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Chapter 338: Beggar

Shao Dahe noticed that Xiao Sha was in the room before he entered the room, but he was not terrified to climb from a small character to the position of a teacher, and he was also considered an A-level evolutionary, so he did not evade Yilimen went in. This is his place. Not to mention, there are several evolutionaries behind him to protect him.

What Shao Dahe didn't expect was that the other party subdued the squared person just two times. The few evolutionaries behind him almost flew out of the room, and he was slaped and slapped like a mud. may not! Powerful, powerful strength!

"You, who are you? What do you want to do?" Shao Dahe said it was false if he was not afraid. After all, he was restrained by people, and he had to be divided into occasions when he wanted to be tough. One of them was wearing sacks and the other It is tall and macho.

The tall and masculine man spoke first, and the sack film stood behind him, listening silently, his hands in his arms, as if playing a mysterious silly, the tall man said: "You are Shao Dahe, The business method is very good, but its own strength is a bit weak. "

Shao Dahe wants to scold others, his evolutionary strength is actually not low. No one at level A had dared to imagine it a few months ago. Even without skills, his physical fitness value will make him superhuman, but Shao Dahe turns his mind. As soon as he thought he was discouraged, the opponent shot him and several of his men under his control. They were really qualified to say that they were weak.

Shao Dahe snorted stiffly and did not respond. The tall and masculine man replied, "I am a beggar. If you are smart enough, you know what to do. In fact, I don't mind destroying your base. For me, you guys. Strength has to be used as cannon fodder. "

Shao Dahe turned his eyes and said, "Sorry, I'm stupid. I don't know what the beggar is or what you want to do, but I am not kidding my own life. If there is anything, you can say clearly if I really do n’t have the strength. I do n’t think you can come to your door. Maybe we have the possibility to cooperate. Then we will be friends? ”

A tall macho man is indeed a beggar who rescues the East! Behind him, of course, is Dong Xie. ^^^^ Now if you look at him under the fence, you know that the beggar is much better than him. Now that he is a thug and a running dog, he probably won't be wronged. This is quite different from the East evil.

Bei Bian stared at Shao Dahe and said, "Don't be a little clever. I know you just robbed the fifty or more vehicles of the Yutai base. Even if I do n’t kill you, the evolution of the Yutai base is not your fault. I It ’s also possible that you have n’t heard of the place name, because you do n’t know how to keep up with the times. The information is behind, but then again, if it ’s not your information here, I do n’t think you dare to move to Yutai Base because you It's because you can't help yourself when you touch an egg with a stone. "

Shao Dahe said a little unconvincedly: "Don't underestimate my strength here, let's try a real sword."

Bei Bie grinned, and he hit out with one palm. Shao Dahe's room rested on a stone wall, which was the original mountain body. I saw the beggar's palm making earth-shattering sounds, and the face of the stone debris was hurting. When the sight was clear, Shao Dahe was scared. Jump, the original local stone wall turned into a stone cave. The beak of the beggar at least smashed the hard stone into more than two meters! Even if it is blasted with explosives, this may be the case, but it is a living meat palm.

Bei Dao was stunned by Shao Dahe: "Your strength is not a grade with me. If it is not useful to you, I would not bother to rub your tongue with you here. I will get the supplies you store here immediately if I want to. You have no power to resist, this is your destiny. "

Shao Dahe knows that even if all the evolvers of the Puyang Army are gathered, he can't help the people in front of him. When it comes to the name of the beggar, he really doesn't know. If the world is not using satellite communications. There is no other way to get information except to observe with eyes. Shao Dahe said: "What do you want me to do? Tell me clearly. I give up."

Bei Begao said, "You are a talented person who knows current affairs. You are also a talented person. I won't treat you well, and I will even help you to build the Liyang base more firmly, but you must be the enemy of Yutai base. ^ ^^^ "

Shao Dahe smiled bitterly: "I snatched their supplies, and now it is difficult to not be against them, but the strength of the Yutai base is very strong from the appearance alone. Just now you said that I was touching an egg with a stone. Now you let me be the enemy of the Yutai base. Isn't that letting me die? You might as well kill me directly with one hand. Bei Biao said: "The only thing you have to do is to obey my instructions, otherwise I really Will kill you with one palm! "

Shao Dahe compromised. Although he was unwilling, this beggar was by no means annoyed by him. He knew for a long time that the target of the Liyang base could not be exposed. I did not expect that this would be the case in a major event. There will be improvement, all blame yourself for greed, now it's hard to think of wet shoes without getting wet.

Bei Biao saw Shao Dahe's compromise and discouragement, he patted Shao Dahe's shoulder with a smile: "Rest assured, I will never take away your power, and I will give you greater power. In the future you may As a general or a minister, I will now accept you as my ground bag brother, and after listening to Master, you will be fine. "

Although Shao Dahe was scornful in his heart, he didn't dare to say something. He suddenly changed from a base owner to someone else's **** bag brother. He didn't mention much awkwardness, but on the surface he shouted in a regular manner: "Master "Do not shout that the beggar will give him a hand. In that case, his hard-earned family business will be cheap for others.

