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Chapter 347: Hungry world

Liu Yi also accompanied Wang Yang and smiled proudly, saying that he was a double spy, apparently a brother to the beggar, but secretly a brother of Wang Yang. As for that Wang Yang has found the information, There is nothing to say about the family, an ordinary person, but his other title is very famous, which is the legendary magical power.

At the beginning of these titles, no one paid attention to it, but it was a pastime of boring survivors on the Internet. But later everyone found that other evolutionaries respected those who owned this title, so in order to win and sell people ’s hearts, they have People with this kind of title even more deliberately moved closer to this title, and even Wang Yang still brought a Wang Tong with him, which meant to treat him as Zhou Botong. Unfortunately, Wang Tong and Zhou Botong were really different. In addition, Wang Yang also Secretly collected seven younger brothers, all of whom have a certain strength, will be of great help to his ruler evolution.

Liu Yi flattered the Master a few words, and then said, "Master, I am really happy today. I met a very cute girl. One day you will come to me and let you enjoy."

Wang Yang was not interested: "Okay, you can enjoy it slowly, but don't make trouble, after all, the Shanghai base is not your choice."

Liu Yi said, "Master, rest assured, although the Shanghai base is guarded by the army, I still haven't seen their strength. Actually, those rulers still have to look at me."

Wang Yang urged: "Don't be overly proud and confident. After all, you still have the Ministry of National Evolution on your head. Don't make trouble before the evolutionary conference."

Liu Yidao: "I understand Master. Besides, I have no intention of making trouble this time. I am ready to chase the girl and find the feeling of first love."

"Feeling first love?" Wang Yang dismissed. He said, "Let ’s do it, let ’s get in touch if there is something." He said Wang Yang dropped the phone. If he knew that Liu Yi was looking for his first love, it was also possible for the uncertain master and apprentice to stage a beauty win. .

At dawn, Chu Xiang felt the sun shining outside. He had problems with his eyes. Liang Tian and Zhang Yan already knew, but neither of them asked much. In fact, after seeing Chu Xiang's ability to control the bomb, they knew Chu Xiang. Even if you can't see the strength of things, isn't there a legendary blind man? People may be that type.

She got up lazily from the bed and stretched a lazy waist. The small white waist made Zhang Yan envious. This is an abandoned farm, where many old residents of the old city live. Their main job now is to search for food everywhere. The area of ​​Changxing Island is not too small. Because the water is abundant and the plants are long and dense, the food source is still quite diverse. It ’s just that there is no nutrition and it ’s not enough to eat. said.

As soon as Liang Tianyi opened the broken outer door, his face changed. Chu Xiang immediately sensed it. The visitor was Liu Yi who had seen him last night! Liang Tian stared angrily without knowing what to say. And Zhang Yan just came out of the room. There was some temptation for the undressing, Liang Tian quickly pulled Zhang Yan behind him.

Liu Yi looked at Zhang Yan with ambiguous eyes. But he didn't bother anymore, because Xiao Si also came out of the room at this time. The little beauty just woke up, the dim temptation is even more embarrassing, not to mention that the little silk coat has not been snapped together, two white **** are exposed, and Liu Yidi's eyes emit green light coming.

"Little sister, I don't know what you call it?" Liu Yi asked politely. Last night, I saw Xiao Si in a hurry and let him remember for a long time. It will be implemented at dawn as soon as possible. She willingly fell in her arms, otherwise the overlord stubbornly bowed, which had nothing to do with first love.

Seeing Liu Yiyi and ignoring him, Liu Yi wanted to get angry, but he managed to control his mood. He said, "Little sister, you probably don't know where this is yet, although I don't intend to imprison you. But you have to know that Changxing Island is a prison in itself. If you do n’t go out without my order, you wo n’t be able to get food, so do n’t yell at me. It ’s no good. ”Liu Yi ca n’t escape himself. The influence of character, in fact, he is already threatening, this is what first love should do.

She rubbed her eyes, then pointed innocently to Liu, "Are you talking to me, sorry I didn't hear you."

