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Chapter 315: Banquet of Honor

Xie Shanshan knows that this transaction with the United States is just the beginning. The reason why Chu Xiang chose the United States is also a profound purpose, because in the previous world, the United States was the world ’s number one hegemony, and their technology and productivity were world-class. Slim dead camels are larger than horses. At present, there are still many things in the United States worthy of Chu Xiang's exchange.

Stephen ’s words provided a basis for future long-term transactions between the two parties. Xie Shanshan laughed: “Thank you Mr. Mayor for the visionary future of the United States. I think our future cooperation space will be great, and if the United States needs it, , We can also **** and deliver to you. "

Stoffin's face was a bit ugly. You must know that the United States was a maritime supremacy. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, their fleets have traveled across the oceans. Although other countries also have aircraft carriers, their strength is not a fraction of that of the United States, but they are now invincible warships in the United States. It can only be nested in the inner harbor. The United States has paid a lot of money in order to build and clean up these inner harbors. What they didn't expect is that a country that is not very important in the history of the world navy suddenly jumped out. They broke the rules of the last days, in one fell swoop. Re-entering the ocean, even threatened to **** US warships, which made Americans come to Taiwan.

Stefan intended to end the topic, so he took Xie Shanshan to visit the San Francisco base. Generally speaking, the level of the United States is high. The San Francisco base surpasses most large bases in China. Although there is still a gap with Beijing's level, presumably New York And Washington is bigger than Beijing, where Americans have free daily meals, and most people can live in a building or even enjoy six hours of power each night. There are also television and radio signals for their entertainment.

After visiting the San Francisco base, Stephen left, and he agreed with Xie Shanshan for an hour and then picked up the car. The transfer ceremony tonight is not in this hotel, but in the city building. There is a banquet hall of its own, which is specially used by the city's high-level government. Its scale and grade are not comparable to those of hotels outside.

Back to the hotel, everyone had a short meeting. Chu Xiang said: "Tonight ’s transfer ceremony is successful. Tomorrow we can load the ship, but I do n’t think the Americans will open the inner gates and let us leave without verification. So we will stay here for a while, during which we will It is necessary to make as many scientific and technological products in the United States as possible in the base. This is a list of scientific research equipment needed by Professors Bai and Fang and Professor Inoue Inoue. We cannot find them in China anyway. If possible, we This trip will find them and bring them all home. "

Ma Xinghe took the list and looked at it: "Many are the formerly controlled equipment in the United States. I'm afraid that if we find Americans, we won't let us take them away easily. So we must hide this, and we must not let Americans notice it."

Chu Xiang said: "I don't think that Stofen would mind if we visit the San Francisco base alone. As for other bases nearby, as long as we confirm that these materials are there, we will steal the land to obtain these scientific research equipment for our future scientific and technological development and Agricultural development matters. "

Xie Shanshan nodded, "We will have plenty of time in the future, and this matter will be implemented slowly. Talk about what to do tonight's transfer ceremony. Who will we send to participate? I think Yankees will not easily Let's get the arms. If it's not good, it will be a great feast. "

Chu Xiang glanced at everyone and said, "Besides Shanshan. I, Jing Yao, Zhou Muqing, Song Jun, Li Haipeng, Wang Shaohui, Li Niu, five of us men were bodyguards, and the rest stayed in the hotel and so on."

Fang Yuxuan said: "Why not let us go? Our strength is not worse than yours."

Xiaosi also looked like this, Chu Xiang said: "No, you are beautiful, I'm afraid that going too much will cause riots in the venue, just stay here to watch the live broadcast."

Fang Yuxuan and Chu Xiang got together to praise them, but they really wanted to see the lively, but begged that Chu Xiang only agreed to let Lin follow along. A female assistant could help out with clothes or do some housework for girls. .

The city of San Francisco is quite luxurious. The glass walls allow you to see the outside scene at a glance in the lobby. As the curtain falls, the interior is bright. Many celebrities are invited to whisper with wine glasses. People have nothing to do, and it is an exciting thing for them to attend a banquet organized by the city government. Moreover, they can also drink fine wines that are not easy to drink. This kind of scene is not afraid to have it every day.

Chu Xiang walked in the front, Song Jun walked in the tail, Wang Shaohui and Li Haipeng stood side by side, Li Niu followed closely with a big box, and a group of people stepped into the city hall, with Stephen, Wales, Johnson Has been lining up at the entrance of the hall, and a group of celebrities welcomed, but the eyes of men were mostly lust, and the eyes of women were mostly jealous.

Because Xie Shanshan, Zhang Jingyao, and Zhou Muqing, the famous members of the China Trade Corps, are all **** and beautiful. Even American men who have experienced American bullying for many years are secretly attracted to Zhang Jingyao. Xie Shanshan is a pure, typical Oriental woman. Temperament, and Zhou Muqing is a world-class land star. In this beautiful actress, which successful man does not want to sleep overnight.

