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Chapter 337: Robbed

The rapid development of the Yutai base has exceeded any large base in the world. Almost all human bases around large cities in the territory of sd are under the control of the Yutai base. Even Jiji City has a certain dependence on the Yutai base, only their defense He Jian made the final decision on his own, and Chu Xiang didn't care about it.

Fang Guo and Chu Feng now say that the head and secretary of a province are similar, but the population under management is less than that of the former SD province, and large tracts of land are still in the hands of zombies and creepers. Humans can only control the survivor base. As for the old city is still being cleaned up and liberated, but the Yutai base already has two decent docks in the Yellow Sea, which is advanced for other bases.

Under this great development momentum, Chu Xiang still has two heart problems, that is, Dong Xie and Hu Yidi, Zhang Debing has been able to move, but Dong Xie still hasn't showed up. The scout sent by Song Jun and Wang Bin's There was no news from satellite monitoring, which made Chu Xiang always feel guilty every time he went to see Zhang Debing.

On the contrary, Zhang Debing was much happier. Chu Xiang came to see him again today. He said, "Chu team, I know Dong Xie was rescued and you are all worried. In fact, I can know Xiaochun's cause of death. A lot, as for revenge, it's a matter of time, I don't believe that the East Evil Society will not show up forever! "

Wang Shaohui said: "Yes, there is Hu Yidi. I heard that he has pushed the Jiayuguan base to other evolvers. Now there is no proof. He has already stayed in the Blue Shield as instructor captain with the support of Yue Tai. The country can Tolerate him, but we cannot, as long as the Chu team orders us to go to Beijing to kill him. "

Chu Xiang also understands that dealing with Dong Xie and Nandi did not happen overnight. These evolutionaries are not like creepers. They are more cunning and hidden than creepers. Besides, there is a beggar behind Dong Xie. Chu Xiang said: "Hu Yidi Now with Yue Tai's support, we can't fight against the grass, we must kill him with one hit, so as to avoid chasing and stopping like last time, but let him escape in the end. Now he dares to go to Beijing to show that his strength has improved. Therefore, we need to wait for the opportunity. Maybe that Huashan Sword will let us find suitable excuses and opportunities, and Dong Xie will not be able to show up at that time. "

Zhang Jingyao said, "Don't you refuse the chairman's refusal to participate?"

Chu Xiang said: "But I haven't been able to find Dong Xie. It seems that we have to go to Huashan's sword. Wang Bin must keep an eye on the progress of this matter. Lest they secretly talk about us but don't know."

Wang Bin said: "Good Brother Chu, but so far, the time and place of Huashan's swordsmanship have not been set. Even if they do not disclose the matter, but as long as we keep an eye on Nandi, we will not be afraid of their actions behind them."

Chu Xiang nodded, and now he has to arrange the matter to Huashan on the sword, otherwise the dead sea is vast, who knows in which base the beggar took Dong Xie to hide. These days, Chu Xiang continues to recover his body. Now that ultrasound and transmission have been repaired, Chu Xiang has also received a lot of energy from Zhang Jingyao, and everything is prepared to kill Dong Xie and Hu Yidi.

Song Jun said: "There has been some problems recently from the section of Lianhuo Expressway from Xuzhou to Yungang Wharf. Someone is working on our transportation team's idea, but we are afraid that we have escorted the troops. They have not yet officially launched.

Chu Xiang said: "Do you know where the survivors hit our transportation team?"

Song Jundao: "Their whereabouts are hidden. It is unknown at this time. But Wang Shaohui has taken over the investigation."

