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Chapter 316: Crazy provocation

Chinese girls were n’t originally sturdy, and chubby seemed to be shy. Besides, it ’s on the American site. It ’s natural to be timid when you ’re away from home. “Yes, yes, sorry, I ’m not good, I ’ll help you Wipe it, it's really impossible. I'll help you clean it, I'm so sorry ... "

A few so-called celebrities next to each other coaxed: "Wash? Is this kind of clothes washable? You Chinese haven't seen it. If you lick it clean, it might be OK."

Stoffin frowned. This is no longer a trivial matter. Further trouble will seriously affect the diplomacy of the two countries. He is waiting to stop it. Wells stopped Stoffin and said, "Hey, Mr. Mayor, this matter I will deal with it naturally, you can drink and watch the excitement. "

Since Wells came to Stuffing, he knew that this was a conspiracy. As an American, he could not fail to obey Wells' orders, but the good intentional warning was still to say: "Wells, the Chinese are never bad. , You better be a convergence point. "

Wells was troubled by the instructions of the president. How could he be frightened by Stephen's words, and he even ignored Stephen's attention and watched the play. At this time, a thin American man came up from behind, bang He kicked at the knee of a Chinese girl, and the Chinese girl fell unsteadily to her knees in front of the American woman.

The tall American man said, "Lick it clean, so we won't complain about you. You can stay here and eat and drink, or you will only be left outside. We American guys are not yours. China The girl was insulted by this insult and she was afraid to cry, and the tall American man wrapped her neck around her, "I make you cry! lick! Do n’t you all like to come and stay in our country? Then we must get used to the customs of our country. "

"Stop!" Xie Shanshan sighed softly. "Are you going too far?"

Wells saw Xie Shanshan finally spoke. He winked at Johnson of the Ministry of Commerce. Johnson had learned that the president had ordered the Chinese trade group to dismiss the power, and that anti-t virus liquid had been obtained, so there was no need to worry about them. Johnson stepped forward and said sorry to Xie Shanshan: "Ms. Xie, I'm really sorry, the end of the world is coming, and many people can't bear it psychologically. So this kind of thing happens often, and we can't stop it. After all, We in the United States pay attention to human rights and freedoms. We must not restrict our citizens too much. "

Xie Shanshan said angrily: "Do you mean that we Chinese have no human rights and freedom in your United States?"

Johnson said: "According to our eschatological provision. Foreigners do not enjoy citizenship in the United States. Unless they make special contributions to the country and society, the world is different. I think Miss Xie will not use the previous one. Let ’s just look at the problem. I ’m afraid that I ca n’t adapt to the new world and we will be eliminated. Of course, Ms. Xie, please rest assured that your party is our VIP, and we will definitely treat you as a VIP. ”

Not only did all Chinese in Xie Shanshan explode, China is known as the country of etiquette. In the early days of the t-virus riots, even to the present, it has given foreigners courtesy. But Chinese people abroad, especially in Japan, are inhuman treatment! Now it looks like the situation in the United States is also bad.

Xie Shanshan stepped forward and pulled up the girl kneeling on the ground, "Go, I'll take you back to the country. Don't covet the prosperity of foreign countries again, you won't covet the ocean again, they will never be able to integrate into other people's population. A lesson for you! "

Of course, the Chinese girl knew Xie Shanshan's identity. She quickly hid behind Xie Shanshan to avoid being humiliated again. At this time, the tall American men and obese American women refused to let them go. They both said to Xie Shanshan: "This is As for our internal affairs in the United States, you Chinese have less interference. "

Xie Shanshan almost couldn't help laughing: "You don't let us interfere in your internal affairs? It seems like you Americans haven't done less before. Besides, this girl is we Chinese, so this is definitely not your internal affairs!"

The tall, thin American man came forward and said, "So I want to punish this cheap woman today and have to pass you?"

