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Chapter 340: Sonic tank

The beggar was waiting for the chase, and suddenly the roar of the engine came out of the woods, and then the trees in front of him were rubbed by huge forces. The destruction spread rapidly from the outside to the inside. When he heard the sound, Chu Xiang had already guessed that the party had arrived, and his bones and wings flew into the sky.

I saw the huge forest under my feet was messed up after being hit by hail, and ten armored tanks appeared outside the forest, but these ten tanks were very strange. There was no artillery but a radar-like device was installed on the turret. This device is emitting a super strong sound wave, which oscillates a towering tree into sawdust, but it takes more than 20 seconds to destroy it and quickly reach the outside of the wall. It is faster than the fastest lawn mower. ten times.

The beggar was still a little bit unknown. So, the palm he had suffered just now, and his heart was uncomfortable. Suddenly, a few huge forces hit him. The muscles on his face were deformed in an instant. The beggar screamed badly. The use of teleportation skills disappeared at this time. At this time, all the ultrasonic waves that were not blocked hit all the sections of the wall that had not collapsed. The stones turned into powder, and the soldiers of the Puyang army hiding behind were also The sound waves that broke through the wall shattered and died!

Rolling thick wood chips, ten sonic tanks drove to the valley entrance of the Liyang base. Xiaosi and Zhang Jingyao appeared on the flame horse from behind the tank. Song Jun, Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie, Xu Huai, etc. got out of the tank. Chu Xiang folded his bones and fell to the ground. At this moment, the hail has stopped. Because of the large amount of wood chips falling on the ground, the hail particles are not very slippery.

Song Jun's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and said, "Are you sure, Chu Xiang?"

Chu Xiang said: "Inside is the base controlled by Dongxie and Beijia. I just played with them and asked South Ruolan to scan the inside of the base and see if there are any trucks."

Nan Ruolan got out of a tank. She opened her ghost eyes to visit the inside of the base, and quickly scanned out the topography of the base. There were few external buildings in the base, but there were many natural stone holes on the mountain wall. One of the caves was high and deep, and a large number of trucks were found in it. There is no doubt that the tragedy on the Lianhuo Highway was done by this base.

South Ruolan painted the terrain inside the base and reported the situation. Everyone learned that fifty or more trucks were really losing their minds after they were inside, "Destroy them! ... Slaughter them clean! ... Blood debt and blood compensation ! "

Chu Xiang waved his hand: "Quiet, I know that the car hijacking is a blow to everyone, but things have already happened. We must not lose our minds. Those who deserve to be killed must be killed. We should not kill the landless people or we What's the difference with zombies? Besides, there are many evolvers in Dongxie and Beibei. They are so powerful that they can never break through! "

Everyone knows the power of Dong Xie. Even Chu Xiang is not sure to defeat him. At least it is difficult to win in a short time. Only after consuming the energy of Dong Xie's sonic energy can he win. There is also a beggar who can teleport inside. The combat effectiveness of Liyang Base is really not to be underestimated. Earlier, Chu Xiang took advantage of one enemy and two, relying entirely on strong skills. Once Xiang Xiang fights with his strength, Chu Xiang will fall behind, and who besides Chu Xiang has such powerful skills?

Song Jun said guiltyly: "The responsibility for this matter lies with me, because I ignored Chu Xiang's order, which led to the tragedy. Let me go in and take the murderer out to revenge for the dead brother!"

Wang Bin said: "I also have a responsibility. It is my monitoring that is unfavorable. Next step I plan to install monitoring equipment on the high-speed public line. Even if the fleet communication is damaged, we can know immediately if something happens."

Ma Xinghe said: "This time I escorted the troops. I did not send an evolutionary to accompany them. Otherwise, the opponents would not be able to kill our people in a short time."

Chu Xiang said: "What are you doing. Want to hold yourself accountable? It's not the time yet!"

