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Chapter 327: Go back home

The storm is still going on, but it has little effect on the people on the warships, but only occasionally heard the sound of machine guns. It is the marine mutants on the deck who shot up the ice, and the marine mutants and the storms. Under the action, American warships were spared except for the aircraft carrier more than ten hours later. Even that huge aircraft carrier had already been occupied half by the mutant sea creatures. Although the Americans reached their wish to kill the Corpse King, they lost a lot in this battle. More than ever.

Xiaosi stretched her waistline. What she was most satisfied with was her skin. Looking at Chu Xiang who was sleeping next to him, Xiaosi happily kissed on his face. I will not promise what corpse king to be, I will always stay with you, you have to take care of me for a generation. "

Chu Xiang's body was severely damaged and his eyes could not be seen. He had been lethargic for more than ten hours. The Chinese at the San Francisco base evacuated to the warship safely. After the storm subsided, they could return to the motherland with the warship. The eschatology team couldn't be happy because their leader was injured and he hasn't awoken yet.

"Brother, the king of the corpse instilled its energy into me before he died, and said that I would lead the zombies to find out, but I will not leave you, you wake up quickly, I want to hear you talk." Xiaosihuo Chu Xiang's hand rubbed on her face.

It seemed that Chu Xiang heard a moan. His hand shook off Xiao Si's face. Chu Xiang laughed suddenly when he encountered a plump mass. His hand was tight and he grabbed the plump mass. It's getting dark, huh, just right, go to bed and sleep with me for a while. "

Xiaosi's body shook. What was Chu Xiang's hand doing? He actually grabbed his chest! Chu Xiang quickly realized that something was wrong, and he let go of his hand a moment, "Well, you're not Jing Yao. Who is it? How could it be in my room?"

"Brother, it's me," Xiao Si's face flushed. Just now Chu Xiang's grasp made her heart pound. Since she was afraid that Chu Xiang would take further action, she hoped that he could continue like this. That kind of complex psychology cannot be described in words.

Hearing Xiaosi's voice, Chu Xiang drew his mouth, "Damn, why not turn on the light. I was unintentional just now. Don't be angry, Xiaosi, my brother treats you like you."

Xiaoxi shook her head and said, "I'm not angry, brother, the light is on."

Chu Xiang froze, "Why can't I see ... Oh, I remember. My eyes were hurt by the acid of the corpse king," Chu Xiang remembered, and the corpse king caught Xiaosi after he was injured. Fortunately, Xiaosi returned unharmed again, and then she fell into a coma and didn't know what happened.

Little Silk opened the door and called in. "Brother is awake, but his eyes still can't look at what. What should I do?"

Everyone squeezed into the cramped room. Greetings continued for a while. More people expressed concern about Chu Xiangdi's eyes. In particular, Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan both cried. Chu Xiang said: "Don't worry about it. My eyes will recover. Is the King of the Dead dead? What's going on outside?"

Song Jundao: "We pulled back to the warship and went back to you. Half-ranched Xiaosi came back to the dock with you behind me. Later I went to see the corpse king. It was dead. Very thorough. Its head was destroyed. Even if it is infected again, it will not be able to be resurrected. The storm is continuing. Wang Bin said that it will stop after two days. At that time we will set off for our country. "

It was learned that Chu Xiang was completely dead. Chu Xiang was relieved. These kings dominate the zombies and they are really powerful. Compared to it, the creeper he encountered before was simply shit. Even the Corpse King has no skills. But its powerful body alone is enough to kill all evolutionaries. And all this is caused by a small t virus.

"What's happening on the American side?" Chu Xiang asked again. He had to pay attention. This is after all in the United States.

Song Jundao: "The Americans have sent us a thank you letter. They said that this time we can get rid of the King of Kings and we will help. We also hope that the relationship between our two countries will not be affected by what happened before. Our future trade exchanges should be Continue to develop healthier and sustainably. The United States is even willing to come up with more favorable terms to cooperate with us. "

Chu Xiang said: "That's good. I don't want to blame the United States. It will be bad for individuals and the country."

Song Jun went on to say: "The Americans no longer mention the secrets of our warships. Presumably, this storm caused anomalous marine mutants. The Americans saw that our warships were still attacked, so they did not plan to obtain technology from us. , But the problem is really difficult, because our sonic repeller really has failed. "

Chu Xiang said: "How fast is the ice melting?" This is a barrier to protect warships from attack, so Chu Xiang is keeping a close eye on this point.

Song Jundao: "The speed has accelerated. If the storm persists, it will burst in the next 2 hours. The Americans are trying to understand the secret of our rapid defrosting, but we did not tell them."

