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Chapter 320: Ready to retreat

"Fighting with Yankees!" A Chinese man shook his arm, and several Chinese people stood up immediately in the storm. All the grievances at the San Francisco base broke out these days, everyone holding an iron rod steel pipe swaying in the wind. Rush to the American soldiers, it doesn't matter if they can win, but never let the Yankees look down on the Chinese! Even death is more important than Mount Tai! Silence does not mean cowardice, patience does not mean numbness, Chinese people will never fight lightly until the last moment, but now is the time to fight for dignity and life!

In the face of the swarming Chinese American commander, he waved his hand: "Ready for the machine gun! Clean up all these insurgents!" Aside from the national perspective, Americans ca n’t be said to be cruel. For the ruling class, it is a base. There is an unstable factor inside, the most important thing is to eliminate it!

Flip-flops, the machine gun fired relentlessly! In the face of turbulent sentiment, Mr. Dong has been unable to control. The Chinese have always been tolerant and modest, but in the last days this set will not work, but the Chinese will also stand up to the resistance, but this resistance is not supported by strong force. How much hope for success?

Farewell to my motherland and my mother, Mr. Dong closed his eyes. Today is bound to be the end of your life, and the Chinese who lack weapons are obviously a disadvantaged group. Defeat is simply inevitable.

When the machine gun sounded, everyone was determined to die, but everyone didn't have half the hatred. They continued to rush forward, killing one American soldier enough, killing two and earning one. The gunshots rang, but the wind in my ears seemed to continue. The heavy rain was still pouring on the body mercilessly. Almost everyone was stunned, sigh, why didn't they die? Is the American soldier blind and hit all the bombs in the sky? Or did the wind blow the bomb away?

Of course, it is impossible to scrape the bullet. It is normal to scrape the crosshair. Through the dim vision, everyone can see clearly. The bomb stopped in front of them as if frozen, this is not an illusion, because the rain dripping on the bomb is so real! A Chinese is the most thrilling. The bomb has been pressed against his face and cheeks, all of his cheeks have been hit into a pit, but it is like a fixation spell. All bombs stop here weirdly!

Xie Shanshan was the first to use this kind of mental power. For mind-evolving minders, mental power is also a basic skill, but before that, Xie Shanshan had never experimented. She saw that the situation was critical and she suddenly There was a strong control of thoughts, and I didn't expect that the bombs were really tied up. It was like setting up an invisible barrier in front of everyone, and the American soldiers were suddenly stunned when they were intercepted. For a while, they forgot to shoot. After all, this strange thing they encountered for the first time, even the best psychological quality is inevitable!

Song Jun then arrived. He waved his arms without saying a word, a large-scale hidden weapon was shot at the stunned American, and the screams were one after another. The American soldiers fell into a pool of blood, and their formation was more likely to be shot by the Song army, but it was only a moment. It was wiped out in a short time, and they were far away from Song Jun's opponents. They were far from Song Jun ’s opponents. At the venue, the Chinese saw a sudden drop and shouted, "It is us Chinese! Yankees are defeated! Long live! Long live the Chinese Kill these Americans who killed thousands! "

The sudden changes in the situation on the field made everyone excited, Dong Dong braved the heavy rain to step forward. "Who are you leaders?"

Xie Shanshan let go of the controlled bomb and wiped the rainwater on her face: "I am, I'm sorry, we are late, and you have suffered a great loss." Xie Shanshan did not expect that the American soldiers would die. Hand, otherwise she would have to come early if she had died, in fact, you can't blame Xie Shanshan for the things in it. If there were no arms in this place, the Americans would not have died. The Chinese would not have had such heavy casualties.

