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Chapter 351: Mixed in

The flame spread to the surrounding vehicles, blasted, and an explosion occurred on the scene. This is not counted. There are several mutated flocks. They fell to the ground nearby and began to peck at humans. Fortunately, Xiaosi was afraid of innocent people and would control them in time. Live, otherwise an epidemic will occur in Shanghai base.

The whistle sirens sounded, and several off-road vehicles came flying, hum, a car carrying a sonic repeller, which emitted ultrasonic waves to the birds in the sky, 噗, 噗, those mutant birds were blasted by the sound waves After landing, the remaining mutant birds wanted to flee but were controlled by Xiaosi. They could only be destroyed by ultrasonic waves. The mutant bird flocks that might have caused a big riot ended in this way. The cost was only to kill a few inspectors. In fact, Their death was not directly related to the mutant flock, but the improper operation of the flamethrower.

Director Wu looked at the flames of the corpse burner, and he held Chu Xiang's hand, "Thank you, guys. Come and join me in the new village. Let's have a good drink, if not for the one you just pulled, I'm no different now than the scorched corpse on the ground. "

Chu Xiang took off his sunglasses and said, "It just happened that I actually wanted to pull my sister. I didn't expect to save Director Wu."

Only then did Director Wu see that Chu Xiang ’s eyes were problematic, so he just pulled out of his own hands most of the time, and Director Wu was not angry but he laughed and said, “I ca n’t think of you guys as honest, but I like this character better, let ’s go , Aren't you entrusted by the old man to report? I can help you to introduce the director of public security, otherwise it would be easier for you to meet him in your capacity. As for ordinary police officers, can this matter be reported to the director's desk? Still a problem. "

Chu Xiang asked Xiaosi to bring the mutant bird group to pull the relationship with Director Wu, so he did not reject the other person ’s kindness. Director Wu ’s car had been hit by the explosion, but the car that Chu Xiang and others took was still It was intact, so everyone took a car and went into the new village while the checkpoint was in chaos.

Director Wu asked the names of the four. Chu Xiang didn't want to be recognized by them, so he replaced Xiao Chu with his own name, and Liang Tian and Zhang Yan were also afraid that someone knew they had been an evolutionary force, and they only replaced them with Xiao Liang and Xiao Zhang. Director Wu did not Thought. The name is not important in the last days.

"Then I invite you to have a meal. I am a very hospitable person, especially since you have just helped me escape death. I would like to express my gratitude." Director Wu is fifteen or sixteen years old. If you do n’t consider him, Behind the persuasion of others to catch their granddaughter. What this person thinks is also a good leader.

Chu Xiang had no comment on the arrangement of Director Wu. He had just gone to look around in Xincun. It was more convenient to have an old horse like Director Wu. Then Director Wu introduced Chu Xiang to the director of public security and pointed out what Chu Xiang needs to pay attention to.

"The public security director's surname is Wan, and his name is Wan Song. He has great power at the Shanghai base. It is still unknown if he can see you in person. In short, I will try my best to do it. In case you see him, you must not talk more. Director Wan likes to be quiet and understand the situation. The old director Wan knows it. Maybe he will help the old crook for revenge.

Chu Xiang nodded and got off. The car drove directly to the gate of the Shanghai Base Public Security Bureau. Director Wu went down to find someone to deliver a message to Director Wan. It didn't take long for him to return. With a look of excitement: "See you in person. This time I won't make you sorry for the old crooked request."

Chu Xiang smiled and said nothing. Let Xiaosi and Zhang Yan stay. He and Liang Tian entered the Public Security Bureau. Director Wu took the lead in front of the light car. Chu Xiang is funny. Originally, he wanted Xiao Si to command the mutant bird flock to attack Director Wu. Then rescue him to draw closer relationship with him. I didn't expect to just hold him back and just remember it. Somewhat human.

Came to the director's office. Because the world is uneven. So there is a guard at the door. The head guard nodded slightly when he saw it. Director Wu said to Chu Xiang and Liang Tian behind him: "We are waiting here. Director Wan will let us in."

