dragon Squad, plus our heavy weapons, I think there should be no problem against creeper attacks."

Hu Gaodao said, "The commander of Shan Jun is assured. My uncle said that it would be okay. We are not like some people. The thunder and rain are small. These days, they are hiding like shrinking turtles."

Gao Hanfeng was furious: "The surname is Hu, you say who is the turtle again!"

Hu Gao scornfully said, "Whoever answers is a turtle."

When Gao Hanfeng shouted, Hu Gao's evolution was deeper than Gao Hanfeng's, and he had other skills. Gao Hanfeng's clothes were exhaling. Fortunately, there were a few staff officers next to him. Popped, a pot of cool white turned upside down. The fire extinguished.

Hu Yidi exasperated, "Let's go wild and step back, you dare to show off in front of Shan Jun!"

Hu Gao bowed his salute, "I'm sorry, Captain Shan. I really can't get used to the style of some people. If they really have the ability, they will help us to defend the base in Jiayuguan, hiding from people."

Gao Hanfeng knew that Hu Gao was constantly looking for the eschatology team, but Chu Xiang and others withdrew Hu Gao and how to find it. He was angered by the insulting Gao Hanfeng, but he knew that he was not as good as the others, and then he continued to suffer. Still myself, I can only endure first.

"Since you say that you have the ability, then let's see if you can hold the base. You can't rely on your ability to say, is the lesson you learned last time light? Good self-knowledge!" He did not return to the command center. This feud can only be written down first. The hero does not suffer from immediate losses. Hu Gao has high evolutionary skills and he is definitely not an opponent.

Shan Hong wanted to keep Gao Hanfeng together to help the guard, but Hu Gao said, "Captain. Since this matter is given to us, you can rest assured. We will immediately send someone to the wall to help guard, to ensure that a creeper will not come in. "

Shan Hong could only say: "Okay, I hope so, but the heavy weapons must be adjusted to the fence, and those machine guns are afraid they are really useless to the creepers. ==="

The deployment speed of the base is fairly fast. This is due to Shan Hong's rigorous training. If it has not been for military discipline and training, I am afraid that the Jiayuguan base has collapsed early. Everything is deployed the next morning, that is, when satellite monitoring receives an alarm at this time. A large group of creepers suddenly emerged from the frontline of the Qilian Mountains and the Heihe River Basin. The level of these creepers is unknown for the time being, but there are many types of them. In the largest number, they are yaks, wolves and red deer.

Yaks and wolves have always cooperated. The wolves lie on the back of a yak like a cunning cavalry. They rely on the yak's strong body to drive, and they can unexpectedly kill humans when fighting. The red deer herd is larger, and most of them have more than one meter long horns. Trees with thick bowls can also knock down! Even some t who were too late to dodge their bodies were picked up by their corners!

From the north to the south the two groups of creepers swept everything on. They were able to kill the Jiayuguan base with a thunderbolt. Everything was as expected. Zombies had to make a major blow to the Jiayuguan base because the Jiayuguan base was the most critical place on the silk line. The Jiayuguan base was broken. Westward only to Urumqi, eastward only to return to the base of Lanzhou. As for other small bases, creepers can be destroyed if they want to be destroyed.

When Shan Hong first saw such a large group of creepers, he was frightened. The situation was reported to the Beijing base early, and the central government also sent an evolution team to the Jiayuguan base. However, they want to arrive at the earliest time, and they can only use this. Speed ​​march. After reading the satellite data, the Central Committee believes that such a large group of creepers may not be able to transfer all the evolutionaries of the Ministry of National Security.

The Central Committee thinks so because it has the experience of major battles. However, Hu Yidi and Hu Gao have never encountered such a confrontational battle. In their view, there are many evolvers with high wall artillery. It may be difficult to counterattack, but it is still possible to stick to it. The central government is out of stability. I definitely won't tell the Jiayuguan base that you can't keep it, and even encourage them to bravely complete the task, because now it is impossible to retreat, and the only way is to fight hard.

