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Chapter 331: Develop weapons

Although Yu Xiang's eyes were not visible at the Yutai base, the five-color liquid helped him evolve an induction ability, so now he walks freely, but always looks weird wearing large pair of sunglasses.

The Chinese brought back from the United States have been settled. Most of them have stayed inside the base through the test. Especially, several scientists from Dong Laowei have greatly increased the scientific research strength of the Yutai base, and Dong Lao has assisted Chu Xiang to improve the sound wave. Deporter, now remembering that it was really worth the risk to bring these people back.

"Captain Chu, new sonic expellers have been produced, but we lack the experimental grounds here, look ..." Elder Dong said respectfully to Chu Xiang. It is an unfortunate blessing that these people can escape from the dead and return home. Therefore, they are deeply grateful to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang's voice said with some excitement: "Really? It's finished so soon. You know that the improvement can be great. Now it's not only the eviction, but also the sonic killing function."

Dong Laodao: "How can we not be concerned about Captain Chu's tight stuff? All the performances discussed previously are available, and we have increased the power supply system to make the sound wave excitation part stronger, lethality and lethality range in theory. It's a little bit stronger. "

Chu Xiang said with excitement: "Well, I will immediately take someone to the Yungang warship for experiments. If it succeeds, I will give you a lot of work."

Dong Lao Dao said, "These people who we can reclaim are all Captain Chu. You are desperate to rescue each other, and here we have to eat and live without worrying about safety. It doesn't matter what works."

Indeed, fame and fortune in this end-time are sometimes worthless, but not as good as a pack of instant noodles. Chu Xiang got two samples and rushed to the Yungang base on the same day, where several warships were anchored, and new sonic destroyers were installed and sailed to the deep sea. Of course, Chu Xiang and Xiaosi were to follow, so as not to accidentally Two warships were destroyed.

"A large number of mutant sea creatures have been found in front of you, please give instructions!" The communications soldier reported to the captain.

The captain asked Chu Xiang for advice: "Advisor Chu, whether to turn on the sonic destroyer." In order to verify the effect, the sonic destroyer has not been turned on. Because Chu Xiang and Xiao Si are on board, don't be afraid to go wrong.

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "Wait a minute, get closer and drive again, try how close the killing effect is."

The captain looked at Chu Xiangdi's eyes. Worrying about the tunnel: "But I see that there are a lot of marine mutants on the radar. In case the lethality fails, our warship ..."

Xiaosi comforted the captain and said, "Relax, Captain. Are you still unsure of my brother's strength? Besides, there is me."

The captain no longer squeaked. He went to the United States with Chu Xiang. To be honest, he admires Chu Xiangdi's strength. Just seeing Chu Xiangdi's eyesight did not recover. He had to do so out of military caution. Because he knew that Xiaosidi was not weak. It is even better than Chu Xiang in controlling and driving marine mutants.

"Open!" Xiao Si communicated the outside information to Chu Xiang in time. Chu Xiang finally ordered the sonic drive to be turned on just before the marine mutants rushed to the ground. The crowd felt only a shake from the sea water. Then the number of marine mutants on the radar miraculously decreased. Marine mutants outside the killing area fled.

The officers and men on the warship cheered. It's not just evictions. After all, eviction is just a threat. In case those marine mutants do not eat this set, it is still possible to attack the warship. But this time the sonic expeller has been upgraded. It is right to say it is a sonic weapon now. With it, you are not afraid of marine mutants rushing forward regardless of intimidation. Come and kill one.

The news of victory came back to Yutai base and back to Beijing. Chairman Hua Fuqiang personally sent a congratulatory message. Chu Xiang was also invited to the Beijing base to discuss mass production of the second-generation sonic eliminator tonight. In addition, it is hoped that Chu Xiang will be able to inspect and guide the newly formed ground shield forces of the military region on behalf of the National Evolution Group.

Chu Xiang announced his plan at lunch together at noon. He met Chairman Hua in Beijing in the afternoon and stayed at the Beijing base for the night. The main task this time was to confirm with the chairman the effect and mass production of the second-generation sonic eliminator Time and the price of the equipment purchased by the state, as for the inspection of Chu Xiang by the Blue Shield Special Forces, it is not interesting, and then let He Yaohui walk on the scene on his own behalf.

