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Chapter 335: Fighting East Evil

Du Chengen brewed after a while, and then said, "Chu and Chu consultants, this East evil was recommended by both Yue Lun and Yue Tai's father. I don't really know his details. I can't think of such a thing, sorry, sorry. what."

Of course, Du Chengen could not say that he would seize Dong Xie to take revenge for Zhang Debing, because he knew that he did not have this ability, and Chu Xiang did not care. He did not expect Du Chengen to help. As for who Dong Dong recommended, It doesn't matter, what's important is where he is.

Chu Xiang asked Song Jun: "Why didn't He come back yet, did he fight?"

Zhang Jingyao said: "Be assured, Xu Huai and Wang Shaohui have rushed over, even if they fight, they will not lose money."

While talking about this, He Yaohui rushed back with Xu and Wang. "Chu, Yue Ting's little one ran away. We didn't find him in the whole training camp."

Chu Xiang said: "Then Dong Xie, the German soldiers have been rescued, Dong Xie, the thief must be caught!"

Dong Xie didn't actually run, even he didn't even think of running away. In his name, if he ran secretly, it was shameful. Besides, he didn't value Zhang Debing at all. It will not be deep, those people will leave without waiting for Zhang Debing.

At this moment, Dong Xiezheng was hiding in the room and drinking. He was very depressed. He was free in the small base below. He couldn't stand the temptation and came here to eat others. First, Yue Ting pressed himself. Now two People are not bad, the relationship has been greatly improved, but there is another national evolution group, they even want to use the name of the military commission to suppress themselves, their own grand name must look at others' face, this is simply angry people.

After drinking the wine from the glass, Dong Xie began to think about solving the immediate issue. Yue Ting was now afraid to run away, but Zhang Debing took care of it in his own hands, so he didn't have to be afraid to escape. Wang Xie and Li Si's ability Dong Xie absolutely believe that since the other party knows Zhang Debing, no matter how deep the friendship is, Zhang Debing must not be allowed to see them. Otherwise, Zhang Debing must talk nonsense.

It seems that only an easy-to-read evolver becomes Zhang Debing to deal with it first. Anyway, the evolution team cannot stay here long, and I will talk about the future. Thinking of Dongxie here, he got up. In his opinion, it was no big deal to kill Zhang Debing, but it was more troublesome to deal with the above inspection. After all, it was about his own future. Originally, Yue Ting promised that he would get it done, but now It seems that guy is a prisoner without seeds, and this matter has to be solved by himself.

Before the phone rang out of the room, Dong Xie grabbed and heard it turned out to be Yue Ting. He couldn't help angrily and said, "Brother Yue. You suddenly disappeared. What do you mean, do you still consider me a brother? I don't care, those leaders I ’m eating in the restaurant. It ’s your responsibility not to be responsible for entertaining future problems. ”

Yue Ting said, "East brother. I have a problem. I am not an evolutionary. I am afraid of seeing those people. So you are responsible for the hospitality. In addition, I will tell you to quickly release Zhang Debing. I will let me Dad and grandfather came forward to make peace. It was impossible to do anything before the virus. Zhang Debing brought the former grievances to the Blue Shield. This is a mistake on earth. We will use this as an excuse to fire him. Then you can rest assured. Stay with the Blue Shield. "

Dong Xiedao: "Let it go? Doesn't he let him talk about my affairs casually. Since you can't help me get it done. Then let me solve it myself. The Blue Shield forces me to grab it. I I do n’t want someone to sue me at this time. I will be removed for any reason at that time. I ’m not doing it for nothing. It ’s faster for you to change your face than to change the sky. I ca n’t believe you now. "

Yue Ting said: "I can only say that here. How do you do it yourself? I will take a vacation in the next few days. You are fully responsible for Lan Dongdi's affairs."

As soon as Dong Xie pulled the phone, he heard a loud noise outside. Then someone shouted, "He's hiding here!"

Bang Bang Bang. The door was knocked open. A group of people rushed in to surround Dong Xie. Dong Xie glanced at everyone from under the sack film. Says: "What do you want to do? What a guts. This is the Blue Shield, not your evolution team!"

Chen Kai yelled, "Dong Xie. Where do you villain want to run away! Capture it!"

Dong Xie sneered: "Escape? Who has escaped, I haven't seen these little miscellaneous pieces of you yet. Hurry up, or don't blame me for not giving you face."