At 9:30 in the morning, the creeper group finally rushed forward, and the ground t2, which had broken off the base before, also rushed forward like a cannon fodder. The weapons fired as soon as they entered the firing range base. A large piece of t2 fell down like a mowing, and the corpses were several meters thick on the periphery of the base! Black blood flowed into the river. Within a dozen square kilometers, it was all smelly.

Gao Hanfeng finally got on the fence. To be honest, he was no less worried than Hu Yidi and Hu Gao. Once the base was breached by the dangerous city, there were no eggs, so the problem was not important. Seeing the soldiers dumping the bombs, Gao Hanfeng found Captain Shan Hong, "Single Captain, ca n’t fight anymore, the bomb ca n’t withstand consumption. These t2 are optional to the zombies, let ’s kill the ground. No more can hurt their bones. "

Shan Hong was also worried about this problem. After listening to Gao Hanfeng's suggestion, he asked the staff to stop firing. Soon, Hu Yidi and Hu Gao ran over. "Shan Commander, why stop firing, t2 rushed up!"

Shan Hongdao: "Captain Hu and Captain Gao are right. We are running out of ammunition. This will not last long, and the creepers are still hovering outside. In case we bombed them, we could n’t stop the charge."

Hu Gao stared at Gao Hanfeng and said, "Never make a suggestion if you don't understand. Do we not just watch the zombies climb the city wall with human tactics? Let me tell you, t2 is to open the ground. They intend to use corpses. Give creepers a climbing city, so we must eliminate them to the outside, so that creepers have no chance. "

Gao Han chuckled coldly: "Huh, I heard Chu Xiang said that in order to deal with these creepers, evolvers must take the initiative to attack, not passively stay in the city walls, as long as you defeat the creeper t2 will naturally disperse, you This endless massacre of t2 will have no effect on the war except by consuming bombs. "

Hu Gao said loudly: "Okay, you know, you can direct! If you have the ability to defeat the creepers outside, aren't you a cow, have you ever taken your people away from the impact of the creepers, give them again Let ’s take a look. ^^^^ "

"Unreasonable!" Gao Hanfeng said to Hu Gao.

Hu Yidi also feels that his nephew has got a lot of irritability recently. No wonder this is the case. A man who has always been arrogant has suddenly suffered a lot of blows, how to prevent his temper from getting bad. "Enough! Go to the side!" Hu Yidi loudly rebuked Hu Gao.

Shan Hong is also very headache. He knows that these two groups are always you do not accept me and I do not accept you. After thinking about it, Dan Hong said, "I don't think so. Hu Gao's analysis just now is not unreasonable. The creeper may really want to Use the body of t2 to pave a rush to the wall. We still have a lot of incendiary bombs here. Put t forward and then rush a certain distance, then drop the incendiary bomb to stop other t2 from continuing the attack. "

A fire attack is naturally the best. Both Gao Hanfeng and Hu Yidi agreed, so the staff passed the order, and the throwing work was ready to be completed. When t2 rushed to a point less than a meter away from the fence, one incendiary bomb was hit. A fierce flame rose among the zombies, the fire-fired fence began to heat up, and the creeper wandered for a while, fearing the flames, and finally retreated.

The battle reports quickly gathered, and bullet consumption figures formed in front of everyone. Hu Yidi and Hu Gao looked very ugly. Don't look at it for more than ten minutes. It was dozens of tons of ammunition, and the wall was a few kilometers long. It was full of light and heavy machine guns, and the trigger was sprayed with metal. This did not use heavy weapons. Otherwise, dozens of tons of ammunition would not be able to reach it.

"It's really running out quickly." Shan Hong was worried. "Do you have any other methods to retreat from the enemy and the creepers haven't attacked yet? Our ground bombs have been consumed so much. The incendiary bombs can be used at most once, and there will be no blocking t2 effective means, I am afraid they can really pave the way for creepers. "

Gao Hanfeng said to Shan Hong: "Let's listen to Chu Xiang's opinion ..."

Shan Hong yelled, "Who? Is this person famous?"

