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Chapter 350: Strongman

There was no words all night. The old man came out from the inside when the sky was bright. He looked as if he had not slept all night, and asked everyone weakly: "How many people, did you sleep last night?"

Liang Tian nodded and said, "Thank you for letting us enter the house last night, otherwise we will be in trouble."

The old man waved his hand: "It's nothing, it's not that I don't want to stay with you, but that I'm afraid I will be in trouble for a while, so some of you should leave quickly. It's too uncomfortable here."

Liang Tianyi asked quickly: "What does the old man mean? Does it mean that our continued presence will cause you trouble or that you have trouble yourself?"

The old man said, "It's natural that you stay here will not cause me any trouble. After all, I also have a life without a pause. You won't see it, but I myself have trouble. So it's better for some of them to leave quickly. They came across late, and the two girls must have trouble. "

At this time, a weeping voice was faintly heard from the inside, and Xiao Si's heart was the softest. She said, "Grandpa, there are girls crying. What's going on?"

The old man shook his head and didn't seem to want to say this, and then he went back inside, Liang Tian thought for a while and thought, "Chu Xiang, shall we go now or stay?"

Chu Xiang laughed: "Of course, stay and see. Isn't this the best opportunity to understand the Shanghai base?"

Liang Tian patted his head. "Yeah, look at me, it's too stupid. I just want to find clues inside the base."

Since Chu Xiang has revealed many strengths, there is no need to conceal his space ring in front of Liang Tian and Zhang Yan. He opened the space ring and took convenient food and drinks. The four of them would have a mess. Xiaosi also took food into the back room, and when she returned, she told Chu Xiang that there was a beautiful little girl in the back room.

Liang Tian glanced at Zhang Yan and said, "Chu Xiang. Would you say that someone is going to be against the little girl like Zhang Yan's situation, and the old man was powerless just now, so he would rush us away early Involved. "

Chu Xiang ears a few times. He said, "Is this the case immediately? Someone is here."

When Chu Xiang heard the sound, the vehicle was still far away from this residential area. The four walked out of the adobe house and walked around the door. Only two cars drove over. Seven or eight burly men jumped off the car. One of them is crooked mouth. Every now and again.

"Old man. We're here. Get your granddaughter out quickly." A muscular man shouted at the door. Although they also saw Chu Xiang and others. But at this time it was dawn. There are more and more people walking on the street. So no one doubts the identity of Chu Xiang and others. However, the appearance of Xiaosi and Zhang Yandi made many people look sideways.

The sobbing in the adobe house grew louder. Muscular man looks unhappy. Slammed the door open. Two men went in and dragged the girl out. The old man chased after him. "No. Don't take my granddaughter away. Her parents were all infected with the virus. Now we are all alone. We beg you. Beg you. I have given you a hoe!"

The old man said, really knelt down and raised his head. But those people were completely indifferent. A man even kicked the old man and said, "Go away! We are thinking about your future life. Why do you think this is an old society who sells children and daughters? Didn't you tell her to be a secretary? It's as if you're a bandit robbing relatives. "

The girls are about ten. Still like a blossoming flower. She looked terrified. "No. No. I'm not going to be a secretary. I want to stay with grandpa. Please let me go."

Crooked mouth came forward and laughed: "Little Yingzi, don't you know what to do, go to work in Xincun, eat and drink, and three meals a day are adequately supplied, and a lot of shopping tickets will be issued every month. You will live a life like heaven, stay here to suffer and suffer, maybe one day you will be starved to death, you do n’t have to refuse anymore. ”

Xiaoyingzi cried and said, "No, I heard people say that it is **** there. I beg you to let me go. I and I are sick. It is a sexually transmitted disease that will infect you. Please let me go. Please I beg you. "

Liang Tian whispered to Chu Xiang: "It seems that it really made me right. This is no different from Wang Huhuo's snatching a relative. It is estimated that the secretary who entered the new village of Chongming Island is a special occupation. Before, we were only responsible for the field service. The situation is unknown. "

Chu Xiang said: "It seems that when the world is chaotic, the ugly nature of human beings is fully exposed. There is no strong institution to suppress their nature. I am afraid that the situation will become more and more chaotic."

