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Chapter 325: Worst tragedy 1

What is this zombie king who claims to be the corpse king? Is it really curious and friendly to foreigners?

The answer is of course no. The corpse king and Chu Xiang face each other for a while. The energy emitted by the other body is shocked to each other. Chu Xiang knows that he is not the opponent of this corpse king, but this corpse king should be to himself. It is also quite daunting. It is not easy to hurt yourself.

Neither of them dares to start, lest the other party find a flaw and fall into the downwind, so the gaze can only continue, but Chu Xiang has felt the pressure psychologically, especially two of the corpse kings will launch a fatal liquid Meatball, I don't know if my evolutionary skills can hold it down.

Seeing that Chu Xiang was a little daunted, Xiao Si suddenly stood up and said loudly, "Brother, I'll help you!"

The corpse king was originally indifferent. The appearance of Xiaosi shocked his body, and then Xiaosi sent a control signal. A sudden surprise appeared on the stiff face of the corpse king. He turned his eyes away from Chu Xiang regardless of the danger and turned to Focusing on Xiaosi, and using a very complex look, a zombie body can have such a look, all those present were the first time they saw him.

"Well," Xiaosi whispered in surprise, "I can't control it, so powerful."

Chu Xiang suddenly shot, he was not sure to win the corpse king, so it was important to seize the opportunity. The corpse king turned his head to pay attention to Xiao Si, which gave him the opportunity. The bone spur and bone knife were shot at the same time. Wang's attention was distracted by Chu Xiang's rapid attack, and he couldn't deal with it quickly. He passed the bone knife but did not avoid the bone spur. When his chest was hit with a bone spur, his tall body stepped backwards, and a wow spewed a rot. Flesh, although this blow did not penetrate its chest, but it was not a light blow, and Chu Xiang's success did not relax, and his bones and wings shot a projectile towards the corpse.

Every blow of Chu Xiang was exhausted. He knows that this corpse king is not simple, and he may miss it if he accidentally makes it, so every hit must be regarded as desperate, otherwise he and the corpse king are almost equivalent in strength. It is not that the corpse king will not be hurt at all, but the spout Blood will not affect the body of the corpse king. Besides, the blow just now may have just hit the Overlord's Overnight Dinner. It should not hurt the King ’s bones. This King ’s body is flexible enough to avoid the projectile, and his body is still in the air to launch a counterattack against Chu Xiang. , A stink of cowardly acid sprayed down!

Chu Xiang controlled a piece of rain to cover the acid. I saw white smoke from the top of the rain. The protective film of rain for a thickness of 20 cm disappeared quickly. The corrosive nature of the acid could not even block the water. Consumed by it. Chu Xiang hurriedly lifted up, this acid liquid poured over the Corpse King.

The Corpse King did not want to let acid flow on him, Chu Xiang immediately used the frozen power to attack the Corpse King. The corpse king's limbs made a rattling sound. It suddenly rushed to Chu Xiang's body under rapid freezing, grabbed Chu Xiang and fell out into the sky, and then a violent flame sprayed into the air of Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang can still use water to protect his body, but the flame is really strong enough. The water layer protecting Chu Xiang is rapidly evaporating. Chu Xiang's bones flew away from the danger zone. He threw away a few plant species. Then the bone knife struck the neck of the corpse king. The Corpse King did not know what Chu Xiang dropped, but he ignored it without forming danger. Instead, he only focused on the bone knife that dealt with Chu Xiang. These six-bone bone knives pose a certain threat to the body of the Corpse King, so the Corpse King was not hard. Touched, but sprayed acid again to force Chu Xiang to solve his siege. In fact, even if he touched Chu Xiang hardly, it would not be much cheaper, but when he came up, he shot the corpse king overnight. This made the corpse king right. He has scruples.

Chu Xiang's bone knife did not really want to hit. It's just trying to get time to germinate the plants. I saw a few rattan rattles corpse king's legs unconsciously from under his feet. Corpse King struggled a few times without breaking free. Chu Xiang took the opportunity to attack his eyes again. The bone knife pierced the eyes of the Corpse King. The corpse king was awkward when he was holding his feet by plants. Suddenly it roared. The plant snapped when it was held. Chu Xiang was no longer enough to provoke the plant. call. A ball of flame from the meat ball on the shoulder of the corpse king spit these plants into the sea of ​​fire. These flame ground temperatures are not comparable to Fang Yuxuan and Chen Kai. Those plants have the backing of Chu Xiang's energy. But still unable to resist. It shrank quickly and was burned.

