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Chapter 307: Sudden rescue

Shan Hong was completely disappointed with the uncle's nephew's Dragon Squad at this moment. He recalled that if he asked Han Feng, Shan Hong felt abnormal guilt because of his stubbornness and trusting others. As a result, the best time to retreat was missed, and later He also mistrusted the strength of the Dragon Squad, and as a result, the current situation appeared.

In fact, even if those evolutionaries can't escape, they may not be able to stop the creepers with their strength. Maybe a few minutes ago, Shan Hong still had hope for the strength of those evolutionaries, but now he has only disappointment and despair. .

"Captain Shan, please answer the phone."

Shan Hong didn't expect that there would still be a phone call at this time. Is it from the Military Commission? As long as the military commission is willing to support another round of missile strikes, it may survive. But how to survive the wave of attacks and the next wave? Moreover, missiles are very expensive, and now the world's capabilities cannot be manufactured. The state says that one round is definitely one round, because indeed, such a dangerous base as Jiayuguan should not be in the minority, and the country cannot transfer all the missiles.

Shan Hong turned back and saw that the person who asked him to answer the phone was Gao Hanfeng. He said, "Captain Gao, I should listen to you more. Unfortunately, it's too late now. In fact, you are the real talent. I'm sorry, I'm tired. you all."

Hu Yidi's face was numb and numb. In fact, he thought of leaving here at once, which can be easily done with his ability, but when he saw the satellite phone held by Gao Hanfeng, he made a horror to stop his nephew from running away. It looks like there are other dramas below. He sings but there are still people who want to go on stage. This is a great opportunity to understand the strength of the opponent. As long as you do n’t have a face, no one can listen to yourself.

Gao Hanfeng said: "Captain Shan, when is this more clear to you than me? Say what those useless words do, answer the phone!"

Shan Hong was reprimanded by Gao Hanfeng, but he couldn't hang up, but he still obediently answered the phone. This is the latest type of military satellite phone, which can be video, and the person above is a bit strange. The main reason is that Shan Hong didn't pay attention to this person, but Shan Hong was slightly impressed. It seems that he is a member of the eschatology team, which may be the so-called master of Maimaiti.

"Captain Shan, I didn't expect that the last thing I wanted to see happened. What is happening now?" Chu Xiang only received a call from Gao Hanfeng, but in fact Gao Hanfeng had not had time to tell him in detail.

Shan Hong doesn't know what this person's identity is, but he asked himself if he had a good strategy to retreat from the enemy? Shan Hong is also a dead horse. He turned the video on the satellite phone towards the battlefield outside the wall. "Look at it for yourself. The creeper is going to break through the Jiayuguan base. I know it was all my intention. Once the city breaks I will be the first to exchange my life with the creeper, the guard! Tie me with an explosive pack! The creeper must step on my body to cross the wall! "

Chu Xiang did not expect that the situation would be so serious. At that time, Gao Hanfeng was left with a satellite phone. He thought that Gao Hanfeng would ask him for help when necessary. But who knows that Gao Hanfeng was so full of strength this time that he had to wait for Hu Yidi and Hu Gao to see the coffin and cry before contacting him.

"I'll hurry up right now! Now that you want to put all the firepower into it, you must stop the creeper to charge! Even a minute!" Chu Xiang's teleportation ability has not been restored, because this is the last time in his previous evolution. A skill, I am afraid that it will take a month, and he must immediately go to Li Haipeng to help. In addition, Song Jun and Wang Shaohui should be notified to prepare for battle immediately! That's why the Jiayuguan base was required to stop the creepers from charging anyway.

Shan Hong thought he had heard the wrong ear, and one had to come over immediately. Isn't he just inside the Jiayuguan base, when did he leave?

Gao Hanfeng yelled at Shan Hong: "Captain Shan Jun, do as Chu Xiang said!"

Shan Hong hit a spirit, Gao Hanfeng had the ability to pull back so many supplies, and he was not killed or injured under the last creeper shock, so he must have done so now. It may not work, Shan Hong immediately determined to do so. "Pass my order to throw the remaining artillery shells at the creepers behind them, and stop them from launching an attack!"