"Welcome, Ms. Xie is really beautiful tonight, Ms. Zhang and Ms. Zhou are even more amazing. I think we will complete the transfer ceremony with unparalleled enthusiasm." Stephan looked at each woman in turn. However, as the head of the group, Xie Shanshan still has to be put in place, although she is inferior to the other two in terms of **** and beautiful.

Xie Shanshan faintly replied: "Mr. Mayor has won a prize. I think it will be an unforgettable night tonight."

Johnson of the Ministry of Commerce said, "Let me introduce you to our guests. They are all celebrities of our American business community. Although our production has been temporarily suspended, Miss Xie has brought us hope that we humans will overcome the t virus. It's just around the corner. "

Handshake greetings one by one is a very troublesome thing. After the one hour has passed, fortunately, the anti-t virus liquid transfer ceremony is next. Xie Shanshan opened the box on the spot for the US side to inspect the goods. Of course now Only counted. Does the anti-t-virus solution have the effect described in the United States to conduct further laboratory verification, as a fear of the United States, even if the Chinese container is loaded, it will have to wait in the port, which was originally written in the contract Ming thing. So there were no surprises during the transition.

Originally, Chu Xiang estimated that the United States would deliberately delay the transfer time and let the anti-t virus liquid stay in China for a long time, and they would send someone to steal it during this time. But it seems that Americans are in a hurry and can't wait to get anti-t virus fluid. That's okay, so you don't have to remember the thief every day.

After completing these tedious procedures, the next step was to drink and chat easily, but Wells didn't want to spend a lot of time here. He hurriedly took the anti-virus virus into a huge underground secret room at the San Francisco base, and waited for a batch here. America's top biological elite. Half of them are of Chinese descent, and it is surprising that U.S. President Omar is there.

"Her President. The anti-t virus liquid has been obtained." Wells opened the box on the table, and a row of blue liquids in ten rows in the freezer appeared in front of him. Our time is very tight. The base on the west coast has been violently attacked by zombies recently. Many of our personnel have become zombies because of a small wound. We will immediately start experiments and try to analyze the production process from their production. We We need to mass produce anti-t virus fluid. "

Dozens of families have already made all the preparations. They took a sample and immediately began experimental analysis. Okay knew that he was blindly watching. He didn't really know about biopharmaceuticals, so he asked Wells: "Did you find the secret of the Chinese ship?"

Wells shook his head: "Sorry, President. We used the most advanced scanning equipment and sent Frogmen up close to observe, but so far we have not found any abnormalities in their warships."

Okuma said: "Don't send people to board the ship for the time being. I'm afraid they will cause them to doubt the benefits of the ship. Try to delay the loading time of the container. At the same time, use the loading site to send people to the ship for reconnaissance. Take a shot. ^^ "

Wells didn't understand, "What does the President mean ...?"

"I suspect they have hidden the secret weapon sailing in the ocean. Isn't there a saying in China that we can't see the ghosts? We just put a few ghosts out and let them actively expose their secret weapons. "

Wells said: "I see. The President's intention is to create a marine mutant attack and let them take the initiative to defend, but ours is an inner harbor. There really is a marine mutant that cannot explain to China, it will endanger us. The safety of warships. "

Otto took a look at Wells and said, "Is there any problem with your IQ? Since you can't put in real mutant sea creatures, can't you make a few fakes, as long as our warship is bluffing by the side, then we won't be afraid They don't take the initiative to defend, if necessary, even destroy our warships to dispel their doubts. "

Wells laughed: "High, it's really high. Your Excellency is agile. I can't wait for it."

Au Xun did not blush, because he felt that he was well deserved. "What is the strength of the China Trade Corps? I heard that the strongest among them are Dongxie, Xidu, Beibei, and Zhongshentong. I don't know these people are here. A few. "

Wells said with a smile: "Back to His Excellency, when I took the ship, I sent someone to try it out. There should be a brain evolver and a hercules. The brain evolver didn't have a clear goal. Hercules is A bodyguard named Li Niu, according to my information, the ones you just mentioned are not among their ranks. "

Okuma shouted, "No, the Chinese government should send the most powerful evolvers to protect it, aren't they afraid that we are cheating? As far as I know, there are several evolutionary masters in China, otherwise Japan will not In the current situation, judging from the information provided by the Japanese, there is a suspicious man. Is there such a character among Chinese players? "

Wells said, "My Excellency, even if there is a scar man, I don't think it will be the one the Japanese say. These evolutionists are all amazing. Maybe he left a scar image in Japan. How can Ding's Japanese compare with us Americans? People who can't deal with them don't mean that we can't deal with them, otherwise the end of World War II won't be like that year. "

Okuma said: "It's the same, I'm afraid that their names may not be true. Moreover, our spy report system in China is almost completely paralyzed. Several elite agents can't even enter a base to kill someone. The opponent's intelligence We know almost nothing, anyway, we cannot underestimate the enemy this time. "

The glass door of the laboratory was quickly opened, and a family member took off his mask and said, "His Excellency President. The preliminary verification results came out."

