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Chapter 336: Intrigue

Suddenly the person appeared to rescue Dong Xie. The person's skill was quick. That palm's power was no less than that of the legendary martial arts master. Otherwise, the projectile issued by Chu Xiang was enough to smash him into a sieve, but he was not beaten. As a sieve, Chu Xiang's projectiles were missed.

"Who is he?" Song Jun and He Yaohui glanced at each other. It was unexpected that now they can really come out in large numbers, and they were easily rescued under the siege of the great evolutionary master, which was also outrageous.

Chu Xiang is actually very annoyed. Judging by his evolutionary strength, there is definitely a certainty to kill Dong Xie, but it is impossible to defeat Dong Xie when he comes up. It always consumes Dong Xie ’s energy to start, but he did not expect A shortfall of success, half killing Cheng Cheng and biting gold broke good things

Wang Shaohui and others hurried to chase out, Chu Xiang stopped: "No need to chase, he should also use the skills of teleportation, now I don't know where to go, and chase is impossible to catch up."

Everyone gathered around and said eloquently: "Chu team, who rescued Dong Xie, it's awful, we worked hard to defeat Dong Xie, but he was suddenly rescued."

Chu Xiang couldn't see his eyes, but he knew something, "Don't worry, this person's identity will be checked. If I expected, he might be a beggar!"

"North beggar!" Everyone was taken aback, that is the guy who is said to be able to drop the dragon and eighteen palms? He was able to rescue Dong Xie from the siege of a few people. In addition to his chance, his strength is also a fact of truth. In addition, he is similar to the teleportation skills used in escape, which makes everyone chase.

Du Chengen stepped forward and said, "Advisor Chu, I have complained about so many things. The Blue Shield forces seem to need a lot of blood. I will report it to the Military Commission and ask the chairman to handle this."

Chu Xiang said nothing, and then said after a while: "Let's go back to Yutai base first. The Blue Shield forces here ask Commander Du to strengthen the defense. I'm afraid that Dong Xie will return in revenge when he is angry. Deal with it, and give a lot of rewards to Lao Zhang and his fellow villagers. Hehe, if Commander Du is reluctant, this fee will be paid by our Yutai base. "

How did Du Chengen let Chu Xiang spend the money, and the old Zhang head and his little fellow secretary did not expect to be blessed because of the misfortune, and the happy two could not sleep together for several days.

However, due to the fact that Dong Xie ran away, members of the eschatology team were in a bad mood. Fortunately, after returning to the base of Yutai, I heard that Zhang Debing was out of danger, and everyone was slightly happy. But when I thought that he had failed Zhang Debing's trust, everyone felt guilty and hated Dong Xie and the one who saved him Teeth itch.

Wang Bin described according to everyone. He went online again. Why not say human flesh is so powerful? Finally set the goal of rescued Dongxie land. That man was as expected by Chu Xiang. It's a guy with a nickname called Beijiadi. As for why he and the Korean people Dong Dongxie have contact. No one knows this.

Wang Bin said: "From the information on the Internet. Dong Xie's behavior is arbitrary. It is entirely based on his own preferences. From his recent performance in the Blue Shield, although he is not decent. But there is nothing blatant. It can be seen that this man's ingenuity is unscrupulous. However, Bei Beg has flaunted himself with chivalry. He also supports several small bases. The sudden mixing of the two of them is a bit unacceptable. "

Zhang Hongbing said: "Take care of what it does. Issue a general order to kill him!"

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "These two men are not weak. They also have a certain influence in the bases. This matter can not be solved by issuing a general order. Instead, it will make others despise us. Think We threaten at every turn. "

Li Yingjie said: "Then what should we do. The soldiers must not report it."

Chu Xiang said: "Report! Be sure to report. Find the whereabouts of Dongxie and Beibei first. Then go after them."

Song Jun arranged the reconnaissance direction one by one, while Chu Xiang went out of the conference room to find Bai Xiaowei. Although he was unhappy, he wasn't too much to live by Dong Xie. When she saw Bai Xiaowei, she was happy. Chu Xiang said, "I rarely see you so happy. What's wrong with you today? It seems that you are not Today is my birthday. "

Bai Xiaowei first asked with concern: "How is your eyes? Is there any improvement?"

Chu Xiang said: "It doesn't matter, now I can live and fight without eyes."