Liang Tiandi has limited ear strength. But Chu Xiang heard the faint dialogue in the room through the door. A charming voice said, "Wanju. You still like this set of antiques. In addition, you can look at these photos again. They are all willing to play with you for a week. And they never know you Identity. Don't be afraid to be bitten by them. "

A cold voice sounded. Then said: "OK. I will consider your land. Five indicators for entering the new village. This matter will be discussed at the Standing Committee meeting. I will inform you when there is news."

"That's good. I'm bothered by all the trouble. Don't disturb your work. I'll resign first."

Wow. The door opened. A lean man came out. He greeted him when he saw Director Wu. "Director Wu. Come and report to the Bureau. I'll go first. You're busy."

Chu Xiang whispered to Director Wu: "Director Wu, you have met an old friend."

Director Wu briefly greeted the lean man, and then whispered to Chu Xiang: "It is not an old friend. This person is very familiar with the directors of the neighborhood committees in our districts. What he does is to help run the business, he is to help you handle it. The right to live in the new village, but an indicator is expensive, and those who live outside can get the price not much. "

With China's suppression of zombies, various valuables have begun to show their value, such as gold antiques, because with the restoration of social system, they will definitely become human pets again, and the cause of t virus riots Many precious logistics have been lost, which has created opportunities for collectors, so the trading of power and money has flourished again.

Chu Xiang listened to Director Wu's introduction, and then re-associated with the conversation that he just overheard. He immediately understood what was going on. It seemed that this trip was not in vain, but he also thanked Director Wu for leading him. You will know that although the Shanghai base can also be toughened under the name of the Yutai base, how can you explain to President Hua that way.

After the guard informed him that he was allowed, Director Wu took Chu Xiang and Liang Tian into Wansong's office. Director Wu said politely: "Wanju, I'm disturbing you, but there was only a monster in my area and it killed him. Responsible for the security officer of the neighborhood committee, I will not report to you with the two parties. "

Wan Song nodded. Director Wu winked at Angel Liang, so Liang Tian made a bullshit, saying that Zhang's death was injured by a mutant monster, and tried his best to exaggerate the monster's ability. As for whether Wan Song would send someone to the scene to investigate. I can't control that much now.

Director Wu added after Liang Tian finished speaking, "Wanju, our district police force is limited. In case that monster is out of control, you may be out of control. Look ...?"

Wanju nodded and said, "I know. I will let people deal with this matter. The dead police officers will be dealt with at the expense of their business. As a district governor, you have to rely on more recently. Urge everyone to take precautions, no Go out for other things. "

Director Wu Lian claimed to be, and then bowed down and took Chu Xiang and Liang Tian out of Wansong's office. Although Liang Tian had served on Chongming Island, this was the first time he saw such a big leader, and Wan Song showed that kind of superiority. His posture made him very uncomfortable, even Chu Xiang felt uncomfortable. To be honest, Chairman Hua didn't look like this when he met him. A small base director, is it a character? However, Chu Xiang now understands why Director Wu is so enthusiastic about bringing them to see Wan Song. As the director of the neighborhood committee of that district, Director Wu is responsible for the incident that just happened in Xiaoying's house. In order to alleviate the punishment above, he pushed Chu Xiang and Liang Tian out of purpose.

Outside the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, Director Wu breathed a sigh of relief: "Well, we have tried our best. As for what the Wan Bureau should do, we can't manage it. Let's go to eat."

Chu Xiang, the core base of Chongming Island New Village, got a general impression through the description of Liang Tian and Director Wu. The so-called Xincun is a small urban area. Various office agencies are concentrated in the center of the new village. There is a high-rise concrete fence to block it. The cement fence of the office is outside the residential area, and there is a fence at the outer periphery of the residential area to separate the world outside the new village.

People living in this new village have a certain status or are considered by the government to be subject to key protection. The living standards are higher than outside and the safety factor is more reliable, so they will become a place where outsiders scramble to crowd in.

