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Chapter 319: Chinese American

The city building is once again * bright, showing the wealthy Americans' waste of energy, and many people are nervous, as if the end of the world has come to their heads.

When Xie Shanshan entered the parliament hall, the discussion inside was already fierce, because it was the President of the United States, Othello, who was a high-profile figure in the media, and now he is a little stingy. I do n’t know who it is. Angry, he slammed the table and said: "Shut up! Noisy like noisy, not afraid to be joked by outsiders!"

The outsider said in Au ’s mouth was Xie Shanshan, because his eyes just happened to come over. Xie Shanshan thought of the scene she saw last time, and first asked, "Mr. President, you do n’t know you are in a hurry to find me What's your advice here, for such a big storm, the base will not fail to respond to disasters. "

Ao Ming said without saying, "Teacher Xie please sit down. First of all, I would like to thank you for the anti-t virus solution, but this dose is not enough to save us the United States. I hope your country will be sincere Opening up the manufacturing method of anti-t virus fluid will benefit us all.

Xie Shanshan said scornfully: "We will do this sooner or later, but before we can see how good your country is"

Austrian knows that China will not open the manufacturing method of anti-virus virus at no cost. They must use the advanced technology of the United States in exchange, but now is not the time to talk about this matter, Austrian opened his eyes and said: "Teacher Xie, so big The wind and rain brought you here to tell you that San Francisco base is going to fall. "

The Americans are dying of foreigners living in the San Francisco base. It turned out that the San Francisco base was in danger. Just now, Stephen was asked. He said that the danger had nothing to do with the storm. It seems that things will be tricky.

Xie Shanshan said, "Mr. President, with your strength in the United States, I think we have made a comprehensive plan, but I want to remind you that there are many foreigners in the San Francisco base, including us Chinese. I I do n’t want to watch your fellow citizens suffer. As a country that has always spoken about human rights and democracy, I hope you do n’t do too much. ”

Okay smiled and said, "Teacher Xie really does not lose the compassionate nature of the Chinese people. We can no longer look at what happened in the last days with our previous mentality and methods of action. You first have to look at the dangers encountered at the San Francisco base. , I think it is possible to give up American citizens here when necessary. Not to mention a few Chinese in your area. "

Xie Shanshan was taken to a huge screen, showing satellite images in several blocks. Zombies and creepers were everywhere. These creepers might be some kind of lizards living underground. Their large limbs are strong and strong, and they yell at the wind and rain from time to time in the middle of t2.

Xie Shanshan immediately understood that the satellite image showed the surroundings of the San Francisco base. Zombies and creepers were hitting San Francisco during the storm! This is indeed a serious matter.

Okuma said: "Teacher Xie. Presumably you understand. Zombies have suddenly concentrated their superior forces. We even think that they have concentrated all the forces on the West Coast near San Francisco. These monsters know how to hide their tracks and avoid satellite reconnaissance. They probably foresee the storm. So they secretly mobilized their forces. They want to use the power of the storm to break through our San Francisco human base. If only zombies are okay to deal with. We have a powerful firepower to clear them. But there is at least one Thousands of creepers. And our firepower will be limited in such a storm. Our soldiers discussed for a long time and could not come up with a practical way to respond to the enemy. Please come to inform you. If necessary, we may give up San Francisco. ... and our troops are limited. Once the zombies rush in, please take care of yourself. "

Xie Shanshan experienced a brief panic and later said: "I believe that your strength in the United States can cope with this crisis. As for our security, you don't need to worry about it. In fact, everyone on the planet knows it. Whether it is a zombie or a creeper. Gao will never be higher than humans. Most zombies and creepers are controlled by high-level collars. Just find the collar and kill it in a team. Then their ground attack can be easily repelled. "

Au sighed: "We understand the tactics of slashing. But those high-level zombies and creepers are becoming more and more savvy. They will not show their body easily. And our superior forces have suffered heavy losses in several slashing operations. This is also No. Zombies and creepers have managed to deal with such chops. They will evolve new collars again in a short period of time. Even just a few tens of minutes. So encountered such a large-scale attack. We Only fate. "

This situation is rare in China. But this does not mean that nothing happened in the United States. If this is the case. Zombie siege on San Francisco bases can be quite troublesome. But this is an American thing. Xie Shanshan stopped saying more. "I see. But I want to know how you arrange foreigners in the base. The focus is on our fellow Chinese. This is important to me." Compared with zombies and creepers outside the base. The storm was nothing. So there is no need to rush to find shelter for the Chinese compatriots. The key is to know the American plan.

