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Chapter 314: Arrive in the United States

In order to ensure the success of the first transaction, Chu Xiang really dispatched the elite of the eschatology team. Let's first count the team members. The male team members are: Chu Xiang, Song Jun, Li Haipeng, Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie, Xu Huai, Li Xiaoming, Wang Bin, Chen Kai, Li Niu, Ma Xinghe, Wu Zhenghang, Zheng Haoran, Wei Qingchun, Zhang Hongbing, Sun Gaoqiang, and Shi Zhengqian.

Zhang Hongbing, Sun Gaoqiang, and Shi Zhengqian did not become evolutionaries, but this person has real materials. Zhang Hongbing is now not only studying car maintenance, but also aircraft maintenance and tank maintenance. This skill just can't show lethality like others, but it doesn't need direct lethality as logistics personnel.

Sun Gaoqiang is like Zhang Hongbing. He was originally a home appliance repairman, but now he is proficient in all kinds of physical electricity. Together with Zhang Hongbing and Wang Bin, they can now make many advanced things. Even the sonic repeller has their credit. Among them, gadgets like communication watches are not worth mentioning.

As for Shi Zhengqian, although he was strictly forbidden to fly again by several female managers, his work has not stopped. Now there are more than 50 pilots and two logistic personnel at the Yutai base, as long as they are used for airborne sound waves. The successful manufacture of the destroyer is the commander of the air force of Yutai Base, and now Shi Zheng was not a civil aviation pilot of that time. Through hard work, he is confident to fly various aircraft, which is actually a skill.

It is incorrect to say that people have not evolved, but their partial emphasis is different. In addition, under the auras of Chu Xiang, Song Jun and others, they are obviously insignificant. But in fact, Chu Xiang's emphasis on them has never been lowered by one point. Whether a team can win or not is sometimes determined by them.

Mai Mai Ti and Sun Hou did not follow, because Chu Xiang had other important tasks assigned to them. The safety of the Yutai base cannot be ignored. This time, even the left-behind veteran Ma Xinghe was dispatched, although there were shooting trees and grass blades around the base. There are even various traps under Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjiebu, but no one can still play. After all, Chu Feng and Fang Guo are just ordinary administrative personnel. It is okay to manage daily work, and it is not possible to lead soldiers to fight.

Wang An, Xiao, and Chen Shaodong have all evolved, but it is not yet known that they have no skills, but they are also evolvers anyway. Furthermore, He Yaohui is still in the country and can help the Yutai base at any time. In the event that something really happens, Li Haipeng can also bring Chu Xiang back in ten minutes, so the five brothers of the Maimaishi Brothers only need to calm down the base. Chuxiang from other people do n’t trust him, but his five apprentices are loyal. Absolutely no problem.

Let's talk about the evolution of Ma Xinghe, Wu Zhenghang, Wei Qingchun, and Zheng Haoran. It can be said that they strictly followed the evolution originally formulated by Bai Xiaowei. At present, they are all impacting the A-level university. The final evolution in Bai Xiaowei's theory belongs to comprehensive development. The steady advancement of physical fitness has gradually improved their strength and response speed. They were originally retired soldiers and had a good base. So now it is not low in combat, shooting or other aspects. It's just that there are no extraordinary skills that go unnoticed.

Besides, the female members of this trip: Zhang Jingyao, Xie Shanshan, Lin, Fang Yuxuan, and so on. After South Ruolan joined the eschatology team, Zhang Jingyao has evolved thousands of miles with the support of Zhang Jingyao's energy. She is a famous woman. Even if Zhang Jingyao is intimate with her, let alone she is now intimate with Song Jun. Zhang Jingyao wants to treat her differently. Looking at each other, so the strength of South Ruoland will increase so quickly.

As a ghost eye, Nan Ruolan's eyes can see more and more, and even she can purposely shield the shell that she does not want to see and look directly at the target. Chu Xiang took her main purpose this time. I want to check the goods. After all, if a thousand containers are unpacked and inspected, it will take a lot of effort, and with a glance of Nan Ruolan, she only needs to glance.