Bai Xiaowei said: "No, I hope you are healthy and healthy, but your constitution is completely beyond the scope of evolution, and there is only one case of co-existing a virus in your body. Now I do n’t know how to help you."

Chu Xiang smiled and said, "Don't worry. I think my eyes will recover one day, don't forget the misfortunes. Maybe it will be a good thing. What happened to the production of anti-t virus fluid?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "Because we have improved the production method, the output has now greatly increased. Tomorrow there will be a batch of two anti-t virus liquids off the line. Who do you plan to sell to?"

Chu Xiang said: "A lot of bases in our country have sent requests to our Yutai base to support them. Although they do n’t have much exchange of materials, it is also possible to make a personal relationship. They are all Chinese, so we ca n’t patronize fortune. Ignore his life and death. "

Xiaowei Bai nodded, "I'm glad you can think that way, and then I'll tell you the good news. The second-generation research of anti-t virus fluid has been successful, and they will be produced in the next batch."

Chu Xiang said in surprise: "Is it, what kind of improvement has it made over the previous generation?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "In fact, it only improves immunity, from 60% in the past to 80% now, other data are the same."

Chu Xiang said: "This is also amazing. When will the immunization rate reach a point, otherwise there is a danger of one, I dare not let you try it."

Bai Xiaowei laughed: "Of course I'm more anxious than you. It's always uncomfortable in this computer, but 80% is almost the same. Should you try to find my body?"

Chu Xiang said: "What if I become unfortunately 20% of that, so I cannot take this risk."

Bai Xiaowei laughed softly, "I tempted you, and you have conscience on me."

The two talked for a while, of course, the topic turned to some very ambiguous things, Bai Xiaowei was steady and did not lose his style, and teased Chu Xiang because of Dong Xie ’s unhappiness, and temporarily set aside, "Chu Xiang, the chairman wants you to go A trip to Beijing. "

Just before leaving, Bai Xiaowei said, Chu Xiang frowned. "I just came back from there."

Bai Xiaowei said: "There is a big problem with the Blue Shield. The chairman is looking for you for a reason. Go and see."

Bai Xiaowei opened her mouth and refused to refuse, saying: "Well, I'll go right away."

Soon Chu Xiang, Zhang Jingyao, and Li Haipeng arrived at Hua Fuqiang's office. "Come here, sit, guard, make a good cup of tea."

Chu Xiang said: "Chairman, you definitely don't want us to have tea. Let me just say something."

Hua Fuqiang said: "Commander Du Chengen came to the Military Commission to report to the Blue Shield forces what happened. I was very sad. I didn't think that the first step in promoting the formation of the evolutionary forces to military regions would be wrong. .I do n’t know what is going to happen. The Military Commission has arranged your inspection in a timely manner, otherwise this is a hidden danger to the earth. I did n’t think that Dong Xie had done harm to the world, and he came to the Blue Shield to hide his misfortune. ”

Chu Xiang didn't care about his so-called merit. He said: "The evolutionary force is quite powerful. I'm afraid this has become a goal for everyone to compete for. Is the chairman in trouble? Here Vice Chairman Yue puts a lot of pressure on you. Right. "

Hua Fuqiang grinned, "There is nothing you don't know, so I don't have to hide it. Vice President Yue just pushed out his responsibilities in the meeting just now, and also joined several members to propose a code name called The Southern Emperor came to take over the Blue Shield. "

Chu Xiang did not know this matter. However, Yue Tai's ability to defeat defeat under his own disadvantage shows that he has a large foundation of strength, but Chu Xiang is unwilling to ask questions about political matters, saying, "What does the chairman mean?"

Hua Fuqiang said: "I intend to separate the evolutionary group of the Ministry of National Security and establish the Evolutionary Department, and the bill has been passed before. In the future, the evolutionary unit of the military regions under the leadership of the Evolutionary Department will be a constraint on them. . "

"Vice Chairman Yue agreed?"

Hua Fuqiang nodded and said, "In order to agree with him to arrange for the Southern Emperor to take over the Blue Shield, he had to agree with my proposal. Besides, this matter was decided long ago, but it has not been implemented."

Chu Xiang smiled and said, "So, what is Yao Yaohui becoming minister?"