Liang Tiandao: "The evolutionary forces on Chongming Island are only responsible for external security, and the public security system on Chongming Island is responsible for internal security, so I think all the institutions inside and outside the Shanghai base are rotten."

Chu Xiang said: "Since it's broken, it's broken and rebuilt. People like this don't want to."

Liang Tian naturally heard the meaning of Chu Xiang ’s words. If he has all the evolutionary power now, maybe he can clean up these people, but his energy recovery is extremely slow, and he has not accumulated much overnight. He had difficulty in destroying these people, but with the backing of Liang Tian, ​​he would naturally not worry.

"Hey, stop!" Liang Tian shouted.

Crooked Mouth has always regarded Liang Tian's four as lively, plus Zhang Yan and Xiaosi deliberately hid behind, and lowered their heads, so Crooked Mouth didn't see the appearance of them too much, but it felt like The two women are in good shape. Now Liang Tian suddenly made a noise to stop the crooked mouth and others. Then they looked at Zhang Yan and Xiaosi carefully. It didn't matter at all. Those people felt that Xiaoyingzi compared with these two women. It's too far.

With a crooked smile, he said, "Why? Do you plan to contribute your own women to block the old man? Okay, I think these two goods are pretty good. Just go ahead and throw away this little flower that is not open. Take them back. "Liang Tian said," You do n’t even know how this guy died, Zhang Yan. Do you dare to say such a thing to Xiaosi, there is a limit to how evil people can do evil. Whoever sees them This morality will sooner or later go wrong.

Crooked his mouth and ordered the people to execute it unswervingly, so the girl named Xiaoyingzi was released. She screamed into the old man's arms and wept loudly. The old man did not expect to rescue her granddaughter suddenly, but when the other two girls were killed, his heart was still involuntarily in the air.

Two men went to pull the silk, the other two went to Zhang Yan. Even if Zhang Yan could form another storm, the power might not be able to take them away, Liang Tian blocked in front of her, and he knew that Chu Xiang would surely shoot at any moment.

However, this time Chu Xiang was lazy, because these little hair thieves were not evolutionaries at all, Xiao Si had to deal with them easily. Sure enough, the four did not touch the bodies of the two girls. Xiaosi suddenly leaped, and the small boots kicked out quickly, leaving a few deep footprints on the faces of the four.

Flutter, flutter, the four men were kicked to the ground, they shouted loudly, covering their faces, don't look at their stature. But compared with the evolutionary. Their physical fitness is not enough at all.

Crooked mouth yelled: "It turned out to be an evolutionary, okay, even if you have evolved, don't report to the evolution department, I will immediately inform the evolutionary army to catch you!"

"Kill!" Chu Xiang gave an order to Xiaosi. Such people would not regret death. Otherwise, they would expose themselves.

Clicking, the neck of the crooked mouth was broken, and his tongue fell to the ground and never moved. The remaining few men saw Xiaosi shoot fiercely. They frightened away in a panic, but Xiao Si's speed was comparable to them. These people did not escape the fate of being killed in the end. What made Xiao Si feel uncomfortable was that this killing was her own. This group of people is lucky, otherwise, of course, Xiao Si's method is to summon a group of zombies to swallow them alive, but there is no zombies on Chongming Island, this idea can only be done.

Liang Tian was startled by a killing word from Chu Xiang. When this jump came back to God, Xiao Si had already dealt with those people. Several people stood on the street and saw dead People, they immediately spread out like a bird of surprise, and finally, Xiaoyingzi ’s grandfather came forward and said, "Several of you, you are all good guys, but the people of the government can't offend. You must run away. It is best to leave Chongming Island, otherwise There is great danger. "

Liang Tiandao: "Relief for the elderly, we will leave immediately. If anyone asks you, you will say nothing and you will not be affected."