In addition, Xie Shanshan also has a great plan, this plan cannot be realized in a short time, but it has already begun to take shape. It is to use Xie Shanshan's control of brain information to form a channel of consciousness communication among people. The channel is completely invisible and cannot be captured by the instrument. Xie Shanshan is the main body and the relay between the teams. Xie Shanshan directly transmits the words to someone to the inside of the other person ’s brain to achieve silent communication. Share a lot of visual and sensory experience.

For example, Ghost-eyed South Ruolan, if she uses her eyes to see someone or a zombie creeper sneaking in the dark, then she can send her sensory signals directly to Xu Huai, even if Xu Huai doesn't see the target in the dark, But he can still accurately kill the target with a single shot based on South Ruolan's sensory information.

Xie Shanshan's evolution is no longer as simple as a level a colonel, but she is a skill evolver and her physical fitness is not important to her, but even if her level is already high, she wants to set up this channel among many players. It is not easy. At present, experiments can only be performed in a small range and a small distance, and it is far from real applications.

The fleet has previously experimented with the role of the sonic destroyer, which is quite effective. There is no sea creature approaching within the scope of the sonic destroyer. The sonic destroyers on these five warships are provided by Chu Xiang for free. For other warships Chairman of the Sonic Destroyer Hua has issued an invitation, hoping that Chu Xiang will come to Beijing for an interview after the end of this US trip.

After the success of the sonic destroyer experiment, Chu Xiang relocated the production line from Hong Kong to the Yutai base. Previously, because the outside world had not received any news, the production base left in Hong Kong would not be harassed, but this time when the fleet crossed the Pingyang, Presumably the whole world will be shocked. By that time, Han Jiao's strength will not stop spy agents from spying on intelligence.

A few days later, the US port of San Francisco ushered in a fleet. The Mayor of San Francisco and important officials of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Commerce personally met at the dock. The officers and men of the Chinese fleet were not allowed to disembark because they received military orders. From beginning to end those naval officers and soldiers must remain on board, the task is to protect the safety of warships, especially the sonic destroyers, and Xie Shanshan, head of the China Trading Corps, disembarks with a group of assistants and bodyguards to receive the welcome.

Mayor Stephen of San Francisco, Department of Defense Wells, and Johnson of Commerce. People hurry up to the trestle. "Harrow, thank you very much, Chairman Xie, we are very honored to welcome the first US trade group after the disaster. We are extremely curious and sighed that you can safely cross the Pacific Ocean. Below, Allow us to introduce ourselves ... "

Xie Shanshan only introduced Zhou Muqing and Zhang Jingyao, and their identity was the deputy head of the trade group. As for the others, the men were bodyguards and the women were assistants. Although Xiaosi and Fang Yuxuan looked very young, children in this era often do great things, so Americans are not surprised. As for Lin, she is also a handsome female police officer and bodyguard, so no one doubts her identity.

As the welcome leader of the regiment, Stoven met Xie Shanshan and looked back at the Chinese warships from time to time. He said, "Leader Xie, please do n’t worry about your warships. We are the largest newly built inner port on the East Coast. The water is deep and the harbor is quiet and the waters have been carefully cleaned up. There will be no large marine life. Here, we will also ensure the safety of your ships. Please thank the head of the delegation for rest assured that we will enter the base. "

Chu Xiang looked around at the port. At least the last warship was intact, the missile artillery was powerful, and there was even an aircraft carrier. The carrier-borne aircraft made a roar from time to time, it seemed to tell people here. With a single order they will take off. I just don't know if they dare to really take off, maybe they just want to give the Chinese trade group a chance.

The officers and men on the US ship are carrying out daily maintenance in an orderly manner. I have to say that their combat effectiveness is recovering fast, but the Americans have not found a way to expel marine mutant organisms, so they can only stay in the inner port for repair at this time. Once they get a sonic expeller, they will return to the ocean and become Overlord, this is the ending that Chu Xiang doesn't want to see.

In addition to the original officers and men stationed on Chinese warships, Chu Xiang specially left Ma Xinghe and his veterans Wu Zhenghang, Wei Qingchun, and Zheng Haoran. Five sonic destroyers were removed and centralized on modern destroyers for unified management. It is simply impossible for Americans to steal them silently.