Plant Skill Attacks quickly fail. Chu Xiang saw a lot of ground clouds in the sky. He ushered in a giant thunder. The sound seemed to be falling apart. Even Liang Shanbo's grave has been blown up. Everyone's ears are buzzing and they don't know if there will be sequelae. But the corpse king had nothing to do except his hair was obviously messy and scorched. This is the first time that a zombies can withstand such a huge mine! Its strength is absolutely unfathomable.

The corpse king was not only defeated by the giant thunder. Instead, he launched a counterattack against Chu Xiang. Corrosive acid is spraying down the sky. Scared Song Jun and others hurried back. Chu Xiang uses water to form a protective film to avoid acid. Then he attacked the bone knife towards the corpse king's shoulder. Try to cut off the two meat **** above. But Corpse King did not give Chu Xiang this opportunity. Before Xiang Xiang approached, he was kicked out by a series of corpses. Chu Xiang avoided the first few feet. But the last two feet were centered on the chest. Fortunately, he had taken precautions to jump backwards. Otherwise, I may be in danger of having dinner overnight.

Corpse King cannot kill Chu Xiang. But Chu Xiang couldn't help it. However, the killing of the dead king has begun. During the battle with Chu Xiang, it kept spraying flames and acid on the surroundings. A large number of survivors and trucks were damaged. Chu Xiangli wanted to block these acids but had little effect. And once distracted to protect others, it's easier to fall behind. Corpse King's strength and agility are not weaker than Chu Xiang. Ruo Chuxiang will do his best to get the chance. But if there is any scruples, there is only defeat. Song Jun and Zhang Jingyao both saw this. They ordered. The surrounding Chinese withdrew. Even Song Jun and others stood far away from being attacked by the King of Corpses. At this time, they didn't come up to add chaos to help Chu Xiang the most.

boom. Chu Xiang finally found an offensive opportunity. He smashed the meat ball on the left shoulder of the king. The meatball was bouncing and soft. Not like the rest of the body of the corpse. Chu Xiang screamed in such a pain. The corpse king was frustrated but not panic. Instead, he countered Chu Xiang's kick. Settle in Chu Xiangdi's lower abdomen. Chu Xiang hugged his belly in pain, and threw on the ground. No one has stood up yet. call. A stink of causticly corrosive liquid poured down.

Chu Xiang's pain is too painful to control the water to protect himself. The acid was all over the body. The skin hurts like moxibustion. Clothes, eyebrows and hair were eroded. The nerves are affected by the acid and give out pain. Chu Xiang couldn't help groaning. He really wanted to roll on the ground to relieve pain. But he didn't have time to do it at all. Because the corpse king grabbed the wreckage of the truck on the ground and slammed into Chu Xiang. It was a steel plate for shock absorption on the rear bridge. With the power of the corpse king, Chu Xiang was stabbed in the chest. Even if it is impenetrable, it is enough. Chu Xiang stepped on his feet.嗖 The whole man got into the ground. puff. The corpse king grabbed the shock-absorbing steel plate in his hands and plunged deep into the soil.

At this time, the Americans were shocked, and they knew better than anyone how capable the corpse king was. Because the evolutionaries folded under it have passed, and ordinary soldiers have exceeded 10,000, whether it is evolutionaries or ordinary soldiers. They were almost the same in the underground. They were killed by the corpse king. Now they have received news that Chu Xiang actually fought the corpse king for several rounds. The Americans deeply admire Chu Xiang's strength.

Okuo said: "All of us have looked away. All of these Chinese people are extraordinary. Fortunately, they are thinking about doing business. Otherwise, we will be in danger in the United States. Now we have two options. One is to sit on the mountain. Watching the tiger fight. Let the Chinese ignore the King of the Corpse; the second is that we also send troops to help the Chinese in time. In fact, we are helping ourselves, and we hope to destroy the King of the King with the help of the Chinese! "

The Minister of Defense said, "His Excellency, I agree to send troops. After all, the opportunity is rare. It is not easy to find an evolutionary with such strength to drag the corpse king. I suggest that our seal commando be pulled out and take this opportunity. Killing the corpse king is important to our future in the United States. "

Most agree with the choice of the Secretary of Defense. In fact, why did n’t he think so, but he also had some concerns, lest the Chinese could not hold the corpse king in the end and put the SEALs in. After all, this is the most elite evolutionary army in the United States. Once they are finished, the corpses will be dead. Wang is still alive, and it is almost foreseeable that the United States will end up like Japan, but the United States will be vast, and it will not be impossible for the salted fish to turn around one day in the future.

