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Chapter 322: Unexpected fruit

Chu Xiang conceived a method of interception several times, but when the time came, there was no movement. It was like punching into a cotton pile with a punch, which made people feel a flash of waist.

The zombies did not know that they had just faced a threat of extinction. Under the command of the corpse king, they were desperately impacting the retreating convoy because the formation of the convoy was too large and the defensive power gradually became insufficient. Foreigners soon The team was thrown out.

In fact, Xie Shanshan was also sweating coldly. She said she would not leave, but she knew that Chu Xiang would not let them be in danger. However, it would take a period of time for a nuclear bomb to explode from launch to flight. After completing the block, she will give up at the last moment and leave with Li Haipeng.

Li Haipeng is right, she ca n’t help Chu Xiang regardless of the importance, but she ca n’t give up until the last minute, otherwise it will hurt the hearts of the Chinese. Just look at the US troops. At this time, the news of the nuclear bomb has already It spread, and the commanders of the US forces were already furiously seizing it. Although they finally received the news that the nuclear bomb was not fired on time, this led to a chaotic formation of the retreating team, and the zombies and creepers took the opportunity to besiege even tighter.

The U.S. forces made a decision to shrink their strength and gave up the protection of unrelated personnel in the team, so Xie Shanshan and other personnel from other countries were left behind. These unrelated personnel even included some old, weak, and sick Americans, if not The Chinese led by Xie Shanshan had weapons in their hands to desperately suppress the zombies that came up. I was afraid that these people would be completely done.

Song Jundao: "Since the Corpse King has already appeared, the United States should launch a nuclear bomb just to destroy it. But now the nuclear bomb is not launched on time. If the possibility of nuclear bombs continuing to be fired is eliminated, then someone must deal with the Corpse King, otherwise we will resist Useless, sooner or later it will still be engulfed by zombies. "

Xie Shanshan stood in the car and looked forward. She said, "No, I think the American team is already chaotic. And I am afraid that there are not a lot of evolutionary masters in the San Francisco base. Do we still want us to deal with the King of Corpses? It's not worth it. Anyway, we will leave their team and go to the dock, and let them toss. "

Song Jun was helpless, he knew that besides Chu Xiang. There is no one who can fight against the Corpse King. Even if Chu Xiang is able to defeat the Corpse King, it remains to be verified. This risk is not worth taking. Speaking of it, the Americans launched a nuclear bomb to destroy everything here.

Chu Xiang flew over the Rocky Mountains for a while, and Wang Bin quickly investigated the events, and soon he heard the news, "Brother Chu, not the Americans suspended the launch procedure in time. It is strange that the internal military network in the United States Due to the problem, all nuclear bomb launches were banned! Warning signals were sent from various launch bases and mobile launch points. "

Chu Xiang was taken aback: "Using technology in the U.S. could this happen? Was it done by a hacker?"

Wang Bindao: "I am familiar with the situation of hackers in the world. Although there are evolutionaries among them, they have no such strength. The US network, especially the nuclear bomb launch program, is not our ability to invade at all. This is not for me to advocate for Americans, but to The technological power of our world cannot achieve this invasion. "

Chu Xiang thought for a while and asked, "Is it because of a network failure or a computer virus in the Americans? Or is there a ghost in the Americans. It is impossible to be like this for no reason. Well. You continue to investigate and watch. I Let's rush back to the warship to see the situation. In case the United States starts the launch procedure again, it must inform me as soon as possible. "

Chu Xiang had not yet returned to the warship and the news of Wang Bindi came again. "Brother Chu. Strange things have gotten bigger. I just received intelligence from US satellites. Independent nuclear bomb launch systems have also been banned from launching! This has nothing to do with the network. It's not a virus or a ghost."

Chu Xiang froze. "How is this going

Wang Bin smiled and said, "Anyway, Americans are unlikely to launch nuclear bombs anymore. We don't have to worry about being threatened .... Oh. Strange. Top secret news from the central part of China!"

Chu Xiang was shocked: "What is it. Tell me soon."

Wang Bin paused briefly. Probably checking. "Oh my God. How could this happen. We nuclear weapons in China have also been banned from launching. How is this possible. What kind of force can do this. This is by no means a hacker or someone's ability to do it! ... Russia .... ... India .... France. Gosh. There are problems with nuclear launches in nuclear countries! "

The matter is big, this is not something that hackers can do, because most of the launch systems exist independently, and by no means are hackers able to invade at present, and the world ’s nuclear weapons are almost banned at the same time, which means that even if there are Do n’t expect to die with the zombies because of the great difficulties.

"Wang Bin, you continue to investigate this matter. Whether or not a nuclear bomb can be used is a good thing for us, not a bad thing. After all, as long as one country uses nuclear weapons, it will inevitably cause other countries to follow suit. Will destroy the entire planet. "

Wang Bin said: "It is Brother Chu. I will always pay close attention to the news from all parties, but we will lose our nuclear weapons as the final killer. I am afraid that it will be more difficult for us to deal with zombies. There is news here that the zombies that appeared outside the San Francisco base were the last time When it comes to the King of Corps of America, it has two meat **** on its shoulders. If Brother Chu tries to avoid it, its strength is not weak, we do not have to entangle it, it is best to keep it to the Americans.

