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Chapter 326: Corpse King is dead

Chu Xiang was almost bored by the corpse king's punch. He was even more anxious to see Xiaosi being stigmatized by the corpse king again. He desperately gathered a little strength to climb up. He grabbed Xiaosi's arm and hid behind him.

Won't hurt me. "

"What?" Suddenly things changed. Chu Xiang was taken aback. He forgot that Xiaosi could communicate with the zombies, but did Xiaosi know English? It's really a complicated question whether zombies don't speak English.

Xiaosi was silent, perhaps using her spirit to communicate with the corpse king, judging from the expression revealed in the corpse king's eyes, or maybe it was not hostile. Of course, it meant that it seemed very fierce to Xiaosi and Chu Xiang.

I must not hurt you, otherwise I will desperately follow it. "

Chu Xiang said: "It's not your relative, why should I listen to you?"

Xiaosi grinned, "Brother, when will I be joking with you, tell you a really funny thing, this corpse king said that I am a freak of human body and corpse, that I am the only one who can give them zombies Those who bring hope, it wants me to lead the zombies to create a new world. "

Chu Xiang did not dare to laugh, and did not say that his chest was uncomfortable. There was definitely a reason for this corpse king ’s words. He Er was looking for Xiaosi, and there must be a reason for it. Since the corpse king saw Xiaosi, It didn't behave properly. Xiaosi stayed because she loved herself. The corpse king didn't want to hurt her and told her the truth. "Xiao Si, your story may be really strange, because your mother was infected with the t virus when you were born, and your growth process is full of mystery. How can ordinary humans become adults in a few days? You ask this corpse king, what does it want, if it wants to take you away, I will fight to the end if I die. "

Xiao Si turned her head and stared silently at the corpse king. The kind of communication between them was not understandable by humans, although Xiao Si was a special species. However, she has been in contact with human beings, so her characteristics in terms of zombies are much weaker, otherwise, her special body may develop to the present day, perhaps even worse than the King of America.

"Brother, the corpse king told me to follow it, it will teach me all the abilities of the zombies, and then let me be the king of the zombies. Lead the world to build a corpse."

Chu Xiang did not dare to laugh. It is absolutely possible to use high-level zombies' wisdom. Zombies are also considered as a kind of life. Since human beings, animals and plants are considering where to go in the new environment, why are these zombies not? An organization leads them and leads them to create their own world.

It seems that he is afraid of being snatched by the corpse king. Chu Xiang still hid Xiaosi behind him. "Little silk. What do you mean?"

Xiaosi said: "Of course I won't leave my brother. Brother, will you hate me because I am a half-human half-body monster?"

Chu Xiang shook his head: "No. You are my sister. I watched you grow up day by day. No one wants to take you away."

Xiaosi hugged Chu Xiang happily. "I knew my brother wouldn't leave me alone. I told this corpse king. If it gets angry, kill us together."

Ju Chu is now recovering ground energy. Although you can fight with the Corpse King for a while. But this corpse king is powerful. Chu Xiang may still be defeated. But Chu Xiang still said firmly: "Yes. You tell it. Unless I die. No one wants to take you away. If we are not convinced, we will continue to fight."

Chu Xiang clenched his fists and tried to move his chest dullly. Xiaosi communicated with the corpse king. Then Xiao Si said to Chu Xiang: "Brother. This corpse king is very interesting. It says that you are not its opponent. Because the evolution of human land is affected by many external factors. Therefore, the evolution of humans and zombies can maintain a slight balance in the early stage. .But humans will evolve more slowly in the later stages. Strength will not increase greatly. But zombies are different. They have no dedication to devote themselves to evolution. So in the later stage, their evolution speed and ability will surpass humans. Human beings will still be eventually Perish. "

Chu Xiang didn't think the corpse king was arrogant, he recalled that it was not difficult to deal with zombies in the early stage of evolution. However, the later the zombies appeared, the harder it was to kill. Even this time it was defeated by the Corpse King, this is the first time in the battle history of Chu Xiang. It is indeed difficult for human beings to achieve dedicated evolution. The intrigues are sparse and common. Let ’s talk about the trade between Chu Xiang and the Americans. How many intrigues are in them. It is strange that these things affect evolution.