Hua Fuqiang said: "Yes, the Military Commission is the Chief of Staff of the War Division and Zhao Hong is the Staff of the Evolution Department. These people are your old friends. You should be fine in your future work, and your position remains unchanged. You are still a consultant of the Evolution Department. Of course, Vice President Yue also proposed several other positions, but they were ordinary people. They did not interfere with the Ministry of Evolution. "

It seems that the evolutionary forces are really fragrant. I could n’t sleep at night without plugging in one foot, Chu Xiang said: “Yue Ting has scattered the blue shield troops. Is this a big event and a small event?” Yue Ting did n’t directly participate. Zhang Debing incident, so Chu Xiang has not planned to kill him, unless he turned his face with the Yue family, but Yue Ting did not like the blue shield, he also has a great responsibility.

Hua Fuqiang was embarrassed. It seemed that he had compromised in handling Yue Ting. He could not think of the influence of the Yue family. Hua Fu Qiang said: "Yue Ting has been dismissed, and the military region has reassigned trainers."

Chu Xiang said: "Chairman, don't you think the Yue family has made a lot of moves recently?" Although Yue Ting was assigned by the military region, if it wasn't for Yue Tai's hint to Du Chengen behind, when would it be the vice president of a hospital to manage it? Evolutionary.

Hua Fuqiang did not say a word for a long time, and finally sighed: "Xiao Chu, in fact, who is going to do me is not important. The important thing is to manage the country, especially in this troubled world, it requires a strong person. To lead our country out of its predicament, we can't mess around. If the country needs me, I will do my best. If there is someone more capable than me, I will naturally let the good. "

Chu Xiang said: "Chairman Hua, I think you are a good fit, but some people who make small moves are annoying to me. I think you have the ability to lead the country out of the predicament and become a strong country, but you don't seem to be decisive enough in some respects. "

People who dare to say that Hua Fuqiang are afraid that Chu Xiang is the only one. From Chu Xiang's point of view, it is natural to eliminate resistance at all costs when encountering resistance. There is no chaos at all. One accidentally may bury tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of survivors. How can Hua Fuqiang be decisive under serious considerations.

Hua Fuqiang smiled and turned away. "In the future, the implementation of Blue Shield troops in other military regions will require you to be a consultant to inspect more, otherwise I'm really a bit uneasy. Your eyes should not be in the way. Would you like to do detailed inspections again?"

Chu Xiang said: "Thank you Chairman for your concern. What happened to the Southern Emperor?"

Hua Fu Qiang said: "I have his information here, and this person's evolutionary ability is also powerful."

Zhang Jingyao took the information and only looked at the first page and got a little embarrassed. Hu Yidi? Is he Nandi? Zhang Jingya whispered in Chu Xiang's ear, Chu Xiang's face sank: "Chairman, have you investigated?"

Hua Fuqiang said: "The information was submitted by Vice President Yue. He should have conducted an investigation. He is more important than me, but I am not worried about this. As long as you are an adviser, I am afraid of Lan Dun. The troops went awry? "

No wonder Hua Fuqiang did not compete with Yue Tai for the Blue Shield forces, except to maintain the stability and solidarity of the military commission and the army. He was fearless and fearless, and Chu Xiang was sitting in the evolution department. Can the Blue Shield troops rebel?

Chu Xiang pointed at Hu Yidi and said, "Does the chairman know his details?"

Hua Fuqiang became solemn when he heard Chu Xiang say so. "Xiao Chu, this person has a holiday with you?"

Chu Xiang said: "I think the chairman should ask Captain Shan Hong of the Jiayuguan base. He knows more about this Emperor Hu Yi than I do. I think this is a man who is not lost to the East. He didn't expect him to flee south Going to mix up with the Southern Emperor, does it really match his own name, Emperor Hu Yi, Nan Emperor, by the way, and his nephew Hu Gao? "

Hua Fuqiang groaned: "I don't know about this matter. Since you said this, I will definitely ask Captain Shan Hong to be careful, and then consider the candidate of the Instructor of the Blue Shield in the military area. Unfortunately, you are not willing to let yourself be a member Come out to help, but I save trouble. "

Has reminded Hua Fuqiang that Chu Xiang will not talk any more. Shan Hong knows more about Hu Yidi than Chu Xiang. After all, this emperor Hu Yi once worked for him for some time, then betrayed Shan Hong, and Almost killed Shan Hong and his officers, but Hu Yidi is now recommended by Yue Tai. Chu Xiang can't tell Hua Fuqiang that he wants to kill him. I'm afraid that it will be charged with undermining the stability and unity of the country. He has been in contact with upper-level characters for a long time. There are more judges on the court.