Chu Xiang nodded. He quietly tried his body. It was okay. The energy recovered a bit. If Zhang Jingyao helped, there was no problem to strengthen the iceberg. As for the sonic expeller, it could be re-examined. I forgive that those marine mutants can't do it.

Speaking of seeing her stop talking, Xiao Xiang said, "Do you have anything? Speak up and listen."

Xiaosi said: "Brother, the King of America Corps instilled an energy into my body before he died. It hopes that I can grow up as a leader of the zombies soon. What should I do?"

Chu Xiang had seen the corpse king's strangeness to Xiaosi long ago, but he did not expect that it would instill energy into Xiaosi after being injected with anti-t virus solution. It sounded like this and Xuzhu got the Xiaobei's predominant Beiming. Zhenqi is a bit similar, except that people's fictitious bamboo can be a cow fork, what little Wuxiang magic, Tianshan Liuyang palm, Tianshan Zhemei hand, life and death talisman, Xiaosi seems to be weaker, and the control of zombies is not so smooth, Some leading figures are still out of control, and even higher-level zombies will lose control.

Chu Xiang told Xiaosi: "This battle with the Corpse King made me feel a lot. Zombies are also a kind of life. We cannot deny their existence, and they also have the right to pursue their own future ..."

Xiaosi was shocked: "Brother, wouldn't you want me to be the corpse king?"

Fang Yuxuan laughed: "You are a girl, most of you are corpses. What ’s so bad, let Brother Chu control the evolution of humans, and you control the zombies. Yeah, you two are close together, that sister Jingyao and Shan Sister Shan, what do they do? "

Fang Yuxuan's beaded wall made Xiao Si's face shameless, and she secretly glanced at Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan. When she saw that they were not different, she was relieved. She patted Fang Yuxuan's **** and said, "What's the matter, what are you doing? Make fun of me. "

Chu Xiang said earnestly: "Whether it is the King of the Corpses or the corpses, it is not easy for so many zombies to destroy them, and it is not possible to do so in one year or two. Therefore, these zombies need an effective management method. It's not impossible to turn bad into good. "

Xiaosi said: "Brother, I understand. You mean to let me use this identity to manage those zombies."

Chu Xiang nodded. Everyone also claimed that every day we are tired of fighting zombies. It would be a good thing to manage zombies. Even if it does not benefit humanity, at least less chaos and harm will be avoided.

Xiaosi said, "But I don't know what to do at all. Will those zombies listen to me? Besides, will this let me leave you, I don't want to, I want to stay with my brother ... and my sisters forever Around. "

Chu Xiang said: "In the past, you could not control high-level zombies because of your own energy problems. This time you got unexpected energy. Presumably it will help you to control zombies. Besides, my brother did not want to push you into the zombies. Who rules that zombies are not allowed to live with humans? "

She had hoped to help Chu Xiang do things early, and now the opportunity finally came, and this was the task assigned to her by Chu Xiang, and she would spare no effort to complete it.

The storm stopped two days later. Xie Shanshan sent a farewell message to the United States. The warship thawed and left the inner port. At this time, the inner port was no longer the inner port. The dam used by the United States to cut off internal and external connections had been completely destroyed by the storm. Except for the aircraft carrier standing alone on the sea, no other ships can be seen. The Americans suffered heavy losses, but this is no surprise to others. Natural disasters and corpse disasters can only be considered unlucky, but there is one thing worthy of joy. Eliminated, although the SEAL elite was almost completely lost. But it still deserves great congratulations.

The growth of Xiaosi's strength was verified on the return journey. The control signal she sent made the mutant sea creatures within a few miles away afraid to approach, which was not just a threat of expulsion. Xiaosi can easily control their life and death, compared to the power that the corpse king instilled into Xiaosi before is powerful!

A dozen days later, the warship returned to Yungang Wharf, but Chu Xiangdi's eyes had not recovered. This time, not only Zhang Jingyao and others, but even Chu Xiang himself began to mumble. Ten days of maritime navigation restored his energy. The ground was almost the same. The place where the body was burned by acid and flames began to recover as usual. Even the eyebrows and hairs grew out, but the eyes still could not see the object. Song Jun arranged for people to unload the ship. Zhang Jingyao took Chu Xiang to the Yutai base first. Dean Hao Jianshu inspected Chu Xiang himself, but came to the conclusion that his eyes are okay. As for why he can't look at things, Hao Jianshu doesn't understand. After all, he is just an ordinary doctor, but he is unworthy.佗, flat 鹊.

