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Chapter 323: 2 faces critical

There were a lot of weapons and ammunition on the vehicles of the U.S. forces. An explosion occurred under the high-temperature barbecue. The close-up transport truck was impacted. The middleman of the kung fu team turned over, and more than a thousand people were caught in the sea of ​​fire. The rotten liquid sprayed from one shoulder is like a melting agent. Once the human body is stained with a little bit, it spreads quickly, and even heavy armored tanks can easily corrode!

The Americans still insisted on fighting, but when the corpse king appeared, their team took the initiative to mess up, because everyone knows that no one can fight this corpse king, even if the missile never killed it, Its appearance almost meant the demise of the entire base. The only thing everyone can do is to rush away, but there are countless zombies and creepers on the periphery. Once they escape and lose the power of group protection, these Americans will die even more. fast.

The long retreating team was divided into two from the middle. The front one rushed faster for escape, but the back was blocked by the corpse king and couldn't move at all. He wanted to retreat but the creeper collar appeared at the end of their team. It suddenly stood With a loud roar, even the four creepers controlled by Xiaosi were out of control!

Song Jun was startled. Although this creeper did not look special, it was definitely not comparable to ordinary creepers! The danger this time is no less severe than the nuclear bomb crisis just now! It seems that the situation abroad is indeed heavier than domestic.

The four out of control creepers opened their mouths to bite their own people, and Xiaosi again sent a forcible control signal. She succeeded. The four creepers gave up the attack immediately, and Xiaosi took the opportunity to direct them to surround the crawl. Person collar.

The battle between the creeper and the creeper is the first time anyone has seen it. Usually, when the creeper leads the battle, it does not allow other creepers to come forward. I do n’t know what kind of psychology it is. However, Song Jun and other talents would not be so stupid. Four creepers rushed to their collars, and Song Jun's steel arrows also whistled and shot, the target pointed directly at the creeper collar's eyes!

Huh, the creeper collar was already standing. At this time, he lifted his forefoot and grabbed the steel arrow shot by Song Jun, but it didn't change his face and remained motionless. Song Jun was more surprised than anyone. He knew the impact of this arrow. It doesn't work for this creeper!

Four accused creepers have rushed over, and the creeper collar roared again. It seemed to vent his dissatisfaction with similar attacks, alas, the steel arrow he was holding in his hand was plunged into the eyes of the closest creeper by it!

Bang, the creeper's tail fluttered, a crawler was pulled to the ground and rolled out dozens of meters, and a truck that was hit almost overturned. The creeper whine and hid to one side after getting up, Never willing to fight forward again.

Fang Yuxuan jumped out: "Let me come!" Said Fang Yuxuan blasted out a violent flame, and today she has never caught a chance to perform. Now I've sent my heart to burn this creeper collar to ashes! However, the flames sprayed onto the creeper's collar, but the result envisaged by Fang Yuxuan did not appear.

When Chen Kai saw Fang Yuxuan's attack to fail, he immediately stepped forward to help out and shouted. A huge flame appeared in the air surrounding the creeper collar. Everyone could even see the skin of the creeper collar turned red, like a burnt iron plate, but it just refused to die! Tough! How does it do that, does its shell have a temperature barrier?

Li Niu suddenly grabbed an abandoned heavy tank next to him. Shouted and threw the tank towards the creeper collar. The creeper's collar was unimpeded by the flames. It slammed heavily against the heavy tank it threw. puff. The heavy tank was torn in half like a piece of paper under one blow. Li Niu tore a gun barrel from his side. Stabs at the creeper collar like a javelin.

Alas ... the creeper led a roar. Then the detective caught the barrel. The high-temperature flame was still moxibusting the creeper collar. I brought the gun barrel to the ground and turned red. The creeper collar didn't notice it. Its forefoot snapped the barrel. Then throw it to everyone! The whistling sounded that the strength of the gun tube flying back was twice as great as when it flew past!