The old man nodded and said, "My old eyes are faint and I don't see anything."

Chu Xiang asked: "Old people, can you tell us about the situation here, can these people take care of your granddaughter? No one cares about them? Doesn't the Shanghai base have a complete organization? Even if it's too much, it can't be so clear come on."

The old man sighed and said, "Brother, have you ever seen someone who can't get along with yourself? Just now the crooked mouth was a native of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. I heard that he was the running dog for the director of our neighborhood committee. Director Wu fancyed Xiaoyingzi of our family, so he asked them to come forward to arrest someone. "

Chu Xiang said: "It turned out to be a collusion between officials and officials. Didn't anyone care about them?"

The old man smiled bitterly: "Brother, can you understand that this is the last days? Who cares so much? Those people above are probably even more absurd than them. I heard that life in the new village is simply luxurious, and those people are hiding in it. Continue to spend a lot of time and life, they never ask about the lives of these people outside. "

Chu Xiang said: "I understand the old man, you quickly hide."

The old man pulled up Xiaoyingzi and hurriedly hid into the adobe house, Chu Xiang said: "The backwardness of traffic allows many incumbents not to worry about inspections, and the backwardness of communications and the franchise also make it unnecessary for the incumbents to worry about exile in the area With these few protections, it is not surprising that they can do whatever they want in their own territory. "

Liang Tiandao: "Yeah, huh, after listening to you, it seems like you are a big official in Weifu private visit, Beijing is coming?"

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "Yutai Base is here. I honestly don't like that place in Beijing."

Zhang Yan pointed at the corpse on the ground and said, "How to deal with these?"

Chu Xiang said: "Just find a ditch and throw it away. Let's drive to the new village of Chongming Island to see if it is the center of the entire base."

Liang Tiandao: "Yes, this is the headquarters of the Shanghai base, located in the center of the island. If you don't drive for a while, you can't really get there."

The four people got into a car and drove towards Chongming Island Center on Liang Tiandi's drive. There were rudimentary houses everywhere along the way. I do n’t know if it would fall down when the wind is strong in winter. The Shanghai base did n’t hurry to solve this. Things are worrying for the residents here.

Soon after seeing a small city, this is the core of the Shanghai base. The so-called new village, which was built after the disaster, was named the new village. It has a large area and can no longer be described as a village. However, it originally developed from a little bit, so the name of Xincundi continued.

"Stop!" There is a checkpoint at the intersection before entering Xincun. Although only the management on the island can drive, it is necessary to stop for inspection. This is for the safety of Xincun.

"Well, isn't this an old crooked car, how could it be done so quickly?" An inspector said as he stepped forward, but he froze when he saw the driver's face, "Who are you? How do you drive a crooked car and come up with a certificate? "

Liang Tiandao: "Old things have gone awry. We are back to report. Where do you rush to remember to bring proof?"

The inspector was startled: "What happened? How is this possible? He took a lot of people out of Xincun."

Liang Tiandao: "There aren't many people who use it. The opponent has great skills."

The inspector said, "Don't you scare me. Don't you catch a girl?"

Liang Tian said with a stern face: "What are you asking blindly, will you give way?"

The inspector said: "Your face is so raw, what can I do to let you go in case something goes wrong? Maybe the old one just made you hurt."

Liang Tiandao: "You can't bear the responsibility for delaying major events. Since you will not let go, I will wait here to see who consumes it."

The inspectors got upset. There were only cars on the privileged floor of the island, although they did not know them. But handsome men and women may not be simple identities. But they did not know them, and they could not come up with documents to prove their identity. This is not easy to do. It's the one who suffers at the end.

Then another car drove up. At first glance, the inspector was the director of the neighborhood committee in the plot below. The surname was Wu, and he had been a good friend of the crooked mouth. The inspector thought of a way to get out. He stepped forward and said, "Director Wu, come to report again, yours. Does your friend always get out of hand? "

Director Wu froze for a while. He did entrust Crooked Mouth to help catch the individual, and also asked him to take the person to his own residence in Xincun. Did n’t he go to the neighborhood committee below to get a name and run back, did n’t pay attention to the previous one. The number of the car, now I know it is a crooked car.