I have seen Bai Xiaowei, and Bai Xiaowei has no clue about it. After all, she is only a family member and has not done much research on medicine. However, Bai Xiaowei suggested to Chu Xiang: "You can go to Beijing for an examination. The recent rebuilding of the Beijing base is fast, where There are many doctors and the equipment is good. Anyway, you are going to see the chairman, and you just need to treat your eyes. "

Chu Xiang said: "That's the only thing. It's really strange. I obviously think it's not a big deal. Dean Hao checked and said it was fine. Why can't I see it? This **** corpse king, I should really go back Whip Corpse. "

White it helped Xiao Si ’s help, maybe it was just because of the instinct of zombies to fight against humans, Xiao Si ’s strength has been greatly improved, so do n’t complain, I believe your eyes will recover, so it ’s better, save When you come to Beijing to look east and west, I believe no beauty will be interested in a blind, ha ha ... "

In the evening, the scientific research equipment was first returned to the Yutai base. Fang Qian took the assistants to receive the advanced equipment from the United States. This is important for their future production of anti-virus virus. In addition, Haruki Inoue also needs to use these equipment Research on the gene of the species, he has already tried a batch of new wheat in the laboratory. If you succeed, you don't have to rely entirely on the grain stored in the grain depots.

I learned that Chu Xiang was going to Beijing overnight, and the members of the eschatology team who had just returned to China took action again. This time, instead of going to war, they were on vacation. Chu Xiang did n’t know who to let and who was not. The last half of the staff Follow him into Beijing together. This is a disaster for Li Haipeng, but unfortunately Chu Xiang's own teleportation skills have not been restored, otherwise he can carry more personnel.

Today's Beijing has made greater progress than before. If you are in the Fourth Ring Road, you would think that this was the world's heyday. Beijing ’s cadaver work is now world-famous. Other countries have already applied to visit Xi, but there is no transmission of evolution There is no way for the country, because the traffic has not been restored to this day. So far there is no second country like China sailing to the United States. China is now the highlight of the world. At the moment, 5,000 years when the great powers were revealed, it showed its extraordinary strength!

Chu Xiang contacted the Persian cat in advance, the cat sister who had been busy smuggling. Now that the business is getting bigger and bigger, she also said that in the future, she will have the opportunity to hire a teleporter to expand the business to major cities and even countries. Chu Xiang replaced her with a batch of American goods. Around the small villa building in the mainland, this is a regular building with a new real estate license. The building license will be valid as long as the new government does not have a problem. This is where the Yutai base will settle in Beijing.

Chu Xiang, Zhang Jingyao, and Xie Shanshan first arrived. Bai Xiaowei had notified Chairman Hua in advance that a troop truck was waiting outside the villa area. Chu Xiang took Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan to the Military Commission overnight to report to Chairman Hua Fuqiang, and also explained the problem of the sonic expeller. After all, the country had previously decided to buy this property, but it has been proved to be fun Seems to need improvement.

"Xiao Chu, I can see you. Welcome, as soon as you have worked hard, sit down." Hua Fuqiang greeted Chu Xiang's hand enthusiastically.

Chu Xiang's ability to listen to sounds has improved. However, his expression and movements are still a bit different, and Zhang Jingyao needs to be able to guide him before he can grasp Chairman Hua's hand, "Chairman."

Hua Fuqiang saw something wrong, "What's the matter? Xiao Chu, your eyes ..."

Xie Shanshan explained: "Chairman, Chu Xiang's eyes were injured during the war between the U.S. and the Corpse King. I don't want to come to Beijing for a thorough examination and treatment."

Hua Fuqiang said with concern: "It turned out that I immediately arranged for the doctor to prepare for the examination soon."

Chu Xiang said: "Chairman, don't worry. Anyway, I haven't seen anything for more than ten days. I know you want to know about the situation of the United States and his party, let's talk about things first."

Hua Fuqiang is a good chairman. Therefore, Chu Xiang no longer has any resistance to him. Besides, the evolutionist is now full of ground. Chu Xiang does not have to be afraid to be arrested for experiments. Moreover, the country does not have the ability to grasp him now. The evolution team should respect him as a consultant. , He Yaohui, the top leader of the evolution team, is still Chu Xiang's buddy. Chu Xiang is also considered a bull-nosed figure in China.

Vice Chairman Zhang Yibo and Chief of Staff Huo Changfa were also in Hua Fuqiang's office. The two greeted them warmly. Zhang Yibo and Chu Xiang were also old friends. Although there were some minor frictions in the middle because of different opinions, the nature of Zhang Yibo Not bad, and humbly introspected his mistakes, so this does not affect his relationship with Chu Xiang. This person is not soft and hard, and others can respect him if he respects him. Lao Huo has not been in contact with Chu Xiang for a long time, but this person is also more daring, so it is harmonious to communicate with Chu Xiang.