Song Jundao: "Chu Xiang, I think you should take a trip to the Blue Shield."

Nan Ruolan told Song Jun: "You, have you forgotten that Captain Chu's eyes are not good. Let him inspect any Blue Shield troops. Besides, it is a military division, and the evolution team should not interfere."

Song Jundao: "You don't understand what I mean. There is an acquaintance in the Blue Shield. I let Chu Xiang go not to inspect but to see an old friend."

Chu Xiang said for a moment: "An acquaintance?"

Song Jundao: "Yeah, listen to Wang Bin saying that the German soldiers have been drafted into the Blue Shield. We are old friends we played together. I have missed him for so long."

Chu Xiang suddenly realized: "It turned out to be a German soldier. I don't think I thought he was still in the army. So it is imperative to see the Blue Shield. It's good to meet old friends. If anyone is fine at night, go together. Let Hai Peng work harder. In the afternoon, I discussed the second-generation destroyer with the chairman. In the evening, we went to the training camp of the Blue Shield, just in time to have dinner with the German soldiers. This guy doesn't know what is going on. "

Everyone had no comment on Chu Xiang's proposal, so they signed up. Li Haipeng was already full, and in the end he ate an extra bun, saying that he was afraid of lack of energy. Dong Lao is sitting next to Chu Xiang. He is a hero of the second-generation Sonic Destroyer. Chu Xiang awarded him a prize. It is a small villa, plus a large number of shopping vouchers. This internal shopping voucher is used to restrict the purchase of some Intensive businesses, such as tobacco and alcohol, and small appliances.

Dong Lao groaned while holding a tea cup: "Captain Chu, I'm a bit immature when it comes to Li Haipeng's transmission."

Chu Xiang said: "Oh, what did Dong Lao think about, and talk quickly."

Dong Laodao: "It is really convenient to use the evolutionary to transmit, but the amount of transmission is always limited. If we master the space transmission technology, I think it is possible to mechanize this skill. At that time, we can come anywhere on the earth. Going free will also be of great benefit to improving future world traffic. "

Chu Xiang said: "Is this technology realistic? I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve with our technological level."

Dong Laodao: "It's man-made. We don't try to know how to do it. Actually, I was already demonstrating space transmission technology as early as in the United States. These days, I have been inspired by contacts with Comrade Li Haipeng. If there is enough Maybe this thing can be done. Previously, space transmission technology could only be imaginary, and now someone can do it. We can fully simulate bionic reverse research, as long as kung fu deep iron rods are ground into needles. "

Chu Xiang felt that the United States and his party did not pull back a few container weapons. The biggest value was the old Dong around him. His arrival successfully solved the problem of the sonic destroyer. Not to mention, it is now necessary to carry out space transmission technology research, and they are still confident Success, God is not thin to treat yourself, there is such a strong relationship between people to help Yutai base is not strong.

"Elder Dong, how much research funding you want is open. I will be responsible for the lack of equipment. If this can really be a success, you will be the future vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences at Yutai Base." Chu Xiang dare not promise the hospital Long, that's the position of Bai Xiaowei. At that time, the vice president will have no problem in ranking one or two.

Dong Lao was originally a scientific researcher. You are not used to leaving him idle. He is very happy to receive the support of Chu Xiang. He is very happy. "Captain Chu is assured, I will try my best to do this, and the sonic drive Actually, you can do land and air production. "

Chu Xiang was very interested, "Oh, land and airborne? Mr. Dong explained in detail. I found that you are a wizard, one after another, you have to do scientific research supplies in the rear, we do n’t think it ’s powerful. , It ’s a mistake for Americans to keep you in the ordinary Chinese circle. "

Dong Lao said modestly: "This is what I should do, and even this is not enough to reward your captain Chu's life-saving grace. Let's see how I envisioned it. The sonic excitation system you designed in the early stage was quite successful. The reason why I was so fast Making an improved model also depends on the foundation laid earlier. Now we only need to improve the sonic frequency to apply it to land, which is a powerful sonic weapon. If it is reduced in size and weight, it will be installed in the aircraft at that time. It can effectively drive and kill attacking flying creatures and achieve the purpose of restoring air traffic. "

Chu Xiang said: "It seems that you only need to make improvements if you keep saying this, that is to say, you can get the production out soon. Then, shouldn't we go sideways in the future?"