Otto ran quickly, changed into protective clothing, and entered the core of the laboratory with the subject, which contained various viruses. Therefore, the human body needs to be closely protected, and the staff showed Ao Zhen the neutralization reaction between the blue drug solution and the t virus. Most blue medicinal solutions will divide and multiply in an instant. They surround the t virus with a dominant force to swallow it, and then the cells shrink and die.

"The cure rate does reach more than 60%, which is in line with the description given by the other party. We can be sure that this is an authentic anti-t virus solution." Xi Bijia issued an oral certificate to Ao Yi.

Ao Di said excitedly: "The Chinese people's integrity has improved. I thought it would be a copycat, so is it possible for us to produce this kind of thing ourselves?"

Xi Bijia said: "From the information published in China. This r virus that can eliminate t virus is different from the r virus originally extracted from rat mosquito flies, etc., during which the Chinese experts optimized the recombination, gene chain Absolutely different from the r virus we have. We may have difficulty in cultivating and producing ourselves, at least for a period of time, unless China discloses their core information to us. "

Otaki's face changed: "I'm afraid it's harder than killing them. Do you mean we have to rely on imports from China?"

Xi Bijia said: "Yes, the President, unless we can find a way to optimize r virus, but at present we have no clue. We can't even artificially breed r virus. We can only extract them from mouse flies. This production cannot even guarantee scientific research. "

"Abominable!" Ao was afraid of messing things up even though he was angry. To insure that he still left the laboratory with the family members.

Wells was also very depressed after learning the results, which meant that he would be subject to China in the future, Olympiad said: "Wells, you have to arrange to give the Chinese a disappointment, it is better, anyway, anti-t virus solution is already in We have it. "

Wells is puzzled: "Are you sure, His Excellency the President? We will ask the Chinese in the future, and will they be offended by giving them a power?"

Okuma said: "What do you know, if you do n’t let them know that we are powerful in the United States, they will be asking for a lot of money at that time, will we be able to afford it? This thousand container weapons have already caused us to vomit blood. Watching American wealth flow to China? "

Wells said, "I see. Arrange it right away."

Okuo said: "You still need to organize the intelligence personnel to obtain the secret of Zhongjian as soon as possible. At the same time, you need to send special agents to sneak into China to detect the genetic optimization of r virus and artificial intelligence, etc., to achieve anti-t virus solution at all costs. This is related to the future destiny of our United States. "

As a bodyguard, Chu Xiang and others ca n’t walk around the venue casually. They can only shrink their corners and watch Xie Shanshan, Zhang Jingyao, and Zhou Muqing dance, but unfortunately the male dancers are not their husbands. Guy, fortunately, this woman is very cautious and will never let the Americans take advantage, otherwise Chu Xiang would have gone violently.

Pop, a crisp crackling of the wine glass, and then a loud sound, but the back was a slap in the face, "Asshole! Damn you, you ruined my dress!"

"I'm sorry, I'll pay, I'll pay you ..."

The sound of the music stopped and everyone's eyes were cast there. A chubby Chinese girl had five fingerprints on half of her face, and an American woman who was fat enough to be thicker than a bucket was yelling. Chu Xiang and others had limited English proficiency. Fortunately at this time Xie Shanshan has returned to Chu Xiang, and she conveys the message of dialogue on the field to Chu Xiang.

The Chinese girl was a waitress. She originally stayed in the United States and entered the San Francisco base after the t-virus riots. Because not a U.S. citizen does not enjoy free meals, foreigners like her can only work in the base in exchange for food. The American woman splashed the brandy on the Chinese girl's tray, but she pushed the responsibility on the Chinese girl, and slammed her.

Chu Xiang and Xie Shanshan exchanged: "Is this deliberately asking us Chinese for trouble? Will it be an American conspiracy ~ ~ You check the brain signals of those around you."

Xie Shanshan quickly sent a brain signal, "People around me know nothing, and important figures such as Stephen and Wells have been protected by the other's brain evolver. I dare not forcibly invade, so they will definitely be alert. "

The American woman seems to be half-baked. She jumps and points to the Chinese girl ’s nasal passage: "Is your mother terrible? What do you pay for my dress? Are you planning to let all the men present to do it again to earn Is it enough for the Chinese to pay for my clothes? Are the Chinese stupid pigs? They ca n’t even handle a plate, you can eat **** ... ”

Chu Xiang said: "It seems we know it is a conspiracy and we are going to jump in."

Xie Shanshan said: "Let me come forward. You are now a bodyguard, but you must not be impulsive. This is the United States, not China."

Chu Xiang quickly stopped and almost forgot his identity. Since this may be a conspiracy, then the previous method must not be used to solve the problem, but this American woman hates it, and she must let her eat **** to relieve her hate later. .


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