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Chapter 348: Unbearable

Sun Yang jumped like a tiger to the player who beat Chu Xiang, but the opponent had evolutionary skills, but he waved, a plant like a whip came out of his cuff, and the whip sheath Penetrating Sun Yang's chest, Sun Yang was startled. He didn't know what it was, but it was too late to avoid it. `` ``

Alas, Sun Yang's chest was stabbed by a long-whip-like plant. He didn't expect that a dark-green harmless vine would have such an effect. This is simply using a whip as a javelin to let it continue to pierce. Today The intestines must be worn out! But Sun Yang was unable to dodge, and his fitness was poor.

Chu Xiang could not see his eyes, but his movement was not slow. He secretly urged the plants behind him, and a long vine also shot quickly, entangled Sun Yang's body and pulled back, stabbing Sun Yang's chest with a long whip. Immediately lost, Sun Yang touched his chest, the wound had broken into the skin, and blood penetrated the clothes, but fortunately, the body was not affected in time, but it was only a flesh wound, but when Sun Yang saw to save himself After the rattan was a rattan, he was puzzled.

Chu Xiang's people didn't move at all. To outsiders, he was just a blind, because the scene suddenly became bigger and frightened, and even Sun Suo didn't suspect that it was Chu Xiang's rescue in secret. After Chu Xiang rescued Sun Yang, he secretly controlled the plant to attack Zhang quickly and fiercely, and the other party was also a plant controller, but his skill was far from Chu Xiang's eyes.

The plant controller was shocked when he shot down the hollow, and it was also a plant that rescued Sun Yang. He didn't know who was shooting in the dark, but he had to help the people quickly scan the field. But he didn't wait for him to weigh in. The rattan that was just under my control suddenly lost control!

This plant controller has a function that Chu Xiang does not have. He can plant plants on himself, so a rattan can pop out from the cuff. But now the rattan turns around and wraps his neck around him. !! The plant controller thinks that his control ability is already very strong. In Zhang's team, his strength is already in the top rank, but now he meets the master, and he is helpless like an ant. You can't control even your own weapons.

Uh ... the plant controller stretched his tongue. He pulled it hard but it was useless. The rattan rattan that came out of his cuff was supported by another energy and became very strong, even if the plant controller tried his best. There is no way to regain control of it. His face was getting more and more purple, and his head finally lost his voice.

Alas, the rattan that had been entangled with the plant controller quietly retracted into the cuff of the plant controller. Zhang Yuan was still ridiculing at Liang Tianliang, and he didn't stop when the team shot. But the development of the scene was not what he expected, and his own controlling plant evolutionist was strangled by the plant!

Zhang Lengliang glanced at the people present: "It turned out that there is an expert present today, so don't you want to run away. I'll see who has the courage to dare to pull a tooth out of a tiger."

Liang Tian didn't expect that a powerful evolutionary was finished. He didn't know that Chu Xiang had the ability to control the land of plants, but he understood that besides him and Zhang Yan, only Chu Xiang and Xiaosi were here. Evolutionist, if Chu Xiang and Xiao Si's evolutionary strength has become so powerful. That could explain why the two of them have always been fearless in their tone. However, it seems that Liang Tian can't imagine how little energy a blind girl can have. This is incredible.

Of course, Chu Xiang wouldn't explain, he still stood on the side like that. As if everything in the field had nothing to do with him, Zhang roared and prepared to be slaughtered after a few screams. A cold and humid gas suddenly condensed in the air, and then dozens of water arrows appeared out of thin air in front of everyone! This one turned out to be a water-controlling evolution! And the strength has reached the condensate to hurt people.

Alas, alas, dozens of water arrows shoot at everyone in the cold air. If these water arrows are hit, I am afraid that they will never be worse than the steel arrows. Liang Tian fights for the last energy. The steel knife was excited, and Zhang Yan had to let out the only remaining energy to form a small storm on the ground. However, from the analysis of the situation, the possibility that this storm can suppress the opponent's arrow and rain is very small, even Zhang Du has laughed with contempt.