Mr. Dong held Xie Shanshan's hand and said excitedly: "It's not too late, the vast majority of Chinese are still alive. You are the head of the China Trade Regiment. I have heard others say, thank the country for remembering us. Overseas Chinese, comrades, we are living an inhuman life here, take us away, we are going back to the country. The mountains and rivers are everywhere. Or the motherland's closest relative! "

Xie Shanshan knew at a glance that Dong was always a human. Talking wrinkled. She said: "It's rainy outside. Let's go to the building in front to avoid the rain and discuss the next step. There are other things in it that you don't know."

Dong Lao said anxiously: "You can't go there! There are American soldiers secretly stationed there. We have tried. Many people have died for this. Those American soldiers are vicious. They don't reason with us at all. They won't even let it rain .Goddammit. "

Xie Shanshan told Song Jun: "Military brother. Please clean up the Americans there. They ca n’t blame us for being ruthless since they have died. This skin should be torn when it should be torn. It ’s up to me Carried in front of Chu Xiang. "

Song Jun nodded and rushed into the maintenance factory with Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie. Soon the gunfire rang out. But only a few minutes later the effort became thinner. After a while, people came out and beckoned to people outside. The Chinese who stayed outside were wondering. But the storm has intensified at this moment. The wind hit the face with raindrops causing pain. No one wondered if it was really safe or not. Eye-catching is the body of an American soldier. These talents who had just released themselves from the storm remembered the shock. Great. People deal with these multinational GIs. How did they do it!

The scene was chaotic at first. There are also survivors from other countries following the blind mix. It was not until ten minutes later that Dong Lao arranged for the scene to stabilize. Refugees from more than one other country are concentrated in a bunch. After counting the number of people already known, there are still more than a thousand survivors.

Xie Shanshan said to Mr. Dong: "Mr. Dong. You have high prestige among these people. Then I will tell you about the situation outside. In addition to avoiding storms, we also face zombies and creepers breaking through the base. Danger. "

Mr. Dong was taken aback: "What's going on? We thought it was just a big storm."

Xie Shanshan said: "The San Francisco base is surrounded by creepers. The United States has decided to evacuate. Preparatory work has not yet been completed, so they have not yet started operations. We must organize and arm everyone, because the Americans did not It will protect us, we must protect ourselves, but do n’t worry, as long as you can safely retreat to the dock and board the warship, you will be safe. We will take you home with you. It is not good to stay abroad in this troubled world Yes, let's go home. "

The Chinese around me couldn't help clamoring when they heard Xie Shanshan's words, "Okay, can we really return to China? ... wow ... I think the old mother at home is dead, ... the key time is that the country remembers us These tours. Go home, everyone can go home ... "

Dong Lao waved his hand to everyone to be quiet. He said: "It turned out that the base was surrounded by zombies and creepers. No wonder the Americans did not care about us slaves. It turned out that they had already decided to abandon us. Thank you, leader. We are grateful that we are not willing to abandon us in such a dangerous situation, but we are all aware of how powerful the zombies and creepers are. It is not difficult for us to organize the retreat ourselves, let alone the lack of weapons. It is these people It is also conceivable that if it can deal with the creepers. "

Song Jun whispered quietly in Xie Shanshan's ears, Xie Shanshan said with joy on his face: "It's really our luck. The Americans stationed secret troops here to defend the secret arsenal underground, so that the weapon problem is solved, everyone. Go get weapons first, and then our people will teach you how to use them. As for whether you can break out, it depends on everyone's confidence and hard work! "

The storm also created some difficulties for zombies and creepers. However, in comparison, this difficulty is much weaker than the difficulties faced by American soldiers. Most of the surrounding high-power fire posts were destroyed by storms. When zombies and creepers attacked the first steel fence, the fire level of the United States was lower than Usually weaker than 50%!

However, even the first contact battle was spectacular. There were more than a thousand heavy tanks outside the steel fence. When the creepers rushed into the shooting range, the artillery on these tanks opened fire, and the shells hit the creepers and hit the ground. They are fleshy. Often a cannonball can clear a few meters in front of it, but the number of tanks is still less. The firepower gap left by them is large. Although there are heavy machine guns to supplement it, the power of the bomb in the storm is greatly reduced. Coupled with the hostile combat environment that caused many weapons to fail, it was only a few minutes after the creeper rushed to the American tank position.