Okuma said: "The United States is a democratic country. I will abide by the majority opinion and give up the San Francisco base. As for foreigners in the San Francisco base, we are welcome to retreat with us. We are willing to stay and we are not against it. But our strength Limited. Even retreats may not take them into account. It's up to you. "

This is an irresponsible statement. But don't expect the United States to behave like China. Protect foreigners before saving their old names. Xie Shanshan calmly said: "I know His Excellency the President. If you have nothing else to do. I want to leave first. I will also go to my team members to discuss how to return to China."

Ao Di suddenly said: "Leader Xie, please stay away. We Chinese compatriots are unable to take care of it, but if Xie is willing to exchange it with the anti-t virus manufacturing method or the secret place of your warship, we are willing to ensure at all costs. Your land is safe! "

Despicable and shameless conditions, this is no different from falling in trouble, Xie Shanshan replied: "I am afraid that this is the main purpose for you to come to me, I am sorry, I still say that, we do not have to worry about your security However, for the Chinese who stay at the San Francisco base, I hope you think about it before making certain decisions. You respect us one foot and we respect you, these Chinese have promoted the development of the US economy immeasurably. Function, don't chill their hearts! "

Xie Shanshan said that he left without a second thought. A member of parliament told Ao: "Her President, I think the Chinese are toasting and not eating and drinking, we don't need to bother them. When zombies and creepers break through the San Francisco base and watch What do they do? "

Okuchi said: "Isn't the last disastrous event enough to alert you? The Chinese were not easy to deal with. We didn't try our best to find the secret of their warships' safe navigation in the ocean. As for the anti-t virus solution, there was no progress. You guys talk about it, what should we do next? "

Someone said: "It is better to kill these Chinese people while they are in chaos so that their secrets are not disclosed to us?" Another person said: "Chinese people do n’t see the coffin and cry, what do they think they are? Many zombies and creepers besieged them. Do they still want to retreat from their bodies? I think they will come back and ask us soon. By then, we will not agree to any conditions. "

"It is stupid to say that you are stupid. It is hard to guarantee that the Chinese will be cut off from the provision of anti-t virus solution even if the reasons are sufficient. It is not suitable for China's current situation. In addition, The Chinese also have teleporters. If they are to leave the foundation, it is not difficult. I am afraid the possibility of returning to ask us is very low. "

Someone hesitantly sneered: "Her President, have you forgotten that the woman named Xie mentioned the Chinese in the base several times? I think this can be used as a chapter. Their safety does not require us to protect, but those Chinese What about? "

Ao said with a smile on his face: "Yes, no matter how powerful the teleporter is, it will not be possible to take away all the Chinese in the base. We will deliberately leave those Chinese out when we break out. Don't be afraid that she will not submit!"

Edward said: "Her President, the zombies have approached our first line of defense. You still need to give instructions on how to break through. The emergence of these monsters suddenly did not give us time to prepare, and the storm outside, we broke through. What to do in the first step. "

The Austrian think tank is not a white rice. Although the members of the parliament could not discuss the results, they quickly provided a few suggestions for the Austrian. According to Americans 'understanding of zombies, it is most difficult to break through in the early stages of the zombies' attack. At this time, zombies are crazy and irritable. The best way is to hold on and wait for their violent charge to concentrate on their superior forces to break through.

