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Chapter 330: Enemies of the past

The Central Military Commission held a very small informal secret talks with the chairman Hua Fuqiang, the director of the General Political Department Li Yang, the chief of staff Huo Changfa, and the vice chairman Zhang Yibo.

"Chairman, the Blue Shield shouldn't delegate power to the military region." Li Yang said with some worries.

Hua Fuqiang said: "We should be right to take the military area as a pilot. Encouraging the establishment of evolutionary teams based on the military area will have a cumulative effect on the stability of the whole country in the future. After all, our Beijing base is always limited in strength."

Huo Changfa said: "It is true, but I and Lao are worried that decentralization will give some people an opportunity."

Hua Fuqiang said: "You mean the Yue family, the Zhao family and the Wang family, I see that the intelligence of the Chief Staff Officer has investigated them a lot recently."

Li Yangdao: "Do n’t the chairman feel that they should pay attention to them? This family takes the Yue family as an example. Yue Taigang just gave Sun to the second daughter of Lao Du, and then the Yue family went to the Blue Shield Force in the military region. It's not easy to put people in, lest people say that we don't trust the military region. "

Hua Fuqiang said: "We must believe in Lao Du, who is still more principled. The current task of the country is not to adjust the central structure, but to manage the zombies wholeheartedly, which is important for our future development in China."

Zhang Yibo said, "I agree with the chairman. Yue Tai and my colleagues have been around for decades. Apart from being a bit stingy, he has no major problems. Furthermore, Lao Du has always been ours, and we still have the evolution team. Deterrence, no one dares to be foolish. "

Li Yangdao: "In short, the evolutionary army is a double-edged sword. We cannot despise it. If we use it well, we can benefit the country and the people. If we don't use it well, we will be troublesome in the end."

Huo Changfa said: "I think it is possible to enlarge the power of the Ministry of National Security's evolution team, and they are responsible for managing the work of the various evolutionary forces below. Didn't the central government have this proposal before?

Hua Fuqiang groaned: "Separating the evolutionary group of the Ministry of National Security is something to be done sooner or later, but Commander Du Chengen's report has been approved by our military commission. It is a bit unreasonable to reclaim the management of his Blue Shield from the military region to the central government. It was easy to hurt Du Chengen's face and make him think the central government was suspicious of him. "

Everyone thinks so. So they were anxious. Hua Fuqiang smiled: "Look what you all worry about. Isn't it that Vice President Yue Tai has inserted some people into the Blue Shield? I also plan to promote the Blue Shield model of the military area to other military areas. If After the first step is not good, things cannot be done later. "

At this moment the Yue family. Easily faceless, Yue Tai appeared in the living room. Yue Lun and Yue Ting sat honestly opposite each other. Yue Tai lit a refined cigarette. Tobacco in Beijing is a luxury. With the intensification of land consumption and tobacco leaf production discontinued. The price of this extravagant land will rise even higher in the future.

"How is the situation of the Blue Shield troops?" Yue Tai spit out a smoke ring contentedly. It was really fortunate to be able to take the Yue family to escape the t virus riots. Yue Tai also germinated the idea of ​​carrying forward the Yue family. God gave the opportunity not to cherish that it really lives up to it. Now he has entered the sequence of Vice Chairman of the Military Commission. This is a big step forward.

Yue Ting said, "Grandpa rest assured. The instructor and captain and the five squad leaders are all our natives. As for the following evolutionaries, we are in the process of screening. We must definitely ensure that everyone is rooted."

Yue Tai nodded: "The evolutionary force is the main force in the future world. It must not be taken lightly. But it is also because there are many people staring at them. Therefore, you must not be low-key and careful."

Yue Ting answered, "I know grandpa."

Yue Tai asked again, "Xiaoting, are you okay with Du Jia Erya?"

Yue Ting said, "Grandpa rest assured, that little girl is very good at dealing with me. Now I have a lot of trouble with me, Commander Du has also specifically talked to me these days, saying that my performance made him very happy."

