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Chapter 308: Severe punishment

Shan Hong frowned and said, "Such a thing happened? Since yesterday, for the security of the base, I have transferred all the patrol fighters inside. Since these evolutionists are unwilling to survive, it is better to send them to the city wall to fight, who dares If you do n’t go, catch them and punish them severely! "

Chu Xiang stepped forward to separate the crowd, and two evolutionists surrounded by everyone appeared in front of them. They just planned to get away with their super powers, but who knew that a forest suddenly appeared to stop them. This woman is not simple. Injuring them, speed and strength are not comparable to their super powers, otherwise they would have fled early.

Lin saw Chu Xiang step forward and asked: "What to do with them?"

Suddenly there was a person saying, "This is my man, let me deal with it." It was Hu Gao. He didn't know when it was coming. He looked at Chu Xiang with resentment and jealousy. It is not difficult to understand Hu Gaocong. Falling down in the high sky, he blamed all of this on Chu Xiang, who would be blamed if he didn't hate him.

Chu Xiang glanced at Hu Gao, "Oh, what are you going to do?"

Hu Gaodao: "At the moment of employment, I will educate them so that they will not disturb the people after the renewal. Two powerful evolutionaries and several insignificant old names, whoever cares less than I think Everyone knows. "

A teacher under Shan Hong said: "Yes, educate them well, and feel complacent because of their ability. They just escaped. They should be sentenced for a few years. However, the base is in danger now and they are going to fight the enemy. Make a contribution. "

Shan Hong glanced at everyone and said, "Well then, give Hu Shao a face this time, take the people away and educate them, and if this happens again next time, it's not lightly! In addition, the evolution that escaped today All the organizers are organized. Once a creeper strikes again, they must be brought to the front line to resist together. This is an opportunity to forgive their sins, or they should really kill them with their performance today. "

Hu Gao Yixi mentioned that the two evolutionaries were about to leave, but Chu Xiang stood coldly in front of him. Hu Gao said unpleasantly, "For the surnamed Chu, don't think you are terrible. Beware of bullying. I will sue the Central!"

Chu Xiang said: "Just let me know, I can also contact you, Chairman Hua, but you can go and call to sue. But these two people must stay. Is there a sentence? Do n’t dare to bear the consequences of what you do? ”

In fact, Hu Gao was very afraid of Chu Xiang in his heart, but he had to protect the two men. They were Hu Gao's powerful assistants and helped Hu Gao do a lot of things. Although they had escaped just now, the creepers were so scary. After all, this is sentimental.

"Last name Chu. Don't overdo it. What do you want." Hu Gao insisted. He certainly couldn't contact Chairman Hua to sue. Because Hua Fuqiang did not know which onion he was.

Shan Hong sees Chu Xiang not prepared to let go of the two evolutionaries. So came forward to persuade Chu Xiang: "It is not easy to produce an evolutionary. The lesson is enough. At present, it is important to stabilize the base and employ people."

Chu Xiang ignored the words of Shan Hongdi. He looked at Xie Shanshan. Xie Shanshan nodded to Chu Xiang. This means that the two evolvers are by no means good birds. Xie Shanshan should know most of their crimes through the other party's brain wave information. In this case, Chu Xiang waved at Lin!

Chu Xiangdi's temper is better understood. After all, they have been with Chu Xiang for a long time. Seeing Chu Xiang gave the order. Click. Lin decisively lifted an evolutionist and twisted his neck! The shocking murder of a woman so shocked everyone! And the sudden change of events made everyone unable to react. Isn't Shan Hong going to let the two evolvers go? Why kill them? Many old names think so.

"You, how dare you kill him?" Hu Gao was not convinced. But the evolutionist who had broken his neck was dead. This must never be fake. Think of this little kid who has done a lot of tricky things for himself. Hu Gao was very heartache.

"Ah!" Suddenly, he turned around and scared another evolutionary and ran. Alas. A flying knife suddenly shot and hit his head! The flying knife pierced the back of the evolutionist's head. Plop through the body and fell to the ground. Song Jun flashed out of the crowd coldly. With such a hidden weapon master, no one can escape.