Huh, Chen Kai released two fireballs, attacking Dong Xie from left to right. Who knows that Dong Xie just opened his mouth? Chen Kai suddenly flew upside down, and the walls behind him were penetrated by a large hole, and The two flames also turned to fly to the other people who entered Dongxie's room together.

The sudden downturn of the flames made everyone busy, so this fueled the evil spirit of Dong Xie, even he didn't want to find any fake Zhang Debing to deal with the scene. He was just like this, and others could do nothing. The Blue Shield was in his own hands. Control, or just destroy it!

He Yaohui appeared at a critical moment. He held Dongxie's mind, and attacked the key of Dongxie with his sword. Dongxie screamed, He Yaohui's clothes shattered, and a powerful shock wave almost did not stun him. , The two swords in his hand couldn't hold it, and I was broken into pieces on the ground. Although these two soft swords were not considered as treasures, they were powerful under He Yaohui's hands, but now they just let Dong Xie shout. Broke off, He Yaohui is shocked, this East evil really is famous!

Song Jun also arrived in time. He saw that Chen Kai had been ashamed, and the situation of the other people was not good. He Yaohui was even worse and lost his weapon. You must know that he had captured the defense of countless evolvers with a pair of fast swords. , But now he seems unable to attack again, this is the first time for He Yaohui.

嗖, 嗖, 嗖, successive arrows shot towards Dong Xie. Dong Xie only knew the sound of the wind on the steel arrow. He did not dare to disarm his weapon from his waist. In front of Song Jun, a sharp voice sounded. Song Jun took the brunt. He couldn't stand the sharp voice and had to throw away the steel bow to cover his ears, and the steel arrow fired towards the east evil cracked in the air. Crackling, using the flute sound to enhance his sonic power, this East evil is really powerful.

Dong Xie's personality was erratic at first. At this moment, he had a great killing, and he suddenly aggravated the flute. The crowd couldn't bear to cover their ears away, if not the body might have evolved, let him kill with a sound on the spot! Just when everyone couldn't stand it, Dong Xie stopped the flute sound suddenly, and saw his body turn quickly and uttered a growl, which was tens of thousands of times stronger than the subwoofer, and a sound wave was emitted and boomed. The building where Dong Xie lived was collapsed, the scene was spectacular and chaotic, and everyone was frightened to flee.

At this time, Chu Xiang, accompanied by Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan, also came to Dongxie's residence. He just caught up with this building and was knocked down by Dong Xie. Seeing the power of Dong Xie, Chu Xiang did not dare to rank this Huashan sword. Looking down on the high sack film, he not only used ultrasonic vibrations to make weapons, but the sound of the flute was also a terrible thing.

Du Chengen then rushed over. He was the host and had an unshirkable responsibility for such a big incident. At the very least, he must also be accused of improper supervision by using people. When Dong Xie became mad, Du Chengen relied on his boss and shouted, "You mustn't come here! You won't be honest enough to admit your mistake!"

Dong Xie laughed. "Admit it? What's wrong with me? I worked hard to train your evolutionaries for you. I didn't expect you to treat me like this. Since you don't let me get better, I will destroy the Blue Shield! Unless you confess to me, maybe There is still room for recovery. "

Chu Xiang walked out of the team coldly. He stood in front of Dong Xie and looked directly at the other side: "I wish Xiaochun you were forced to die?"

Dong Xiedao: "What else do you want to be blind? Yes, I went to her with a few friends, but she was betrayed by his boyfriend. This can't be resentful."

Chu Xiang depressed his anger and asked: "Zhang Debing, did you hurt?"

Dong Xie said, "What's the matter?" Dong Xie dismissed him. Actually, Dong Xie didn't seriously hurt Zhang Debing, but Wang and Li Si also said that he was confidant, and it was not an exaggeration to put it on his head.

Chu Xiang said: "Since you are a human being, how about letting us make a break today?"

Dong Xie yelled, "Okay! I'd like to see how good you are as a blind consultant, pick up!"

He couldn't remember how many life-and-death battles Chu Xiang had experienced. Although he was scolded and blinded at the moment, his heart was very bright, and Dong Xie shouted an ultrasonic wave at him. This is not the first time that Chu Xiang has dealt with ultrasonic waves. Zetian ’s ultrasonic waves are very powerful, but at this moment Dong Xie can hardly get on the stage. Zhou Mu Qing ’s ultrasound has also evolved quickly, but it seems that it is not as good as Dong Xie.