Li Niu knows that he is the only one who has the most strength in this theory. Therefore, he was the only one to pick up the gun. Not to mention that he threw it out. There must be beginnings and ends. boom. The barrel was hit in Li Niu's palm. Li Niu's foot was a cricket. A tight chest almost vomited blood. The creeper has a good earth arm!

Two steps on the hind legs Li Niu finally stood firm. But he knew he was hurt. Zla slammed white smoke from the palms of the two guns. Li Niu hurriedly threw the barrel. Warm and terrifying by Chen Kai and Fang Yuxuan's moxibustion.

Lin Yueyue wants to try. This is the first time that they have dealt with leading zombies and creepers alone. She was waiting to try both hands. Zhou Muqing grabbed her. "You are dead!"

Lin Dao: "Being able to fight with such a powerful creeper. It is good for improving our strength. If Chu Xiang is definitely not allowed to let me in him. I can't miss the opportunity."

Zhou Muqing said: "Your head is stupid than me? It's all right until it's roasted to the point that your body is red. Isn't it true that you are going to melee in melee, let me see what it is capable of, and you go aside."

Hi! Zhou Muqing tried his best to send out ultrasonic waves. The creepers and zombies led by the creepers exploded. Even the two creepers controlled by Xiaosi were stabbed. They died under ultrasound and explosion. From this point, Analyze Zhou Muqing's improvement in ultrasound skills is not weaker than Chu Xiang's previous evolution, but so far Chu Xiang's ultrasound skills have not been restored, otherwise it should also take a big leap like controlling plants and other abilities, naturally not Zhou Muqing now Within your ability.

Under the shock of ultrasonic waves, the flames of Chen Kai and Fang Yuxuan can no longer attack. The creeper collar cannot be lifted by the ultrasonic waves. It arches its back and desperately resists. The four hoofs sink into the asphalt surface, causing the body to crack. The sound of the sound seemed to be unbearable. Zhou Muqing was overjoyed and urged the second wave to arrive. The creeper yelled suddenly and then leapt forward. It broke through the ultrasonic wave and rushed to Zhou Muqing!

Zhou Muqing is not a melee-type evolutionary. She has no experience or combat ability in melee combat. Seeing that she did not try to kill the creeper when she tried her best, she let it fight back under a strong blow. Zhou Muqing panicked and the ultrasound was weak immediately. Go down, and the creeper collar jumped down smoothly!

Zhang Jingyao suddenly appeared behind Zhou Muqing. She pointed up and fired two high-voltage power grids. The creeper first touched the first one. Its body collided with the high-voltage power grid, and the air made a thunderous sound like thunder, but the creeper led the powerful body to ignore the high-voltage power grid's blow and continued to pounce. The second grid arrived, bang. A huge spark flashed, and the creeper collar was exhausted when it was blocked by the first grid. At this time, the body was rolled backwards by the second hit of the grid, and it could not focus in the air. It was not even powerful. Method.

As soon as Zhang Jingyao pulled Zhou Muqing backwards, Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming fired behind him. The high-powered sniper crawler collar rolled a few more heels, but it got up from the ground and rushed towards the crowd more angry , The bomb is useless to it. I am afraid that rockets may not work.

Song Jun shouted: "Ma Xinghe, Wei Qingchun, Zheng Haoran, you guys continue to charge forward with the team, and the rest are left to deal with this creeper!"

In fact, Song Jun knew that there was a dead king ahead. But staying in place now will only be surrounded by zombies and creepers, and once the creepers form a formation, they will easily hit a fixed target, unless there is a powerful fire to break up their charge formation, Only the American soldiers possessed this firepower. The temporary vehicle recovered by Song Jun could not afford such a fierce firepower net, so Song Jun asked Ma Xinghe to lead the team to chase the Americans.