Boom, boom, all the remaining shells were dropped into the creeper camp in the distance, causing a riot in the creeper group. Sure enough, this made the creeper's plan to start the charge immediately disrupted. They could only rectify the formation again. It was during this time that Chu Xiang and Zhang Jingyao appeared together. The two had just woke up before they had time to wash their faces. Fortunately, my clothes are neatly dressed.

Chu Xiang exhaled, "Fortunately, there is too much time, Captain Shan. You must have learned this time, Hu Gao, why not let him show his strength?"

Hu Gao wanted to pull his uncle away immediately, and he was ashamed to find a mouse hole to drill. Although he saw the beauty of Da Bo Ba again, now he has no sense of sexual interest. The Emperor Hu Yicheng is very sophisticated and thick-skinned. If he wants to leave, he thinks no one can stop him, but this Chu Xiang just appeared suddenly. What kind of skill is this! Be sure to stay and see, this person is not easy! Maybe it'll take some good, even if it's something.

Li Haipeng immediately sent Chu Xiang and Zhang Jingyao and disappeared immediately. Hu Yidi watched people disappear from sight. This is by no means so stealthy, nor is it because of his speed, it must be a space transmission technology, advanced. !! If we can get such an evolutionary, will the world not let him go back and forth in the future? Hu Yidi would not leave if he had this idea. Although Hu Gao didn't want to stay, he had to listen to his uncle.

The second wave came from Xiaosi and Zhou Muqing. Xiaosi screamed excitedly when she saw the blockbuster t2, "Wow, so many zombies, I like it!"

All the people in the field looked at the white-skinned girl with angry eyes. These zombies would kill people, would you? Do you still have a conscience, how did your parents educate you. Xiao Si ignored these people's eyes. She stood by the wall and waved her hands down. "All are far away from this side, it's awful and hateful! Go outside and line up and stop the creepers for me. "

Gao Hanfeng was sweating so much that he could not have imagined that this cute girl was here to adjust the atmosphere of the scene. Tell the zombies to stay away from here and let them stand in line to stop the creepers. Then you might as well tell them not to eat me. I ’ll make a big bun and cook rice for you.

Really alive! Everyone thought so, Gao Hanfeng saw a group of soldiers stare wider than potatoes. He hurried to the wall and took a look, my mother, thousands of zombies suddenly backed away! The humans at Derohan are also disintegrating, lined up, they really have to stay away from here!

Shan Hong opened his mouth wide and couldn't speak, Hu Yidi's eyes didn't move at all for a minute and a half, Hu Gao was also holding tightly on Xiao Xi's chest, so white skin, it must be very white, If you can pinch. Don't know what it will feel like? Alas, is it better to be Da Bo Ba or Xiao Bo Ba, if both let him touch it.

"Oh! ..." the soldiers on the fence cheered, "Zombies retreated!"

Chu Xiang lowered his telescope coldly and said, "It's not that simple. These creepers are high-level, and Xiaosi can't control it at all. You must find out their leader to destroy it! But their possession is hidden, I'm afraid it will Send someone deep into the enemy group to find out. "

Xiao Si apologized to Chu Xiang: "I'm sorry, brother, I can control some creepers, but they have a lot of land, and most of them are powerless. They can't stop them from charging."

At this time Li Haipeng brought more and more people. Chu Xiang waved to the left and right: "Army immediately! Creepers know that t2 is out of control, they will charge regardless of everything!"

Sure enough, the creeper group in the distance made a roaring sway. Although the retreated t2 frantically surrounded them, it was useless. Those t2 were smashed by them, and the Lohan wall could not be disintegrated in a moment. Creepers can still step on the wall with zombies! "

"Go!" Zhou Muqing sang softly, powerful ultrasonic waves rushed forward, and many cramped crawlers were hit. They were fried into meat sauce under intense sonic shocks!