Chu Xiang told Xiaosi: "You tell it, even if I know that it is not its opponent, it will fight hard. Humans will not perish. As a highly intelligent life, humans will find a way to deal with zombies and eventually destroy them. ! "

Even if it wasn't possible to talk about it, the corpse king's face changed. He stretched out his hand to pull the little wire but was cut by Chu Xiang's wrist with a bone wing. As if the lightning strike, Chu Xiang's bone wing did not cut off the corpse king. Wrist, but it cut a small wound, but soon the wound healed.

The corpse king furiously pushed away the small wire that was standing in front of Chu Xiang, and then rushed to Chu Xiang with a fierce attack. Although Chu Xiang was greatly damaged, he was not discouraged to meet the corpse king, and they fought again. Together, the Corpse King hated the bone and wings that hurt him, and almost did not break Chu Xiangdi's bones and wings!

Xiaosi was anxious outside like an ant on a hot pot. The corpse king had just expressed her intimacy to her, but Xiaosi has lived with humans since she was a child. How could she go with the zombies, but it seems as if she did not walk with them. Can not save Chu Xiang, judging from the strength of Chu Xiang, victory over the Corpse King is not sure.

At this time, the US SEAL team finally arrived. A total of ten team members were brought to the battlefield by the teleporter. Once they appeared, they were thundered. The ten team members had ten evolutionary skills. However, the corpse king was not easy to deal with. A burst of flames burst from his shoulders. A seal commando was sprayed. He resisted the flames outside the body with a strong mental force, but it was only a few seconds of work. The earth's mental protection was breached, and the fire was burning fiercely on him.

"Ah ...!" The SEALs struggled painfully in the fire. The rest lost one of the team members when they saw it, but the corpse king didn't plan to let them go. Its acid and flames began to cost money. Spraying outward, the crowd patronized for a while, there was no chance of counterattack.

Chu Xiang has estimated these ten Americans who appeared suddenly, all of them are top evolutionary masters. From the skills they have just used, they look good, but how the first wave of attack just vomited the corpse king. . The next scene was controlled by the corpse king. It no longer fights hard but fights against its strong corrosive liquid and flames. Only a few minutes later, two Americans were sprayed with acid. They seemed to return. Without Chu Xiang's strong body, one guy's entire thighs turned into sensuous bones, and the other guy turned into a skull. Because he didn't invade the brain for a while, he was still not dead, shaking his bones and skulls tightly around the corpse king with a deformed body. This is a dying man who needs to be backed up to create offensive opportunities for his comrades. Americans see Not all timid.

The corpse king's body was entangled, and the acid flame was slightly delayed. The leading American shouted, "Kill! Today it will die or we die, fight!"

These SEALs knew this and were led by the captain. The eighteen weapons once again greeted the King of the Corpses. Although the King of the Corps was still awesome, he always had two fists and four feet. He was defeated for a while. However, none of these attacks can directly kill the corpse king, but anger it again. The corpse king's slam will smash the American deformer who has become a skull into pieces, and the entanglement around it will be released immediately. Another Seeing that the situation was bad, the SEALs suddenly raised their hands and dropped a giant net. The corpse king who had just killed the deformer was entangled again.

The corpse king violently pulled the giant net, and then spit fire, but the texture of this net was burned to the point where it became red and not broken, not to mention that the evolutionary who threw the net continued to throw the wire to strengthen the net from his hand. At the same time, the attacks of other evolutionaries came together, and the corpse king who was hit for a while could not open his eyes.

Chu Xiangming knew that this was an American to pick out, but he would also like to thank these people, otherwise he would not be the opponent of the Corpse King by his own power, and now the evolutionary team will finally suppress the attack of the Corpse King, but Chu Xiang analyzes that the corpse king will not be easily destroyed, and we must think of other ways to deal with it, and do not completely destroy it in case we really let it take the small ribbon.