Several people sat down, of course Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan needed to accompany them. Although the talk was confidential, the importance of these two women around Chu Xiang was clear. No one dared to despise them. Chairman Hua Fuqiang said: "I did not expect Xiao Chu to encounter the King of the Americas during this trip to the United States. From the information we have obtained, this zombie is almost invincible."

Chu Xiang smiled. The bitterness inside was only clear to him, and he almost lost his life. In order to deal with the evolutionary elite, the United States only used two people to escape. If it was not his own brainpower, he would fight against the corpse king. Viral solution, maybe the trip to the United States was a tour of the eschatology team, which is not a shame, but it may be wiped out!

Only Chu Jingyao and Xie Shanshan could understand Chu Xiang's bitter smile, but Hua Fuqiang said that the invincible King of America, Xie Shanshan disagreed, and she said, "Chairman, Chu Xiang was killed even more powerfully. Although There are multiple factors in it, but in general it still died under Chu Xiang's hands, so it is not invincible. "

The death of the American King of the Americas was not announced on the Internet. For nothing, they said that Chu Xiang did not let Wang Bin speak out because it would easily expose the strength of the eschatology team. I don't know why Chu Xiang has been uneasy since he learned that the nuclear bomb launch systems in various countries are paralyzed, so when he returned home, he repeatedly told everyone to keep a low profile and try not to show his face until the cause of the nuclear bomb failure has been identified.

It is not unreasonable to think about Chu Xiang's worry. If the nuclear bomb launched by the automatic counterattack on the Internet fails, it can be said that there is a mysterious hacker, but those who launch alone and mobile, even submarine-launched nuclear bombs, have failed. This is by no means a hack, and there must be a mysterious force behind it. But not only the United States and other countries, but Chu Xiang also knows nothing about it, so keeping a low profile is the key to understanding and defeating the enemy. Of course, the premise is that this mysterious force is assumed to be the enemy.

Xie Shanshan's words surprised a few people in Hua Fuqiang: "What? Was the King of the Americas killed by Xiao Chu?" The news was not reported to the country, so Hua Fuqiang just learned.

Chu Xiang said: "It wasn't even killed by me. The Americans also played a big role in this, but we really need to make good use of the anti-t virus fluid in the future, because the death of the corpse king is related to the anti-t virus fluid."

Next, Chu Xiang talked about the situation of the United States and his party, but he did not mention the corpse king and Xiaosidi. Xiaosi was still very simple. She could not let her touch the society too much, even if only some important leaders of the country knew her. Chu Xiang did not want to. Suddenly Chu Xiang felt that he was a bit overbearing, as if to protect Xiaosi as a captive.

Hua Fuqiang and others shouted the thrill, and then Chu Xiang turned the topic to mention the failure of the U.S. nuclear bomb. Hua Fuqiang took a look at Zhang Yibo and Huo Changfa, and slowly said to Chu Xiang: "Thanks to your hacking skills We already know that our country has also been affected. "

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "Chairman, although it is a good thing to ban countries from using nuclear weapons, after all, using nuclear weapons is self-destructing their homes. But I always think it is not easy."

Hua Fuqiang said: "Yeah, we vaguely notice that there is a mysterious force behind them. They don't seem to be under the control of our countries, and they are powerful enough to control everything. We guess they are even watching us and Zombie battles, and at a critical time they blocked out nuclear weapons that we could use to cheat. "

Although Chu Xiang had begun to doubt, he really didn't expect it to be so deep. Hua Fuqiang's analysis immediately made him feel the same, which made him more vigilant. It's just that nothing happened except the failure of the nuclear bomb ~ ~ so it is impossible to understand this mysterious force deeply.

Everyone talked for a while and gave up the topic with no results. Chu Xiang said, "Chairman. This time the US party went to the ground to use the acoustic blaster. It was normal, but because of a storm in San Francisco's inner harbor, marine mutants were affected. The impact has exceeded the limits of the sonic expeller, so this property needs to be improved, and I am afraid that it will not be available to the country for the time being. "

Hua Fuqiang has learned through the Navy that Hua Fuqiang has nodded: "What help is needed? Despite mentioning that although the country was severely affected by all aspects of the disaster, Beijing has recently received a group of scientists, as long as you are fancy Can take away. "

Chu Xiang said: "I'm welcome if you need it."

After the report on the trip to the United States was completed, everyone said some common things. Hua Fuqiang got up and said, "It was originally planned to have a small talk today, but your eyes are important. Let's do an inspection first, and then you can take a good rest for a few days. It must have been a hard time to take a boat. "It is really not enjoyable to take a boat. Besides, Chu Xiang is also anxious to understand his condition, so he accompanied Hua Fuqiang to the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, which is where Zhang Jingyao used to work.


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