The powerful and powerful creepers are simply nightmares of the tank forces. Together they lift up a heavy tank and blast. The tank was thrown out and smashed on top of another vehicle. Heavy machine guns fired wildly at these creepers, but there were more of them. And with the destruction of the tank, the t2 cannon fodder rushed up. They dispersed the firepower of the machine gun with an absolute number advantage. Soon the creeper blundered a hole on the thick steel plate wall. Heavy machine guns are exposed under their eyelids!

t3 and t4 also rushed in. Although Americans' powerful firepower killed them and piled up corpse walls up to ten meters thick, they still desperately jumped to the first wall welded by steel plates to kill them. The fire of a line of defense weakened, t2 rushed in through the ripped opening, and the screams of American soldiers were everywhere, and the first position was lost.

Upon hearing the news, Ao Ling ordered the bombardment of the first position. Various artillery fires dumped ammunition on the first position in a row. The zombies and creepers who had just controlled the scene were scattered in a fragmented manner. Although the Americans did not take the opportunity to recover their lost ground, they strengthened their second line of defense.

"What's going on with the retreat?" Ao asked, looking at the combat speed just now, it didn't take two hours for the creeper to break through the remaining four lines of defense. Although he didn't have to worry about safety, he could leave instantly if necessary. However, more than 100,000 Americans are the hope of the country. Even if they cannot all withdraw to a safe place, most of them will be taken away.

Some people reported: "It was very confusing, and something happened suddenly. Although we had an emergency plan, everything was chaotic due to this kind of ghost weather. The civilians who received the news were rushing to grab cars and property, and the Chinese were having problems. They Gathering captured our arsenal. "

Ao Yi shot the table and said: "It is a bastard. Immediately send troops to assist the retreat. In addition, all the troubled Chinese people are eliminated. This also counts as a dismissal for the China Trade Corps. Do n’t think that we Americans are really bullying. Several advanced technologies are complacent. The Chinese have always been so far-reaching, and they have to give them some lessons to try. Well, we do n’t have enough troops. Do n’t redeploy our troops, and send a few evolutionaries to do it. "

Xie Shanshan explained the situation of the base to the Chinese people. At this time, the rapid gunfire was blowing into people's ears with the storm. Zombies and creepers on the front line should be charged. After simply teaching people how to aim, shoot, and replace magazines, Song Jun said: "The two sides have exchanged fire, and the Americans will soon break through. We must follow them closely, otherwise there will be danger of being surrounded by zombies. Americans definitely don't walk, so we have to find usable vehicles. I'll first group you into ten teams, divide two teams and go out with me to find cars, and the rest will stay here on standby. "

Song Jun rushed out of the repair shop with 20 people who knew how to drive. At this moment, the San Francisco base was in chaos. The Americans who received the evacuation notice panicked, and some people took advantage of the fire. Later, the military increased its strength to count The situation calmed down, trucks drove over, and the Americans climbed up the car frantically. Lest they fall behind will be left in the base.

With ten trucks parked in a bungalow area inhabited by Americans, the Americans here were clear that no swarms of land appeared. Song Jun chose to start with these vehicles. Although there are a lot of family cars outside, but the stuff can't carry a few people at all, it is still a truck.

Let ’s not talk about how Song Jun seized the car. The noise in the maintenance plant continued. The Chinese who calmed down recovered their good questions and fear. After all, anyone who knew that they were surrounded by zombies and creepers was not afraid to be false. Later, Xie Shanshan found a large number of military dry grains to temporarily stop everyone's mouths.

Fang Yuxuan said: "These people are not easy to manage, and they have to be killed for a while. Otherwise, it would be inappropriate to make some trouble when retreating, which will affect everyone."

