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Chapter 317: Unexpected win

How to help Song Jun overwhelm his one-eye, this is a very difficult thing. Although Chu Xiang can get there instantly with the help of Li Haipeng, but he will not be invisible, a gesture will be monitored by the satellite, and it will be cheating. However, if you do n’t help Song Jun, even if Song Jun uses a steel bow to shoot continuously, he wo n’t be able to win the one-eyed, because Song Jun ’s steel arrows are limited, and the number of crawlers hunted by one eye in an hour will definitely exceed the number of Song Jun ’s steel arrows.

Chu Xiang became more anxious the more he couldn't figure out a way. Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie could hide, but they couldn't help a lot, and even being trapped in the creeper group would be dangerous. Seeing that the time had passed for another ten minutes, they would Will start to rush back, at this time the number of crawlers hunted by one eye has surpassed Song Jun by ten!

"What is it!" Chu Xiang was looking down for a feasible strategy, the crowd watching exclaimed, he looked up surprised, a colorful crawler! The hunt of the two evolvers struck the anger of the creeper's collar, Song Jun and one-eyed were surrounded. This game is absolutely not fun, it is a terrible game!

The classification of zombies in the United States is basically the same as that in China. Because zombies have been developed according to this standard, there is no major discrepancy; the evolutionary levels are basically similar, which allows the two sides to have a standard to compare by. Song Jun Compared with the one-eyed, the evolutionary level is almost the same, but really speaking, Song Jun has no skills, only the shooting is more powerful, but the one-eyed has the ability to regenerate. From this point, Song Jun has fallen behind.

He was surprised to see the colored creeper with one eye. He gave up and hunted the creeper, and turned his back on the bag containing the creeper's head. A big bag with about ten heads inside, but the colored creeper roared countlessly and the crawler came around to stop one eye, killing so many apprentices now want to run? no way.

After all, Song Jun is a war-fighting character. It can be said that besides Chu Xiang, he is the most experienced person in the world in fighting with zombies. Although his one-eye is higher than Song Jun's strength, he has never been with zombies, Creeper brains have combat experience!

Chu Xiang was glad to see the colored creepers. This is the opportunity God sent to the sky. The one-eyed hunting ability is high, and Song Jun has never been able to win in numbers. However, if the creeper collar does not appear, once it appears, it must be a result of your death. With Song Jun's combat experience plus his own strength, you should still have the confidence to win against this colorful creeper. . There is just one more rule of the game. If you don't get back within an hour, you can lose.

Xie Shanshan and others anxiously asked Chu Xiang if he could help, especially Nan Ruolan who was crying. Chu Xiang told Xie Shanshan via a brain signal: "Let everyone rest assured that I and Li Haipeng will keep an eye on the progress at any time, and if there is something wrong, I will rush to the shot, but with my understanding of Song Jun, he has the confidence to win!"

In fact, Song Jun is even more anxious than Chu Xiang. He understands why Chu Xiang chose him to fight, and naturally he hopes to win this one. At the very least, it also maintained a tie, but one-eyed is unique in hunting zombies. Obviously, the other party was well-prepared. Seeing that time was almost hopeless, the zombie leader Song Jun suddenly felt ecstatic. This is God giving me a chance.

It ’s nothing that an American is overcast. Song Jun stabbed into a creeper ’s head with a stab, and the knife was gone. He returned to take out the steel bow from his back, hum, and a steel arrow shot at the creeper ’s collar. With a slamming sound, the steel arrow bounced on the creeper's skin and fell to the ground.

This arrow, Song Jun, has no power at all, or at least it can pierce the skin of the creeper's territory, but this arrow is for Americans. Song Jun said to one eye: "Can't escape. We will kill it together!"

One-eyed certainly knew that he couldn't escape, otherwise he ran early. His weapon is a close attack, while Song Jun is a long-range shot. At this time, he is not right if he does not fight in close combat. At this time, it is calculated that he has to fight for his small life. He throws away the bag on his back and draws out with one eye. The treasured sword greeted the colored creeper. Dangdang Dangdang could not break the creeper's skin even by cutting a few knives.

