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Chapter 341: Air strike

Chu Xiang didn't have time to ask Shi Zhengqian's helicopter to take off at the Yutai base. Presumably there were no abnormalities there. At this moment, the black overhead rushed over. This is not a dark cloud controlled by Chu Xiang, but a mutant bird group!

Shi Zhengqian said without worry: "The mutant bird group has finally appeared, and we can be considered to have the opportunity to experiment with airborne sonic weapons. We just saw the amazing power of sonic tanks. I hope Mr. Dong will not let our air force down."

It is no exaggeration to say that Shi Zhengqian was self-made. For this armed helicopter, he can drive freely. It seems that his level of theory and practice is sufficient. Chu Xiang is not worried about the formation of the Air Force after the success of the experiment, let alone the lack of personnel and personnel. The aircraft can also get help from the country. In this regard, President Hua spares no effort in supporting the Yutai base.

The pilot of another helicopter sent inquiries, and Shi Zhengqian said, "Turn on the sonic destroyer, keep a proper distance so as not to hurt yourself, always be on your own, and be careful of the strike force from the ground. "

In fact, there is no more firepower on the ground. The buildings and trees outside the cave have long been leveled. People hiding in the cave are afraid to come out. Now when they see the mutant birds, they are even more afraid to act lightly. It has been teleported away and no one is leading. The thousands of people in Liyang will not even run out to find death.

Bei Bage originally planned to leave with Dong Xie and Shao Dahe. After seeing the mutant bird group, he changed his mind and said, "We stayed and saw the good show, it really helped me."

Shao Dahe said hesitantly, "Master, it's already dangerous here, let's go quickly." Although it was called Master on the first day, Shao Dahe didn't feel awkward, and even he was a little happy. If it wasn't for the beggar's teleportation skills, today His life may be buried here.

Bei Begao said: "I really don't know how you established the Liyang base before. Now I'm afraid of this danger and I want to run away like a fire. These mutant birds will attack the air target first, so we must be safe. "This is called sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight. Maybe a fisherman will make a profit."

Thousands of mutant birds rushed towards the engines of the two helicopters. Shi Zhengqian saw the birds entering the shooting range. He decisively pressed the start button of the sonic destroyer, and the helicopter trembled, and he saw a circle of vibration visible to the naked eye. Centered around the helicopter.

Chu Xiang is very nervous about the effects of the airborne sound wave repeller. In fact, relying on the previous two technologies, there is no difficulty in manufacturing the airborne sound wave repeller. Except for the sonic frequency and weight, there are few major technical changes. This is also the reason why Dong Lao can get the new product out of the hands. The most difficult research work in the previous has already had experience to learn from, so the latter thing is just fine. A lot has been done, but this does not mean that Dong Lao is not really capable. People have already studied the transmission device, and this point is not comparable to ordinary academics alone.

Mutant flocks are not aware of the end of the day. They were disturbed by the frequency of helicopter engines and propellers, and they were angry and rushed towards the sound source, and they were ready to tear it up and peck it down. Suddenly the air first fluctuated slightly, and then the fluctuation expanded infinitely. The mutant bird flew and flew away from the body quickly, and a shocking scene appeared. The mutant bird glides in the air with its ugly flesh, but this is only one second to two seconds. The subsequent strong shock will crush and smash the flesh of the mutant bird. The sound waves pass within a few dozen meters of the rear. Spared.

Dong Xie looked at the ground and was shocked: "What is this. Power is great! No wonder they dare to fly helicopters. With this kind of support. Let them cross the air and underground."

Bei Biao said: "I think this weapon is similar to the ground acoustic wave tank just now. The Yutai base now controls the ocean and aviation. We are falling behind. We must kill them to get these high-tech!"

Dong Xie said, "People haven't said to kill us yet. It's hard for them to remember the advanced weapons on the other side."

Dong Xie didn't dare to speak out. But Shao Dahe couldn't help it. He said: "Master. The people at Yutai Base are so capable. Presumably our plan will not succeed easily. I think we will focus on security first. These things are long-term considerations. Let ’s go. They ca n’t escape if they find out. Now. "

The beggar gave Shao Dahe a severe look. Now he saw it. Shao Dahe's ability to lay a foundation in Liyang was not all based on his true ability. It was his personal luck that was a little better. Once something really happened. This Shao Dahe is obviously too weak. It seems irrational to accept him as an apprentice.