Bei Bian said proudly: "Okay, you are very good. Your base is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and your internal resources are abundant. Now you will organize your troops and prepare for battle. In addition, I will gather a group of people from other places to help you. In any case, you must hold me to the Puyang base. This is a nail inserted under the eyelids of the Yutai base. It is an important barrier to stop their forces from going south. When Nanjing, Wuxi, Nantong, Shanghai and other places become one in the future, the entire js province It will be under our control. "

At this time, Shao Dahe knew the ambition of Bei Bie, and thought about the gap between him and others. His ideal was to permanently hold the area near Puyang, and even a generation would not let outsiders find out, but now it seems that he is stupid Now, in this age of evolutionary evolution, even if zombies don't come to provoke you, the evolutionary will come to you. Xanadu does not exist at all.

Although Shao Dahe reluctantly called Master Bei Bei, but still had to deal with it, "Master. Are you saying you want to prepare for battle?"

Bei Biao said, "Yes, I'm here to save you, do you know. You think you are secretly doing things and you don't even know it, so you can sleep peacefully?"

Shao Dahe said: "No one knows the existence of my base. In addition, I did not leak the action tonight. I don't believe the Yutai base will find it here, so who will we fight with?"

Bei Beng snorted coldly: "Pride! I'm afraid you won't even know how to die yourself, and you look down on that Chu Xiang, and soon you will understand how stupid you are. I will teach you to be good. You must obey Master's words unconditionally, otherwise you know the consequences! "

Shao Dahe didn't dare to say anything, but he honestly went out and set up tasks to keep everyone armed and on guard, while guarding the several entrances into the base. Only Dong Xie and Bei Beg remain in the room. Dong Xie opened the broken sack film and said, "Brother Bei, do you really think these people are available? I'm very opposed to this practice of accepting people everywhere."

Beibei said: "This is the difference between you and me. If you and I do everything the same way, do you say that I will also be reduced to homelessness like you? Although my title is Beibei, But you still look more like a beggar. "

Dong Xie blushed, and he himself forgot why he was looking for a sack film to cover his face and make it mysterious. It may be that it is too late for him to change his costume. In addition, he lost to the consultant of the feed group. For the beggars who couldn't afford to raise their heads, all their lives were saved by others, and they promised to help the beggars to climb into the evolutionary leader. ^^^^ Now it's only obedient.

At this moment, Chu Xiang was holding Xiaosi in her arms in front of the bay horse, and the two were galloping on the Lianhuo Expressway. Xiaosi knew that her brother was angry this time, so even though she was in Chuxiang's arms, she even occasionally moved to Chuxiang. Passing over her chest. But she didn't dare to think. Just quickly zombies around here, trying to see more traces from the eyes of the zombies.

"Stop. Brother, there's something wrong with this zombie!"

Chu Xiang stopped with a fiery flame. Xiaosi said: "I found the trace of the convoy from the brain signals of these zombies. They have moved south along the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway. It seems to be analytically consistent with you and the military brother. Such a large convoy can only be driven at a high speed. Quickly disappear under our eyelids, and their sights will not be far away from here, otherwise we will stop them on the ground. "It was early in the morning, but Li Haipeng's results could not be seen at all near here. The convoy disappeared. The other party had already dealt with the scene at the Lianhuo Expressway incident. Therefore, rutting could not be used as the tracking target, and because the current layer at high altitude interfered with satellite imaging in the vicinity, Chu Xiang had to search by horse in the end.

This kind of thing happened under the eyelids. Chu Xiang, let alone be annoyed. The key is that the robbers killed the **** officers and convoy drivers. This is an intolerable thing. In Chu Xiang ’s view, human beings are left. With such a small amount, everyone can't kill each other even if they can't cling to each other, but now we know that human nature is difficult to change. Mutual killing is a history of thousands of years and cannot be changed.

"Can you find the whereabouts of the convoy from the zombies along the way?"

Xiaosi said: "I try to see that this kind of thing has not been done before, but we are fast, as long as there are no earth breaks along the way, we can find where the team is going."

Zombies will not gather in groups without a high-level collar organization. This high-level collar has been wiped out, so there are scattered soldiers everywhere. This provides Xiaosi's tracking favorable conditions, and finally hides in the mountains and forests. The Liyang base was discovered. ^^^^

Chu Xiang rode a fiery horse through the woods and walked through the woods to the base entrance. This is the base entrance. Although the entrance is hidden, the high wall hidden by the trees can be seen when approaching. Under the cover of the trees, the bottom of the valley was unclear.

The dawn sun shone through the gaps in the leaves, a gunshot slammed, and a bullet hit in front of the flame horse, but the flame horse didn't even glance at it, still walking forward unhurriedly, pop, There was a gunshot. "Stop! Where did it come from, stand there and wait for inspection!"

According to Shao Dahe's regulations, if there is only one option for accidentally hitting the base, staying in the base, otherwise letting them leak the entrance of the base can be very troublesome. It was only that Shao Dahe was cautious, and today he discovered that this secret base was not worth mentioning in the eyes of others. Because two waves of people have arrived in the middle of the night, after all, it may be that his actions are reckless. If he did not rob the supplies, it would be fine.