If it were Chu Xiang before, he would most likely be shattered. However, today Chu Xiang already has a lot of protection. Although he despises Dong Xie psychologically, he does not dare despise tactically. Chu Xiang first controlled a ball of water from the broken water pipe. At the same time, each plant was planted into the ground, and two barriers were quickly established in front of him.

puff. Dong Xie's ultrasonic wave penetrated Chu Xiang's first water barrier, but he was stopped when he encountered a plant wall. At this time, Dong Xie could only hear a thunder above his head and a flash of light hit his head. He couldn't help breaking through the plant. The wall, rolling on the ground in a hurry, was blown out of a big pit on the hard ground, and Dong Xie, who was scared by mud splashes, almost urinated his pants. Did n’t God forgive himself for doing a big bad thing?

Suddenly a cold chill invaded Dong Xie's body, and Dong Xie's spirit reacted instantly. It wasn't Tianlei just now, it must be the blow of blind control. I can't think of his skills so powerful that even if he is blind, he can't belittle it.

Dong Xie felt hesitant that his limbs were losing consciousness for the first time. He encountered such a powerful opponent for the first time. At this moment, he did not back off, and the ultrasonic wave was sent out again, and the attack power was increased by a few points. The cold air was affected by his ultrasonic wave. The blow immediately receded, and Dong Xie put Xiao on his mouth to blow out a sharp treble, in an attempt to use this trick to defeat Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang knew that the other party was very ultrasonic, so he kept on the attack. Dongxie repelled his quick freeze with ultrasonic waves. He immediately directed the plant to wind up to Dongxie, and at the same time, he again attracted thunder and lightning and rushed to Dongxie. Dong Xie strengthened the sonic lethality, and several of the entangled plants were immediately burst by him, but the thunder and lightning above his head was really annoying, and he could not raise his head to deal with the thunder and lightning when dealing with the continuous attack of Chu Xiang, so he could only rely on constant transformation. Dodging his figure, which reduced his sonic lethality by a few points, and was at a disadvantage for a while.

Chu Xiang was not happy for the momentary gain in front of him. Instead, he was careful to deal with Dong Xie's ultrasonic waves. Judging from the confrontation just now, Dong Xie is not a stigma. If Chu Xiang did not rely on numerous evolutionary skills. At this moment he was paralyzed by ultrasound.

In fact, Dong Xie is even more cautious than Chu Xiang at this moment, because now he doesn't dare to be blind and not real. He is immediately anxious with people. This is the first time that Dong Xie has encountered such a difficult master since the evolution of Dong Xie. Yue Ting gave Dong Xie a preconceived impression. He did not look at the consultants of the evolution team. Now I know that it is unwise to make a break with Chu Xiang. He should escape in a timely manner, but the battle has already begun. At this time, if he wants to withdraw, he will risk his life. It may be taken by the opponent to take his own life. !!

Although he knew he could not retreat easily, Dong Xie had already retired. At this time, he always made mistakes in the attack-based play. Chu Xiang gradually increased from seven points to five points and five points to five points. Dong Xie began to fuss under the blow of lightning, plants and quick freezing. Moreover, the long-term transmission of ultrasonic waves caused great damage to his energy. Chu Xiang was the first opponent who could hold on for so long. Usually the evolutionary hanged up after the four waves of ultrasonic waves from Dongxie. So the large loss of energy made Dong Xie Qi panic, all this was heard by Chu Xiang. He set a drag strategy before fighting with Dong Xie, because Chu Xiang knew that the ultrasonic wave was limited. It may be that the ultrasonic wave is emitted infinitely on the same day, and even Chu Xiang himself cannot do it. He heard the fatigue of Dong Xie and Chu Xiang's attack strengthened a little, which was to kill him while he was ill.

Dong Xie began to figure out how to escape in his heart. The so-called stay in Qingshan is not afraid that there is no wood burning. This blind is not blind at all, but he can be informed in advance that he has attacked from an unexpected location. This time, he has paid for his losses. It will return to the market every day. The troops can't stay, they can only blame themselves for talking. If you don't mention Ji Xiaochun's affairs, maybe nothing will happen at this moment. Moreover, who knew that Zhang Debing would have such a history, and the consultants of the National Evolution Group would care so much about his life and death. This time, it was really unlucky, and he drank his teeth with cold water.