Xie Shanshan said, "It is normal for everyone to be anxious and afraid. We will do the same before we have evolved. A few of you must strengthen the defense. I am afraid that the Americans will move these arms before leaving. We killed their soldiers but it was a big deal. "

Chen Kai snorted, "Isn't it not a matter of heaven and earth that they killed us Chinese? What if they found out that we did it?"

Xie Shanshan smiled bitterly: "This is not bad luck, Americans are by no means weak and incompetent as we think."

Xie Shanshan worried that it was soon confirmed that, bang, a loud broken sound rang above his head. The sturdy window was smashed, and a large American was intruded into it. The vibration caused by his landing made people think that there was an earthquake.

Flip-flop, a Chinese man blew away as soon as his hand trembled, and the bomber shot at the invading American block, but the other side did not care, lifted his arm full of muscles and blocked it, and the impeachment fell. On the ground.

Then the broken window jumped off another person, an American woman. One is a dry old man. The other is a hippie youth with a nose ring, four people stand together. Proudly facing the Chinese around.

"Huh, think you can do whatever you want with a few guns? The Chinese are naive." The old man Ganba said, "Perform the mission! Destroy them! Then temporarily store the weapons and ammunition here, and use them in the future when we attack the zombies."

After all, these Chinese people are not trained and do not follow the concept of command line at all. Most of them understand English. When the old man of Ganba said that they were going to be destroyed, many people fired first. In addition to using large blocks to block their bodies, other The man suddenly disappeared, and then heard the Chinese screaming behind him.

The old Ganba is a master of combat, and is proficient in Taekwondo and Sanda. It is easy for them, such as evolvers, to avoid ordinary people's bullet shooting. By leaping from the shooting range, the Ganba old man kicked at a Chinese The target of his attack was the back of the Chinese. This kick was a real death.

When the old man got a pain in his foot, he half-stretched an iron plate to block his attack target. This foot is equivalent to kicking the iron plate. Although the iron plate kicked out, it did not hurt the name at all. Chinese people. The old Ganba man looked up. He was a young Chinese woman. The heroine was very flavorful, but the old man did not commit any sexual problems at this time. When his hand was retracted in the wrist and extended, a saber was added. Stabbed at the woman who blocked him.

However, this woman is not simple. The old man is confident that he can't find a better master than him in the entire San Francisco base. However, the opponent's empty-handed combat does not fall, and his saber can never stab her. Instead, he was kicked by the other person accidentally. On the butt!

The old man was furious: "I killed you!"

This fighting woman is of course Lin, and she laughed: "Old man, why are you so angry that we can solve anything peacefully? Don't kill yourself without introducing yourself."

The old man didn't answer, and threw the saber to Lin ~ ~ Lin fled away from the saber, and the old man took the opportunity to force him forward again. His two legs were quite flexible, and he kicked four feet across to Lin. Two steps back, but after the old man kicked four feet, she suddenly flew into the middle of the old man's chest. The old man unexpectedly prevented the connection to the defeated forest and could launch a counterattack. This kick in the chest made him flip two Tumble to the ground.

It was a shame and shame for the old man to be knocked down by a woman. He got up from the ground desperately, and his fists rushed down the mountain like a tiger. Lin avoided a few punches with his arms, and then took advantage of the dryness of the old man's front door. Kick him over to the ground!

The old Ganba man was furious and punched a Chinese who was on the sidelines. Lin was also angry. He drank his body and spun up. The old Ganba man stepped back to avoid the serial kicks kicked by Lin, but Lin ’s offensive and She didn't stop because of this. She kept suspending her foot by a hand and kept kicking. The old Ganba had never met a person who had made such a quick shot, and then stepped back, but it was a machine tool, banging, a few feet in a row All kicked in the old man's chest, alas, the old man spit a blood.

Lin loosened and hung down on the old dry man. She twisted the old man's neck with her arm and clicked, "I said that it can be resolved peacefully, but you don't listen." The old head's neck was soft and unconscious. It didn't matter what he did. .


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