Director Wu got out of the car and walked to the window of Liang Tianche: "What's the matter, crooked lips?"

According to Chu Xiang just said, Liang Tian said: "Dead, let the sudden appearance of the monster be killed. Before he died, he asked us to return to Xincun to find someone to avenge him."

"Dead? Monster? How is that possible? Chongming Island is heavily defended. How come monsters?" Director Wu didn't believe it. Liang Tiandao said: "What defense is heavy, in fact, many places on Chongming Island have been deserted. It is really necessary to defend heavily. I am afraid that it will not be possible to arm all the residents. The monster may be coming from a no-man's land.

If you really use a force to surround Chongming Island and put a sound wave repeller every other distance, then the price can't be paid by the current Shanghai base, so the current method is helicopter and vehicle patrol, so there are really monsters taking advantage of it. It is also possible for the defenders to slip in without prepared cracks. The Shanghai base was subjected to such a sneak attack before the sonic destroyers were released.

Director Wu thought that he was relieved here, and he said, "Where is that man, did he catch it? Have you brought it back?"

Liang Tiandao: "No, no one is arrested. We have to go to Xincun Public Security Bureau to report the situation. We must send an army to destroy that monster."

Director Wu said: "Do n’t you be stupid, is the army dispatching at will, at least you have to make sure that the monster is still on the shore, OK, I already know this thing, you get off the car and go back, I will go The Public Security Bureau explained the situation. "

Liang Tian froze. He didn't expect to run into this director Wu here, and the other party didn't want them to enter the new village. He cast his inquiries on Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang got off the lane: "No, we promised Laowei to go in person. Ask the director to explain the situation and ask the army to avenge him. In case you can't do this, wouldn't we lose faith with others. "

Director Wu is a little annoyed, just a few ordinary people, dare not to believe him, he said angrily: "Are you afraid of any conspiracy in the middle of me? Tell you, my old and crooked feelings are closer than you, I think more Revenge for him. "

Everyone is arguing. Xiaosi secretly pulled La Chuxiang and said, "Brother, there is a problem in the air."

Chu Xiang couldn't see it, and the distance between inductions was limited. He could only ask: "What's going on?

Xiao Silk Road: "It should be the mutant bird group coming. Although there are a lot of deporters in the Shanghai base, they have a larger area to defend, so these mutant bird groups can also break through the defense line."

Chu Xiang thought of the inaccessible crossing checkpoint and said: "Exactly, can you control them to launch an attack here and destroy this checkpoint! Uh ... the surname of Wu is left. This is how we understand the management base of the Shanghai base. . "

Xiaosi naturally steadfastly executed Chu Xiang's order ~ ~ As the group of mutant birds approached, her control signal was also emitted because the distance was too far away, but the intensity was limited, but they were The call was enough, and at this time a sharp air defense alert sounded.

The faces of the people at the checkpoint were all changed. Some people shouted, "Hurry up, take the flamethrower!" There was also humanity: "Go and ask for the support of the sonic expeller!" Some people said, "The number of mutant birds is not large. Do n’t panic. , We have enough anti-aircraft machine guns! "

Soon the mutant bird swooped in. For this small checkpoint, it was the first time to be attacked by this creature, so the flamethrower standing at the checkpoint was also the first to show its power, but it was unexpected. Yes, the operator would not use it at all. With a snoring sound, the flamethrower failed for some reason, and then the combustion agent leaked, shouting, and the fire was burning, all the inspectors around them were killed.

Director Wu stood very close. Chu Xiang pulled him when he realized that something was not good, and everyone avoided the fierce flame. Director Wu looked at the inspectors struggling in the fire in shock, and he said to Chu Xiang: "Thank you, you saved my life, and I must repay you."

Chu Xiang said, "If it wasn't for you to be a guide, I would have pushed you directly into the fire pit."

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