Chu Xiang felt that it was necessary to remind Hua Fuqiang of the case of "Beggar", "Chairman, Dong Xie Lin Zhen was rescued by someone. I suspect that person was an evolutionary codenamed Beggar."

Hua Fuqiang certainly knows well-known evolutionaries in China, "Oh, beggar? How did he communicate with Dong Xie? This is really not easy. By the way, I have a copy here. Take a look . "

Speaking of the beggar Hua Fuqiang suddenly letting Chu Xiang look at the information, it seems that it should also be related to the evolutionary. Zhang Jingyao took it and quickly scanned it. It turned out to be a survey of people like Dongxie and Beggar. One of the information was Chu Xiang's attention was drawn. East evil, western poison, southern emperor, northern beggar, and China Magic Power will hold a real Huashan sword, and at that time, an alliance leader will be elected to lead the evolution of the world. I do n’t know if they see more Now, this is to create new rivers and lakes, but blindly know that if the ally has the leadership of the Chinese evolutionist, his strength will exceed the army!

Chu Xiang snorted coldly. These people have been unwilling to survive for a long time. Zombies run rampant outside. Creepers are everywhere. Although they are no longer keen on attacking large bases, they are always hidden dangers. At the beginning, these people began to plan to divide up the site. Does the Chinese think so much of power?

I have n’t understood why the beggar tried to save the east evil. After Zhang Jingyao told this information to Chu Xiang, Chu Xiang had some idea. If it was n’t for the beggar ’s friendship due to the name of several people, then he just wanted to use it. Dong Xie came to help him be elected as this **** evolutionary leader. If you think about it, it is probably the latter.

Hua Fuqiang waited patiently for Zhang Jingyao to complete all the content to Chu Xiang, and let Chu Xiang consider for a few minutes before he said: "Xiao Chu, what do you think."

Chu Xiang said: "I can only say that they have had enough days."

Hua Fuqiang said: "If every evolutionary is as pragmatic as Xiao Chu, build a base, engage in scientific research and production, improve the living standards of survivors, and restore agricultural production, but they seem to be plundering the only remaining information. They did not create any value, but these people are so wild that even if the Ministry of Evolution does not form a constraint on them, they want to choose a landlord similar to the Wulin Alliance. This is an opportunity ... "

Chu Xiang immediately waved his hand and said, "Chairman, I can't do anything about myself right now. Besides, I can't see things with my eyes. Stop what you say immediately. I can't help it."

Hua Fuqiang hesitated and laughed, "How can I force you, but except the Minister of Evolution, the hope of others to compete for this leader is half lost, even if Minister He himself expressed concern, Dong Xie's confrontation made him a little unconfident. I thought about removing you as if no one was competent. "

He Yaohui is not self-confident, but his strength is indeed inferior to Dong Xie. If it is a protracted war, Dong Xie is definitely not an opponent of He Yaohui, but Dong Xie is an offensive evolutionary, and He Yaohui is an offense instead of defense. How can the fighting be a protracted war? ~ Besides that, besides the East evil, the sudden emergence of the North beggar also shows its decent strength, what is more Western poison, Zhong Shentong, He Yaohui knows this Yes, so it is impossible for him to discuss swords.

Chu Xiang said: "Let's just watch this change."

Chu Xiang came out from Hua Fuqiang's office and had a plan. If he could not find the trace of Dong Xie, he would wait for him at Huashan on the sword. He promised Zhang Debing that he would catch Dong Xie back or destroy it directly. As long as you don't die, you must do it.

In addition, the emergence of Hu Yidi should also be paid attention to. With Hu Yidi's caution, it is impossible not to know that Chu Xiang often appears in Beijing bases, and in this way he dares to come to Beijing, which shows that the behind the matter is not simple. For Hu Yidi, this is also the enemy that Chu Xiang also has to deal with. Without killing him, it is difficult for Chu Xiang to resolve the hatred of his heart. In this way, two masters of the Chinese evolutionist are Chu Xiang ’s enemies.

Put aside the grudges, the waters of the Chinese evolutionaries are very deep. Everyone wants to strengthen their strength. The strength is strong, and the probability of survival in the last days is high. In addition, the good news about the success of anti-t virus fluid research is also stimulating. Everyone, seeing that the t virus is expected to be eliminated, whoever has a large amount of power now will have absolute right to speak in the future.


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