Liu Yi hummed to express his serious dissatisfaction. After all, he was not a saint and could not truly be calm. In his imagination, today should be a happy day. The little beauty accompanied him to watch the sunrise at the Yangtze River estuary, and then together After breakfast and morning tea, the little beauty finally fell in his arms and called him a few brothers, but now things are not under his control.

"Sister, you don't know the rules here, I don't force you, but I will come to you tomorrow, I hope you will know what you should choose at that time." Liu left the conversation and left He didn't believe that the little beauty would not need to eat, and how hungry she could be if she hungry all day.

After Liang Tian and Zhang Yan were beside him, Liu Yi couldn't stand the temptation of Zhang Yan's mature woman. He went to touch Zhang Yan's chest, Zhang Yan quickly stepped back, Liang Tian stepped forward to block Liu Yi, Liu Yi However, he put out a finger and poked at Liang Tian. Liang Tian stood unsteadily and threw himself to the ground. Chu Xiang was waiting for his shot. Liu Yi said, "Liang Tian, ​​know my rules, I know your skill. It ’s okay, I do n’t want to give up on you. Now I will give you another chance. If you do n’t know what you should do tomorrow, do n’t blame me.

Liu Liu left without looking back, Liang Tian stood on the spot, angry, frustrated, and resentful thoughts flooded into the brain, Chu Xiang came forward and patted Liang Tian's shoulder and said: "Don't be afraid, things will not be like you As serious as you think, can you take me out for a walk? "

Liang Tian smiled bitterly: "How could it not be serious? I should have thought that Liu Yi would definitely not let me go and Zhang Yan, but let me give my girlfriend a hand in hand and ask me to die for him, he Dream it. "

Zhang Yan tightened Liang Tian's hand to show her mind: "I still say that, there is nothing terrible to die. As long as I can die with you, I'm satisfied that you can take him around, let's go. We can be benefactors That's all I need to do. I will face the storm with you tomorrow. "

Chu Xiang knew from Liu Yi's shot just now that he was not weak, but compared with Dongxie and Beijia, it didn't seem to be a little weaker, and Chu Xiang was completely sure to subdue him. However, it is not the purpose to subdue Liu Yi. It is most important to understand the internal situation of the Shanghai base, even if the central government cannot control it, but if something makes Chu Xiang unhappy, he must intervene.

Out of the dilapidated abandoned house is a fairly wide desert grassland, Liang Tian pointed to the deep grass and said, "If we don't want to starve to death, we have to go into the grassland to find food, because the residents living here are self-reliant. Liu Yi's evolution The army does not provide for them. "

Chu Xiang said: "Is it because the Shanghai base lacks food?"

Liang Tian shook his head and said: "Of course not. On the contrary, the reserve of food preparations at the Shanghai base is quite large, but Liu Yi on Changxing Island has the final say. Even in Chongming Island, Liu Yi has a great say. He usually has nothing to do. Some people are against it, and the leaders of the Shanghai base are also somewhat shameless. They only care about protecting their own interests and enjoyment, and they do not care about how their old surnames live. "

In words, Chu Xiang saw several ragged survivors carrying baskets into the desert grassland, and several people came out of them with baskets of green things. These survivors lived in this abandoned room. in. It's not far from the water's edge behind the room. But there are mutants in the water, this is something everyone knows. And not all shores have sonic expellers, so few people dare to go to the water and fight for food.

Liang Tian and Zhang Yan drank a few bowls of porridge last night. However, he was still hungry, but he still led Chu Xiang to look around. This place is not far from Liu Yi's headquarters. The original headquarters was a residential area similar to the town. Now it is circled as the Evolution Command. The people inside seem to be busy with work. The four people from Chu Xiang came out from there last night. There is no need to go in and check. Besides, there are people standing on several posts. Advance.

Several survivors in a row of humble civilian houses gave birth to a pile of bonfires. An iron pot was set on the fire, and the water was already *. They went to dig wild vegetables early in the morning. They were busy making breakfast at this moment. This time is not spring. Edible wild vegetables are rare. Most of these people dig out green grass. That stuff is different from wild vegetables. It ’s hard to swallow if you eat them without nutrition.

Chu Xiang walked over to the side of the pot and asked casually, "Wild vegetables are not easy to find. It would be nice if they were mixed with rice."