"Give it its eyes!" Song Jun's English level is very Chinese, but fortunately the words in the eyes are still understandable.

When the one-eyed sword slashed over, the creeper closed his eyes. The eyeballs were protected and could not be broken. Alas, the creeper roared, and Zhen's one-eyed eyes went back two steps. The creeper's buttocks arched up to attack the one-eyed eye. At this moment, Song Jun was behind the creeper, the creeper's buttocks curled up, and his tail was tilted upwards because of the force, and a dark hole appeared in front of him. It's a creeper's dung gate. I don't know what the creeper evolved from. The dung gate is very large and deep, looks disgusting, and there is a Tuo liquid hanging on it, which makes people vomit.

Song Jun knew that unless he was better than such a creeper, he had to find its weaknesses and find a chance to attack and destroy it. Now he has attracted the crawler ’s attention with his one eye, and also showed a weakness of the creeper in front of his eyes. This is an opportunity not to be missed!

Song Jun pulled his bow and arrow in one fell swoop, and a steel arrow shot into the colored creeper's dung gate! The steel arrow went straight in, not even leaving half of the tail, and you could even hear the sound of the steel arrow going crazy in the creeper's intestine. Alas, the steel arrow finally stopped at the creeper's neck, possibly the front of the arrow. The creeper's brain was injured, and the creeper suddenly went crazy!

One-eyed blow didn't make two steps backwards. He wanted to go round and round to find another opportunity to attack the creeper's eyes, but suddenly this colorful creeper went crazy and rushed to himself at an incredible speed. It was impossible to know with one eye. Blocking the impact, but left and right, are surrounded by creepers, everywhere you want to retreat is dead, only to close your eyes and fight the knife.

The arrow that Song Jun shot just now was not noticed at all, including the one-eyed who did not know that the arrow shot into the creeper's body. According to Song Jun's idea, the arrow should penetrate the body of the creeper's brain and kill it. The Americans are no longer overcast, but after all, the creeper ’s brain is killed by himself, which is not a bad fact, but who knows that the bones in the neck of the creeper are hard. The arrow got stuck halfway to the neck, and it annoyed the creeper!

Alas, Song Jun shot an arrow again. The creeper was completely unprepared under the rage. The steel arrow went straight into the eyeball, but because the creeper suddenly shook his head, the arrow shot was blocked by the brain and did not go any further. The creeper shot him, instead making it more angry, and rushed towards the nearest one-eyed. The one-eyed sword stood up in front of him. He wanted to run away, but other creepers blocked him on the left and right. Although they did not receive a charge command from the leader. But they will not be indifferent if they dare to escape with one eye.

Alas, the two beeps, the next scene is a weird result. The creeper collar launched an impact on the one-eye. The one-eye could only be blocked with a knife, but his strength couldn't stop it at all. The knife was hit by the creeper, and the back of the knife struck his neck, and the neck was cut off by the knife. !! The creeper has a strong impact under fury. The steel arrow pierced by its eyes topped on the one-eyed skull, and the steel arrow completely pierced into the head of the creeper's territory, and both of them died at the same time!

Song Jun never dared to delay, and picked up the heads of the two creepers and leapt up. Take advantage of those creepers to escape from the encirclement. Although the creepers are dead, but they still need to give them a signal before they lose. It is difficult for Song Jun's lethality to make this signal of defeat, so he took the initiative. Flee while the creeper loses control.

Song Jun finally rushed back one minute before the end of the time. He only brought back the heads of the two creepers, but he didn't rush back with one eye, which is equivalent to not bringing back the heads of the creepers. This was a victory over China. , Won ten containers of military compressed biscuits. And it's still American.

South Ruolan almost fell into the arms of Song Jun. Song Jun told Chu Xiang: "It was an accident. I didn't expect to kill the creeper like this. I thought it would take a lot of trouble to get the Americans in."