Following the obedience of the zombies, it was a shocking scene. Killing multiple creepers at once, this number of creepers is enough to impact any team, but it is really vulnerable in front of this beautiful woman!

"It's the big star Zhou Muqing!" Some people still recognize Zhou Muqing, her reputation is really high.

Song Jun also acted. He brought a steel bow with him to deal with the hidden weapon power and killing distance of high-level creepers were much lower, but the steel bow was just right. Alas. Alas, the renju arrows shot continuously. Each arrow would eventually hit the head of a creeper, and it was quickly killed in front of Song Jun, as if a piece of cloth surrounding the city wall was torn open.

Chen Kai and Fang Yuxuan also started to work, and Shibei was astounded. Chen Kai was not a rookie at that time. With the cooperation of Fang Yuxuan, a sea of ​​fire rose up within a few dozen meters in front of the city wall, and the creepers rushed in for a moment Burned, scorching and popping sounds!

Hu Yidi's eyes were about to stare out, "What kind of skill is this? God, how did they evolve? We always thought we were amazing. Compare them with us and we don't even count dung!"

Hu Gao naturally saw it. He used to be very proud of himself, and was also a leader among many evolvers. But his uncle is right. Compared with them, he is a puppet. If the other party wants to destroy himself, I'm afraid to stretch his finger. .

through! Li Niu suddenly jumped off the city wall and saw the creeper rushing over. The soldiers on the wall exclaimed, "Be careful! Come on!" Li Niu ignored it. He fisted and hit the ground. The crowd felt that the ground was shaking. Running down in front of Li Niu's consuming cow's feet, Boom fell into a bottomless abyss! The yaks at the back did not know what was happening in front of them, and still ran towards the abyss.

Chu Xiang did not expect that Li Niu's energy was so strong. In fact, this is no longer a simple fist force, but rather just borrowed the strength of the earth's crust, using an external force to break the balance of the crust tension, creating a small earthquake in an instant. . ^^^^ Li Niu, who usually looks very stupid and stupid, did not expect to achieve such results in evolution! He has no outside mind and is thinking about how to evolve, which is probably why he can succeed.

Li Niu's performance makes people who are already stupid stupid again. Some people have scolded in their hearts. Damn, what kind of person is this group? It turns out that the end of the world is really over.

Because the performance of these people is actually a little bit of sniper cover of Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming, although everyone's strength is strong, they may only block part of the ground creepers. You must know that the fence is long and everyone can only defend one side. There are still many locations exposed to the impact of creepers, and the possibility of the city breaking the ground is high!

Chu Xiang took the shot. The most powerful thing to stop the creeper ’s impact was the plant. He did n’t need to go down the city wall, and did n’t need to plant it again. Because there were many plants already under the wall, it was definitely too late to plant a shooting tree. You can use the original plant to block how much.

Huh, a tall plant suddenly appeared under the city wall, and Hu Gao was astonished. "Plant control? He, how could he?"

Emperor Hu Yi sighed, "Xiao Gao, wake up, I believe that he has brought the Emperor Jade Emperor now."

This plant formed a plant wall in an instant, and the creeper who avoided the kill rushed into it, and Chu Xiang increased the energy input. This few kilometers long green barrier is firmly under the impact of the creeper group! Chu Xiang's hand began to tremble, and the large amount of energy consumed had a great impact on him. Zhang Jingyao gently held Chu Xiang's hand, and the energy rushed over like a sea of ​​water. The plant wall is hard again!

Succeeded! The shock of the creeper group was stopped! At this time, t controlled by Xiaosi has evacuated, and the corpse ladder under the city wall has disappeared. Although a few creepers finally broke through the plant wall, it is helpless to encounter the city wall cast by reinforced cement unless they return to the starting point again and restart. Accelerating the impact, it may be possible to knock the fence out of a mouth, or even jump on the wall with the help of force, but re-acceleration will still be hit by everyone. It's still a question of whether they rush to the front.