Yue Lun said: "This old Du, he has some uncertainties. Dad, can we bet on him?"

Yue Tai said: "I have to do this. Look at the strength of the external military region, which is stronger than the military region. Besides, they are all independent now. We want to get involved and we are powerless. In the face of tens of millions of zombies, there is no powerful army. Can't do it, so my local needle is based on the evolutionary forces, using them to control the ordinary troops below, and then achieve our goals. "

Yue Lun said, "But I tried Du Chengen a few times. He always um, um, ah, it is his duty to say that he is loyal to the country. I still see him swaying. This kind of wall grass is really hateful."

Yue Tai took a sip of smoke: "Since Du Chengen promised to marry, he would win our Yue family. Probably he is also waiting for us to open the conditions. Such people don't have to worry. When it is critical, he can give him some medicine. Are there any other things between the Zhao family and the Wang family recently? "

Yue Ting said: "I have been in frequent contact with Zhao Fei and Wang Lei recently. From their analysis, the Zhao family and Wang family still have great respect for us, and it is easier to get their support."

Yue Tai said: "Your offspring are uncomfortable. Yue Lun, you still have to run and walk around with the Zhao family and the Wang family. I can see everyone further."

Yue Lun said: "I know my father, I will work hard."

Yue Tai waved his hand, "Go ahead, go ahead. The training of the Blue Shield forces must be carried out in time to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible."

Yue Ting said, "I will urge them. That weird Dongxie likes to play with women the most. I have already inserted a few eyeliners around him, and then just blow a blow."

Yue Ting left the house and went straight to the Blue Shield training camp in the Fourth Ring Road. As his instructor, he was also considered the second leader. It ’s really evil. Yue Ting thinks the funny thing is the sack film on his head. It looks as if he has no face to see people. To be ugly is to have a public face. According to him, this mystery is more likely to cause a psychological shock to the opponent, whether it is true or not, as long as he can calm down the fifty evolutionaries.

One day of training was over. Dong Xie came into the office wearing a sack film, and the two eyes revealed from the gap showed that the man was treacherous inside. "Teacher Yue, I'm off work."

Yue Ting pulled Dong Xiedao: "Don't rush back, let's go to the restaurant for two drinks." Because the military region has strict orders, the trainees are strictly prohibited from going out, so they can only go to the army restaurant to eat, and say that the food outside is not as good as the army .

Dong Xie laughed: "That feeling is good. Instructor Yue is most concerned about me. To be honest, if you are not here, I can't stay in this bird place for a day."

Yue Ting laughed and said, "Captain Dong has given me a face." No one knows what Dong Xie's name is, so everyone is used to calling him Captain Dong. The destruction of the household registration system makes everything have to start again, even if Dong Xie was before Murderers can also repent.

Soon four dishes were served on the table, and there were two bottles of Wuliangye, and two women soldiers were responsible for adding wine. I am afraid that the enjoyment of this table outside can be worth a few pounds of gold, and some things are worthless.

After a few glasses of wine, Yuyue Ting and Dong Xie let go, and the two talked aloud and slowly shifted to the woman who loves them. Yue Ting pulled the female soldier who added wine to her, grabbed his hand on the female soldier's chest, and he said to Dongxie, "Dong brother. You're welcome. These two are my people. You can enjoy them."

Dong Xie discarded the sack film, took the other female soldier into her arms, and grabbed the female soldier's **** with a big hand. "Okay, Yue Shao is really interesting. I will follow you to eat fragrant and spicy food. What can I tell you to say?" "

Yue Ting said: "East Brother is talking seriously. I just want to enjoy this beautiful life with Dong Brother. Everyone supports each other. Where can I tell you not?"

Dong Xie laughed: "I love listening to you. Do n’t you just enjoy yourself while you are alive. We do what we want to do. We are willing to save people and become saviors. If we are unhappy, we will kill people. Want to control us! "

It is no wonder that Dong Xie is suddenly and suddenly evil. He originally did things on his own. The so-called saving people is just a happy mood, but his words are quite to Yue Ting's thoughts, coupled with Yue Ting's original intention to win the reputation, so there is a feeling of hatred in the two.