A man in his forties said, "Who said no? Yesterday, I saw the headquarters unloading the rice from the warship, but they gave us nothing, and I really doubt whether they have a conscience or not. Watching us starve to death? "

Another man said: "Don't complain, who made us unlucky. It would be nice if it was in Chongming Island. At least there were two meals a day there, and we were all non-staff on Changxing Island. Distribution of rations, but unfortunately overcrowded over Chongming Island, we can't go at all. "

Chu Xiang said: "Whether the Shanghai base does not ask Changxing Island? How can you be classified as a non-staff member? This makes no sense."

A man said: "The truth? Is there any truth in this world? What about the base of Chongming Island? They want some food, and the rest can feed them for a few more years."

Another man said, "Mo talks about state affairs, Mo talks about state affairs, and the water boiled down and hurry up the dishes. I'm almost hungry. I also ate a belly last night. If we continue to do this, we will become cattle. "

Almost half of the pot was poured into the boiling water. Chu Xiang knew that he could not eat it when he smelled the smell. However, the survivors kept spitting, as if the pot was filled with mountains and sea. Chu Xiang felt sorry for these people. He got up and said, "I'm going to pee."

Afraid that Chu Xiang could not see the fall, he got up and gave Chu Xiang the collar. Where did Chu Xiang actually pee? He got into the grass to open the space ring and took out a bag of rice. That was leaving the fish table. When the base came out of the ground, Chu Xiang let Xiaosi yell. "There's a bag of rice here, let's see it soon!" Xiao Si covered her mouth and pretended to be surprised.

The people who were around the pot first stunned, then jumped up like a rabbit and rushed into the grass. Sure enough, a bag of rice was thrown on the ground, and several survivors rushed to the ground and pressed the rice tightly under them. I'm afraid that someone else will rob you. In the end, the male man in his forties said, "Come calm down, and the rice will not run long legs. Besides, this little girl and little brother first discovered it. Although we are hungry The front belly is attached to the back spine, but this point still needs to be explained. "

Chu Xiang smiled and said, "Well, there is a part for the audience. Let's drink some porridge together."

The man in his forties said happily, "Okay, I admire the style of my little brother. My name is Sun Yang. Let's make friends and be blessed and share the same burden in the future. Who would be bullying you because of your eyes? No one will let him go! "

In fact, all of the people present in the past were a bit of a face. If they were not hungry enough to kill people in the public, they would not be able to kill them. Now Chu Xiang said that they are willing to share with them, and everyone is happy. I naturally agree with what Sun Yang said.

"Yes, who dares to bully you, we will not spare him!"

Liang Tian said behind his back: "You are all ordinary people. Do n’t flash your eyes when talking about such a big word. Do n’t look at others with eyesless eyes, but you may not be an opponent when you are tied up." But then Liang Tian cannot Speaking out, he even suspected that this bag of rice was actually made by Chu Xiang. Otherwise in a world where food is scarce. Who would throw a sack of flour in the grass, that is, this group of evil-headed people would believe it.

The grass smelled a lot when the rice was in the pot. Water was originally boiled, but the rice was not ready to be eaten for a while. I could only endure it for more than ten minutes, and finally there was one. Several broken porcelain bowls were stretched in and simmered a bowl of rice soup. Then we used grass branches to make some chopsticks and weeds into the bowl. Everyone shared a bowl and squatted Grunting on the ground ate.

Although Liang Tian and Zhang Yan were evolutionaries, they were also hungry early. Such things have a great temptation to them, and they are bitterly bitter. Only Chu Xiang and Xiao Si guarding their bowls are hard to swallow. You look at me, I look at you, and finally helplessly put down the chopsticks.

嘀 ---- An off-road vehicle drove over, the brakes raised a dust, and the survivors of Zhengxiang were protecting the bowl and hiding away. Several uniform men came down from the car, but they were not urban management, but Liu Yi's Evolution Forces.

The uniformed man looked at the person squatting on the ground with disgust, and there was a flattering whisper in his ear next to him: "Captain, their porridge is problematic, it smells like something, a bunch of poor ghosts come from."