The siege of the San Francisco base was completely unexpected this time, and the zombies seemed to be getting smarter and smarter. So many satellite monitoring controls did not find their whereabouts. They only appeared suddenly after the storm began, which led to The base was caught off guard. Otherwise, break up the zombies and surround them in advance. Or make an early retreat, and now can only be passively remedied. At this moment, it has been surrounded by zombies and creepers. The best breakout time has passed and the formation of the breakout has not yet taken shape. Only by using the recommendations of think tanks, the first wave of zombies and creepers will attack after the attack. Waiting for someone does not need to follow the team to break through, because the United States also has teleporter evolution, it is easy to take away the president and his men.

Xie Shanshan returned to the hotel and immediately contacted Chu Xiang. At this time, Chu Xiang had learned that the San Francisco base was besieged through Wang Bin's channel. Even the road leading from the inner port to the base was destroyed. At this moment, the storm was rushing and the warship was in the inner port. The sea was erratic, and a small displacement frigate had issued an alarm. The storm was beyond human imagination. In the previous world, this situation has never happened before. The anchored warship could not resist it! You know that this inner harbor is a shelter, but the storm is still raging.

Chu Xiang immediately asked Li Haipeng to take him to the frigate. His use of the water control ability played a role at this moment. He finally managed to stabilize the ship and Xie Shanshan's phone number came. "Chu Xiang, the situation is very bad Unfortunately, the San Francisco base is surrounded by zombies and creepers. The United States has decided to abandon this base, but there are still a large number of Chinese in the base. The US president may give up the protection of foreigners under the pretext of insufficient strength. What should I do? "

Song Jun whispered to Chu Xiang: "Chu Xiang, I interject, I personally think it is necessary to save them. This is an opportunity to increase the centripetal force of our nation, so that the Chinese living abroad have a hope that the country has not forgotten them. In the past two days, I investigated in the Chinese area. Many Chinese people are eager for the country to send people to pick them up, and most of them are useful talents with rich knowledge and experience in the United States. It is a pity to let them be killed by zombies. "

Chu Xiang said: "Even if it is not for talents, I ca n’t do anything about it. We do n’t ask to be a sage. But please be convincing. You will immediately take someone back to the base to prepare for contingency. can."

Song Jun nodded, Li Haipeng began to send people to the base, but before sending a loud noise from outside the port, the inner ring dam was artificially circled and was crushed by the waves! Thousands of marine mutants have surged into the surface of the inner harbor with the waves, and several American destroyers in the forefront have been hit. This is not like the last time that only a portion of marine mutants had been drilled from a cave. This time the number And destructive power beyond imagination!

It was exactly Wang Shaohui's turn at this time. He told Chu Xiang: "I'll get Xiaosi back immediately to help you!"

Chu Xiang said: "No, I have informed the ships to install sonic destroyers. You can safely go to the base to protect those Chinese. Take them to the dock when necessary, and we will take them back to China."

After learning that the dam was washed down by the waves, Xiaosi still rushed back, but the forces remaining in the hotel still accounted for the vast majority. Song Jun and Xie Shanshan hurriedly discussed a few words and everyone ran out of the hotel and rushed to the Chinese residential area. Shaky, raindrops couldn't open his eyes. Although the hotel had sent a car, it could break down less than a metre, and he could only get off the car and walk. Don't expect to move unless there are military armored vehicles.

When they arrived at the Chinese residential area, everyone became a chicken, and the situation in the Chinese area was even worse. There were nearly 2,000 Chinese living here. At this moment, there are not even a thousand or two, and some ignore the rules of the base. I ran into other areas to find shelter from the rain, some were struck by lightning and rain, and many were even blown away by the wind.

Several figures were constantly patrolling during the storm. These people were based on an elder. They decided to forcibly open the door of a maintenance factory and go in search of shelter from the rain. "To find a weapon, we must have a weapon to unlock the lock. And I know that there are American guards in the maintenance factory. They will not let us easily enter the shelter from the rain. of."

"Well! These abominable Americans are just sheltering from the rain. Do n’t we rob them of their stuff? They are cruel to us regardless of the bad weather."