Chu Xiang said: "No matter how you come back safely, haha, otherwise Nan Ruolan can hate me for a generation, but I believe in your ability, this result is normal, in short we did not let Yankee out. ^ ^ "

Wells was dumbfounded. This ending was not what he wanted, but in the last ten minutes, things suddenly reversed. The game was proposed by the United States. The rules were also set by them. Already.

In desperation, he only broke his teeth and swallowed his stomach. Wells announced: "The evolutionaries in the United States did not return, and the Chinese side won the game!"

"It's unfair ... something unexpected happened, you can't judge it based on it ... unfair ... unfair ..."

Noisy below, Xie Shanshan stood up and yelled, "You people have no big country wind, and the competition methods and rules have been set by you. Now it turns out that you are not convinced, huh, let's go!"

After saying that Xie Shanshan led the Chinese players out of the city hall in turn, Stoufen's face was depressed. This matter was no longer under his control. Johnson's face was also ugly. He really offended the Chinese and did not trade against the t What about virus solution? It's hard for Wales to ride a tiger. The Chinese are lucky. If they also send a melee evolutionary, who won or lost in the battle just now is unknown, but the opponent sent a long-range evolutionary one-eyed evolution. The man had to take the initiative to confront the creeper, but it was destroyed. In vain, China made a mistake and enjoyed the benefits of the fishermen.

Wells knew that the trouble was caused by himself. Although he was ordered by the president, he did not dare to push the responsibility on the president. Now the Chinese trade group is angry. He winked at Stephen, who did not want to To do this kind of peacemaker, but Wells is his top boss, but he has no choice but to catch up with Xie Shanshan.

After that, I will not mention how to apologize or explain. The Americans temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​giving the Chinese trade group a disappointment after this game. Instead, they began to load the ship honestly the next day, but they entered it slowly and only loaded it after one day For a container, it takes at least ten days to complete the loading task at this speed. The reason for this is that Americans want to delay time to find out the secret of the Chinese ship sailing in the ocean.

However, Chu Xiang and others were not in a hurry. Instead, they wandered around the San Francisco base and began to send protection to the United States. However, the Chinese team members of the base turned east and west again. Two days later, those in the protected area were withdrawn. There is something wrong with China. It is better to die for a few people, but their wish has not been fulfilled. Instead, Chu Xiang and others have found a few pieces of information. The cities outside the San Francisco base really have the scientific research equipment they need. Those equipment are now left unattended. It also saves the need to exchange supplies.

After two nights of reconnaissance, Chu Xiang decided to start the demolition. One day earlier, he had the peace of mind. Otherwise, no one would know what conspiracy the Americans would play next. Maybe the Chinese ship may leave the United States at any time, so there must be no delay. The Americans will certainly not stop there. It is only temporarily unable to find a way to break through the Chinese trade group. According to Ma Xinghe, a defender, he has intercepted several waves of illegal invasion, but the evidence is insufficient to protest to the United States.

With Li Haipeng's transmission, coupled with Li Niu's divine power and Chu Xiang's cutting, the demolition work that evening was very smooth. Those devices were n’t too big when packed, and Li Haipeng was easier to transfer, although there were more zombies in the city. However, there is a small wire to protect it. Although the zombies have an American head, they still have to be obedient.

Because the early reconnaissance work was in place, it was only an hour before the demolition of the batch of equipment was completed, and everyone returned to the supply ship to carefully hide the equipment. The fleet commander suddenly sent a warning signal and an unknown object had invaded the warship's security range. And fast, ask if torpedo is blocked!

Chu Xiang was taken aback. This was in the inner port. If the torpedo launch would have serious consequences, he immediately rushed to the fleet command cabin. The commander asked Chu Xiang to view the radar chart. At least forty red dots were quickly swimming in the harbor, and half of them came towards the ship!