Chu Xiang said: "Then we will strengthen the protection of the transportation fleet. Yungang and Zhaoshi terminals are our important input points for materials. Our income from selling Blue Life anti-t virus liquid land is returned from here. So we must not go out. Question. Speed ​​up the process of planting shooting trees along the way. With those shooting trees as a barrier. People who want to hit our ideas need to weigh carefully. "

Song Jun nodded and said he would arrange. Then he said, "Elder Dong just met me and made me say something. He said that ten armored tanks have been successfully transformed. Let you take the time to experiment with power. This is the first sonic force in the world. If power It is really as old as Dong introduced. This is equivalent to adding ten sonic evolvers to us. "

Chu Xiang is also excited about this matter. Dong Laodi's talent is by no means the big one he originally imagined. But again beyond Chu Xiang's expectations. The land-based sonic weapon quickly became successful. And immediately added to the tank. Now Dong Lao has been conquering airborne sound weapons with all his strength. A large number of pilots trained by Shi Zhengqian will also come in handy. Even the conveyors are looking forward. This gives Chu Xiang a feeling of star wars. High technology seems to come overnight.

Chu Xiang got up and said, "Mercedes. You take a good rest. Let's go and see the ten Sonic tanks. If the effect can be adjusted from other bases, we can rebuild them. Then we will form our Sonic troops. In addition Xie Shanshan wants We will strengthen the type of local business with foreigners. In the future, we will have both aircraft and tanks. Has n’t the country just provided us with a 300,000-ton tanker as a transport ship. But do n’t run out of air. Theoretical driving ability. It is estimated that he will not drive a ground plane yet to be built. Now we have the best flight instructor. We will prepare a large number of planes. We will become the new world air hegemony when the airborne sonic destroyer is successfully manufactured. "

Everyone was eager to try. Even Zhang Debing struggled to see the sonic tank experiment, but was stopped by Hao Jianshu. He broke his arm, thigh and ribs. It is a miracle to die. it is good.

Liyang Base, a human base close to the Lianhuo Expressway, don't underestimate this base. Its total population reaches 1,000, of which nearly 2,000 are armed soldiers. This is rare in the province of JS, and among them There are more than 50 evolutionaries, and this strength is amazing enough! But the Puyang base concealed all this well, and the outside world knew nothing about them.

The control range of the Yutai base is basically based on the province of SD. Except for the north of the Lianhuo Expressway, the Yutai base has no plan to enter the province of JS. This is also in line with the old saying of being greedy and chewing. Provincial construction is already good, so there is not much attention to the fish station in the human base in the province of js.

Let's talk about Shao Dahe, the commander of Liyang Army. This Liyang army was a self-named one. Shao Dahe was a famous student. After graduation, he continued to find employment and lose his job. I thought life was like this, God and Lucky Goddess abandoned him. But who knows that the t virus has created a chance for him to rise instead.

Shao Dahe was fortunate to be an earlier group of evolutionaries. He started from a small escape captain with a strategy of coping with the crisis from the film and television dramas, and finally found a hidden mountain stream outside Liyang. The Liyang base was established. Due to the shelter of trees, there were a large number of caves in the base. So no satellite detected it.

In the past year, Shao Dahe has continuously merged small bases from outside and obtained supplies and food. He has brought a small base of ten people into a powerful armed base with thousands of people. However, Shao Dahe is getting more and more headaches due to the population expansion. That's the problem of food, which consumes a lot and supplies weakly.

"Master Shao, our supply is already eating the old books, and we should go out to hunt food as soon as possible." A head of the group is a person who has suffered, and he has already prepared for Shao Dahe in the rain. This is what Shao Dahe likes him.

Shao Dahe sipped a tea ceremony: "Why don't I know about this? Grain storage is an important guarantee for us to survive the difficulties of the future. If we start to use it now, then how will we live in the next few years, but we can hunt around this place. I ’ve been there, no matter how far I am afraid to expose our target, even if the zombies do not attack us and the country does not compile us, but what will we think of the Yutai base in our north, the Puyang base has been operated by us for so long, that ’s it I can't bear to give up. "

The head of the second regiment said: "We will send the evolution team to the south, so that it will not conflict with the sphere of influence of the Yutai base. They start slowly but develop quickly. I am afraid they will extend their tentacles into our territory. what."