Everyone flushed. Everyone was a little excited just now. Can not help but spit out my guilt.

Zhang Jingyao said: "In a while we will have two armed helicopters coming over. So although the other side has East evil and North beggars. But our land strength must not be underestimated. Aren't they hiding and not showing up. We will force them out . All the resisters are eliminated! This is the harshest punishment for them! "

The airborne sonic expeller has just come out. But it has not had time to experiment. I did not expect to encounter today. Zhang Jingyao nodded. So Shi Zhengqi drove out the two gunships that had been installed. However, their preparation work is more troublesome. The sonic tank was already on board. They lie along the Lianhuo line. He rushed over immediately after getting a small alarm.

Chu Xiang understands that it is very dangerous to go deep into this complex terrain base. Now that there are so many weapons to help, there is no need to take risks. To be honest, apart from Chu Xiang himself, the eschatology team can not have a war with Dongxie and Beijia. Even Chu Xiang remains undefeated with strong skills. If she fights hard, she may not be the opponent of Bei Bie.

Thinking of Chu Xiang here: "I agree with Jing Yao's opinion and send a tank to the back door of the valley to intercept. Xu Huai, Song Jun, and Li Yingjie all go to help. They will not retreat from there. If they retreat and refuse to surrender, they will be killed. ! "

In the eyes of Xu Huai, he said: "Chu team, I request the use of evolutionary terminator bombs!"

What is the evolutionary terminator bomb? This is Bai Xiaowei's latest research result, which was inspired by the disappearance of the superpower of Chu Xiang after eating the r virus by mistake. The sniper warhead is filled with a special r virus solution, which is slightly different from the blue life injection and the evolution is over. The r-virus in the bomber's interior has a rapid onset of toxicity. When it enters the target body, it will quickly make analysis and judgment.

If there is no t virus in the target, they will die in one to two seconds, and if there is a t virus in the target, the r virus will quickly split and run in one to two seconds, and it will be completely complete in ten seconds. Terminating the t virus in the target will be a painful process, and then the r virus in the target will die automatically. If the target was an evolver before, then I am sorry that it is an ordinary person now.

In view of the greater threat of the bomb to the evolutionaries, Chu Xiang severely made Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming unusable, but now is the time. The inland evolutionaries at the Puyang base are bold, and there must be some masters among them. Evolvers like Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming are vulnerable to fighting alone with them. In addition, these evolvers hijacked the transport fleet and slaughtered many survivors at the Yutai base, so Chu Xiang decided not to be polite.

"Okay, approve it, just report the results of the experiment to Professor Bai, so that she can make a more powerful evolutionary terminator bomb, Wang Bin. Ask about the condition of the helicopter, if there is something abnormal in the air, they don't have to come over, we Ten sonic tanks can already handle it. "

Wang Bin immediately sent a message to Shi Zhengqian. I do n’t know if the signal blocker in the Liyang base was damaged by hail or the cause of the high-altitude interference clouds disappeared. At this moment, the satellite phone had a signal. Already on. It will be here soon.

Sure enough, within five minutes, he heard the huge rotating sound of the helicopter propellers. The two armed helicopters were aggressive, and the ammunition full of ammunition on them was startled. Chu Xiang did not let the helicopter land, but he let him land. Send a few people up. Then Chu Xiang let Shi Zhengqian broadcast by helicopter.

"People in the Liyang base, listen, you have been surrounded. Put down your weapons and surrender, otherwise you will kill!"

Alas, a rocket fired from the base cave. Chu Xiang fired a projectile to blast it in mid-air. This rocket was a signal given by the opponent. They would not be arrested. The battle was about to begin. The Puyang base will be the place for Chu Xiang's experimental weapons.

Under the cover of Wei Qingchun, Zheng Haoran, Wu Zhenghang, etc., the sonic tanks started to launch supersonic waves into the base. The stone fence had already collapsed, and the sonic tank was now pressing against the wall foundation and firing. The big trees that were originally used to cover the base were broken apart, and the fibrous tissue could not stop the weakest attack of the sonic tank. Not to mention this powerful blow now.