Suddenly the two were killed, and Shan Hong and several teachers stayed. Hu Gao was blushing and speechless. But Chu Xiang walked without looking back: "As long as there is an evolutionary who dares to do anything, there is no amnesty! The crowd burst into cheers. To tell the truth, these civilians' old names are really endured, Most of the evolvers of the Jiayuguan base were timid, and they were usually afraid to go out. Some people with low quality would bully their old names, but the old names had little resistance and could only endure. This was even worse after the arrival of Uncle Hu Gao's nephew. The reason for protecting the evolutionaries has not been done. From the performance of Shan Hong and others just now, we can see that now two villains are punished, and the mood of the masses can be imagined.

A teacher walked behind Chu Xiang and said, "In fact, there is no need to kill them. What a pity."

Xie Shanshan turned back: "You, I don't know, I am a brain evolver. I know almost everything in your mind, don't panic. I'm a well-preserved girl. It's okay. I can't. Peeping at your inner world, but if anyone dares to make trouble, our eschatology team will not spare it! "

Shan Hong saw that Hu Gao had tolerated and did not keep up. He understood that Hu Gao and Chu Xiang could not reconcile, and stepped forward a few steps to Shan Xie and said to Xie Shanshan: "Girl Xie means the two evolvers just now. Do you think they **** it after your review? "

Xie Shanshan nodded, "Yes, if you don't believe I can find many witnesses and physical evidence, but currently is a defensive creeper, I don't think the commander of the single army will want to hold a trial meeting. Our captain Chu promises nothing. There will be no personal revenge against the Gongye private bulletin. I think you will not have heard of what the evolutionary world has almost destroyed. Our captain is doing a heroic thing. Will we still kill two little evolutionaries? "

The hearts of everyone in Shan Hong were a little surprised. There were also rumors that the evolutionary world was almost wiped out, but China ’s zf did not come forward to confirm it. In addition, Yueben tried to break the rumors on the Internet. The ghost unit was later confirmed to be true by the military, and the photos of the members of the ghost unit that were shot online were also true. This proves that there must have been a major incident in the evolutionary world in Japan. Everyone has speculated who has such power. This happened, as Xie Shanshan said just now. That person seems to be Chu Xiang!

The killing effect was really good. The other evolutionaries were honestly like old hens after hearing the news, which played a great role in the stability of the base. The creeper's attack was temporarily stopped, but the outer t2 was not withdrawn. Chu Xiang judged from experience that the creeper would not give up because of their strength. It's just that they are trying to break through the Jiayuguan base.

For the time being, let ’s not mention Chu Xiang ’s arrangement for the safety of the base. Let ’s talk about Hu Gaoqing returning to his residence with his face down. Hu Yidi ’s mood is low. He is staring at a bowl of water and does n’t know what to think. "What's going on outside? Are our team members organized?"

Hu Gaodao: "Uncle, that surname Chu is so deceptive, we can't stand it anymore, we have to get rid of him, or the Dragon Squad is over. We both have to finish

Hu Yidi calmed down and said, "Why do you say that you haven't seen his strength. I'm afraid you and I will have difficulty killing him together. In addition, his team members also have their own abilities, so it's time to endure. Still have to bear it. Organize the Dragon Squadron to bring all our supplies and prepare to evacuate the Jiayuguan base at any time. As long as we really control a large base, our strength will gain long-term development, and we will not be afraid of several evolutionaries at that time. We You can also survive the addiction of the emperor. "

Hu Gaodao: "Uncle, I'm afraid our Dragon Squad can't be organized for a while. So it's not easy to leave."

Hu Yidi said, "What's wrong, didn't you just go and inform our team members. Although our ground ammunition was depleted, didn't we hide a large amount outside before entering the Jiayuguan base, as long as we got there safely and digged out the weapons? You can still equip the Dragon Squad. Of course, we must avoid the creeper transfer. Their charge is really not something you and I can stop. I really do n’t know what the small land is made of, and there is such a strong energy. If you and I can Evolved to that level, and the world is at your fingertips. "

Hu Gao interrupted the uncle's torrents and said, "Uncle, my two capable men will be killed by the surname Chu Di! Those evolutionists received orders from the base, and all cats like quail did not dare to go out in the room. , Now they don't listen to me at all. "

Hu Yidi shouted and stood up, "What are you talking about? The surname Chu Di opened the killing ring for our team members?"

