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Chapter 318: Repeated failure

Wells ca n’t wait any longer. He wo n’t be able to feel relieved if he does n’t get the secret of the cruise ship. The president urged him several times and warned him that he would be replaced if it did n’t work. The United States has had a large negative impact. Wells was so miserable in the presence of the president, so he was anxious for a successful operation to restore the lost face. Now the opportunity has come. He has transferred forty dozen frogman masters from various places. Using them to sneak into the inner harbor to create confusion and seize the opportunity to get the ship's secrets, it is really impossible to sink a few ships, when the time comes to salvage and then slowly study.

Twenty or so frogmen rushed towards the midship, but they couldn't move far away. A turbulent current blocked his direction. Any frogmen who rushed in would be thrown out by the current. This is What's going on, this is the ocean current from the inner harbor!

Wells was very happy after receiving this news. He instructed: "This may be the secret of the Chinese ship. You must break through the current and approach the warship. Do n’t forget your current camouflage identity. You are marine mutants. You There can be no reason or rule! "

The frogmen quickly adjusted the formation and began to charge over the water barrier again and again, but before they broke the defense line, they sent an alarm. Captain Frogman asked Wells in time: "Mr. Lieutenant, I don't know What happened and why the alarm came, we are about to break through the water line. "

Wells was the first person to receive an alert from the Port Control Division. He couldn't believe his ears, and a large number of marine mutants appeared in the inner port! Because the Port Monitoring Office had given instructions early, they had shielded the signal of the Frogman and would not issue an alarm at all. Now it is another batch of true marine mutants.

One minute after the alert was issued, Wells received another message saying that a hole was found underwater in the dam, and the marine mutants that appeared in the inner port had entered through it. The unit was processing the hole, and the submarine unit was preparing to act. Those sea creatures are clearing up, but those familiar with the matter know that the cost of this cleanup will be considerable.

Wells was reconciled. He ordered Captain Frogman: "Don't worry about anything, remember your mission, no matter how much you pay, you must get me the secret of the ship!"

Captain Frogman did not dare to disobey the order, and when he was about to organize another shock, the water mysteriously disappeared, but this was not worth the joy. Captain Frogman suddenly found that they were surrounded by mutant sea creatures. There were turtles, sharks, crabs, squids, and oysters. They were bigger than humans, had a strong attack power, and they were specially targeted to kill frogmen. These frogmen Although they are all good players, in the eyes of marine life, they seem to be clowns. For a time, the frogmen are seriously injured and injured, even if they organize a force to fight back. It is only a group of marine creatures that are killed. This sacrifice is really not worth it. Marine mutant creatures are everywhere. A frogman master needs years of training.

Booming, a US ship exploded in the distance. It turned out that a squid drilled through the anchor and accidentally entered the ammunition depot, which caused an ammunition explosion after a toss.

Cooing, another warship leaked, and the officers and soldiers only care about fighting the marine life that rushed to the side of the ship. It was too late to rescue, and the warship sank to the bottom soon.

News of the accident in San Francisco's inner harbor quickly reached Otto. Okay is going crazy. The San Francisco Naval Port is the largest and most advanced inner port in the West Bank. It was expensive to build it in the last days, but now it has been broken by mutant sea creatures and has destroyed his precious warships one after another. Warships are very important in the last days, because the shipyard's production has stopped early, and one ship is damaged!

"Asshole! How are you assholes, Wells. I asked you to pretend to be marine mutants for information. But I didn't let you do some real marine mutants to destroy our warships and ports!"

Wells said carefully on the phone: "Her President. This is purely an accident. The internal dam has been damaged. This has nothing to do with our plan of action. You should blame the dam defense forces."

Okay thought so. However, he insisted: "I don't care what method you use. You must ensure the safety of the inner harbor. I also don't want to hear any news about warships being destroyed. What to do is up to you!"

As the frogman came news one by one. Wells knew that his military and political career had come to an end. To save face. In order to be less punished. He managed to remedy it. The sea water in the Inland Harbour writhed all night. Only gradually disappeared after dawn. A total of five warships in the US Navy were involved in the accident. Which sunk ship. The number of dead officers and soldiers has not yet been counted.

The submarine unit dispatched a total of ten miniature war submarines. Destroy ten ships. It was not until two days later that the mutated marine life in the inner harbour and China was completely cleaned up. None of the more than forty frogmen fled. They were violently attacked by mutant sea creatures on their way into the ship. Finally, only a few broken bodies were found in the belly of several squid. The rest is probably digested and discharged into the sea water. No **** was left after being diluted by the seawater.

The incident was completely unaffected by the Chinese ship. They didn't even react normally. It was so safe until dawn. No marine mutants attacked the warship in the meantime. This makes Americans even more convinced that there is a secret in the ship. It is even more urgent to get this secret. But the ship's defense is tight. In order to maintain trade relations in the future, we must not tear our face. For this reason, the US government has broken its brain.