Ma Xinghe took the two players to execute the order immediately. Although the creeper leader saw their actions, they did not block them. Its current target is Song Jun and others. Its consideration is the same as that of human beings. As long as these hard bones are ripped off, the remaining people are not afraid. If they are distracted to catch up with ordinary humans, it will not be cost-effective to let these masters run away. After all, launching such a The loss of zombies and creepers in battles is a day number, and if they are only for tens of thousands of ordinary humans, they will not be very active.

Zhang Jingyao shouted, "The creeper is terrific, let's do it together!"

Side by side is what everyone thinks. So Shi Qizhao attacked the creeper collar one after another. This creeper collar can stand with the corpse king, then it shows that its strength is not blown out, but it is indeed the case. The joint attack of the people not only failed to win, but appeared instead. As a last resort, Wang Bin immediately reported the situation here to Chu Xiang. He stayed alone on a communication car, always watching the situation in the United States, China, San Francisco ports, and the battlefield here. Coordinate intelligence work throughout.

At this moment Chu Xiang had returned to the warship. The warship commander was relieved to see Chu Xiang return, and the waves were soaring outside. This is not to say, the mutant sea creatures are becoming more and more violent. They are already attacking the aircraft carriers of the United States. You must know that the aircraft carriers are huge, but the giant squid and the deformed fish up to several meters launched the charge on the deck desperately. A large number of soldiers could not drive them away.

"Consultant Chu, you are back. Some marine mutants have forcibly broke through our alert circle just now. Fortunately, the power of the expelling sonic generator was increased in time to drive them back, but the marine mutants on the periphery are carrying out on us. Besieged, I don't know what their ideas are, "the fleet commander reported to Chu Xiang.

The warships were in danger again and again under the strong wind, but this point was far worse than countless marine mutants. Chu Xiang immediately jumped into the water to check the situation in person. Sure enough, the marine mutants were watching the five warships in China. They traveled around in the effective circle of the expelling sonic waves, forming a surrounding circle densely. At this time, it is difficult to break even if they want to break, not to mention the outbreak of a tsunami outside, it is impossible to break through.

Chu Xiang returned to the ship, and he instructed the fleet commander to install spare sonic destroyers. Each ship used two sonic destroyers to work together. Under this powerful power, the surrounding marine mutants were only slightly retracted. A few meters, but they became even more irritable, and even began to swallow each other.

This kind of cannibalism has been going on for a while, and soon the manic marine mutants move closer to the warship sonic expelling circle, and this time they are very strong. First, they try to start with some weak mutant marine creatures, those weak The terrestrial and marine mutants would be swallowed if they did not obey the orders of the strong, so they could only advance forward with the interference of sound waves.

Speaking of sonic expulsion generators, they are not really a weapon, but only a kind of interference and eliminator. It uses the aversion of marine mutants to such sound waves, or it may be a sense of fear. Of marine mutants produced actual killings, and a sudden storm broke out today. Under the influence of the tsunami, the behavior of the mutant organisms on the seabed was abnormal. They successively captured several American ships and devoured thousands of American soldiers. They tasted **** marine mutant creatures and became more manic and disturbed, so the sonic deterrent effect of the sonic destroyer was slow. Slow to lose.

Finally, the marine mutants entered the final alert range. Chu Xiang knew that the sonic destroyer had completely disabled them, and he could only issue war instructions to the officers and men on the warship. However, it is impossible to conduct intensive firepower against underwater creatures, because there is no such thing as an underwater machine gun. Even if a machine gun is launched underwater, the impact of the bombing power will be affected by the resistance of the water. It can be imagined that there is a torpedo. But it can only hit large targets, and the effects of these mutated marine torpedoes are not great.

In this unfavorable situation, marine mutants start to climb from the sides of each warship, especially mutants such as squid, and some flying fish with sharp teeth. If you accidentally bite it, it will tear off a piece of meat, even a small wound, but the probability of infection is still high.