The man called the captain stepped forward and kicked the fire with a pair of leather shoes on the ground pot. It really is not ordinary cooking soup, there are a lot of rice grains, and then look behind those who eat porridge, there is even a bag of rice on the ground!

Seeing that the captain of the uniform stared at the rice on the ground behind him, and just after eating the rice, Sun Yang and others were nervous. They unknowingly formed a circle to block the bag of rice. The captain stepped forward and pointed at the people. The rice behind him said, "Where's the place?"

Sun Yang said truthfully: "Pick it up."

The captain of the uniform snorted, "Do you want to lie to the ghost for this reason? Now it ’s not easy to pick a wild vegetable outside, and you still pick a bag of rice? I think it was stolen! Come!"

A uniformed soldier immediately stepped forward, and the captain said, "Take the rice away and give them some lessons. Next time I see them stealing the rice and drive out of Changxing Island! I said that the commander would not let me out for patrols. It turned out that there was a problem. "

Sun Yang said loudly: "Who saw us stealing rice? This is really what we just peeed in the grass. Your evolvers can't do this, and it will not make people live!"

The captain raised his hand to incite Sun Yang with a slap. "Since you don't want to live, I'll do it! Dare to talk back to me, I said it's stolen! It's stolen! You blind people, don't live without any skill, die early Save us food, or rush to evolve, so immortality is waste! "

Sun Yang was beaten by his captain with a few slaps. The opponent was an evolutionary. Although he did n’t work hard, this slap's power was enough for Sun Yang. Two uniformed soldiers went to grab the rice. Others naturally refused, but they Where is the opponent, he was knocked to the ground twice.

Chu Xiang has never made a shot. He is waiting for Liang Tian and Zhang Yan. If these two have no courage to see justice and courage, then the matter of taking them back to the Yutai base must be considered, but Liang Tian and Zhang Yan have not. Let Chu Xiang be disappointed.

Seeing that the captain of the uniform was going to beat the survivor who protected the rice, Liang Tian stepped up and slapped his hand and said, "Enough, even if you insist that the rice was stolen, take it away, don't hit anyone again, they Not cats and dogs, but humans with flesh and blood like you! "

The captain of the uniform was a bit surprised, so he looked at Liang Tian a few more times, and then smiled: "Oh, isn't this Captain Liang Tian, ​​why are you now squatting down the street with a bunch of food and soup? I remember yours Devil's claws are so powerful. Could it be said that they were broken? "

Liang Tian recalled and recognized the person in front of him. At that time, he was the captain of the evolver under Liu. This person had stayed in his team for two days, but was later transferred to another team, so Liang Tian had no time. Think of it, as if his name was Zhang.

Liang Tiandao: "It turned out to be Zhang. I can testify to them. This bag of rice is indeed picked up. It doesn't matter if you want to grab it. Don't hurt the innocent."

Zhang Lengheng said: "Are you ordering me? Do you really consider yourself a captain? Don't think I don't know you have been edited by Commander Liu, now you can walk freely on the island. Your great care ~ ~ If you don't know anything, don't blame me for cleaning up Commander Liu. "

Liang Tian's face changed. He knew his own affairs. He would not be afraid of Zhang with his evolutionary strength, but was tortured by Liu Yi for so long, and he and Zhang Yan were exhausted when they escaped from Changxing Island. There was no recovery at this moment, so Zhang was fully capable of taking him down.

The talking side has already begun. Sun Yang and others regarded the bag of rice as more important than their lives. How can they let Zhang's people take it? Although Sun Yang and others were knocked to the ground, they were still strong. climb up. At this time, one of Zhang's men saw Chu Xiang standing on one side and hindered him, and he drew it with a palm.

"Blind, get out of my way, don't delay me in packing up these bunch of rabbits who don't know how to die!"

Chu Xiang didn't want to reveal his identity here, so he used the water control skills secretly, so Zhang's palm just hit the water layer and did not hurt Chu Xiang, but what Sun Yang saw was Chu Xiang was beaten blindly, and he just promised to cover others. Now that Chu Xiang was beaten, it was when they repeatedly promised that Sun Yang immediately jumped forward.

"Damn, you bully even blind people, I always fight with you!"


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