Hu Gaodao: "Yes, does your uncle think that I will lie to you, but he just grabbed some food and played with a woman. He even killed two of my most powerful men on the basis of a public grudge. And he kept watching other evolutionaries. Uncle. We can't stand it anymore, we have to find a way to take the initiative. "

Hu Yidi was furious: "Okay, he is taking this opportunity to weaken our strength. He may not be able to compete with him this time, otherwise the Dragon Squad will be destroyed in his hands!"

The uncle and nephew reached a unified mind, so they came together to study the countermeasures carefully. When the dawn came the next day, all conspiracies were staged.

Although the Jiayuguan base is not a resource-based base, it is the most difficult to defend terrain nearby. Therefore, some small bases have fallen after the fall and they have survived. It can persist to this day to prove the necessity of its existence and the lack of materials. As long as there is no creeper interference, it can be slowly obtained from Jiayuguan City and Jiuquan City, and the Jiayuguan base is surrounded by oasis, which will also have considerable benefits for future self-rescue of the base production.

The creepers seemed to know the reason for raising tigers, so they decided to kill them at all costs before the Jiayuguan base had developed. Hu Gao and Hu Yidi also knew the favorable factors of the Jiayuguan base, so they decided to fight together here and succeeded. They occupied the strategic point. After careful consideration, Chu Xiang also thought that it was necessary to keep the Jiayuguan base, which is of great significance to open the traffic between the mainland and Xinjiang in the future.

The humming alarm sounded, and Chu Xiang didn't sleep at all, so he knew immediately when hostility happened. Shan Hong and others also closed their eyes, but their physical strength was not as good as that of Chu Xiang and others. Hair is messy and completely worried.

"Well, they're fine this time, and they didn't even send t2 to fight," Xiaosi said in surprise, but a large number of creepers outside the wall began to gather, but t2 still wandered outside the front at all, and Xiaosi's control distance was limited after all. Otherwise, sitting at the Yutai base can also control the zombies here.

Chu Xiang handed out the used telescope to Zhang Jingyao and said, "This time, not only yaks, but also monkeys and red deer. If it is the flexibility of monkeys, it is not difficult for them to jump up the fence, but the creeper really intends Do you want to make a fortune? It doesn't have any advantage over them. "

Zhou Muqing was eager to try: "Let's just let it growl and try to scream."

Chu Xiang shook his head. "I said that Chow, you have been very violent recently, and you don't want to think about how lethal this ultrasonic wave will be from your distance. To save energy, do you know, and Fang Yuxuan, you must cooperate with Chen Kai. Do n’t just think about expressing yourself. And Comrade Li Niu, next time you want to do an earthquake, you must stay away from the city wall, if you collapse the city wall first. The consequences can be imagined by yourself. In addition, Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming, do n’t hurry to hunt in large quantities. To kill the creepers, your mission is to sniper. It plays the role of capturing the thief and catching the king first. Doesn't Zhang Hongbing say that the bomb has been improved and hopes to penetrate the skull of the creeper's territory? "Everyone nodded and said that they received it. Xiang vomited his tongue and said, "Yes, sigh. Everyone let you approve from the beginning, and I don't know how Jingyao and Shanshan endure you every day. If I were the two of them, I must first Your arrogance has changed. "

Xie Shanshan grinned, "Mu Qing, you are wrong, we just like Chu Xiang! Don't you think he is very manly every time he fought?"

Zhou Muqing whispered in a low voice: "I want to smell it too, but he is like a piece of wood that doesn't understand the style, and it takes me a lot of hard work."

Shan Hong reminded everyone nervously, "The creeper is about to act!"

Sure enough, the creepers outside made a commotion. However, Chu Xiang still had some doubts. Are the city walls so high that they really plan to break through? No matter how Chu Xiang decides to start defense, he immediately jumped out of the city wall and planted trees. Of course, plants with this automatic defense need to be used more, and after Chu Xiang ’s ability to control plants is enhanced, the survival time of shooting trees is also greatly improved. Extend, enough to deal with a charge of creepers.

Shan Hong saw a strange tree suddenly growing under the city wall, and the trees quickly produced large and smooth fruits. They are all puzzled. If they didn't know that Chu Xiang's strength was amazing, they would think it was playing magic.

"Captain. We're here to help," Hu Gao and Emperor Hu Yi appeared behind Shan Hong. Shan Hong said, "Okay, as long as everyone works together, I believe we will win."