Silk stood as steady as Chushan behind Chu Xiang. She was full of sympathy for Zhang. Wasn't this person selling axe at Luban's doorstep? It's all right, don't continue to annoy your brother, otherwise he won't end well today.

How did Zhang know Xiao Si ’s thoughts? He was sent by Liu Yi to monitor the food here, especially to control the food sources of Chu Xiang and Xiao Si. According to Liu Yidi ’s plan, he would starve Xiao Si to compromise. Not afraid that she would not accept her feelings.

Zhang Xinzheng is proud of himself, his skills are also very good, and then he can beat the fart, so he can be the captain. He is sure to destroy the people in front of him, even if the other party can control the plant to break through his arrow rain. It was also difficult, but Zhang Ke didn't dare to hurt Xiao Si and Zhang Yan, because that was Liu Yi Yao's person.

The thoughts in Zhang's brain were turning quickly, but he didn't notice that the arrow rain that shot out suddenly changed his head and tail, and then shot back at a more violent speed. When Zhang responded, there was already a water arrow in front of him. It was too late to roll on the spot. He couldn't exert his energy again to control the water arrows. He only wanted to survive.

Unfortunately, one of the players behind Zhang was not so lucky. He was hit by a water arrow and fell to the ground like a hedgehog. The arrows were simply water. Once the energy added to it was removed, it would become dripping everywhere, but The wound that stabbed the human body was clear, but the water was gone and he could not find any weapon. This made the dead player on the ground look strange and weird.

After Zhang Landong rolled and shouted, he got up from the ground, and he didn't care about rubbing the mud on his face. He shouted, "Who! Who is the man who moves his hands secretly in the dark? A good man will stand up to me! Fight one. "

Unfortunately, no one answered, not because he was afraid, but because no one knew who was doing it. Sun Yang's chest injury was not a problem. He looked around at his own people, none of them seemed to have this ability. When Zhang shouted. The weak storm that formed the ground beneath Zhang Yan's feet suddenly turned wild. Alas, a hair dryer rose into the sky, and then flew towards Zhang.

Zhang's men were hung up, his own water control skills were invalidated again, and a violent storm hit him, and he turned and turned, and the storm swept through everything. It only took a while to catch up, Zhang yelled and was drawn into the wind tunnel, then the wind tunnel of the tornado expanded, and swept towards Changxing Island Evolution Command. The back Zhang Yan was dumbfounded.

The station guard at the entrance of Evolution Command has found it inappropriate, and immediately called the headquarters to inform the command. Liu Yi was still thinking about how to chase Xiaosi. In fact, he was already thinking about whether to use the method of drug fans. The so-called dog reform Can't eat shit. People like him want to play pure, that's just pretend.

After hearing the news, Liu Yi ran out. To be honest, Liu Yi didn't look at Liang Tian, ​​Zhang Yan, etc. at all. He didn't even care about Chu Xiang's appearance in the old urban area. It's not scary to come to that point, but now there is such a big tornado storm, Liu Yi wonders. Zhang Yan's strength was almost lost by his toss. How did this storm come out? Did Zhang Yan suddenly have an adventure all night? Otherwise where did the storm come from.

"Come on, stop it for me!" Liu had no time to think. Hurriedly instructed those who were evolutionaries to let the storm sweep through Evolution Command. Then all the hard-earned foundations here are destroyed.

So Liu Yi ’s eight immortals showed their magical powers across the sea, but when they thought they were unable to stop the power of nature, the tornado storm suddenly disappeared, and they saw that the debris in the air began to land in succession. Oh, it was called, as for Zhang, who knows where it is, no one knows life or death.

Zhang Yan finally woke up from the dullness. She rubbed her eyes, and then touched her head, determined that this was not a dream, and then asked Liang Tian, ​​"What's going on?"