Americans may not mention it, but Chu Xiang has not planned to fight the King of the Americas. Once his body has just recovered, and second, he fights with a foreign zombie for his own life. This is a silly talent. It was a great danger to save those Chinese, and then to destroy the King of the Americas was really full.

Xie Shanshan has given the leadership to Song Jun, because the retreat situation is becoming more and more dangerous, and it is by no means beyond her control. The Chinese and American forces are gradually out of touch. Once they leave the large team, they will be surrounded by zombies. It is difficult to contain the zombies that surround them with the weapons in their hands.

Song Jundao: "We don't transfer to the dock for the time being, we must keep up with the US forces, otherwise these people will be in danger, speed up the vehicles in front, tell the machine gunners to hit more accurately, or everyone is ready to die."

Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie ordered in turn. The convoy conceded to catch up with the U.S. forces, and suddenly an armed off-road vehicle in the U.S. team exploded. The explosion affected the first truck of the Chinese team, and the team in front did not know what was hindered to stop the movement. The zombies began to flow like a tide. Fortunately, they were under the firing range of the US troops at this time. Children can't break through the fire blockade.

The Chinese truck affected by the explosion extinguished and the driver failed to fire several times. In this case, don't expect maintenance, he can only helplessly jump out of the driver's cab, and the Chinese people on the car also get out of the car. At this time, the front team starts to move again.

Song Jun heard that the explosion in the front had already come. He and Wang Shaohui worked together to push the anchored truck to the side. The truck behind was able to move forward smoothly. However, the Chinese who had more than one ground had no cars. Sit, and the team is moving faster and faster.

At first those Chinese people ran, but as the cars got faster and faster. They were too late, and later they climbed onto other trucks, but there were ten trucks on the Chinese side. When I boarded the car, I was so crowded that I couldn't hold my feet. At this time, there was still room to carry these people.

Seeing that the Chinese army ’s trucks are really crowded, the Chinese with more than one number can only chase the American trucks, because American trucks are almost not fully loaded, but those Yankees are very unfriendly and see the Chinese picking up their trucks. The cars shoved down.

At this moment, the Chinese showed an unwillingness to be oppressed. They pulled the Yankee and dragged them down. Several American trucks walking at the end of the team were chaotic for a while. Some Chinese who had climbed into the truck even went to the ground with the truck. The Americans scuffled. There are also people who control the truck's cab to allow more Chinese to board the car. How can the Americans be taller and bigger than they can be controlled for a while, the chaos is even more dramatic, and a truck is even crooked. Trees on the edge.

At this time, two armed off-road vehicles entered the truck line, and the machine gun bullets passed by the scalp of everyone, "Stop! All Chinese people get off! Or kill you!" The American soldier on the off-road vehicle roared. However, the zombie attack was urgent outside, but chaos occurred in the center of the team. How can this not make them angry.

Song Jun, Chen Kai, Li Niu, and others rushed over, and they also had no way. Chinese vehicles would never come to provoke Americans if they had space, but Americans are really not kind enough, and there is still a lot of space on the car to prevent China On the human side, it is under-flat.

"Abominable Chinese! You are the source of chaos and backwardness. Do n’t follow our team!" This is an order issued by the American soldiers. Otherwise, you will be killed! Pigs. A group of stupid pigs. Do you want to kill us Americans? Tell you this is the United States, not Beijing! "

The Americans forced the Chinese back with machine guns. Then they drove forward. When the Chinese saw the Americans really want to give them up, when there was no hope of escape in the solitary war, someone took the lead and chased forward. There was no vehicle to walk and it must be devoured by the zombies. When the American soldier saw the Chinese chasing, he made a ruthless attack, and started to shoot at the Chinese.

Song Jun knew that at this moment he could only rely on the firepower of American troops to avoid the violent attacks of zombies and creepers. If Americans really refused to let them continue to follow this would be a very troublesome thing, so he did not stop the Chinese from chasing after everything , But seeing the Americans shooting him will not let the Americans' schemes succeed.

Song Jun shook his arms with a large steel arrow concealer to catch the bomb. Chen Kai was afraid that Song Jun alone would be in danger. He quickly fired dozens of flames to meet the bomb rain, and the slug bomb hit the concealer. Sound, of course, Song Jun's hidden weapon is not like the master of martial arts in China, but it is stronger than them by dozens of points. After all, the evolutionist is very comparable in the number and accuracy of hidden weapons.

However, there are many bullets fired by machine guns, and there are always net leakers, but when the bombs leaking from the net meet the flames fired by Chen Kai, the US soldiers look at the Chinese intact after the sweep, and their faces are pale and scared. The ground protection net formed in this way cannot break through at all! Even without a hidden weapon, a single flame can't deal with it.