Hu Yidi said, "Captain, can we organize the Dragon Squad again? Last night, I talked to them separately. Everyone regretted yesterday's behavior. They expressed their willingness to fight and kill the enemy."

Shan Hongdao: "Okay, it is good that they can have such an idea, and I approve your request." Hu Gao went down and summoned the staff.

Shortly after the time passed, Xiao Si stood on the wall and exclaimed, "No! They really want to attack!"

At this moment, no sign was seen in the sky within the eyes of everyone, but Xiao Si's ability to sense zombies and creepers was very strong, so Song Jun and others were convinced that Chu Xiang had planted firing trees in a row. Then he jumped up the city wall, and at this time he could already see a small black spot appearing in the sky.

"The flamethrower is ready!" Chu Xiang shouted loudly. He transferred multiple flamethrowers from the Yutai base overnight. The purpose was to cope with this situation. The creeper would not be stupid enough to attack from the ground only because of casualties. The cost is high, so they have to be prepared for air strikes.

Mutant birds are flying closer and closer, and Chu Xiang clearly sees their figures with the help of a high-power telescope. This is a huge sculpture. The original figure may not be so large, but it will only change after being infected by the t virus. In this way, this is not terrible. What is terrible is that there are other mutant animals sitting on the back of the giant vulture. Roughly speaking, there are monkeys and wolves. The giant vultures take them to fly without difficulty with their strong wings.

Boom, boom, the creepers on the ground began to charge, and the eagles in the sky also entered the base, but they were flying high, and the flamethrowers could not shoot at all. Shan Hong et al. The ground attack scene is even more terrible because there are not enough anti-aircraft machine guns to attack them, and the only few strikes are not obvious.

The impact force on the ground has entered the firing area of ​​the firing tree. Hu Yidi did not understand the role of these trees at first. He knew that his nephew also had the ability to control plants. However, he had never seen his nephew plant trees. The word-wrapping tricks of dragging creepers do not have to work hard to plant trees. As long as you have enough energy, a rattan can do the job.

Shan Hong didn't understand what Chu Xiang was going to do. He thought that Chu Xiang still had to rely on rattan to intercept creepers, but Chu Xiang knew that rattan consumes a lot of energy and attention, and today he has to take care of it elsewhere. Battlefield, so shooting trees that don't require much care become the best choice.

Bang, bang, bang, the fruit of the shooting tree burst open, and a bunch of fruit arrows were shot inside, and the creeper group that was rushing up was knocked down. Hu Yidi secretly exclaimed, the mystery of the original fruit is here! Judging from the density and strength of the shot, a tree is enough to withstand two to very heavy machine guns! And all this without manpower and ammunition, it is really a defensive weapon! It would be great if my nephew could do the same.

The yak mixed the red deer and the wolves. The ground impact was blocked in front of the shooting tree. At this time, the eagles in the sky also lowered. They swooped against the base, swooped, and the flamethrower opened fire. The effect is much more powerful than the anti-aircraft machine gun. As long as it is touched by the flame, it is a death.

Www ~ ~ The purpose of the dive is not to peck humans, but to perform airborne surprises on the base. A large number of mutant monkeys and wolves howled to jump off the base from the back of the carving. They wanted to jump from the inside. Breaking out, the Jiayuguan base will be won by the inside and outside at that time.

Chu Xiang had already prepared for his energy to be sent out. A piece of grass grew on the inside of the base. The unknown monkeys and wolves jumped on the grass. The blades of the grass suddenly hardened like steel knives, crickets, crickets, and wore monkeys and wolves. On it! This sudden change took everyone by surprise, but it is impossible to plant the blade grass on the roof and stones, so a lot of mutant animals still fell into the base.

The sentry on the surrounding mountain wall suddenly rushed, and a large number of monkeys were climbing the mountain wall! Shan Hongdao: "Hurry up and organize machine gun shooting! Never let them climb into the base, otherwise we will be hard to hold the formation if we are impacted on all sides!"

Emperor Hu Yi said, "Captain Shan, please take my people to the top of the mountain to help guard, we stay to help the consultant Chu."

The urgency on the top of the mountain cannot be ignored, but a large number of monkeys and wolves have fallen into the base. It is impossible to adjust the troop strength. Only using this group of evolvers, Shan Hong said: "Okay, everyone depends on the key moments! You follow I come!"


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