The Chief of Staff said: "Sir, should we change the base's business strategy? Since the Yutai base is pulling the team with great fanfare, what are we afraid of? Now that the world is in such a mess, who cares about us?"

Shao Dahe said: "I just don't know if our targets can block the attacks of zombies. The reason why our base has been safe and prosperous has something to do with our low-key, from the intelligence of our reconnaissance area. Anyone who has communication Most of the contact bases will be attacked by zombies. I even wonder if zombies are particularly sensitive to electrical signals, which is why I have not allowed such things in the bases. "

The Chief of Staff said: "Sir, if we keep sneaking down, our strength will not be recognized by others. How many spheres of influence will we be assigned to at that time? Look around us. There is a Yutai base in the north. The province of S is firmly controlled, with large bases in Nanjing and Shanghai in the south and the sea in the east. The Xuzhou base in the west restricts us. We simply survive in the cracks and pull the team out of nowhere. Later those sites will Let others take up. "

The commander of the second regiment said, "Yes, the division chief, the chief of staff said it very well. With the quality of our weapons and the number of evolvers, we can be regarded as powerful around us. When we get out of the mountain, we will be forced to enter our doorway. . "

Shao Dahe said: "Let me think again, but the matter of grain mentioned by the head of the delegation is urgent. Chief of staff, I asked you to investigate what happened to the Lianhuo Expressway."

The chief of staff said hesitantly: "Master, do you really want to move the Yutai base transport team, will it catch fire?"

Shao Dahe said: "No one knows our existence right now. As long as I plan well, I have the confidence to hack the goods at the Yutai base. These containers that are returned from the sea are all good things, and we will do our best before we open the team publicly. Tickets, otherwise I ca n’t do it anymore. I ’m also thinking about my brothers. Otherwise, what do you eat and drink? Let ’s eat in the mountains. As for going to other places, the danger is definitely more than robbing the Yutai base. "

Why don't everyone know this, but the Yutai base can control the Lianhuo Expressway to the Xuzhou section, which shows that their strength is extraordinary, so the chief of staff is hesitant, but seeing that Shao Dahe's idea has been set, the chief of staff only Obey

"This is the intelligence sent back by the reconnaissance squad recently. The **** troops at the Yutai base were very cautious. The reconnaissance was disguised as a zombie trying to approach the highway, but they were hit by the opponent's fire several times, and they almost caused their suspicion.

I dare not approach the other side, and there are mobile patrol cars along the highway, but the interval is long enough for us to get started. "

Shao Dahe took the staff chief folder, and he read it carefully from the beginning. "From the point of view of the firepower of the **** team, we have the absolute certainty to win the transport team. Even if the patrol car comes over, we can deal with it. I suggest to increase the monitoring force of Yungang. Once it is found that there is a large fleet of transport materials Let's do it! "

Huang Tian lived up to her, and Shao Dahe received information that night. It is said that another freighter entered Yungang Terminal. From the perspective of the number of unloaded cargoes, the transport fleet will be the largest in history and may reach more than 50 heavy trucks.

Shao Dahexing hurriedly convened people overnight. "Brothers, our opportunity is here. More than 50 heavy trucks, if we swallow them enough, we will use them for a year or two, and there may be a lot of luxury in them. We It's coming. "

The chief of staff looked at the intelligence and said: "The other party has increased the number of escorts, and it seems they have concerns."

Shao Dahe is cautious though. However, the Yutai base transportation team passed by the Lianhuo Expressway every day, and they knew the situation of Shao Dahe very clearly. He felt that as long as the communication of the other party was destroyed in time, then more than fifty vehicles could be easily transferred. Go, as for those **** troops, with the strength of more than fifty superhumans here, and the suppression of the firepower of a few soldiers, they will surely be able to eliminate them quickly. In order to maintain confidentiality, we cannot stay alive.