Xie Shanshan received the message that Chu Xiang sent to her through brain exchanges. She said, "Well, Mr. Stephen, we believe in your security work. No matter how you are, the United States is always a world-class military power. This security guarantee must still be provided, but I can say the ugly first. Our warships are strictly forbidden from peeping your personnel. I hope you can abide by the contract and do not make it difficult for us. For the consequences of violating the contract, I think this is something that neither of us wants to see. * "

"Haha, how is this possible, since you don't welcome us to visit warships, naturally we will not reluctantly." Stoffin said calmly.

In addition to getting anti-virus virus this time, the Americans also have an important purpose, that is, to find the secret that the Chinese ship can cross the plains. This is also the future purpose of the Department of Defense Wales. The president ordered at all costs. To obtain such equipment or skills, otherwise China will quickly become the new world hegemonist, because whoever controls the ocean is equivalent to controlling the world. This is something the United States cannot tolerate.

The people from both sides appeared to **** the convoy to the terminal in a harmonious manner. Mayor Stofin warmly introduced the situation of the old gold city base. San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose are all cities with a population of nearly 10,000. After the riots, cities concentrated their efforts to set up a large base not far from the coast, the largest survivor base on the East Coast of the United States except Los Angeles.

This base relies on some cities and buildings on the coastline as its foundation. The periphery is reinforced with cement concrete, and there are two steel lines of defense. Even if there is a group of creepers, they will never fall easily. Moreover, the firepower of the United States is fierce. Being the most in the world, it's just a joke that creepers and zombies want to launch easily.

After Wales was in the line, he winked at a captain who was behind him. The man glanced over the members of the China Trade Corps, and then smiled at the corner of his mouth to start his luck. He was a brain-controller and was trying Utilize useful information in the brains of skillful Chinese players, which is important for obtaining secrets of warships.

Xie Shanshan used his consciousness to communicate with Chu Xiang in his mind. "Chu Xiang, the other person has a brain evolutionist who is spying on the brain information of our members. But it has been blocked by me. His evolution is a little lower than mine, so he has not Perceived that I was blocking him. "

Chu Xiang said: "Don't reveal your identity, this time we are here to ask for money. We are not fighting with them."

Xie Shanshan did exactly that, talking on the surface with the mayor of Stofin, laughing and laughing, secretly blocking all the signals from the American brain evolutionary. The captain was in a hurry, his face getting ugly. In the end, he shook his head helplessly to Lieutenant General Wells. Wells was surprised. This was the first time he saw his men say no to him. In his opinion, the strength of the Chinese should be very poor, and they can study the resistance against t It is a probability that the dead virus of the virus liquid hits the dead cat.

Wells thought there was something wrong with the captain's brain. He nodded again to a black lieutenant, who hurried forward. In the team, only Li Niu was carrying a large box, which contained a blue injection of life. Chu Xiang considered that staying on the boat would easily aggravate Ma Xinghe's task. Besides, he would trade with the United States at any time. Carrying it with him, the black man spotted Li Niu tightly following, and when Li Niu was about to board the car, he suddenly scooped out from behind.

"Let me mention it for you. How can you let such a heavy box come from afar and let you do it?" The black man reached out and grabbed the box in Li Niu's hand. Li Niu is unequivocal. Chu He said to him when he came, that if his brother lost a sweat, he would not have to go back to see her. If his brother told him what he was doing, he wouldn't have to go back if he did half-distribution, just stay here.

Being shot in advance, Li Niu was half unafraid to relax his vigilance. In addition, he never thought about it in his straight mind, so the black man reacted as soon as he reached out, and he grabbed the hand of the black man, although he could n’t understand the black man. Yes, but Li Niu's heart brightened, this guy is trying to steal the blue life secretly, or this is a tentative signal from him.