The pattern of the new village is like a field. The streets of several major places look very prosperous. There are various pre-apocalyptic businesses here. Director Wu took the four of them to a restaurant called Fenghua Restaurant. Look at the decoration inside is quite simple, even the walls are all gray cement, but this is nothing, the last days can't be compared with the past, no one has done these facades. A plump woman greeted from the inside, "Oh, Director Wu is here, please."

Director Wu introduced: "This is the owner's begonia. The food here is quite rich. Give me a drink today and have a few drinks."

Liang Tian licked his lips, and he almost forgot the taste when it comes to wine, not to mention such tricky cooking. He never even dared to think about it. He used to eat canned food in the evolutionary army. Only Liu Yi and his confidants enjoyed it.

Owner Begonia can see that Director Wu pays more attention to the man with sunglasses, so she went to Chu Xiang and said, "Oh, what's the name of this boss, you have to patronize this shop more, rest assured, I won't let You suffer. "

Chu Xiang smelled that the perfume on the boss's body didn't know what kind of perfume was a bit unbearable. She said, "You don't suffer, but I lose a lot, but Chu Xiang said:" Okay, I don't want to bother the boss in the future. . "

Director Wu said: "Don't be too close. Hurry up and serve us food. Don't be afraid to spend money. Give me the account and continue to hang the neighborhood committee. I will give it to you when the next batch of land is approved. I will not owe you a point. "

Haitang Mei laughed: "Oh, Director Wu, see what you said, can I still trust you? Then you drink the water first, and I will let the kitchen prepare the food and drink. Today, there is frozen catfish, I will fry you stew."

Liang Tian pursed his lips with a smile and asked, "Director Wu, it seems you are a distinguished guest here. It really makes us envious. How does eating have anything to do with the batch of food?"

Director Wu said: "Since Xiao Chu is my life-saving benefactor, I will not hide it with you. In fact, the leaders of all districts are the same. In the new village, the debts are borne by the monthly food in each district. Almost the one that opened is related to the logistics department of the base, so we are not afraid that we will be credited. "

Liang Tian yelled, "What does the person below eat when the monthly food arrives?"

Director Wu said, "Of course, there are ways to, for example, reduce the supply of six or two per day to four or two, and falsely report the number of people ... Oh, look at me. Let's talk nonsense, let's not discuss this topic, let's drink saliva first, can It's not easy to eat frozen catfish. In addition, there is Beijing Red Star Erguotou. That's a good one. Let's have a bottle for each one.

Not many people come to Fenghua Hotel to eat. After all, there are only a few people who have the capital to enjoy these delicious dishes. Therefore, the vegetables in the kitchen are quickly served. Chu Xiang took a look. Most of them were canned food. Give it a processing. For example, the most common luncheon meat is fried on the pan even if it is a good hot dish.

Director Wu himself took a bottle of Erguotou from the corner counter of the box. Chu Xiang originally did not want to drink, but could not hold Director Wu ’s enthusiasm. In the end, he could only fill a glass. Director Wu raised his glass and said, "Come, let's celebrate today's escape After a hard time, there will be blessings if we do n’t die. Maybe it will be the day we fly to Huang Tengda. "

Chu Xiang had to raise a cup for entertainment. Today, Director Wu exposed to him many problems in the Shanghai base. Maybe drink a little wine. Director Wu will have more things to tell you. At that time, Mingzheng Shun won the Shanghai base. See Who dares not write a service word.

Bang, the door was suddenly knocked open, a young man in his early twenties broke in suddenly, "I'd like to see who grabbed the frozen catfish with me. I don't believe it. Can't I spend money?"

Director Wu's face changed with anger, and he acted like Sun in front of Wan Song. But in front of these small vendors such as Begonia, he was a very dignified leader, "what? I don't know if I have any VIPs?"

Begonia hurriedly ran in from behind. "Yeah, I'm sorry, Director Wu. I blame me for not being here. I didn't expect your fish to be ordered here, but there is only one fish left. Now I'm in a dilemma."