Okuma has concerns. But then again. After this village does not have this shop, it is almost impossible to find a master like Chu Xiang to assist in the future. The SEAL team once did a simulated battle against the Corpse King, and they went all out to resist only ten minutes. Now the opponent has been fighting the Corpse King for more than five minutes. Maybe with the power of this Chinese man, he could really kill the body in one fell swoop. The king annihilates. In that case, the Americas will have little strength to compete with the American Evolution Forces. It will only be a matter of time before other zombies and creepers are destroyed by that time.

Okuma made a bold decision: "Okay, since everyone has no opinion, then immediately assemble the SEAL elites and send them to the battlefield. In any case, the dead king must be destroyed!"

Chu Xiang got out of the ground, the corpse king threw the steel plate in his hand as an arrow, and the steel plate screamed at the ears at a high speed. Even Song Jun sighed. The arrows he fired with a steel bow could not reach this power. . Chu Xiang did not evade, because Zhang Jingyao and Lin stood behind him, and it would be even more impossible for the two female celebrities if they could not reach the steel plate.

Chu Xiang actually has the ability to control the metal, but he is mainly used to break down the iron element to supplement the projectiles for bone-winged shooting, but now that he knows that each of his skills is strong, Chu Xiang decides to throw the corpse king in an instant This steel plate is broken down.

Chu Xiang's energy quickly caught up with the steel plate. I saw that the steel plate quickly melted from the front end, but the steel plate was flying fast, and the effort of blinking reached Chu Xiang's chest. At this time, more than half a meter was not melted, Chu Xiang could not. Don't reach for it! Plopping through, the huge impact brought by the steel plate brought Chu Xiang down, grunting and hitting two rolls on the ground, and was finally stopped by Zhang Jingyao's body.

The corpse king rushed to follow up after a successful hit. A blast of acid sprayed on Chu Xiang and Zhang Jingyao. Chu Xiang deeply taught the lethality of the corpse king acid. Now he can cover the shame except that his pants It is almost the whole body, and the skin is red as ugly as monkey buttocks, and it is irritating, so you must not let this acid hurt Zhang Jingyao.

Chu Xiang crawled up and blocked Zhang Jingyao and Lin in front of him. A mass of water film quickly formed. The acid hit the water film and struck Chu Xiang's body. Chu Xiang's bone spurs rolled back. Zhang Jingyao and Lin were thrown out. A few meters away, alas, the water film was broken by the acid, and Chu Xiang was corroded again. The severe pain made him almost unconscious, but Chu Xiang knew that he must not fall. Otherwise, others will be in danger.

Regardless of whether the ability to control the plant is effective at this time, it can only be used at this time. Chu Xiang urged two rattans to entangle the corpse king again, and the acid on his corpse's shoulder sprayed the roots of the two plants. Chu Xiang only felt energy. After a shock, they lost contact with the two plants, but Chu Xiang did not pause. He had quickly called a thunderbolt, and saw lightning bursts in the sky, clicking, banging, a thunderstorm struck the corpse king's head, shouting, the corpse king's hair was on fire, but this fire was not as good as the corpse king spit out The flames were severe and quickly extinguished under heavy rain. But the loss of hair made the corpse king angry, and its two meat **** suddenly turned quickly. At this time, its body was the center point. Humans in the Mainland were attacked by dozens of meters of acid spilled around!

Chu Xiang used all lightning in the air and rolled rainwater from the ground. A huge mist of water shrouded the corpse king. Those acids were tightly wrapped and could not be radiated outward, but the corpse king continued to spray. Moreover, the force of the jetting ground is stronger than once, impacting the water protection film formed by Chu Xiang outside his body.

Chu Xiang said loudly: "Everyone withdraws! Don't leave any, I can't stand it!"

Zhang Jingyao came to give Chu Xiang energy, and Chu Xiang scolded her severely: "Get out! You can't help me here, but you'll hurt me!"

Chu Xiang never said Zhang Jingyao for a while. But now she even scolded her, Zhang Jingyao felt very wronged, but she was a smart person, knowing that Chu Xiang was afraid she would not leave, and she pulled Lin and Fang Yuxuan and Zhang Jingyao and said: "We will withdraw quickly, if not for us Don't be so jealous! "

Song Jun had already acted, he protected the Chinese to retreat near the dock, because the corpse king's participation in the battle led to the defeat of US forces, and the corpse king gave no new combat instructions to the zombies. Therefore, their attack on the survivors was obviously weakened. Song Jun and Ma Xinghe took the survivors out of the encirclement safely, but Xiao Si was worried that Chu Xiang would not leave.