The second regiment responded to Shao Dahe: "Master, let me take the lead. We have to go to the high-speed bus to set traps and set ambush points overnight. Then we can take them down in one fell swoop."

Shao Dahe said: "Okay, I will use your two regiments as the main force and use Superman troops to destroy their communication equipment. Then your two regiments will charge and destroy the troops that protect the convoy. Once the second regiment succeeds, you will be responsible for transferring those trucks. Remember that as long as the supplies are not alive, this must be kept secret, or it will definitely be unfavorable to us if it is known by the Yutai base in the future. "

In the past, there was a saying about how bold and productive people are. Although Shao Dahe is clever but the information is not well developed, coupled with his deliberate isolation of advanced communication equipment, they do n’t know how fast the Yutai base developed. They don't even know what kind of strength Yutai Base has. Everything is speculation and estimation, which made Shao Dahe a fatal mistake. A car hijack is easy to eat but it is difficult. And from the beginning he set the principle of killing people, which is an irreparable mistake.

Because of the unloading and loading delays. These shipments only arrived the following evening, and they were supposed to be able to rush back to the Yutai base overnight. However, they were violently attacked by unknown teams near Xinyi City. The other party came up and destroyed the communication equipment, and then fiercely The firepower could not lift the **** troops. A large number of people were killed and wounded, and the entire army was soon annihilated. The other party took away more than 50 cars after the truck driver was killed. The entire process took less than an hour to clear up. Immediately driven into several large caves, even satellites could not be detected, and even the traces of the ground were erased. This kind of thing Shao Dahe has dried up and naturally has experience. Many of the bases he annexed were conspiracies. .

The easy success surprised everyone, and when they opened the truck, the wine, antiques, coffee, weapons and ammunition made them even more excited. There were even a large number of high-end clothing, underwear, watches, gold, diamonds, and a few more. The tanks and armored vehicles are rich in anomalies. In fact, there are thousands of tons of diesel on the freighter, and these things are just replaced with dozens of anti-t virus fluids.

"Master, you are wise, not counting more than a dozen carts of food. These weapons alone are enough for us to use for a year or two, and we have only paid the price of a dozen people, it is cost-effective, and we will pay a few more tickets. You can eat with peace of mind for a few years, "the chief of staff said with a little excitement, and many people gave up their original principles before material seduction.

Shao Dahe calmly said: "It is a joy to have a rich harvest, but this time we have taken a disaster, robbed the huge supplies of Yutai base, and killed their people, so these things must be hidden, we have to pretend Nothing happened. Strengthen the internal inspection and defense of the base ~ ~ After the limelight passed, we thought about a reason and became famous, and then we could compete with the surrounding medium and large bases. With our power to hide our strengths, I believe that the Puyang Army will soon stand out. We don't even look at any of us, we must make our own place in this troubled world. "

Once again, Shao Dahe's success encouraged his people. Everyone responded in unison, and hurriedly collected the fifty-odd cars and then went back to sleep. When Shao Dahe returned to his room, there were already two people there. Waiting for him, although Shao Dahe is also a very successful evolutionary, but the strength in front of these two people is not worth mentioning, so he has to repent what he just said, who doesn't look? He was also arrogant.

With the news that the transportation convoy was robbed and destroyed, Chu Xiang was once again angry. This was really a wave after wave. Wang Shaohui's reconnaissance was inconclusive. So far, I still don't know who ate the bear heart leopard dare to hit the fish station base. , While looking at the satellite, they found that the other party used the weather to avoid satellite reconnaissance.

At this moment, the most uncomfortable and self-reproaching person is Song Jun. Not long ago, Chu Xiang also told him to strengthen the strength of the **** troops, and at the same time to find out the mysterious power of the transport team idea in time, but it only dragged on for a few days. As things suddenly changed, Song Jun's spirit collapsed when he saw the soldiers being slaughtered.


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