Dong Xie is the captain and Yue Ting is the trainer. These two are the minds of today's Blue Shield troops. In this training camp, the two of them are heavenly, and they are naturally unscrupulous in their actions. In addition, they are also unscrupulous with a drink . Under the leadership of the East evil land, the two stripped away the female soldiers in her arms. Then hey smiled and pressed on the table to start making.

Honestly, the relationship between the two people could not help but get closer, and the conversation became more decisive. Dongxie grunted, "Brother Yue, do you know what was the happiest thing I encountered last time?"

Yue Ting hasn't been a girl for a long time since she left the hospital's flower Xiaoyan, and it's quite a fart to borrow alcohol tonight. "Dong, I guess it must be a woman."

Dong Xie gave a thumbs up: "Great, Brother Yue really is a dragon and a phoenix among people. Such things can make you guess."

Yue Ting thought that your virtue is not about playing with women. You may not take it into your heart, but Yue Ting still said: "I and Dongge have a tacit understanding. In the future, we can cooperate and develop a great world."

Dongxiedao: "That's natural. In fact, I haven't been so happy for a long time since the virus raged. The last madness was in my home county. You may not believe it when I said it. I was actually a small worker on the county construction site at that time, but One day he took a strange heterodyne and went to the county hotel with a few small workers to play women. "

Yue Ting motioned and said, "Dong brother, the hero doesn't ask about his low birth, what happened to the small workers on the construction site, and he will be a general in the future!"

Dong Xie squeezed the chest of the female soldiers dangling everywhere and said, "I will leave it to you with Brother Yue to caress for my future, but today we still talk about my affair, and I will not be a virgin at that time. When I was a little free, I also found a lady in the county seat, and even secretly maintained a relationship with the two women in the village. I also played with my sister. I ’m not afraid that you know. It ’s the night that I ’ve dragged someone into the dark and forced myself to study in the dark. Yes, don't say, there was no one to report, but these were not surprising. The woman who invited us to play that night was a figure with a face and face in our county. Although he disguised himself, I still recognized him. He was with us. One of the government officials. "

Yue Ting laughed, "Did this guy ask you to help sowing?"

Dong Xie laughed and said, "Don't say anything that made Brother Yue right, that girl turned out to be his girlfriend! And his boyfriend just watched us line up on his girlfriend one by one. At that time we Several people were as excited as being beaten with chicken blood, and his girlfriend was given a lot of aphrodisiac drugs, leaving us to toss all night. The frantic stimulus made me remember now that I still couldn't help but shake my body. . "

Yue Ting snorted secretly in her heart, she has never seen the world, "East brother, I have the opportunity to help you organize it and let you re-experience some omissions."

Dong Xiedao: "The state of mind is different, and the intense stimulus at that time was by no means a matter of intentional arrangement. However, I did n’t know what happened after that. It turned out that the girl was indeed the girlfriend of a male official, just this The family situation of the man was suddenly promoted, and he was not allowed to come and go with this woman, but he couldn't get rid of the girl, so he came up with such a spiteful trick. Afterwards, the girl woke up and committed suicide, and the man made arrangements early. Put that thing away from him. I and the other little worker got a lot of sealing fees and went away, and I still remember the girl ’s name, I wish Xiaochun. It is really beautiful, but a pity ... "

Huh, Dong Xie and Yue Ting collapsed at the same time. The two hugged their respective women and leaned on the table. Suddenly there was a bang outside. Dong Xie's eyes flashed. He quickly put on his clothes and put on sackcloth. ,"Who!"

Standing outside the door was Zhang Debing, who was so angry that he was sent by the second monitor to send a fax to Yue Ting. The military region sent an expedited document that required Yue Ting to sign for it. However, I did not expect to encounter Yue Ting and Dong Xie playing women in it. Zhang Debing was not good to go in this way, but it was impossible to return without success. He could only wait outside. However, who knows that after waiting to hear Zhu Xiaochun's name, this is undoubtedly a thunderbolt.