Fleet commander said: "It is temporarily unknown what kind of attack the target is. Is the sonic destroyer turned on?"

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "No, it is too late to install, and torpedoes must not be launched. Otherwise, it will easily cause the US to seek out and let me go against them."

Chu Xiang's body is almost recovered, otherwise he would not dare to bring the team to the United States, saying that this is the Longtan Tiger's Cave. It was the Americans who made it this night. However, the Americans really gave up their blood, pretending to attack their warships in order to hide the sky.

Xiao Si has just joined the stealth demolition program. At the moment, she was next to Chu Xiang. She said, "Brother, I will go into the water with you. I can also expel and control the marine mutants, which can help you."

Chu Xiang said: "I'm afraid those who are not marine mutants, you will be in danger."

Xiaosi said: "Ordinary evolutionists can't do anything about me. Let me try it. I've been stuck in the hotel for the past two days and I can't wait for someone to find something."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, but you have to follow me closely, or I won't let you go into the water."

Xiaosi said: "Well, then you're carrying me, huh, Li Niu, you can't talk nonsense in front of Sister Jingyao, we need it for work."

Li Niu smiled thickly, everyone knows the relationship between Xiao Si and Chu Xiang, but as Xiao Si's mind matures, she understands that this intimate relationship will make Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan doubt, so there is She would also avoid it.

Time is running out and thump, Chu Xiang jumps off the warship with Xiaosi on his back, because the water control ability is restored. Chu Xiang is like flat ground in the water, and soon he sees the target ahead. What kind of marine mutant is that? Yes, it's clear that people are posing with huge masks, fish, shrimp, and squid, but because they are still in the sea at the moment, those people don't even wear masks, and oxygen bottles on their backs are also obvious.

Chu Xiang formed a bubble mass in the seawater, so that she was not afraid of being choked by the seawater when she was talking. Xiaosi's eyes were not inferior to Chu Xiang. Of course, she also saw the situation ahead, saying: "It's awful, Americans are despicable Do they want to sink our warships? "

Chu Xiang said: "It is very likely, because our warships will not be able to leave after sinking in the water. When we leave them, we can salvage the warships and carefully study our method of expelling marine mutants."

Xiaosi said: "We must not let them get our secrets, but also let the Americans suffer another dumb loss."

Chu Xiang said: "But once I start to expose my target, Americans ca n’t be dumb. If I do n’t, I can only watch them destroy our warships. It would be nice if I would be invisible."

Xiaosi said: "Brother, why do we need to do it, do you forget that I can control marine mutants? A few should be fine, since American zombies can understand my signal, presumably American marine life should also be like this ~ www ~ Chu Xiang laughed: "Yes, I will create a few vortices here to stop them first. Let's bother to destroy the gates of the inner harbor. This time the trouble is so big that Americans suffer a big loss. "

Chu Xiang said that he controlled the water flow to form a barrier around the ship's periphery. The Americans wanted to pass through this turbulent water barrier for a short while, and this delayed their starting time. Chu Xiang took a small flight To the Inner Harbor Gate, it is really difficult to break the steel gate which is a few meters thick from the Inner Harbor. However, in order to isolate it from the external seawater, the Americans built a wide and thick concrete dyke, so the idea of ​​the dam still has to be worked out.

Fortunately, Chu Xiang can dig the ground. Although it is difficult to drill reinforced concrete, when thinking of the hatred of Americans, it is motivated to drill the ground. Chu Xiang made four holes in the **** back and forth. These four holes are connected as a whole. The earth squid also got in.

Xiaosi passed through the entrance of the cave and entered the outer ocean. Unexpectedly, a lot of mutant marine life lingered in the periphery. If it were not for the thick dam, they might have broken in already. Xiaosi sent a control signal. She had been in Dushan Lake many times. I practiced it and later practiced it many times in the waters of Hong Kong, so I easily controlled a large number of mutant organisms, and then took them to the inner harbor warship berth quickly.


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