Liang Tian also stammered and said, "Yeah, why did you and you suddenly become so powerful?"

Zhang Yan said: "It's not me, it's not under my control at all!"

Liang Tian looked to the left and right and finally he had to set his sights on Chu Xiang, but he couldn't believe that an evolver could have multiple skills, even if there were few such cases, and most of them focused on a certain skill. Now, the inexplicable extraordinary ability now has the ability to control water, control plants, and control storms. Can this be done by a blind person and a little girl?

Suddenly Chu Xiang sighed, "Oh, when can you really build the base when you fight and kill? The people here are going to be hungry and no one asks. When all the civilians are dead, who can maintain it? As for the development of the base area, this trail is not ideal. They can't figure it out. An unproductive group of waste. "

Si simmered a bowl of rice soup from the pot, and then handed the grass inside to Chu Xiang. The two squatted on the ground and snorted and snorted. Sun Yang could not guess the meaning behind Chu Xiang's words, but Understand literally that he agrees with Chu Xiangdi's statement.

Although Sun Yang and others know that Liu Yi has offended him, think of it as a large prison. Even if you are worried, it ’s useless. It ’s better to let go of your belly and eat. After a while, someone can kill them and relax. So Sun Yang The leader also started drinking straw porridge, and Sun Yang deliberately squatted beside Chu Xiang.

Sun Yang said to Chu Xiang: "Brother, I agree with you, we are not afraid to be slaves, but slaves have to eat and drink Lhasa, right, they are doing fishermen's work as soon as they do it. When all of our slaves die, see if they return How long can I live? By the way, you were so calm. My crotch was almost wet. "

Although Chu Xiang didn't want to drink these rice porridges, he was really hungry and didn't want to go out to eat alone. He could only bite his head and drank a bowl. He said, "What's calm, you won't be scared if you don't see it."

Sun Yang laughed: "It makes sense, but who is behind us is really strange. I know the details of these people, they are not evolutionaries, who are they?"

At this time, a man beside Sun Yang pointed at Liang Tiandao: "Isn't this the Liang Captain of the previous eight teams?"

Although Liang Tian and Zhang Yan had a lot of doubts, they knew that Chu Xiang and Xiao Si were not bad people, and even if they had secrets, they would not harm them. So the doubts fell into the doubt and they continued to eat after Chu Xiang. If this pot of porridge is wasted, It's really a violent conspiracy.

Hearing someone confessing himself, Liang Tian said: "I have been expelled from Liu Yi's evolutionary forces. The evolutionary power has been almost lost. It is a guilty body now. Are you afraid of being involved?"

Sun Yang smashed the bowl with a tree branch and said, "What are you talking about? Do you look down on us? I know we are ordinary people, but we are also bloody. Since everyone is eating the same pot of porridge, it is a blessing and a treat. But our abilities are limited, and I dare not brag in front of you about such ignorance. "

Liang Tiandao: "Unexpectedly, Brother Sun is so bold, although you are not an evolutionary, but you are also a good man. You will not forget everyone when Liang Tian turns around."

Sun Yang touched his chest with a sullen smile and smiled, "What kind of shit, this guy bullied him and I gave him a shot, but he almost planted it without making a shot."

Chu Xiang said: "Brother Sun doesn't need to care, isn't it that they follow in the end?"

At this time, another man said, "That's right. What happened just now, it seems that we won somehow. Is there an expert to help in secret, but if it is not Captain Liang, who would it be?"

Although Liang Tian was skeptical of Chu Xiang and Po, he lied for the two men and said: "What masters are helping each other secretly. Are there any masters in them? I think it is those people who have lost their goodness and God wants to punish them. Is there a big storm? "Sun Yang and others did not know Zhang Yan's evolutionary skills, and now have to believe Liang Tian's words.