Hi! Dong Xie issued a wave of attacks. Chu Xiang was naturally blocked by a plant wall. Under the ultrasonic earthquake, a bunch of plants were crushed and scattered all over the sky. While defending, Chu Xiang's projectiles also shot through, but this time it was unexpected. . Dong Xie did not shoot down the projectile with ultrasonic waves. Instead, the body rose into the air, and the toes were a little above the speeding projectile. The body leapt out like Dapeng, he was about to run away!

Chu Xiang did not expect that Dong Xie would be so bold. You must know that the speed and strength of the projectiles shot from the bone wing are high. Dong Xie will be hit if he does not master well. In addition to the powerful ultrasound, it is estimated that the flesh will not be thick. Anyone who is not sure will be hurt. This kind of adventure is terrible, but it is clear that Dong Xie succeeded.

Although Dong Xie's approach was beyond Chu Xiang's expectations, Chu Xiang immediately reacted. He gave up the defense and attacked Dong Xie, who was fleeing. This guy was Zhang Debing's enemies. He could not capture him or kill him on the spot.

Chu Xiang's full-strength attack caused defensive emptiness, but Dong Xie had a plan. He escaped only as a fake. Seeing that Chu Xiang released the defense circle to attack fully, he suddenly turned from the air and rushed to Chu Xiang's head, ultrasonic Attacked with Xiao Yin.

Although the plants controlled by Chu Xiang caught up with Dong Xie's feet, it was impossible to kill Dong Xie in an instant. Even if he was frozen, he could not win this senior evolutionary in a moment. At the moment, Chu Xiang ’s defense was empty. Once he was hit by Dong Xie desperately, he was afraid of death and he would be seriously injured.

Chu Xiangwan was too heavy to recover the attack, but his defense was not enough. Dong Xie ’s ultrasonic waves turned Chu Xiangzhen to the ground. Chu Xiang hit the ground a few times before the shock force was eliminated. The frontal skin had been injured and blood was scary.

Chu Xiang originally thought that Dong Xie would take advantage of the attack, and if he could not kill himself, he would have an advantage. But who knew that Dong Xie would retreat immediately after a successful attack, but this time he really wanted to escape, but Dong Xie forgot. There were other people around. Song Jun was eager to try. Even He Yaohui, who had lost his soft sword, found two new swords again. Seeing that Dong Xie suddenly killed a return carbine and wounded Chu Xiang, the two immediately shot.

Song Jun fired five arrows, Dong Xie knew that Song Jun was terrific, so he didn't dare to take an arrow. He bowed his head and drilled a hole in the flower wall from the flower bed, and He Yaohui's two swords already greeted Dong Xie's arrival in front. Dong Xie was taken aback. Only then did he know that he had been surrounded. If he wanted to escape, he would have to bring down these evolutionaries.

Chu Xiang took the opportunity to readjust his strategy. He again attacked and defended the border. Dong Xie was caught by He Yaohui as soon as Chu Xiang stopped. Dong Xie escaped. He sighed and then pressed the attack force to He Yaohui. UU Reading . uukanshu. Com Dongxie intends to do his best to kill one count one.

Chu Xiang saw that He Yaohui was in a dangerous situation. He stretched out a bunch of plants and rolled up He Yaohui's body. "You keep away, let me deal with him!"

Dong Xie's plan to kill one person was bankrupt, and he was angry and annoyed. At this moment, he no longer cares about his own life and death. The ultrasound turned his direction and besieged others. Chu Xiang was surprised and immediately blocked the water barrier. In front of everyone, however, Dong Xie's ultrasound was still very powerful, the water barrier was quickly broken, and Chu Xiang could not remedy it. He could only rescue Wei Zhao to send a powerful wave of projectiles to Dong Xie.

Dong Xie seems to be completely ignorant of the danger behind him, but is brewing a wave of the most powerful ultrasonic attack, and he is going to destroy all these people in front of him.

Even if Chu Xiangdi's projectile could shoot Dong Xie, and Dong Xie's blast before the death would cause many casualties, just when he was about to lose both wounds, he suddenly leapt down from the air, and he waved his hand toward A piece of projectile shot by Chu Xiang. The palm was fierce, and Chu Xiangdi's projectile was hit and deviated from the direction. Then the person flying down the air stopped Dong Xie from sending out ultrasonic waves in time. He carried Dong Xie into the air and disappeared. After the trace, when Chu Xiang controlled the projectile that hit his people, the sky was empty.


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