At this moment, the two helicopters kept emitting ultrasonic waves. The ground bird flock kept falling. They originally came in only a few thousand. So he was hunted and cleaned when he didn't have much time. The joy of triumph flowed in the hearts of all. Succeeded. China is not only able to restore maritime traffic. Even air **** was retaken from the birds.

Shi Zhengqian said excitedly: "Chu team, I finally have a place to use it, and no longer have to be blamed by my wife, she said that following the number of old players in your field I was the least prosperous, neither produced evolution nor played a screw role, Even the level of Zhang Hongbing is less than half, but it will be different from today. In the future, I will firmly control the air power for you. From now on, this sky will be our world! "

Why is Chu Xiang unhappy, but he knows that this is not the time to be happy, because the culprit of slaughtering the transport convoy has not yet been solved, Chu Xiang waved: "Continue to attack, if the other party refuses to surrender, completely destroy them!"

Chu Xiang doesn't think he is a good person, so at this moment he won't pretend that the savior will separate the people in the Puyang base from the massacre and kill! All the rebels kill all, this is a lesson for them to taste the blood! The Yutai base is not so bullying, anyone who dares to peep at it will be punished by life!

When the beggar saw the other party, it was easy to deal with the mutant birds. In addition to being shocked, he was looking forward to the sonic weapons, but now he is at a disadvantage. It is unrealistic to want to go up and steal their weapons, and he will also be hurt. After a beating, the beggar dispelled his thoughts, and now it is time to retreat without Shao Daheti.

"Go! I'll settle accounts with them later!" Bei Bian pulled together Dong Xie. When he was about to hold Shao Dahe, a missile flew into the cave, and Bei Bian exclaimed: "No!" Then he didn't care about Shao Dahe's life and death, he teleported away instantly. Sadly Shao Dahe just recognized Master, but was abandoned by his Master even after half a day.

Shao Dahe is also unlucky. The goddess of fortune has been visiting him for a long time. I did not expect Shao Dahe to pay him a blank paper. I took my own life into it. Although Chu Xiang and others did not know that the main murderer of the Lianhuo Expressway massacre had been killed, in fact, the feud could be counted, but Bei Beggar and Dong Xie still had to carry the mastermind. The charges are not wronged.

"Don't fight, surrender, we surrender, give us a job!" A large number of survivors got out of the cave. They raised white flags to show their surrender to the attackers. Ten sonic tanks rushed to the cave one by one. Under this shock, the Puyang base also planned to resist the survivors and also compromised. They dropped their weapons and took the initiative in the cave. The front wall stood well, and the departure and death of the main characters made them lose their backbone. Without the power to suppress them, these candidates surrendered to save their lives.

Chu Xiang jumped down from the helicopter and passed, his feet sinking into a deep pit on the ground. The shock left the survivors of Liyang, who were already disarmed, afraid of getting up a bit, and the two heavily armed helicopters did not fly away, hovering over the heads of the crowds, and various weapons on the plane were waiting for them. It was cold. Ten sonic tanks are so powerful that no one dares to underestimate this simple weapon converted from an ordinary tank. Because each of them is as powerful as a high-level sonic evolutionary, and once ten sonic tanks attack together, almost no one can stop them.

The helicopter flew above Chu Xiang's head, the tank flew behind Chu Xiang, and everyone's eyes were directed by Chu Xiang's gestures. This scene was very windy, and the world seemed to obey Chu Xiang's orders at this moment. . The survivors of the Puyang base trembled. Even if such a person is blind, it is also unique in the world!

"Participated in the robbery and slaughter of the Lianhuo Expressway last night and walked backwards!" Chu Xiang's voice had the coldness of death, although everyone at Puyang base wanted to resist. But in fact, all the people who had participated in the robbery and massacre did as they ordered, and they couldn't resist the psychological pressure that Chu Xiang caused them. If they do not stand up among ordinary survivors, they will feel as transparent as women who have been stripped of their clothes. Anyone will know that they are lying. This is the powerful spiritual influence of Chu Xiang on these people.