A mixed-race woman said to the elders: "Elder Dong. Let's go back to the country. It is insulted to stay abroad and not even provided us with a sheltered place. This time, did a Chinese trade group come to the San Francisco base, We contacted them to return home together. I heard that they were driving four warships and one supply ship. It was more than enough to take us away. "

Elderly known as Dong Dong said: "My heart of returning home is more urgent than you, and now I am fully aware of it. It is really blind to kill Americans for decades. Do n’t talk about it. Let ’s talk about the terrible storm. If we separate our arms and look for weapons, we must take others through this storm. ”

The building closest to the Chinese area is the repair factory. At this moment, the large iron doors are closed, and the Americans in the workshop are holding weapons. They guess that in this kind of weather, foreigners will hit the repair factory. In addition to repairing vehicle equipment, There are also a large number of weapons and equipment hidden in the underground warehouse, so the security requirements here are particularly strict. There is a company of American soldiers sent to station, but because the news of the weapons in the maintenance factory is unknown outside, Dong Lao et al just moved to this area to set up a tent and settle down, let alone know that there are American soldiers stationed here, otherwise they will not impact this building as a shelter from the rain, because it is undoubtedly a life-saving, you must know China People don't have a pistol!

People with strong winds were unable to walk, but more than two Chinese people climbed to the door of the maintenance factory holding iron rod steel pipes. Alas, the sound of the first smashing of the lock came, and the bullet shot out from the factory. The two Chinese were hit straight, and thumped in the rain and died directly. The blood stained the nearby ground, and the Chinese behind were angry.

"Open the door! We ask to go in to avoid the storm! Open the door! Do you still have a conscience? Are we zombies! Can you break your house from a storm?"

A group of American soldiers rushed out of the factory under the heavy rain. They carried an automatic rifle and fired wildly at the Chinese. A man in charge of commanding a Chinese man was shocked: "Quickly retreat! There is an American soldier defense here, we can't fight They! Don't make unnecessary sacrifice! "

Dong Lao was surprised to learn that there were even American soldiers in the repair factory. You must know that there is only this repair factory in the seemingly slack buildings nearby. There is also a food processing factory. There is a heavy machine gun at the door. There are also two buildings where Americans live, and Americans there have machine guns in their homes, so they ca n’t go there. I did n’t expect that the seemingly safest place would be the US soldiers secretly stationed, careless.

The Chinese in the back of the storm did not know what was going on. It was too late when they realized that they wanted to make a U-turn. The American soldiers from the repair factory launched a mad slaughter against them. The American soldiers thought that the Chinese would rebel and seize this secret place. Arsenal, in addition, the world has been in the last days for so long, and what human rights and moral concepts have long been indifferent. Americans ca n’t wait to have such stimulating scenes of slaughter every day, so they show no mercy.

"Don't kill us, we just want to find a place to avoid the storm!" A female Chinese student was injured and she climbed up from the ground to hold an American soldier

The American soldier kicked her to the side ~ ~ Then a swipe swept over, the girl screamed and poured into the rain, and a Chinese man rushed over, "Return my girlfriend's life! You guys! Herd of beasts, this is indiscriminate killing! "

An American soldier shot him on the knee of a Chinese man, and the Chinese man threw himself and fell to the ground. The American soldier laughed and said, "Indiscriminately killing innocent? You have the right to kill you when you attack the secret arsenal. Since you, we indiscriminately kill innocent, then We'll kill you! "

Tapping, the Chinese man was shot in a pool of blood, the storm was more urgent, the Chinese on the street could not hide, and the team of American soldiers slaughtered the Chinese who attacked the repair factory. Other Chinese are shooting!

"Kill these dry food-consuming foreigners! Look at them and dare to rebel!" American soldiers yelled as they shot, and the Chinese fell down in front of them, which gave them great pleasure. Coupled with the stormy stimulus, they have long lost their reason, and now they are a bunch of lively hands!

Dong Lao Regret's intestines are all green, but this has killed the horse honeycomb, and the Americans have to destroy the foreign land in the base! How to do? Defending an unarmed American soldier with teeth is definitely a failure, and the other party simply does not listen to the explanation, who can come to rescue these Chinese people!


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