It's like the wind blows grass, and it's a bit like a domino effect. The bottom of the valley, which was originally invisible, turned into a bare land after a few minutes. There was no other thing except the wood chips on the ground. People had long been hidden in the caves, so the sonic tanks caused almost zero damage to them, but the first battle was only to clear the obstacles for attack by helicopters.

Shi Zhengqian pressed the launch button, and two missiles flew out. At the same time, another helicopter also fired two missiles. These four missiles were drilled into four large caves. Of course, the caves with trucks cannot be placed randomly. The missiles should even avoid the ground far away. After all, those materials belong to the Yutai base and cannot be destroyed casually.

Boom, booming, explosions collapsed in the four caves, I saw two of them caved out two silhouettes under the shock wave of the explosion, the two of them slammed into two helicopters, slammed, another helicopter Li Xiaoming fired, and with his evolved sniper skills it was easy to hit this guy flying in the air.

And another figure rushed to the helicopter where Chu Xiang was located. Chu Xiang gave him a projectile with a bone wing. The evolutionist was sieved to the ground before he approached the helicopter, unless it was Dongxie and Beijia. Take a shot, otherwise these ordinary evolutionaries are all going to die.

At this moment, Dong Xie and Bei Beg are in a dilemma. It is easy to escape with their strength, not to mention that Bei Beg will also transfer skills, and no one will be trapped by him. But Bei Beg has taught Dong Xie before. Said that he couldn't leave at this time, it would chill the hearts of the people below. At this moment, even if he was pretending, he had to pretend to be the same. Shao Dahe now followed his master step by step.

Speaking of Shao Dahe's intestinal regret, just now there have been earth-shaking changes outside. The base he managed painstakingly was smashed by a sonic tank. Fortunately, most of the buildings are in caves. Otherwise, the entire base will be hit by the sonic wave. Disappeared, the cause of this incident was actually all in Shao Dahe. He should not covet the materials at the Yutai base. Even if he wanted to rob, he should not kill all people with brutal hands. However, things have happened and regrets are too late. Shao Dahe angered the Yutai base, and the Yutai base showed more power than Shao Dahe imagined. I thought that with so many superhumans in Liyang, I almost didn't have to be afraid of any blow. I now know him. These supermen under Dahe are farts in front of others.

Shao Dahe did not expect Yutai Base to let him off after doing the household affairs. This is why he never surrendered his gun. Although some of his men were shaken, Shao Dahe was able to suppress them.

Unable to rely on his own strength, Shao Dahe was actually grateful for the beggars and the east evils that suddenly appeared. At the time, the beggars said that they had come to save him. Shao Dahe still refused to believe it, but now he believed it, so he followed Beibei step by step, lest the Beibeg suddenly changed his guts and no longer protected him. At that time, he was caught by the people in Yutai base, and he was the culprit. Right and wrong.

In the face of a powerful sonic cluster attack, both the beggar and Dong Xie, known for their sonic skills, were powerless. How could they never imagine that the Yutai base would create such a super weapon. There are only ten. If there are so many dozens of tanks, it will not be a problem to sweep across the seven continents of the world.

No countermeasures have been thought of here. Suddenly a missile was injected into the cave. The violent explosion collapsed the cave. Fortunately, Beijia et al. Was deeper, and the cave was already pierced by Shao Dahe. So they quickly retreated to other caves. At the entrance of the several evolutionaries, except for the two flying to the helicopter by the explosion shock wave, the rest were hung. Bang, the first evolutionary was hit on the left shoulder, but his body just shook slightly. The unstoppable momentum still pounced on the helicopter, at which time the machine gun on the helicopter started firing. It struck the evolutionary as if it was blocked by a steel plate. It seems that this evolutionary is extraordinary in strength, but the sniper bomb fired by Xu Huai still wounded his shoulder. This special sniper bomb must be made by a special sniper. Step-by-step firing, powerful and special, is used to deal with the performers or creepers.