Chu Xiang's eyes showed fierceness like a wolf. He waved his hand, "Kill!" The sound of the machine gun sounded, and nearly two survivors of the Puyang base who were named came down, who said that Chu Xiang would only Being bullied, who said that Chu Xiang could not beat Dong Xie and Bei Beggar. Although they were not killed, cutting off their party feathers was the first step to kill them! After all, there is no real invincibility in this world, and Chu Xiang is growing step by step. There will definitely be some twists and turns on the way to growth, but as long as he has perseverance and determination, Chu Xiang will never be afraid of the beggars, the east evils, and the emperor, even him There is also confidence and courage to fight with them.

Several evolvers who were not taken away by the beggar struggled to resist. They resisted ordinary bomb shooting and wanted to escape. Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming quickly shot and fired the evolution terminator bomb. These evolvers were attacked with r virus in their bodies. However, in just ten seconds, they became ordinary people. They could no longer resist, and paid the price for their murder.

The battle was over, and the self-concealed, impenetrable Leiyang base was in ruins. Shao Dahe left a large amount of supplies in the cave, including more than fifty trucks that had just been hijacked. All of them were intact. The Yutai base, as for the survivors of the Liyang base, they were assigned to bases around the Yutai base for labor.

The beggar and the east evil and some of the evolvers escaped. Chu Xiang did not have a precise direction to chase. The transmission skill is a kind of magical power. Even if Chu Xiang will also teleport, it cannot predict the whereabouts of the beggar, but the beggar He will never be willing to be lonely. Even if he wants to be lonely, unless he doesn't go to Huashan Sword, Chu Xiang will still see him.

The Liyang base let Chu Xiang fire the first shot to enter the province of js. The Yutai base issued a security order the night after the hidden danger of the Liyang base was resolved. All human bases located in Nanjing and north of Shanghai must contact the Yutai base. In order to ensure the safety of Yutai Base in the south, these small human bases must be included in the management of Yutai Base, and all disobedient persons will be severely punished.

Chu Xiang once again restored his previous indifference. He used heavy scriptures in troubled times, and he would be restrained everywhere without the use of iron hands. Dong Xie, Bei Beg, and Hu Yidi, this master has not been resolved. If at this time, because of those little ones, Distracted from the base, this is not good for Chu Xiang.

The two-week time limit is approaching. Most of the registered small bases have reported to the Yutai base and reported the personnel and weapons of the base in detail. Chu Xiang also pointed out the development direction of small bases willing to be included in the Yutai base according to the characteristics of each base.

Not all bases will surrender to the Yutai base, many bases even ignore the central decision-making, so how can they look at the base of a small administrative unit like Yutai, of which the Suqian base is the most noisy.

"Chu team, Suqian base once again rejected our request. We also scolded us," Wang Bin truthfully reported to Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang had not shown a smile for almost half a month, think about it too An enemy did not resolve how he laughed out loud. Bei Beggar and Dong Xie have lost their message temporarily after escaping from the base of Poyang. Chu Xiang was also concerned about the country's reasons for not being able to act on Hu Yidi for the time being. In this case, No one can be happy.

"Take down the Suqian base tonight! This is a warning to other bases that still have two hearts. Follow us at the Yutai base and you will have food and drink, but if you follow the Beijia and Dongxie, don't blame us! Chu Xiang gave an order.

Why did Suqian base refuse to join the Yutai base alliance? In fact, they knew that they would get enough food and weapons to join the Yutai base, but their chief would not allow this power to be handed over to the Yutai base. Speaking of Suqian base, there are many contacts between Beiqian and Suqian. The supreme chief of Suqian is the head of a delegation. He is the younger brother of Bei Bie.

Speaking of Bei Ge, he is not simple. He has the brain and the organizational ability. He is not acting lonely like Dong Xie. Bei Ge knows how to use the power of evolution. He spread the net a few months ago. Now many places There are his brothers, these brothers respect the beggar. The orders to the beggars are naturally upheld. Bei Jia gave instructions to Suqian base through his brother, asking Suqian base to connect with Huai'an and Yancheng. Resolutely break the Yutai base and continue to invade south.