Until now, Stephen and Wells didn't stop to stop and they were blind. They also saw that this was a deliberate provocation. Xie Shanshan said uncompromisingly: "Yes. You must not only pass my level. You must also accept insulting the Chinese Punishment! "

The tall, thin American man jumped up and said, "Okay, then let me show you your skills!"

Hum. With a sharp cracking sound, the tall American man fluttered to the half and suddenly turned back. He threw himself to the ground and straightened and stopped moving. The fat American woman screamed, "Ah, killing!"

I saw a steel arrow stuck in the tall American male's forehead, and half of it had fallen into his head. This American man is a master of wrestling, but the Americans never thought that he would be killed without a shot, and it was a one-shot kill. The opponent's strength is by no means as simple as a class A college established by China!

Xie Shanshan pointed at the American woman, hum, and another steel arrow broke through, the target pointed directly at the American woman's head! Stephen was terrified, Johnson rolled his eyes, and Wales throbbed heartily, and the Chinese were ruthless! They didn't even mention it, they murdered, didn't they know it was in the US?

When a crisp sound, the short arrow fired at the American woman was stopped by a sudden shield. The fat American woman's face was pale and frightened, and she couldn't speak for a long time. She threw herself on the ground and fell to the ground. The flame disappeared without a trace.

The black arrow was blocked by a black arrow, and the shield in his hand was obviously not an ordinary shield, but a bone shield deformed by his bones! This kind of skill is also available in China, but it is not as strong as him. A black girl appears next to a black man. The girl wears sunglasses. She suddenly picks off the sunglasses and sighs, two intense white lights shoot out. This skill is no stranger, it can be called a laser.

Chu Xiang shot, and the two white moxibustion hot white light hit Xie Shanshan in front of him as if he was facing a mirror, stunned, refracted to the side. Two Americans were stabbed, one was shot through his brain and died directly, the other was shot through his abdominal cavity and screamed on the ground. At this time, Wells had not stopped, in fact Chu Xiang would not Stop and stop.

Song Jun shook open the suitcase in his hand. Inside it were his steel bow and steel arrow. He drew the bow and archery in one fell swoop, and it was a renju arrow. The black man still uses a bone shield to protect himself, this is his ultimate defense weapon.

The first steel arrow slammed on the bone shield, and the black man was shocked by a strong force. I saw that the first steel arrow had not yet landed, and the second steel arrow immediately followed. The arrow was right behind the first steel arrow, the black man's body shook again, and then the first steel arrow hurried up. It was on the back of the second steel arrow, and it was stunned. The first steel arrow finally plunged into the bone shield. The black man's face was painful. The bone shield was connected to his body and was hit by the same position one after the other. Of course it hurts

The fourth steel arrow rushed, and the first steel arrow stabbed the black bone shield under the impact of its huge power. I plunged into the body of the black man, and the black man rushed to the fifth steel arrow without screaming. The first steel arrow once again underwent the piercing of the black man's body, and then, shot into the chest of an obese woman! The woman's face was incredible. She hid behind the shield man known for her safety. I knew it would not provoke these Chinese people.

There were two people who fell to the ground. Due to the successive shocks, the bone shield of the black man had been broken into several pieces, but it does not matter. It is useless to die for the bone shield. The brunette and the black man may have a relationship, and she shot white light again. Chu Xiang's body didn't move at all. After Bai Guang was refracted by the ice mirror, he immediately launched the freezing power to knock the brunette down, and slammed the iceman **** the ground. Song Jun immediately shot at it. boom. The ice cubes spread apart with their broken limbs, even if it thaws. People have fallen into several petals.

Wow, the city's grand banquet hall immediately made a mess! Killed! This is a serious incident. Wells did not expect that this would be the end of the matter. He thought that his masters could easily defeat the other party to achieve the desired effect of the president. However, he did not expect that it would be vulnerable, and on the surface, the other party only made one move. Celebrity hands!