Days later Wales left the San Francisco base, and the United States sent another General Edward to handle the San Francisco base affairs. Edward changed his strategy. On the first day of his appointment, he invited Xie Shanshan to talk in detail, and first expressed his deep understanding of what happened before. Sorry, Edward also promised to speed up the shipment, and then the topic turned to the incident that just happened.

Edward said: "Teacher Xie, we deeply regret the occurrence of such a major incident in your country during our mission to China. We have strengthened the thickness of the **** and at the same time launched an investigation of the dam's damage. We will definitely report the results to you before you leave our country know."

Xie Shanshan said: "This is not necessary. We have not suffered any losses anyway, but we would like to express our deep regrets for the loss in your country. I hope that you will never happen again in the future and create a harmonious and stable living environment for the American people. . "

Edward said: "We will work hard, Chief Xie, none of your warships were attacked by marine life in this incident. And you crossed the Pingyang for thousands of miles. Can you tell me one or two of the reasons? This involves the secrets of your country, but human beings need to survive, the ocean is our second home, and for our common good tomorrow. We should not be selfish and conservative anymore, but we must implement technology sharing. If you have any requirements and The conditions can be raised, but I will try to satisfy you as soon as I report it to the President. "

Xie Shanshan said, "Mr. Edward, we are also very happy to implement technology sharing, and our chairman told us before we came that if the opportunity arises, please ask the United States to share their space, artificial intelligence, space exploration, synthetic biology, quantity Let ’s take these technologies in physics. For us human beings to have a better tomorrow, the United States should be generous once. "

Edward's face was ugly. "This ... Thanks to the request of Chairman Xie, I can't agree. I think even our president can't reply to you. Wouldn't you just want to exchange so many high-tech for us by virtue of a maritime technology."

Xie Shanshan said: "Look at you Mr. Edward. When did I say I want to exchange with you, isn't this going down to you, if you don't like to listen, so good, just treat us just now Never said. "

Edward left with some anger and desperation. It was impossible to get cheap from the Chinese people. They did not eat hard or soft. However, they were afraid of the future anti-t virus liquid trading, and they could not forcefully withhold the five warships. The US government is in dilemma.

After two more days, the container was almost filled. Xie Shanshan contacted Mayor Stofen. The two started negotiations on the time when they left the United States. This involved the reason for the US certification of anti-virus virus. If the United States did not recognize the warship, Will not be released from San Francisco's inner harbor, want to force out? There are artillery machine guns everywhere, it's no wonder you don't sifter you.

He received instructions from his superiors to do everything possible to hold the ship, he said to Xie Shanshan: "Teacher Xie, I can understand your feelings of returning home. But anti-virus solution is a high-tech product, Our scientists need to perform a series of experiments to determine its effectiveness. At present, most of the experiments have been completed. For the time being, the results are consistent with the descriptions in the information provided by you. However, for your insurance, please wait for our experiments to be completed. It's best to leave again so that disputes may arise between us. "

Xie Shanshan said, "Mr. Mayor, I don't think we have to cover up. It takes only one day for our Chinese technology to complete the verification, and your technology may only take a few hours. The time we have given you is already It's long enough. Please tell your president, we will definitely leave Hong Kong for the day after tomorrow. "

Stephen said: "I really don't know about scientific research. So I can't comment on this matter, but I will definitely tell the truth, and leave first."

Chu Xiang really did not want to wait any longer. The so-called Ye Changmeng refers to this. After careful inspection, the Americans believed that the coast dam was man-made. Soon, they turned their suspicion to the China Trade Corps. In the attack, it was the Chinese who would profit, but this matter could not be put on the table. In the first place, there is no direct evidence that the Chinese have destroyed the dam. The second American sent forty or so frogmen. It ’s not good that the Chinese still captured a few. In theory, the United States will definitely lose, so Americans only Can break the teeth and swallow again.

Just the next day, the weather suddenly gloomed, and the refreshing weather suddenly became dull and hot. I received a satellite cloud image and a powerful storm group approached the west coast of the United States. The center of the storm group was near San Francisco. This was bad. The local news made people feel depressed, and in the afternoon the storm came. Even the warships in the harbour were swaying in the strong wind, and huge waves hit the coastal dams that had not been strengthened.

Chu Xiang personally boarded a modern-class destroyer to sit in town. There was still a box of weapons to complete the loading, but it was too late to leave the port even after the loading was completed. According to satellites, the storm may last for more than 72 hours. Chu Xiang must ensure that Five warships have been preserved intact.