Chu Xiang tried his skills from the beginning, but he could not kill the corpse king at all. Its corrosive liquid was powerful. Two other American evolutionists were injured. Fortunately, someone formed a storm group around the body of the corpse king, so that the liquid and flames could not be sprayed out temporarily, but it could not last for long. The energy of the corpse king was endless.

Chu Xiang did not find any available weapons when he touched his body. He did not care about revealing his identity and opened the space ring. There were a bunch of weapons in it. He tried to shoot the corpse king and it was invalid. It was powerful. Unless you use large equivalent missiles. However, the actions of the corpse king could not be restrained. Could these people be bombed together? Although there is an automatic tracking system, the corpse king's ability to avoid missiles as soon as the evolver retreats.

Suddenly a square box entered Chu Xiang's sight. It was anti-t virus fluid. Chu Xiang left ten spares in his space ring. In the event of an infection, he should give his hand in time. As soon as Chu Xiang's eyes light up, humans produce Evolution is related to the t virus, and it is not related to the t virus, but the t virus concentration is higher in the body. If the t virus is eliminated in the body, will their energy still exist?

Chu Xiang had an experience, so he was full of confidence in the idea that suddenly came out of his brain. He opened the incubator and picked up five anti-t virus fluids. These ordinary needles could not get into the body of the corpse at all, so Chu Xiang directly The needle was torn off. At this time, the corpse king was about to break through the restrictions imposed by the American evolutionist. Chu Xiang rushed to the corpse king desperately. The corpse king was trapped in the net and was annoyed. He saw someone actively approaching it and hugging it in the future.

Chu Xiang opened his mouth and took a bite on the meat ball on the shoulder of the corpse king. The body ball of the corpse king was a weak point, and it screamed in pain. Alas, Chu Xiang sprayed the two-tube anti-virus solution into the corpse king's throat, and the corpse king coughed. I swallowed the anti-t virus fluid into my belly, but the corpse king didn't care about it. He didn't care about eating or drinking it, even if he dared to eat the poison, he thought Chu Xiang had spit.

Chu Xiang was successful but he didn't dare to carelessly. He knew that the anti-t virus solution had a slow effect from the stomach, so he stabbed the knife on the shoulder of the corpse king, and the meat **** were sprayed with a bunch of acid fluid to Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang closed his eyes to endure the corrosion of the acid solution, and then inserted the anti-t virus liquid into the meat ball of the corpse king. The corpse king kicked Chu Xiang with a painful kick, and Chu Xiang fell into the rain while taking the opportunity The acid was washed away from my body, but my eyes could barely see the object, so I was seriously injured this time.

The Americans shouted at each other. "Quick, the King of the Corpses is hurt! Let's work harder to kill it!"

The meat ball was healed quickly after being cut by Chu Xiang. If it was not for the corpse king to deal with the American evolutionist Chu Xiang, it would not be possible to cut it. However, although the meat ball healed quickly, it was inserted into the support. After the virus liquid syringe was corroded, the r virus began to invade the body of the corpse king.

The corpse king sensed changes in his body, and it made a roar of fear. The American heard the sadness in his voice, thinking that the corpse king couldn't hold it, so he attacked more urgently. The t virus in the corpse king was quickly swallowed up. He looked at Chu Xiang with a bit of resentment, but Chu Xiang's eyesight Obstructed could not communicate with it at all, the corpse king then glanced at Xiaoxi, who was taking care of Chu Xiangdi, and a sudden smile appeared in his eyes.

It was a wise decision that the Americans were so happy. If the Chinese had not consumed the power of the Corpse King before the attack, and the action of the Chinese encircling the Corpse King, their attack would not have worked so quickly. The Americans did not pay attention to the use of anti-t virus solution by Chu Xiang to the Corpse King, but Americans can quickly think about this, and there is no secret, but the production of anti-t virus solution is in the hands of the Chinese, which will restrict the future of the United States. development of.

Just when the Americans thought victory was in sight, the Corpse King suddenly turned back to make a final blow. The sturdy net was torn by the Corpse King, and the Corpse King's majestic body came out of the storm group. The heavy rain poured on it obviously showed that it was prestigious. The Americans' surprise attack failed, and the Corpse King was so imposing. They began to lose psychologically.