When the crawler group failed to hit in one hit, they retreated back, as if they received the signal of dismissal, and they quickly dissipated. Chu Xiang was relieved. Motherland, being a good person is really tiring. Every time you try hard, but when Chu Xiang looks To the crazy eyes of a group of admirers behind him, he was a little proud, and the feeling of being a strong one was still pretty cool.

Shan Hong took Chu Xiang's hand and said, "Thank you, you created a miracle. You didn't think of it. You have such energy, it was unexpected. It was an accident, and you should regret looking down on you, and I apologize to you seriously."

Fang Yuxuan said: "You really do. You don't even know that my elder brother Chu is a senior consultant of the National Evolution Team. He beats you from time to time through Gao Hanfeng. Unfortunately, you are not a man, and you have been reluctant to listen to his words. This is happening now. Who is to blame? It ’s not because of Brother Chu's emotional relationship with those from Yumen City. This time, I really do n’t want to help you. Shan Hong was taken aback. “Oh, you ’re from the National Evolution Group. senior consultant? Disrespect, disrespect. "

In fact, this is no wonder Shan Hong. The central government knows that Chu Xiang does not like Zhang Yang, so not many people know about his becoming an adviser to the evolution team. The recent evolution of the national evolution team is also okay. The reputation of mixing in various bases is not low. It is mainly Zhang Yibo and others. They know that He Yaohui is closely related to the people of the eschatology team, so he transferred He Yaohui to the evolution team.

The advantage of this is that if problems that cannot be solved, He Yaohui will naturally contact the eschatology team, which saves the courtesy and rewards in many scenes of the central government, and will not easily be rejected.

Some arrogant base leaders rely on their skills and disobedience to the national system, using their own super powers to kill their survivors. When the national evolution team can't subdue them, it is usually solved by Song Jun and others, but the reputation is still let The national evolution team earned it, but who cares about the reputation of the eschatology team, everyone is more willing to let He Yaohui develop quickly.

Chu Xiang waved his hand and said, "Who cares not to consult, let the creeper retreat first."

Shan Hongdao: "Will they come again after losing so much?"

Chu Xiang said: "According to my experience, they will never stop using so many troops. The more critical problem is that their territory has not yet appeared, so it is inevitable to launch another attack!"

Chu Xiangdi's strength conquered Shan Hong, and Shan Hong naturally would not doubt him at this moment. Chu Xiang arranged for Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie to investigate the enemy's situation and find opportunities for the creeper leader. Then he and Li Haipeng returned to Yutai base to make up for Jiayuguan Ammunition, although many evolutionaries came to help, but the line of defense is so necessary to supplement the firepower of these soldiers.

Chu Xiang's method of using land is to carry a space ring. Since his level has evolved to level 7 ~ ~, the space ring is opened to seven cubic meters. This space is considerable by calculation. Just a few trips back and forth was added, with the bomb in hand, the soldiers settled a lot.

After the inspection of the defense of the city walls, Chu Xiang went to the base accompanied by Zhang Jingyao, Xie Shanshan and Shan Hong. He heard a loud noise in the upper half, because when he heard Lin ’s voice, Chu Xiang lifted his feet and walked over. Shan Hong and several others The teacher hurried to keep up. Now they are all looking at Chu Xiangma. Let ’s not talk about the power of others, but they are also very special. The senior consultant of the evolution team, and this title is absolutely true, because the central government has just confirmed it. The troops at the Jiayuguan base obeyed Chu Xiang's condemnation, which shows how much the country trusts this Chu Xiang.

"Lin, what's going on?" Chu Xiang had previously arranged Lin Jin's base to help defend internal stability, otherwise it would be really troublesome to fight a big battle in front of a small one.

Lin Dao: "Here are two evolutionaries who have strengthened a woman just now. Some people have evidence but they have not yet acknowledged it, and everyone is condemning them."

An old surname said: "It's not just a woman who was strong. Just now they robbed me of my food and broke one leg of my child who protected the food. They are really not as good as beasts. If they have the ability, they will go ahead and beat the zombies. go with."


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