Dong Lao continued: "We can also strengthen the land-based launch power, using armored tanks as launch vehicles, and it will not be impossible to sweep the zombies at that time. Even t4 will not stop it from shaking."

Chu Xiang held up his wine glass and said piously, "Dong Dong. Let me toast you!"

Dong Lao hurriedly said, "Don't, don't. Here you let me realize my own value. I should also thank you."

Chu Xiang rushed into Beijing with excitement, and President Hua Fuqiang praised after watching the experiment in Beihai, "Xiao Chu, you have created another miracle. How can I thank you for that?"

Chu Xiang grinned, "Chairman, we ca n’t provide our troops for free, we have to give us some benefits." Chu Xiang is also a layman, and people do n’t want to be destroyed by nature. They want to survive better in the last days. We must make good use of all the resources around us, dig deep holes and store grain, and prepare for war and meet challenges.

Hua Fuqiang laughed: "I knew that you would not be so kind when you were young. I have promised to use the arsenal of the ownerless land as your weapon. What are your requirements? As far as I know, you do n’t lack food now. It is said that all your vegetables are in the Beijing base, but it is not convenient to transport and has not formed a scale. "

Chu Xiang said: "We do not need to increase weapons a lot, we are not short of food, and we can even use surplus to supply the market, including vegetables can be shipped to the Beijing base, but only if the chairman wants to approve us between the bases, It even trades internationally in the name of the Chinese government. "

Hua Fuqiang said for a moment: "It's that simple?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yeah, otherwise would you add something to me?"

Hua Fuqiang thought for a while and thought, "It seems that I can't come up with anything worth seeing in your eyes. This year, I told you that a senior official, Hou Lu, is completely deceived. Besides, you are not uncommon, well, if you really can When shipping to various bases, I will send notifications to the bases in the name of the central government, allowing you to operate legally and need to deal with foreign countries. As soon as you submit a report, we will review and approve it. By then, you will do transactions with foreign countries on behalf of the country.

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, let's make a decision, but the cost of these sonic expellers must be borne by the country. We will take the raw materials we need from all over the country. When the time comes, do n’t say that we dig corners. . "

Hua Fuqiang said very generously: "Use it casually, anyway, those things outside can not be returned with our current ability. Sex gives you personal affection, but besides the ocean, can you restore land transportation?"

Chu Xiang said: "Maybe even air traffic will be restored at that time, you just wait and see."

Hua Fuqiang was shocked. He would not dare to listen to Chu Xiang's words. If he did, then China would be at the forefront of the world in this post-disaster start!

Chu Xiang said: "Chairman, first report to you our first sale of foreign real estate, sonic repellers."

Huafu was astonished: "What? Xiao Chu. Are you confused! Is there a shortage of food at the Yutai base? Is there a shortage of money, the country provides you! We are not black-hearted and selfish, but now is not the time to sell sonic expellers to foreigners. China We must take this opportunity to rise up and once other countries also resume maritime traffic, this will pose a great threat to our country! "

Chu Xiang said: "Chairman, you may not know something in some cases. According to my information, Japan is also about to complete the research on the sonic expeller. The United States also seems to have such a plan. Launched the sonic ouster, the future world ouster market will be monopolized by other countries. Since we cannot monopolize this technology, it is better to take out some food or weapons and scarce supplies. "

Hua Fuqiang still reluctantly, Chu Xiang said: "I just forgot to explain that I said that the local sales of foreign products are first-generation models. As for the second-generation models, we will not let them get them when there is no breakthrough progress in Japan and the United States. Produced. "

Hua Fuqiang knows that the first-generation production only has the ability to expel, and it will be invalid when encountering the marine mutant biological riots. Since foreigners have achieved certain results in this regard, it is really clever to release the first-generation model before they produce it. Act of.