Gao Hanfeng said: "Actually, he is a master who buys and sells a few people. I don't know if he is famous, but I know he can definitely retreat!"

Gao Hanfeng's firmness didn't even bother to grow up. ^^^^ "Well, although he is lucky to outperform the Scorpion, this does not mean that he has the ability to fight the creeper."

Where did Shan Hong know that Hu Gao had competed with Chu Xiang and others in private, so when he heard Hu Yidi say Scorpion, he questioned: "Have Chu Xiang and Scorpion tried? I do n’t know. There are not only two teams in the end of the world. A proceeder, why is there another Chu Xiang? "

Hu Gao was defeated by Chu Xiang and others as the biggest shame of his life, so he was angry when he heard Chu Xiang's name, "Ask him? What is his ability to retreat from the enemy, Jiayuguan base still has to rely on our Dragon Squad!"

It can be seen that Shan Hong's interest in Chu Xiang is not great, and Gao Hanfeng no longer speaks. In this case, he would not recommend Chu Xiang again. If Chu Xiang is here, they will still be subject to the eyes of these people, so let them keep watching. Whoever can't stand it last will give up.

Tens of thousands of zombies came from the periphery of the Jiayuguan base in the afternoon after the flames of the burned body weakened. Most of them were from Jiayuguan City and Jiuquan City, as well as infected humans in the surrounding farms, and some of them may have been transferred from the mainland in more than six months. Zombies, their purpose is to be cannon fodder, and continue to impact the Jiayuguan base.

The second round of the incendiary bomb was thrown out, but the effect of this round was much worse, because the local zombies on the ground were burned out, and the newly arrived zombies only burned for an hour and then stopped, waiting for the fire to weaken. The zombies attacked, and Shan Hong ordered the shots to hesitate. After all, the zombies would accumulate under the fence when they got closer, and the creepers would step on them to rush into the base.

Gao Hanfeng also knows this. His opinion is to save ammunition and send evolutionaries to go out to kill the creepers. But how did Hu Yidi and Hu Gao dare to go out? Their opinions are based on the city walls and weapons. They will wait for the creepers to come and attack them. The evolvers dealt with it. Shan Hong was also worried that thousands of creepers outside would drown the evolvers, so he did not adopt Gao Hanfeng's opinions.

The scene finally came, but the zombie's attack did not stop, but it was more urgent. Since there are no incendiary bombs, they only have to stop their footsteps, and ammunition appears urgent at midnight. If it is not just a batch of ammunition supplements, only I'm afraid I can't hold on now.

"Section 6 is in a hurry! ... Section 12 is in a hurry! ... Section 11 is in a hurry! ... Section 17 is in a hurry! ..." The emergency call continued, and the right of the base gate was double No. section, the left section is the single number section. Now there are some machine gun ceasefires on the left and right sides to suppress the zombies. I am afraid that there are now 40,000 zombies. But zombies in Jiayuguan City are still coming.

"What to do?" Shan Hong asked Hu Yidi anxiously.

"It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice," Hu Yidi frowned. "Why not use heavy weapons?"

Shan Hong thought for a while: "I asked the central government to conduct a round of missile strikes first. As long as the crawlers around the periphery can be run away, those threats created by t2 will be much lighter."

The Central War Office immediately reported the situation to the Military Commission after receiving the emergency report from Jiayu Pass, and the instructions soon came down. Agreed to assist with a round of missile strikes, but only one round. Afterwards, how to solve the difficulties still has to figure out a way for the Jiayuguan base.

Although only one round of missile strikes was approved, the urgent need was solved, because there were accurate satellite navigation instructions, the missiles exploded in a safe area outside the base, and the creepers were thick but still unable to withstand bombing by the missiles. Their formations were quickly scattered. After a few minutes, it scattered around like a command was received, and the missile strike stopped at this time. The Jiayuguan base was lucky to hold another round.