A small door opened on the thick and tall iron gate, and a group of gun-survivors came out from them. Their clothes were mixed, and they did n’t seem to be regular troops. Xiaosi said to Chu Xiang: "Brother, it seems to be here. The trees are wide enough to run away from heavy trucks, and there is no convoy signal in the heads of the zombies. "

Chu Xiang said: "Then we will ask, we don't think there is such a base under our eyes. If it is not a major event this time, they may not be able to find out someday."

A team of survivors coming out of the base said loudly: "Dismount! Fuck, we really have the ability, this is the first horse we see after the virus. It is unexpected that it is not infected, pretty, and the leader will love it. Maybe it will be rewarded to the head of the group for a delicious meal. "

One person stumbled and said the leader: "A horse is not as beautiful as a man. Look at that girl. It won't be old. It's tender, and the skin is made of water. It's white and distressing."

Another person said, "Does light skin make people feel distressed? I think it ’s still good. Chinese women can grow to so few, unless it is a woman like a fat pig, but this small waist is so thin, my mother came to me really I want to touch it immediately. "

Someone said, "You go up and touch it. This is to check for them. If you don't touch it, I can touch it first."

As soon as Xiao Silk's face changed, even Chu Xiang became angry. He jumped off the flames and said, "Did you steal the supplies from Yutai Base?"

The other party did not expect that Chu Xiang would suddenly ask such a sentence. After a brief absence, the leader immediately shouted: "Return to base alert immediately! They are from Yutai base!"

A head of the regiment was already inspecting the base's defensive situation. Hearing the shout, he happened to be upstairs in the gate, and the gate was immediately slain. Even the newly opened door was closed tightly. The survivors of the team did not have the opportunity to go back. But no one dared to open the door without squeaking.

Chu Xiang took off his glasses coldly and said, "It seems that you are doing the same thing. Let the master of your base come out. We must resolve this in person."

Some of the survivors in the custody called out, "Blind, look at him, he is blind, a blind girl, he came to us arrogantly, and the people at Yutai base are really funny."

Chu Xiang's eyes were dumb. If it wasn't for this reason, he wouldn't want to wear big sunglasses. He heard someone call him blind. He stretched out his arm and pulled the person out of the team. He would twist his neck with a click. , Throwing the corpse into the city wall, Chu Xiang decided not to hesitate anymore, he cried out: "Give you a chance not to cherish yourself, then it is no wonder that I am heartbroken!"

A group leader now knows that the person below is an evolutionary. Otherwise, how could his arm suddenly deform? He gave the order without hesitation: "Hit! Hit me fiercely, I don't believe an evolutionary can stop us. Use a heavy machine gun to fire! Don't hit a man when you hit a man. A woman is kept as a secretary for the teacher. "

After all, the head of the regiment is still a qualified person. He didn't say anything like Madam Yazhai. This is the first time since the establishment of the Liyang Army to use such a large amount of firepower. Before that, they have been relatively lucky, even with fewer zombies. Come here, let alone someone to attack.

After repairing, Chu Xiang ’s ability to control iron has been enhanced. Not only iron, most other metal elements are under his control, but his ability is no longer melting, deforming and absorbing, and even controlling their movement. This fast-moving bomb Under the control of Chu Xiang's powerful thoughts, he quickly turned his head, and shot the owner of the gun, and a crowd of people on the city wall turned his back. How could they have thought that the bullet would be turned over and beat themselves.

A head of the regiment had escaped from the city wall when he saw the situation was bad. He quickly reported the situation to Shao Dahe. At this moment, Shao Dahe had just had a drink with the newly recognized master. He heard that the evolution of the transport team came from the Yutai base outside. The face of the ground changed: "Why did they move so fast ~ ~ and how did they find the land? Didn't they send someone to deal with the whereabouts, what the **** is going on?"

The leader of the regiment did not dare to squeak. He did what he did to remove the traces. He thought that he had done it very carefully, but how did the two people outside the base get it? The trees were lush and lush.

At this time, the beggar said, "Xiao Shao, don't criticize the head of the regiment. It is reasonable for them to come here. Now you can understand that the egg I said touched the stone. Let's go. Let's go and see at the gate. I don't know who will handle it, this time the old man can revenge. "

Chu Xiang alone controlled the shells that had been fired and turned all the guards up the gate. Now no one dared to show up, but dared to hide behind the wall and yell. Chu Xiang was too lazy to kill them again. He told Xiaosi Road: "Tell Song Jun to come over, and bring the supplies back to the base in a while. The matter here must be handled cleanly, and whoever is responsible must be held accountable."

Today it is inevitable that blood will flow into the river, but Chu Xiang is no longer required to act. As a brain figure, it is necessary to cultivate the combat ability of his subordinates. No matter how strong one is, he cannot rule the world. It is just that Chu Xiang did not expect that the small Puyang base was actually hiding a master. Today, he is doomed to be unable to make him safe.


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