Although the machine gun on the helicopter did not kill the evolver, he stopped it. His rush was over. Had to land on the ground, it was five seconds before Xu Huai fired the evolutionary terminator bomb. I saw the face of the evolutionist who fell to the ground with a bitter expression on his face, as if suffering in a hell's pan. Fortunately, the pain was only a few seconds, and then the evolutionist's face loosened.

Xu Huai calmly took out a special pistol from his arms. This pistol can fire large-caliber bullets, can also be equipped with a sight, and is easy to carry. This is Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming's transformation to suit their sniper evolution. The weapon used, bang, Xu Huai fired a shot at the evolutionary on the ground.

The evolutionist on the ground didn't look at Xu Huaidi's shooting at all. His skill was to resist any blow with his super strong body, so he didn't move, and even looked up at the helicopter with contempt. Xu Huai, stunned, the bullet suddenly penetrated the brain of the evolutionist's head, his face awkward, his eyes despised and his eyes flickered, and the evolutionist fell to the ground unbelievably.

This scene was seen by the beggar and Dong Xie who had hid in another cave. Dong Xie and Shao Dahe may not know the details of the evolver just now, but Bei Beg knows that he is a proud apprentice Bei Beg once experimented with his own power. He found that as long as the internal organs of this evolutionary were not shocked, it would be impossible for him to break through the powerful human flesh armor of this apprentice. A pistol shell exploded. What's going on?

Shao Dahe was taken aback by a projectile from Chu Xiang. The evolutionary man was inevitable in the air and had no other way to take advantage. He was struck by the projectile with his body. After the projectile shot through him, The inertia is unabated, and it hits the wall of the mountain a few meters away, and it is deeply buried in it. Shao Dahe absolutely believes that he cannot catch even one.

"What to do?" Shao Dahe and Dong Xie were a little stupid. Even the beggar was thinking about how his loved one would suddenly hang up. Could it be said that there was something wrong with the bullet? Bei Bian had no time to think about it. Shao Dahe and Dong Xie were waiting for him to make a decision.

"Withdraw!" There is no other way for Bei Beggar. If the other side doesn't send someone in, he will make up his mind and not fight with him alone. The ground construction is almost useless, but the helicopters are very powerful. They have a strong impact on the caves on the mountain walls. They don't know how the other party let the helicopters take off. This Yutai base is really an evil gate.

Dong Xie frowned and said, "Blow up all the supplies here! It would be better to ruin them than to get them!"

Bei Biao said: "Okay ~ ~ You and Shao Dahe left the fried materials, I will retreat with my apprentice first!"

Shao Dahe is like a cat with a tail on him. In less than a day, Shao Dahe, the entrepreneur who was confident and strong and unsuccessful in the past, has disappeared. He has been lucky since the virus outbreak, but today the goddess of luck is standing On the other side, this series of amazing events completely defeated his self-confidence. He used his little strength to fight against others. Now Shao Dahe deeply hates that he doesn't understand the development of the outside world, and he leaves him blindfolded. Thought the sky was the size of a wellhead.

"No! Master, take me with you if you want to leave. I don't want to stay when I die. Those people are vicious. They will definitely kill me!"

When Dong Xie's eyes turned, he immediately followed Bei Bei and said, "Yes, let's go first, and then Brother Bei will come to pick up your apprentice."

There is no time for Bei Bian to care about these two villains. If it is not for the two people in the future, he really wants to leave them here and let them perish. Bei Beg immediately starts teleporting when he completes the last confidant. After retreating, he heard a loud noise coming from the sky outside, and the beggar was pleased. The roar of the helicopter attracted the mutant birds, and finally he could see the excitement!


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