Wells took out his pistol and slammed a shot. "Sure! No one is allowed to mess!" With the reorganization of Wells' orders, the people in the New CIA immediately controlled the scene. Wells said: "It was just a scene Misunderstanding. Fortunately, it did not hurt the Chinese VIPs. Well, it ’s best to carry the corpse away. This kind of **** asshole died best. We do n’t have to spoil the party's interest for them. Everyone keeps drinking and dancing! ”

Wells ca n’t make things stale. At this time, he must come out and mud, otherwise he really offends the Chinese trade group. What can he do if he does not supply the US anti-t virus solution, even if he is willing to sell it to the United States, if they do not come in person US transactions, how to deal with them before the United States cannot resume maritime navigation. Chu Xiang told Xie Shanshan: "We pretend that nothing happened, but they dare to continue playing with us."

Xie Shanshan handed over the Chinese girl to Lin, and she stepped forward to Stephen: "It seems that your base is really unwelcome to our Chinese people. If it was not for the protection of my bodyguards in time, probably I would not be able to talk to the mayor at this moment. Speak. "

Stuffing was embarrassed. He didn't know what to say. Wells came forward and said, "Dear Chairman Xie, don't affect the relationship between our two countries because of this little thing. It is my supervision. Disadvantage, let some incompetent people mix into our meeting room, I would like to thank you for taking the initiative to clean up the scum for us, but the events just now made me very interested in the strength shown by your bodyguards. I do n’t know whether the leader Xie Yaxing plays a few small games with my friends. "

Xie Shanshan is not trying to hold Americans accountable, because she knows that Welles can find a reason to cover up the things of the evolutionaries just now, so she does not refute Wells ’explanation, but she says "Oh, I don't know what game Mr. Wells wants to play?"

Several well-known upper-level figures have been gathered behind Wales, one of them said humanly: "I have ten containers of military compressed biscuits, I don't know if you are interested. ^^. ^^"

Xie Shanshan said: "It is naturally good for us to travel a few miles to bring more things back, haha, I am also a fun-loving person, but I don't know what conditions you want to prescribe, and let's hear."

Humane with cookies: "It just surprised us to see your magical power just now, but our great Americans are no worse than you, anyway, this long night has no intention of sleeping. It may be more exciting for everyone to play, I know that in Berkeley There are a group of creepers, we will open the conditions, and then send an evolutionary to hunt creepers there, for one hour, the number of creepers who hunted the most will win, and those who cannot return after an hour It is also a failure. "

Wells pretended to be good: "Since your two sides are civil friendship matches, then I will testify to you that the US is willing to pay the price of ten containers of compressed biscuits, but China is not willing to accept the challenge."

Xie Shanshan said: "Okay. We accept the challenge. Food and weapons can be said to be equivalent in the world now, then we will ship ten containers of weapons. If you win, we will only take ninety or ninety boxes of weapons. Or you We can continue to play good games until you have won all our one thousand container weapons. "

There were a lot of high-profile figures, containers. That ’s not a small wooden box. Whether it ’s weapons or biscuits, it ’s a huge amount of supplies. Wells said warmly in the atmosphere: “It ’s really good, although Xie is a girl, but he is still a man. Brilliant, tonight will be our San Francisco base, or even the most exciting day in the history of the United States after the disaster. Then, please send players from both sides to play. But let ’s say in advance. This is a folk friendship game, just for fun. This must not hurt the close feelings between the two countries. "

Xie Shanshan naturally agreed because he would continue to do business with Americans in the future. It's not good for anyone to tear his face. The American side sent a one-eyed man. Because he did n’t understand the other person ’s depths, he informed Xie Shanshan and said, “Let Song Jun go. After all, his strength has been exposed. Besides, send someone to the creeper group to kill me. Keep it

Xie Shanshan said: "The Americans are trying to give us power so that we cannot raise the price in future transactions. Let's win a small game and stop. After all, just kill a few of them just now, don't anger the Yankees completely, It won't end in time. "