Xie Shanshan was still in the hotel at the moment, and the hotel billboards that were blown by the storm were broken. Looking out of the glass windows, the water on the street was bare, and the shape of the vehicles on the street was almost indistinct. Storms and storms caused thunder and lightning, and there was a curse and sighs in the tent area. Many foreigners lived there, and most of the tents were torn down by the strong wind. They had nowhere to hide from the heavy rain. The tragic scene made people look unbearable, and even some old people died directly in the wind and rain.

He suddenly hurried to the hotel at this time. He found Xie Shanshan and said, "Teacher Xie. I have to inform you of a regrettable thing. Our base has encountered the greatest danger since its creation."

Xie Shanshan said, "Mr. Mayor, do you say the land is a storm? I believe it will pass. Don't worry too much."

Stoffin said: "Not only is it a storm, I didn't understand for a while and a half. I would like to go to the city hall with Director Xie. We have other things to discuss with you. It is very important. The president interviewed you in person. "

Xie Shanshan did not expect to meet the President of the United States at this time. She hurriedly entered the inner room and used a satellite phone to ask for Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang said: "From the bad situation outside. The Americans should have something real this time. Otherwise, the president will not talk to you personally, or you can let Zhou Muqing and others go with you, maybe you can exchange some high-tech technology. "

Zhang Jingyao followed Chu Xiang, Song Jun and others also went to the warship. Most of the women who stayed at the hotel were women. Xie Shanshan put down the phone and hurriedly gathered Zhou Muqing, Lin, Xiaosi, Fang Yuxuan, and South Ruolan, and then followed Stowe. The Finn car rushed to the city hall, and an armored car was needed to pass some sections on the way. The rain drops are big and urgent, and the line of sight can't be seen beyond the meter. From time to time, lightning will split the trees in the ground, and the fire will soon be extinguished by the rain.

Xie Shanshan and others were stunned when they passed the tent area. At first, they did not know who was living in the tent area. The wind blew away the tent, and those people could only shrink to the corner of the building and the trees under the heavy rain. Sometimes The wind will also blow people up. There were cries everywhere, and it was from this sound that many of them were Chinese!

Xie Shanshan told Stephan: "Mr. Mayor, don't you have any contingency plans. These people will be blown away by the wind if they stay out of the rain, and may even be killed by lightning. There are so many buildings, why not open a few and let them in to shelter from the rain, this is very easy for you. "

Stephen said: "Sorry, thank you, the opening of those buildings requires the consent of the City Council. I have no right to make decisions. And those foreigners should not enjoy the treatment of our American citizens. If they are allowed to enjoy the same treatment as our American citizens, Treatment. The people in our country will be seriously dissatisfied, and the consequences will not be affordable to me. "

Xie Shanshan said angrily: "Mr. Mayor, I thought you were a compassionate person. I didn't expect you to be so hard-hearted, and in a country that has always advertised freedom and democracy, such a scene of inequality would appear. I am serious Protest! It will also be announced to the outside world via the Internet! "

Stuffing shrugged and said, "Sorry, Chief Xie, your protest is invalid, huh, don't I say you Chinese, do you have any other way than protest? This sentence is very naive, do you know?"

Since the contact, Xie Shanshan originally thought that Stephen was a good American, but now he understands that although this man is acting with integrity, he is still a person who arrogantly looks down on developing countries. Integrity is for the service of American citizens, not for the world ’s human beings.

Xie Shanshan didn't anger and laughed: "Mr. Mayor, do you think it's childish, don't say that I haven't warned you, we Chinese are not provoked! Don't look at you jumping around today, in a big word, Japan was yours yesterday. Tomorrow! It is true that the Chinese have always looked down on Pan Sansha, but even this Pan Sansha can bury people! "

Stephen's face changed, "Teacher Xie, we should not talk about this topic, it hurts the feelings between our two countries. Besides, the danger that our base currently faces has heralded that these people will be abandoned ~ ~ Even if you say so much, we can't go to great lengths to save them, which is against our principle. "

A sentence said: "I will let my brother kill all of you bad guys!"

Stoffin couldn't understand Chinese. He shrugged with a smile and said that you were casual. Lin told Xie Shanshan: "Shanshan, what should we do? Are we watching our fellow citizens suffer there? According to Wang Bindi The analysis said that the storm will only get more and more fierce, and it will not weaken in the next 36 hours. Their situation will not persist for a long time, so I will give them up regardless of what I can't do. "

Lin is a police officer. Years of school education have made her take the interests of the people as the most important thing. Of course, she has just set foot in society. Perhaps this idea will disappear after two years in the police world. Even under the guidance of Chu Xiang now She has n’t moved her dogma like she did before, but she ca n’t save her from death, and Lin knows that Chu Xiang ca n’t, not because of being a saint, but because of a responsibility. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

Xie Shanshan said, "But there are too many people. It is not you and me who can do it, and Chu Xiang and they will stay on the warship and defend it. I will raise the matter again when I see the President of the United States. If they still refuse Began to rescue, then we force them to shoot! "


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