Chu Xiang's sonic function has not been restored. Otherwise, he could use his own sound waves to drive these marine mutants away, but now there is no other way but to fight. Controlling the weather? Chu Xiang didn't dare to try, mainly because the weather today was unpredictable. With Chu Xiang's strength, he had never thought of fighting the sky; controlling plants? It doesn't seem to work, this is at sea, there isn't enough soil to grow plants to make it work.

Chu Xiang was so anxious that he could only control the powerful current to wash these mutant creatures off the ship's rails over and over again, but this method could not effectively kill those marine mutant creatures. As these marine mutants attacked, the storm became more and more intense. A small-displacement Jiangwei-class frigate almost rolled over. Fortunately, Chu Xiang was anxious to quickly use a strong current to stabilize it, but this way, the energy in his body was not enough. At that time, he would either be trapped by a mutant marine organism, or Sinking by the storm, Chu Xiang anxiously thought of feasible measures.

Li Haipeng rushed over with Zhang Jingyao, and Chu Xiang was unable to figure out a way. He said impatiently: "What are you doing here, what is the situation of the retreating team. When can I get to the dock?"

Zhang Jingyao said with anxiety, "Wang Bin couldn't contact you, so I came here personally. We were in a critical situation. The King of the Americas and a creeper led the retreat team to break up. Now everyone is attacking the creeper leader. They are born together, not to mention that there is still a dead king on the side, what to do? "

Chu Xiang took out the satellite phone and saw that there was an unconnected connection. He had just patronized the rescue just now, but did not hear any sound. After hearing this from Zhang Jingyao, there was definitely a need for assistance. But how dare you leave here because of instability, otherwise, the four warships and one supply ship will be all over. Not to mention the many materials above, only those officers and soldiers made Chu Xiang dare not give up the protection of warships.

You have to quickly get rid of things here! Chu Xiang made a heavy blow on the side rail of the ship, but what can I do to repel the offensive attack of the mutant sea creatures and ensure that the warship is not overturned by the raging wind and waves, Chu Xiang turned around in his head without any clue.

Li Haipeng was also sweating anxiously. Of course, he ran back and forth to understand the situation everywhere, and Chu Xiang needed help everywhere, but there was only one of them, and the problem here was not solved. How to get there? .

"What to do ?!" Chu Xiang shouted loudly. Unfortunately, this is not an ultrasound. Even if the five-color liquid f virus is forced to repair the ultrasound skills, it will not solve the problem of wave storms.

Zhang Jingyao suddenly and firmly said: "Since we are unable to stand up to the sky, then the inner harbor will be frozen! The general ship will be wrapped in ice and the marine mutants will be frozen to death!"

Li Haipeng said in surprise: "The idea is a good idea ~ ~ but it is impossible for such a large inner harbor to completely freeze it!"

Chu Xiang didn't dare to be as bold as Zhang Jingyao thought before, but the idea is really killing two birds with one stone. As for whether the inner harbor can be completely frozen, let it be frozen, first put a slice on it to alleviate the danger here, and wait for the situation there When I came back, it was still a woman with a small heart. I just thought about the powerful killing weapon, but ignored the freezing skills.

Not afraid to delay time, Chu Xiang raised his hand and transmitted two freezing forces to the sea. A layer of white mist appeared immediately around the warship where he was. Take a closer look at the mist. It was clear that raindrops hit the layer of ice Under the state of the ground, the storm caused the warship to squeak the surrounding ice squeaky, and a big crack appeared immediately, but Chu Xiang exacerbated the output of energy. The ice layer quickly spread downward from the sea surface. Tuo Jubing, the center of Jubing is wrapped in a Jiangwei class frigate. Although the storm has strengthened, it cannot shake this warship wrapped in a large iceberg.

The mutant sea creatures besieging the Jiangwei class frigates were frozen together in the ice block. The confidence of Chu Xiang was greatly increased. Although it is quite energy-consuming to freeze the seawater, it is definitely worth trying !!


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