A long line of American soldiers commanded on the off-road vehicle: "Don't be afraid of them, it's just a group of evolvers. Give me a shot and see how long they can last and kill this group of Chinese! Don't let them drag Our hind legs! "

The American machine gun fired fiercely, and Chen Kai was a bit overwhelmed. Zhou Muqing stepped out of the team and said, "Let me come!" A swig and a mouthful, and the ultrasonic shock bounced off all the shots! American soldiers are going crazy. Their shooting was more violent, and Zhou Muqing sent out an ultrasonic wave again. This time the sonic shock strengthened a lot, and the two off-road vehicles were overturned! The Americans in the car fled to escape the scene of the accident, and no one cares to shoot and kill the Chinese.

However, the battle here attracted other American soldiers, and they quickly dispersed their forces and rushed here to support them. The four off-road vehicles swayed behind the American retreating team. Whoever dares to continue the attack, they will use heavy machine guns and rocket launchers!

A Chinese yelled, "Don't die, you are not the most willing to be the world police. Why don't you take us to retreat! Let's get on your car, your car is not full at all."

The Americans didn't even answer. The order they received was to get rid of the shackles at any cost, because the commander of the San Francisco base was afraid that the United States would launch a nuclear bomb again without transmitting the help of the evolutionary. They could only be rescued by breaking through quickly, and these foreigners must be dragged to death.

Alas, the vibration came from the ground. Several fierce creepers appeared. They rushed forward with lightning speed. The light and heavy machine guns did not work for them. It seems that they are not ordinary creepers. The Americans fired a rocket. This high-powered weapon killed a creeper, but the remaining four still rushed into the team. Their first goal was to tear up the US rocket gunners, and then slaughter the team regardless of country. Song Jun and Chen Kai stopped the two creepers who rushed over, but because of the lack of evolutionaries in the United States, they could only be slaughtered if ordinary bombs were ineffective.

Xiaosi came out of the team and said, "These two creepers are quite powerful. It's a pity to kill them. Let me try to control them!"

Give up a strong control signal, the two crawling levels are not low, I thought it would be difficult to control, but who knows that it was successful, Xiao Si was proud of it for a while. It's a pity that Chu Xiang could not show off to him, "Protect us to move forward!" Xiao Si pointed at the front with a spirited spirit, and she was a bit of strength, so she didn't have to hide behind her brothers and sisters, and let those Chinese think she was What about it.

The American soldier's firing position was already broken by two creepers. Xiaosi controlled the two creepers who rushed to the Chinese team and then tried to control the other two. Shape, but after they regained their weapons, they even shot at the Chinese team and the four creepers!

Wang Shaohui suddenly appeared behind the Americans, his sword across a company's long neck. "Let them stop firing! Otherwise I will cut your throat right away!"

The US company commander did not know how the other side sneaked in unconsciously. He had to soften the knife holder around his neck, "Stop firing! Stop firing!"

American soldiers had to obey orders. However, they are still armed with a gun, and one who is not good will fight again. Xiaosi drove the four creepers forward and called, a creeper suddenly stood up, and its tail fluttered broke an off-road vehicle! Then Xiao Si ordered another creeper to make a sharp roar towards the American soldiers. The scared American soldiers couldn't help covering their ears. They could not have imagined that these four giant lizard-like monsters obeyed the Chinese command line!

Little Silk rode on the back of another creeper, pointing at the American loudly, "I will give you only one chance, and immediately protect our team to retreat. Who dare not obey orders, kill!"

The four creepers screamed in the sky, and the Americans were scared to stop. They ran back with their guns and rushed back to their own team. The commander of the retreat had lost sight of the troops behind him. Break out of the blockade ~ ~ At this moment is running in the torrential rain, the rest of the US troops can only fight against the zombies attack. Although they know that something happened later, they are unable to take care of it. The off-road vehicle was scattered to the sides, allowing the Chinese troops to integrate into their own team.

The firepower of the Americans is shown at this moment. If it is a Chinese base that retreats in this situation, it is almost a miracle to go to this point. Now the US forces still have strong lethality, and the creepers organized several times. The charge was all hit back by rocket launchers, and the retreating team continued to drive forward under the heavy rain. It was hopeful that the breakout would continue.

However, the continuous defeat of the zombies and the creepers led to the rage of the leader. They finally decided to shoot in person. The corpse king rushed to the middle of the retreating team. The collar is like a calf that is amblyopic, but it's actually bigger than an adult buffalo!

The power shown by the Corpse King at the moment shocked everyone present. The meat **** on his left and right shoulders burst out at the same time. Two violent liquids, such as water guns, sprayed away, and a mass of liquid spontaneously ignited at high temperatures The flame ignited everything that was affected in the retreat. The human body immediately turned into ashes when it touched the fire. If only the arm was burned, the arm disappeared like melted wax oil, and the rain did not stop it. Kind of flame!


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