The black man was not panicked when he was grasped. This step was as long as he expected. He held Li Niu's hand against the palm of his hand. From the appearance of the two, it seemed that the old friends had been shaking hands to celebrate reunion for years, and even smiled on their faces. The meaning is so natural, the black lieutenant whispered, the strength of his hand suddenly increased, and in the meantime, the bones of the ordinary evolutionary were crushed into powder.

But the black man underestimated Li Niu's strength. Li Niu is also a skill evolutionary. His strength was not as weak as when Chu Xiang first discovered him. Instead of crushing the palm of his hand, the black man was given the power by his counterattack. Shocked, the opponent ’s palm was like a vise, and the instant power burst violently, clicking, a slight bone cracking sound, and the black face was darker. His arm was trembling, and his face was sweating in pain and fright. The rush down.

Li Niu did not go any further, but he hehe laughed and let go the black man ’s hand and got into the car. The black man dropped his hands under the trouser line. Wells rushed over in two steps. “How? Why did n’t I get it? box?"

The black man said: "I'm sorry, sir, I failed. He crushed my bones."

Wells was startled: "What? There is such a thing. It's only you who crushes the bones of others' hands. He is just a stupid country guy. You can't handle him?"

Johnson from the Ministry of Commerce came over: "Don't try to test each other again. This will easily cause them to doubt and guess. Everything will be carried out after the transaction is completed. Anyway, the day we verify the anti-t virus solution, they will be one day. Cannot leave the United States. "

Wells said: "This is the only thing. It seems that these people are not simple. We need to ask the president again. Those who think that the Chinese are good at dealing with it will try it if they are not convinced."

The road from the port to the base is unobstructed, the car journey is only half an hour, two five-centimeter-thick steel walls, and concrete concrete city walls. The entire San Francisco base is simply an iron bucket, which is also a high-rise building, and there are tent slums. The faces of people coming and going are very depressed, and it seems that the situation in the United States is not as optimistic as Stoffin said, at least a large number of people are being backlogged in the base and doing nothing.

The car was parked directly at the entrance of the hotel. Stofen took Chu Xiang and others into the hotel to stay first, and then he went to arrange a wind reception banquet, while the rest of the time was left for the Chinese trade group to rest and change clothes.

Sun Gaoqiang and Wang Bin joined forces to find no less than ten in the hotel room. They were going to be destroyed directly and were stopped by Chu Xiang. Sun Gaoqiang opened the homemade jammer, and then everyone opened their mouths.

Xie Shanshan said: "It turns out that Yankees are really despicable, do we dare to give them anti-virus shots?"

Chu Xiang touched his forehead to release the hidden scar. This is because Americans are afraid to know his details through Japanese data. Therefore, he changed his appearance through the muscle deformation ability. Don't worry about us, but if they take the goods and dare to release our pigeons, they will pay them twice as much! "

Everyone absolutely believed Chu Xiang's words. The Japanese suffered a big loss because they did not listen to Chu Xiang's advice. Although the Americans are powerful, they can fight with their own evolutionary strengths without everyone using nuclear weapons. The possibility of Chu Xiang winning Very high.

It seems to want to reassure the Chinese side ~ ~ When Stofin came back to take the initiative to look at the goods, the Americans were also efficient in doing things. One thousand containers of ammunition and ammunition were ready and they were piled up at the base In a large square, Xie Shanshan asked South Ruolan to scan it secretly. The container is indeed genuine. It seems that the Americans have the sincerity, but they will never let China take their weapons away easily. The cat was greasy, but since Chu Xiang was here, he was not afraid, the soldiers came to block the water and flood the soil.

Stefan was always accompanied. Seeing Xie Shanshan's expression relaxed after watching the black container, he took the opportunity to say: "Head Xie, since we stated in the contract that we need to inspect the goods first, can we resist this evening? T virus liquid is handed to us. As long as we verify the error, we will be responsible for the shipment of this thousand containers of containers to the dock for loading, which can be completed within a maximum of days. "

Xie Shanshan said: "Yes, then we can do a formal handover ceremony tonight and let the world know by webcast."

Stephen said: "Okay, we also want to let everyone in the world know that we Americans do business with integrity. We also welcome people from other countries to come to our United States to do business. We all welcome high-tech products. "


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