Zhu Xiaochun is his childhood friend, but forced to deal with a cadre brother due to external pressure. Sadly, Zhang Debing went to be a soldier. Who knew that it didn't take long to receive a letter from his family saying that Zhu Xiaochun was ashamed to commit suicide after committing adultery, and then later heard that the man had married an official daughter of a county official. And now Qingyun goes straight up

Bang, Zhang Debing smashed a large hole in the concrete wall in the corridor. Xiaochun didn't commit adultery. At that time, he did not believe this reason, and even took time off to investigate. But all evidence shows that Xiaochun did commit suicide. Before the suicide, he had had that relationship with other men. No injuries on his body indicated that he did not resist at the time. She was willing to have a relationship with a man, so she was classified as adultery, but she never thought it would be the case.

"Zhang Debing! Why are you here?" Dong Xie knew Zhang Debing, who was in the second class, and he felt relieved.

Zhang Debing bit his teeth as much as he could, and even his mouth was thin. "I wish you Xiaochun, right?"

Dong Xie looked at Zhang Debing and said, "Oh, do you know her? It seems like you were playing with her that night without you."

"I killed you!" Zhang Debing yelled at Dong Xie, he was almost crazy, he didn't even consider playing Dong Xie.

But who is Dong Xie, he is absolutely sure to kill Zhang Debing in one shot! However, he could not do this, because Zhang Debing was a registered soldier, and he was also a member of the Blue Shield. If he had a length or two, he must give a just and reasonable reason, so Dong Xie only snorted, and Zhang Debing's body was Fly out as if being hit by a shell.

Bang, Zhang Debing crashed into the wall and crashed the wall that had just been punched out. When he got up again, Yue Ting had called for the guards to catch him. These guards were not covered. They were also masters of evolution, so Zhang Debing couldn't resist, but his eyes burst and bleed when he was angry, and Yue Ting and Dong Xie looked a little scared.

"What's going on?" Yue Ting didn't understand yet. "Zhang Debing, are you suffering from neurosis?"

Zhang Debing yelled, "*, I will never kill you if I don't kill you!"

Dong Xie waved his hands. Yue Ting knew that the matter could not be on the table. He winked at the guards. The guards chopped his head behind Zhang Debing, so Zhang Debing passed out. Fortunately, he passed out. Otherwise, it would be possible for him to get angry and go into the devil. , Yue Ting said: "Even if there is something Dongge said, these people are my confidants, and they have always followed me to be absolutely reliable."

Dong Xiedao: "I wish Xiaochun a relationship here. Hey, this world is really small. What happened in our county was not expected to happen again in Beijing, but he wanted to kill me? Give him ten years to evolve. May not catch up. "

Dong Xie is not bragging ~ ~ Zhang Debing left the eschatology team earlier, so his evolution is much weaker. In addition, he is not a skill evolver, and his lethality is a little weaker. The title of Dong Xie can be It's not that the name is not savvy. His strength is by no means as simple as a. I'm afraid that it is possible to approach the s level. He only attacked the evolutionist Zhang Debing with a humming sound. Zhou Muqing could not reach this level.

Yue Ting didn't expect things to happen so well, but he knew Zhang Debing's strength, and he knew he was only a small soldier, so Yue Ting relaxedly said, "I thought it was a big deal. What would Dongge want to do with this? Get it done, fire him, or kill him. "

Dong Xiedao: "He has a military membership in the military region. There must always be a good reason for him not to let him go out and talk. Although we may not be afraid of him, but Beijing ’s system is recovering quickly. Evolution group, we need to have one even if we are arrogant. "

Yue Ting admires Dong Xie's so clear thinking, "Dong Brother, I really don't see it. You think about the problem so carefully and pridefully. This matter is left to me to handle, absolutely let Dong Brother Satisfied and assured, just a small soldier, I think there are suitable reasons to kill him, will not let him affect Dongge's reputation. "


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