The King of Corpses yelled and pulled over an American who was a bee-man with a poison needle on his butt. He was suddenly caught by the King of Corpses and panicked and then rebelled violently. Abdominal cavity. Then a small poison needle with a length of one centimeter grows on the surface of his body skin. The corpse king grabbed the beekeeper's hand and got bloody. From this point, it can be seen that the corpse king's defense was lost a little, otherwise the beekeeper This weapon cannot penetrate it at all.

The King of Corpses shouted again, and the bee-man was torn in half by it! It carried half of the bee-man's body and smashed at the American next to him. The American used a huge hammer. He smashed a hammer against the corpse king. Alas, the bee-man's body was smashed. The hammer kept pounding on the shoulder of the dead king. A meat ball was smashed into a meat paste by a hammer. It may be difficult to recover but the corpse king didn't care. It grabbed the hammer that hit the shoulder. How can Americans have the power of the Corpse King? The hammer instantly took off and then flew back, because the Americans were too close to dodge, alas, the hammer was hitting the head of the American and the brain was flowing. The body without a head shook a few times and fell to the ground.

The corpse king's footsteps were non-stop, two Americans wanted to stop it left and right, and one American had nothing in his hands. I did n’t know when to turn his arm into a sharp long knife. The long knife succeeded. Penetrating into the queen's heart, black blood spurted out, while another American would control the denseness of the object. Under his action, the corpse's body gradually became transparent, as if it could be smashed with a single knife.

Seeing that the corpse king would be successfully killed, the corpse king did not know where the power came from. He held back the long knife that pierced the back of the heart, and clicked. The long knife broke from the shoulder of the American. The American screamed, He fell down on the ground and cried, and the corpse king pulled out the long knife stabbed into the palm of his hand, and plunged it into the heart of another American. The American was attacking the corpse king with all his strength at the moment, and he didn't have much ability to dodge. A burst of blood burst into the chest, and the corpse's body returned to its original color

Two Americans left and ran off. The King of the Dead was seriously injured and might fall to the ground next second, but the dog hurried to jump over the wall and it was likely that he would be killed by a blow before he died. Because of their lives, the two fled desperately, and the corpse king did not pursue, but grabbed Xiaosi in the past.

Chu Xiang was anxious and useless, this time he was seriously injured, his power was almost exhausted, his eyes could not be seen, and the corpse king did not seem to be affected by the r virus. Hearing his footsteps was still so powerful and steady. Doomed to let himself die.

Chu Xiangmo couldn't see Xiaosi's whereabouts, but he heard the footsteps of the corpse king and traced after him. Suddenly, Xiaosi made a cry, "Xixiang, what's wrong with you?" Don't be afraid, my brother will come to save you right away! "

Xiaosi suddenly said, "Don't! Brother, don't come here, it won't hurt me, don't move if you stay there!"

Chu Xiang knew that she and the King of the Dead were similar to each other ~ ~ So Chu Xiang stood on the spot and carefully listened to the signal in the wind and rain. At this moment, it can be said that the day is like a ferry, and Chu Xiang is hanging in the air. He wasn't afraid that he would be destroyed by the corpse king if he lost his energy. He was worried that nothing would happen if the corpse king bit her and wanted to completely transform her into a zombie, or to take her into the corpse and let her be a king and queen. What to do.

Thinking of Chu Xiang's plan to fight this life to save Xiaosi, he tried hard to open his eyes, but couldn't see how the target would attack? Fortunately, it didn't take long to hear the thump sound, and then Xiao Si rushed into her arms. Chu Xiang touched Xiao Si's head. "Xiao Si, how are you, does it matter?"

Xiaosi held Chu Xiang tightly: "Brother, I'm so scared, it, it's dead."

Chu Xiang was relieved. The sound of the corpse king just fell to the ground just now. If he guessed well, the corpse king died after the t virus supporting his powerful body disappeared. This is different from the evolutionary misuse of anti-t virus fluid. Evolvers are humans even after being infected, so they will be normal humans after the t virus is cleared, but after the t virus is cleared, the zombies will be just a dead body. Effective means can strengthen research on weapons in this area in the future.


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