"Leader, are we not thinking about this?" A battalion commander raised his own different opinion to the head of the Suqian base. Just now, the Suqian base rejected the final espionage of the Yutai base, and the Yutai base had already An order to annihilate the Suqian base.

Another company commander also hesitated, "Yeah, regiment, our base is only two thousand people, and the armed soldiers are only eight. What if we attack the Yutai base?"

The head of the delegation said with a big grin: "Relax, my master said that he would come to help then, and then you do n’t want to think about it. The Yutai base came a long way to attack us. All right, they just frighten and scare us. Even if one or two evolvers are teleported, we don't have to look at them. "

Why did the head of the Suqian base say this? Because the matter of the Liyang base is unknown to the outside world, the sonic tanks and helicopter ground forces were concealed by people such as Bei, and such things will only break the hearts of others. Therefore, only the people who have comforted themselves, Yutai base is not terrible, they dare not do anything, just a group of guys who dare to say they dare not do it, in order to inspire their own fighting spirit.

Keying is still worried about the truth: "I know the result after tonight. I hope the Yutai base really scares us. Otherwise, I'm afraid something will happen because the Yutai base dares to be so tough and it must be bad. Yeah. "

If it is not necessary to rely on these officers, the regiment will slap them out. In his opinion, the master is invincible. What is the base of Yutai? It seems that there is more food. I heard that it was with the Japanese. There was a fight, but I didn't hear it anymore, but followed my own master, maybe I could get a commander of the army or something.

In the evening, Master Di, the head of the group, really came with a group of people. Bei Bian mixed with these people as a pig. He didn't hide because he was afraid of Chu Xiang. Large, the Yutai base suddenly opened a knife to the province of js, making him a little passive, he had to adjust the defense of each base, and also dived into Yutai base in person several times to obtain first-hand information.

However, the beggar was disappointed that he did not get the real thing about the sonic weapon. The Yutai base was quite strict in terms of security measures. Although the outer periphery of the Yutai base was heavily protected, there were shooting trees in addition to a few fences And Dao Cao, but the Yutai base knows better that there are teleport evolutionaries in this world, so the protection inside the base is not dare to loose

Although it is unlikely that the Suqian base will be held, the North beggar still insists on resisting, otherwise it will only be like a caught **** and let others pull out the hair on his body.

The scene began to fall, and Suqian base was ready for battle. They had fought a few vicious battles with zombies before, so the combat experience was also rich. There were no shortage of weapons such as machine guns and cannons. The group leader organized a group of evolvers. , Wherever it is dangerous to prepare.

Hum ----, the roar of the aircraft came from the sky, and the beggar murmured in this group of evolvers. The other party really started to use the air strike force, which was a fatal blow to his future plan ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ It ’s really weird. Why did the group of people develop such advanced weapons? It seems that their plans and steps are still out of the question. Unfortunately, the group of conspirators did not have the long-term vision of the East evil that he admired before. They Except for a large number of bases for compliance, it did not start with the study of advanced weapons, at most it continuously strengthened the plunder of existing weapons from the outside world.

The battalion commander hurried into the command of the regiment: "It's not good for the regimental commander. A group of planes came out, and visionaries with good vision recognized it and said it was a series of fighters. The number seemed to be nearly ten!"

The head of the group looked at his Master with a little doubt, and said, "How is this possible? Isn't the plane unable to fly for a long time? Isn't a mutant bird flock coming?"

The master of the regimental master also wanted to keep concealing. He told his cheap apprentice: "Don't panic, leave guard posts and counterattack forces to let others enter the bunker immediately. Did n’t you just support you with a batch of air defense weapons? Then, whether he is an airplane or a flock of birds, come and play one by one, and two by one. "

But at this time, the head of the group also started to mumble, and the evolutionaries under his own hands should not have mistaken it. Is there a fighter at the Yutai base? And the number is huge, this kind of strength is also farting with others!


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