The young man looked at Director Wu and said, "Are you still a director? No wonder you are so arrogant. Today you do n’t want to eat fish. Look at you guys. Which one is eating fish and eating waste is a waste. Save it. . "

Chu Xiang's face changed, he hated this kind of unscrupulous person, but since this person doesn't even see Director Wu in his eyes, so most of them have some background, this is a new line, more episodes At that time, the criminal evidence can be sapped in front of Chairman Hua.

Director Wu wanted to be angry but could not bear to cast doubt on Begonia. Begonia was also a wise man. She quietly gathered up Director Wu and said, "Director Wu, I'm really sorry, this person is not small, he is Shanghai. Er Yelong, the commander of the base garrison, Ye Shen, do you want to give him the fish? Don't worry, I will leave it for you next time. "

Director Wu was suffocated, but there was nowhere to vent. This person turned out to be the child of the garrison commander Ye Shen, which is much more powerful than his director, but he was scolded for eating **** just now. How can I swallow it, but I ca n’t swallow it, but I ca n’t beat the opponent.

Director Wu's hesitation immediately made Ye Long see the weakness of the other party, and he even more arrogantly stepped forward and pointed at Director Wu's nose and said, "Why, do you have any other thoughts? Believe me or not I will find someone to destroy you immediately, waste, You guys are all waste! You still have the face to sit here and eat hot and spicy. Get out and find somewhere to eat **** ... "

Director Wu's face is like a pig's liver. This Ye Long is arrogant and eats **** one by one, which makes everyone unbearable, but Director Wu is not as good as Ye Long in terms of physical constitution, and even less powerful than Ye Long in terms of strength. He is angry and angry. Anxious, hate that you have no super powers, and you are not a big official, otherwise, which round is here to show your might.

Ye Long's voice had not yet fallen, and a sudden slap in the face slammed his face. Ye Long was snored on the spot, and even Director Wu was frightened. This was a big deal, and he hit the commander of Ye Shen Gong, but my heart is out of anger, but have you used it in the future? Director Wu looked again. It turned out that Chu Xiang had given up his hands. That slap was so strong that Ye Long took a sip, and several teeth were mixed in blood and spit on the ground.

At this time, I don't know where to get a fat. He was about forty years old and shouted loudly: "The surname is Wu Di, you are crazy, the commander of Commander Ye dares to fight. You are tired. It's hard to die, I will help you burn the incense at the grave, and I will take care of your wife and daughter ... "

Director Wu's complexion was unpredictable. Suddenly he broke into a can and slammed forward and slammed fat. He also cursed, "If you hit the old one, you hit it. You even beat you together. You thought that the area under your jurisdiction was better than me. Relying on the core of the base, I want to bully me and dream of your mother. Even if I die, I will hold you back! "

Director Wu knows that it's too late to speak. Since Chu Xiang hit Ye Long, he can't be good ~ ~ Although it's not his hand, but Chu Xiang is his own guest. I can't escape responsibility at all, since it's better to have a quick meal.

The fat half felt his swollen face and said, "Okay, even me, you're really dead. Come on, Ye Gong was beaten, give him revenge!"

When Begonia saw that the scene could no longer be controlled, she quietly stepped aside and stopped talking, and immediately a group of big men rushed outside the door. Although they did not wear military uniforms, they knew from the momentum that they were soldiers, and they kicked The table fluttered at everyone.

Chu Xiang picked up a chair from the ground, and took down the legs of the chair stool two times. He shook the legs of the chair stool, and the two big men who came up were taken down. Although these big men were not evolutionaries, they He has a great skill, but watched the legs of the chair and stool pulled out, he couldn't even escape, and they could see clearly that the shot was blind!

Huh, huh, Chu Xiang stunned for two laps, and several big men all lay on the ground. This is also to hide their evolutionary skills. Otherwise, Chu Xiang can be subdued without even moving. Then he clapped and said, "Fuck, Xiaochu, you didn't hide it, you are so happy, you have been holding your tail in your hands, and this time, you have calculated your anger!"


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