It is said that Liu Yi escaped the storm. He felt the cold sweat and began to think about the reason. A counselor next to him analyzed it: "Commander Liu, the storm just now is by no means under the control of Zhang Yan. There may be a powerful evolutionary in our base. We must find him early Come out, either conquer or kill it, or it will be a hidden danger to the earth. "

Liu Yidao: "However, there are at least tens of thousands of people scattered on the island. How can I find them? We don't have a method for the evolutionary test. We can't just pull everyone over and chop their heads to see their response."

Solicitor: "You can use draw-ups to give them a lot of profit. It is better if they are willing to use the Tao for us. If not, we must find them to prevent future trouble."

Liu Yidao: "The most common thing for ordinary people on the island is food. Then we set up a porridge shed, and then let them perform a few unique tricks. Those who are satisfied will share porridge and eat and drink after joining our team. go."

Solicitor: "This idea is not impossible. We can also formulate a report system, and find that ordinary people have evolved to evolve and report. If the report is verified, the reporter can be sent to Chongming Island to live."

Liu Yi smiled: "It's true that no matter how deep they hide, they can't hold the people's war forces. Even if they don't want to come out to work for me, others will betray them if they can't stand the temptation of interest."

Another reminded Liu Yi: "Commander, when we caught Liang Tian and Zhang Yan, we found an evolutionist. Do you think it was him who made waves and waves here? I investigated and the storm came from the farm in front. At that time, Captain Zhang was taking someone there to check, and Liang Tian, ​​Zhang Yan and the blind were all present. "

Liu Yi groaned: "Although Zhang Yan is indeed a storm evolutionist, even if she does not lose energy, she cannot achieve such a scale. As for Liang Tian, ​​he does not have such skills at all. Does n’t that blindness mean that he can only control bombs? Is there anything else? "

Remind Liu Yi of this humanity: "Commander, maybe he is hidden?"

Liu Yidao: "What shall we do? Recruit someone to kill him?"

At this time, the counselor hurried forward: "Commander, when we are rapidly expanding the strength of the army, a man with a skill must first recruit security and then annihilate. If he refuses to use it for us, then it is not too late."

Liu Yidao: "Okay, I'll try to focus on him, but it should be done in the porridge shed, so I really suspect that ordinary people have evolved."

After drinking the porridge, Chu Xiang will know about the situation of Changxing Island. Changxing Island is a special island for Liu Yi ’s special application for evolutionary forces. In addition, Hengsha Island is now also under the control of Liu Yi. He established an independent kingdom here. The ordinary Chongming Island leadership simply did not ask anything about this side ~ ~, and Liu Yi only needs to send a team of evolutionary troops to Chongming Island every day.

What kind of person is Liu Yi? Chu Xiang has had contact early. Such a person is not a pity, but Chu Xiang wants to learn more about the situation on Chongming Island, and then settle the matter at the Shanghai base together. Taiwan bases are engaged in separatist data, so the two major bases in Shanghai and Nanjing are merged together, which means that there are more lice and you are not afraid to bite.

Saying goodbye to Sun Yang, Liang Tian and Zhang Yan took Chu Xiang to the water's edge. This is the entrance to the Yangtze River. It is said that the seaside is right. Liang Tian saw that there were no more people around, and he finally could not help but asked: "Chu Xiang "Who are you sacred in the end? It's you who secretly shot today."

Chu Xiang said: "I am nothing sacred. I am at least as an evolutionary as you. Do n’t ask for a while. You develop well, and your skills will be useful in the future, and your girlfriend. Storm is a kind of Powerful natural forces are trivial to destroy a base if controlled. "

Zhang Yan had seen the power of the storm just now, which was a level she could not reach before. She and Liang Tian had passed the qi, knowing that Liang Tian's suspicion was the two in front of her. Now Chu Xiang raised her a point, of course she Listen carefully. But thinking of the future, Zhang Yan was a little discouraged.


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