Hu Gao is now very arrogant. He has attributed all the results to the Dragon Squad. In fact, so far, the Dragon Squad has not made any shots. Looking at the night sky with a slight dawn, Hu Yidi and Shan Hong was actually very worried.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogh, the sharp sirens suddenly broke the temporary silence. The zombies began to attack again. Although their number dropped sharply, as long as there were tens of thousands of them, they were enough to see the land. The mountains and the mountains were full of people, dangling tirelessly, and afraid of attacking forward. Almost all the light and heavy machine guns were fired, and Shan Hong had to order shelling.

The power of shelling is really great. However, after all, the number of gun gates was limited and could not cover the entire battle area. The zombies quickly attacked under the city walls. Unsurprisingly, they could not cross the city walls, but they could be stacked under the city walls, and some were unwilling to be blocked by the city walls. Pull your fingers and bite with your teeth. The zombies were originally embarrassed, and now their nails are broken and their jaws are detached. How terrible and how terrible.

The horrors are not terrible. The terrible thing is that they gradually pile up under the city walls, and creepers appear in the distance where missiles bombarded them. They are eager to prepare for the charge. It seems to them that the Jiayuguan base was attacked with such a small price. This is a happy thing. Many zombies are not worth the heartache if they consume 100,000.

"Throw grenades to kill them!" Someone shouted, and the soldiers guarding the city walls threw grenades under the city walls. boom. Boom, rotten zombies were blown up and over the city walls. Their newly formed formation quickly blew up, and the soldiers cheered, but the good times didn't last long, and the zombies continued to move forward. When the first rays of dawn shone, they piled up a simple **** again, and this There were no more grenades to throw at that time. The large number of artillery and rockets could not be used for large-scale cleaning, and the ammunition for heavy weapons was about to be exhausted.

This is a sorrow for humans. In the process of fighting with zombies, they have suffered from a number of disadvantages and psychological deficiencies. There is a more important point is that it is difficult to supplement the weapons, but the zombies are hundreds of millions. There are billions in the world. As long as they have a high-level zombies command, they will be fearless, and they will be able to crush humans alive and buried at any cost.

"Let your people attack," Shan Hong said to Hu Yidi, this is the last trump card.

Hu Yidi also realized that the last blow must be made. The zombies are stacked higher and higher, and some places have seen the corpse heads pop out of the city wall, and the creepers in the distance have completed the assembly. By then, they will be like the wind sweeping the leaves. Rush up!

"All the evolutionaries all climbed the city wall to resist the creeper charge!" Hu Yidi shouted behind him, but his voice did not evoke any response, and Hu Gaoqing came over with his face, "Uncle, it's not good, those evolutionaries suddenly gave up They held their ground and they all hid inside the base. "

Shan Hong's face changed greatly, but when those evolvers were most needed, they escaped. This is a taboo for soldiers! Now he has only one idea, grabbing the evolutionists and shooting them all!

Hearing that the evolutionaries retreated without fighting, some soldiers also began to riot, Shan Hong shot a shot, "All soldiers listen! Who dares to step back and half amnesty! Do you think who is behind the base? There are you there Relatives! I ask you ~ ~ what is your responsibility! "

Some soldiers shouted, "Defend your country!"

Shan Hongdao: "Yes, defend the country! The country and the family need you now. You only need to take a step back, everyone, can you step back?"

"No!" After all, these are real soldiers, soldiers brought out by Shan Hong himself. Their loyalty is not a problem. Although they are a little scared, they still have to die with a determination to die with the creeper after some mobilization World War I.

Hu Yidi's face must be ugly and ugly. He and his nephew Hu Gao have always used force to rule their men and will give money and women when necessary. However, the result is that the team members are not loyal enough. Hold the Jiayuguan base, but the evolutionary battle with the creepers has not yet started. Only their uncles and nephews are left on the battlefield.

How good the creepers are. Most members of the Dragon Squadron have seen it. Human flesh and blood can't resist their rapid charge. Instead of dying, it ’s better to hide and live for one minute and one minute. You may also pick up one while chaos. Small life, but it must have been dead on the wall, so all the Dragon Squadrons fled.


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