"Hehe. You didn't say that you were really taken aback. I just said, how can you be greedy for money with your decent personality? Selling a generation of property is conducive to increasing our country's influence on the world and solidifying our Position in the new world pattern, well, I support you. "

Chu Xiang said: "Since the chairman has no opinion, I can do it. As soon as the news is released, the online order will fly like snowflakes. I will send them a few samples at that time. Let them sail to our country. Transaction. It's their business if there is a risk. Let's just collect the money. "

Chairman Hua nodded. "In terms of administration, the country will keep pace with you. By then we will communicate more. Right, what about the anti-t virus solution now?"

Chu Xiang said: "The output is increasing and the prices are high enough. We have decided to deliver goods to individual countries, but the transaction conditions are valuable materials, including antiques, especially our country's overseas land features. I also hope that The chairman can approve us to deal with things that come back on our own. "

"This ..." Hua Fuqiang was hesitant, but eventually said: "Well, I will convince other comrades in this matter. No matter what antiques are left at Yutai Base, it is actually the same as Beijing. Instead, they will stay at Yutai Base. It ’s safer. By the way, Chu, do you need an expert in material identification? Now what you ’re doing is true. Do n’t be a foreign ghost. ”

Chu Xiang laughed: "Relax, Chairman, I have experts in this area to ensure that I won't be deceived. Besides, they dare deceive me but have no good fruit."

Chu Xiang agreed to use antiques in exchange for He Birou. Otherwise, those things ca n’t be eaten or used. For Chu Xiang, it ’s better to get some bullet weapons, but He Birou opened his mouth and Chu Xiang agreed, anyway, resisted t There are some virus solutions, and they cannot be re-immunized. At that time, they are not afraid that they will not buy them for the second time. After all, they will dig out their pockets!

After discussing with Chairman Hua, the official event Chu Xiang said, "Chairman, I plan to go to the Blue Shield."

Hua Fuqiang yelled, "Oh, why are you anxious, you are reluctant to be on the phone in the morning."

Chu Xiang said embarrassedly: "In fact, I have a private mind, because there is an old friend in the Blue Shield, I went to see him by the way, and everyone got together."

Hua Fuqiang said: "That line, I will arrange it. I will send you a car to the military division in a while, and Commander Du Chengen will accompany you to Lan Dun to guide you."

Because of the eagerness to meet Zhang Debing, Chu Xiang no longer stayed. After converging He Yaohui, Hua Fu Qiang sent a car to send them to the Military Command ~ ~ and then received the inspection by Du Chengen. It said that Chu Xiang was an evolutionary group Consultant, it is not too much to use patrol guidance.

Du Chengen and Chu Xiang are also old acquaintances. The two drove straight to the training camp inside the Fourth Ring Road. After receiving the news, Yue Ting and Dong Xie lined up to meet at the Yingmen gate. Looking at the dark clouds on Yue Ting's face, he knew that he was uncomfortable, but the Blue Shield had not yet formed a combat force. At present, he can only stand it.

"Ha, consultant Chu, we met again, don't know if your eyes are okay?" Yue Ting saw Chu Xiang get out of the car and he stepped forward and hit ha ha.

Chu Xiang said: "Thank you for your blessing, and it's okay recently. Seeing the big sunglasses Yueting on Chu Xiang's eyes, Bacheng knows that Bacheng is not a show. He participated in the whole process of Chu Xiang's eye inspection that day. This disease is very weird, obviously The eyes are okay, but they just can't see it. It is estimated that this generation can only be blind, a blind evolutionary, think about where it won't be too bad, Yue Ting's mind was slightly out of breath.

Chu Xiang can't sense the appearance of people, so the question was sent by He Yaohui, "Well, are the members of the Blue Shield forces here?" For the evolution team that inspected and guided the work in the name of the Central Military Commission, the Blue Shield forces used it. After the high welcoming ceremony, all team members lined up for review.


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