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, please do what you say. This one just needs to remain undefeated. Then leave under the pretext of needing rest. The Americans will have to do whatever tricks they want to wait until our weapons are loaded on the ship. Take care of them. Maybe they will win some wars. It is not easy to come to the United States once, and it is impossible to let the supply ship return with some space empty. "

Xie Shanshan and Chu Xiang exchanged opinions before speaking to Wales: "Let ’s send this Comrade Song Jun to the battle, but we are not familiar with the terrain of your country, and you are also asked to act as a guide Responsibility. "

Wells said: "It's no problem, our people will bring your people to the hunting scene. We can watch them instantly through satellites. By then, we will see who brings back the most creeper heads. Well, let them now Starting, we continued to drink and dance, after all, tonight, to catch the wind for your group, if we ca n’t entertain the president, we will scold me. "

Zhou Muqing refused to ask the United States to ask her to sing. She and Zhang Jingyao sat in the corner, while Chu Xiang stood behind them. The second daughter laughed. Zhou Muqing said, "Chu Xiang, I see your eyes are jealous. Ca n’t bear to be sister Jingya to dance with other men? Are you stingy men, you do n’t want to put them in a birdcage instead of eating fireworks. ”

Chu Xiang said: "Americans are despicable. If I could rip their skins, I would have found their teeth all over the ground."

Zhang Jingyao said: "It is undeniable that the resources of the United States are indeed abundant. We must find ways to exploit them and let them obediently give away their supplies. We will not convince them thoroughly with the pride of the Americans, so I am afraid they will not do so. We have to bear the anger. "

Zhou Muqing whispered: "This is called reluctant wife to not color wolf."

Chu Xiang said: "If you talk nonsense, I will give you to the Americans!"

Zhou Muqing smiled grinning, "Oh, did you give it up, as long as you give it up, I have no problem."

Chu Xiang looked at Zhou Muqing's beautiful and lovely face and turned his head. He was really reluctant. At this time, the satellite began to broadcast the Berkeley hunting scene. Song Jun and Cyclops, as evolutionaries, were absolutely faster than the car, so they rushed to Berkeley in a moment. There were indeed creepers there. The US satellite surveillance was definitely not China. The current level is comparable. You can clearly see everything in the outskirts of Berkeley on such a long track, and now it is night!

The one-eye used a machete. I do n’t know what material is both hard and strong, and the strength and speed of the one-eye are high. One blade cut off the head of a creeper. The enraged creeper group attacked the one-eye frantically. After all, there are some negligence. A creeper bites his left foot, and UU reads hissing, and even bites off the left part of his left foot!

The people in front of the screen exclaimed, and Chu Xiang and others were a little weird. According to the truth, the United States would not send such a poor person. Could they still try this time? But the next scene made Chu Xiang and others overthrow judgment, because the one-eyed left foot suddenly recovered!

Rebirth, this is rebirth ability! No wonder they didn't care after biting their feet with one eye, and even took the opportunity to cut off the heads of the two creepers. On the other hand, Song Jun has only a long knife, which is not as good as one-eyed in texture and sharpness. It is also laborious to chop the creeper's head. In addition, he must be careful to prevent being hurt by the creeper, so it is more difficult to cope with it. Hours passed, and the number of crawlers killed by one eye exceeded Song Jun by not less than 20.

Chu Xiang started to be a little anxious. Song Jun is already the second best player in the eschatology team except him. The strength of the one-eye looks no less than that of Song Jun, not to mention he has a powerful regeneration ability and was bitten by the creeper. It ’s okay to have your feet, let alone worry about getting hurt. In this way, Song Jun has to lose. Ten containers of weapons do n’t matter, but it ’s not good to make Americans proud. Just to find excuses, they deliberately provoked troubles and even slandered the Chinese. Although the people who have chosen the problem have been killed, the real mastermind is okay, so they must be taught a little less.


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