"I won't go! If I die, I will die with my brother!" Xiao Si yelled and ran behind Chu Xiang. She brought up her corpse control ability to attack the corpse king, and Zhang Jingyao and Lin Jian Xiao Si could only be so determined Leaving first, leaving Chu Xiang less at this moment is less worrying.

puff! All of Chu Xiang's energy was used to suppress the acid of the corpse king, but as time passed, his chest was stuffy and blood spewed out, so the water control ability disappeared instantly, and the scene at this time seemed like a cannonball in a pit. A mass of colorful liquid burst into the sky from around the corpse king. Then with the heavy rain falling down, thankfully the Chinese troops had retreated. Otherwise, almost no one can survive such a mess!

A few thousand Americans remained on the battlefield. A total of more than two thousand people were injured by the liquid, and the wailing sound even surpassed the wind and rain. The scene was tragic. Xiao Si grabbed him when he sprayed blood. ,"brother!"

Chu Xiang stretched out his arms and pressed Xiaosi under his body. The acid fell on his back and sent a hot tingling. Xiaosi was already a big girl. Chu Xiang's body pressing on her chest made her very strange, but Seeing the blood in the corner of Chu Xiang's mouth, Xiaosi was bleeding with heartache.

"Brother, how are you? Does it matter?" Xiao Si reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of Chu Xiang's mouth.

Chu Xiang said: "Hurry up! It's dangerous to stay here!"

Xiaosi said: It is because of danger that I have to stay with my brother and let me deal with this corpse king. My brother raised me and I should repay my brother! I will not regret it even if I die! "

Xiaosi climbed out from under Chu Xiang firmly. At this time, the acid had all fallen to the ground. As the rainwater was washed down the drainage ditch, the corpse king roared and rushed to Chu Xiang, and Xiao Si blocked in front of Chu Xiang again. Send a corpse control idea to attack this corpse king. In fact, Xiao Si herself knew that she couldn't control the zombies, but the first person she saw with her eyes was Chu Xiang. Her life existed for Chu Xiang completely. Although Xiang had encountered danger before, but never before was this dangerous, so Xiao Si could not leave, and if Chu Xiang died, she would also die.

Boom, the corpse king boxed on Chu Xiang ’s chest. Although Chu Xiang bleeds blood, it does n’t mean that his fighting power is gone. His bone spurs stabbed from the corpse king. What I thought of, just that cutting the thing did n’t seem to have a big effect on it. Chu Xiangdi ’s six-bone scabbard pierced into the king ’s eyes, and the other lever attacked the king ’s left axilla. These parts are the body If none of the weaknesses can be overcome from here, there will be no way for Chu Xiang.

After the corpse king flashed Chu Xiang's bone knife, his left axilla clamped Chu Xiang's other stalk knife tightly, and then he punched Chu Xiang's chest again. This punch Chu Xiang could not stand the body like The kite flew out like a broken-line kite. Xiaosi could not control the corpse king and gave up. Seeing the corpse king stepping towards Chu Xiang, she flew in front of Chu Xiang to block the corpse king ~ ~ The corpse king was facing Xiao Si took a slap, Chu Xiang's chest was sulking and strength had not recovered. At this moment, he remembered that he was protecting Xiao Si, but his whole body was weak. He closed his eyes, and the corpse king was so powerful that he was defeated by his own strength. It ’s a bad deal with the United States and Japan. It turns out that these monsters are really not easy to deal with. The reason why such monsters did not appear in China may be that Ho Er was killed earlier. If you let it evolve, it may be so powerful, t virus. What kind of thing is it? Why are so many monsters created? In the final analysis, you are also a monster, but it is not as strange as this zombie.

There was no cruel sound of being cracked, and only a small silk tremor was heard, "What do you want to do? I, I warn you not to play hooligan."

Chu Xiang opened his eyes in a hurry, and saw that something strange had happened. The King of Corpses did not hurt Xiao Si, but he was touching her head! what 's wrong? Have the zombies' wisdom evolved to such a high level that they also have passions and desires?

Xiaosi looked beautiful and pure, and had plump **** and fair skin. It was the object of a man who intended to play * fly *. This zombie might have liked her, but unfortunately, the corpse king had to think about it. Because the following life root has just been cut off, let alone Chu Xiang's death will not make it succeed!


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