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Chapter 352: High-level insider

Chu Xiang threw his chair legs to the ground, and patted the dirt road on his hands: "I hate people who have dry mouths."

Director Wu is even more impressed with Chu Xiang now, saying: "Who says no, the dog can't vomit ivory, it should be hit!"

Liang Tian was a bit worried, not that Chu Xiang could not beat others, and the other party was the commander of the garrison. If Ye Shen was short, he would definitely send someone to seek revenge. This would be a little troublesome, but Liang Tian thought again, even evolution The commander of the ministry, Liu Yi, was offended, and where a garrison commander could go.

Liang Tian didn't say what he thought, but Director Wu thought about the consequences of the incident. Ye Long was lifted out of the private room. Needless to say, he must go to rescue the soldiers. Director Wu said: "Little Chu, we were at the first sight, but we did n’t expect that eating a meal would make things like this. Ye Shen is a man of good morality, and he will surely take the lead. By then, you and I will be in danger. ”

Chu Xiang followed the words of Director Wu: "So what does Director Wu mean? People have already hit, and now they can only look forward and find a way to solve the problem."

Director Wu said: "Unfortunately, I don't have a close relationship with Liu Yi, otherwise I can seek his asylum."

Fortunately, Chu Xiang said that your relationship is not so good, or he will soon be exposed. This Liu Yi also hates himself very much. Director Wu thought for a while and said, "It seems that only the city zf, where is my supervisor Department, I think Ye Shen can't enter the market to arrest people no matter how powerful he is, at least he doesn't dare during the day. "

Liang Tian slyly said: "Director Wu, hiding is not an issue, I can't hide it for a day."

Director Wu said: "Regardless of it, how long can we hide now, unless we leave the Shanghai base, otherwise we are always within the scope of Ye Shen's rights, but how difficult it is to leave Chongming Island, and what is the probability of survival in the outside world . Well, I shouldn't have moved my hands in a hurry, this fish eats ... hide first, then think of another way. "

Director Wu's remarks have revealed infinite remorse. He is just a small administrative officer, who is fart compared to the soldiers with military powers. Chu Xiang ’s purpose was to want to know about Shanghai bases now. Of course, he could not enter the city, so he said, “Director Wu, That being the case, let's set off right now. Maybe it will be surrounded by people late. "

Director Wu raised his spirit and said, "Yes, let's go. If you delay again, you will be killed if you are taken away by the army."

Outside the Fenghua Restaurant, two men stared openly. But they dare not get close to the ground. To be honest, I was afraid of Chu Xiang's stool legs. All of them are from the special forces. But why can't we hide the stool legs? They have to understand. It ’s okay to say if the other party is a normal person. Just because he can't see things blindly. This face of war was lost to Pingyang.

Director Wu is more and more afraid. Hurry to take four of Chu Xiang to the city zf. The core of city zf is located in a building. There is also a moat-like ditch around. It's full of water. Only accessible by two bridges. This is also a precautionary measure to prevent zombies. In addition, there are no windows on the first floor of the zf building. There are only rows of shooting eyes. This kind of building is only available in troubled times.

Director Wu's backstage is his uncle. Secretary-General of City Zf. After finding him, Director Wu didn't dare to tell. It just says to bring friends here for insight. Let his uncle go. Take a look for yourself.

Secretary-General Wu urged: "Don't run wild. This is the city's zf building. If it caused me any trouble, I wouldn't be able to eat it. I have a few more things to deal with. You can come a little while visiting My office is sitting. I invite you to have a good dinner at night. "

Director Wu smiled and signaled that he understood the rules here. Secretary Wu believes that this nephew will not trouble him. So he returned to his office with confidence. He didn't know that his nephew had done a terrible disaster. And it burned him. But there is nothing to hide. It is impossible for Director Wu to come here. His uncle is really hard to talk to.

Standing in the spacious corridor. Chu Xiang asked with a smile: "Director Wu. We have now seen the world. What do you do next to give you suggestions. After all, this is your place."

Director Wu sighed suddenly: "If my uncle knew that I had caused a terrible disaster, he might have kicked me out. Let's quickly find a place to hide and let me wait for Ye Long's anger to stop Uncle go and talk about it. Chu Xiang naturally does n’t object to Director Wu ’s opinion. Anyway, he just makes a response like Ye Shen, if he does n’t ask for innocence, he will take the lead. He can do it. It is no longer true, this garrison commander has also done his job.

Hiding and hiding Director Wu led four people into the conference room quietly, and there was no one except the meeting, but who knows that a group of people came in in sequence as soon as five people hid, Director Wu knew here It ’s okay for him to bring people in to see if it ’s okay, but if he walks around casually, even his uncle will scold him, not to mention that he has beaten Ye Shen ’s children now, and he is still hoping to hide here and wait for Ye Shen Go out again.

"Everyone is here," Director Wu, Chu Xiang and others lie at the podium conference table and heard the first sound. Director Wu kept shaking his fingers at the other four people, signalling that they could not speak, because there was a tablecloth. It ’s blocked, so no one knows that there are people hiding underneath, otherwise these five people must have been swept out of the house, and the people who have already come out of Ye Shen may be arrested immediately, and they will enter the army by then. Little black house, then life and death can't help people.

"Here we are, Secretary Tang must have important instructions, please speak." Someone answered.

Secretary Tang coughed and said, "Suddenly everyone came to the meeting because the central government has notified. In the past two days, someone may be sent down to check our base to resume work. Suddenly, I had to call everyone to study the countermeasures."

Someone said: "Secretary Tang, do we still need to care about the central side? Isn't our base autonomy good?"

Someone yelled: "Shortsighted! What do you know? Beijing base has recently resumed production and production, and their evolution department is getting stronger and stronger. At this time, you dare to break away from the command of the central government?"

Someone said, "Yeah, otherwise where do we get the supply of sonic expellers, then we will still be trapped on Chongming Island, maybe we can't even cope with the attacks of marine life."

Just now it was proposed that the autonomous people dumbed down, and the central authority of the sonic expeller alone seized the leadership of the bases. Want to listen to the command? As long as the supply of the sonic expeller is cut off, you will be able to accept the ground, not to mention that there are many experts in the National Evolution Department, and they are very likely to have a successful operation.

Secretary Tang said: "I'm glad that most people can still recognize the situation. We can't get hot. The central government has previously provided me with a batch of new plant species. I think the inspection team will definitely not let it go if it wants to come down. Minister Liu, I planted it in your hands, and I don't know how the promotion is going. "

Minister Liu's voice was shaking. "Tang, Secretary Tang, those species are rotten."

Secretary Tang exclaimed, "What? How did you do it? I haven't told you that it must be done well!"

Minister Liu said: "Secretary Tang, listen to me and explain that we have also sent a batch to the old names. But they have all eaten as food. I am afraid that the remaining land will be wasted, so that people can keep it. But who knows that this year has a lot of rain, and all the sprouts have rotten out of improper storage. "

It was very annoying that Secretary Tang could not get the model fields. He said, "Why did the old name eat the seeds? Didn't you explain that it was used to resume production and plant?"

Minister Liu said, "I said, but my old name can't wait. I would rather starve to death than starve to death now. So they smashed the porridge and drank it."

Secretary Tang patted the table and said, "Fuck! The inspection team doesn't mention this matter, if they want to see the promotion situation. Who can you handle it?"

It is clear that Chu Xiang promotes the cultivation of crops, because he still provided them for Chairman Hua. The bases want to avoid relief food, and want to solve the problem of food and clothing in the near future. Agricultural production is the top priority. Only by ensuring that they can eat can they do other things. Agriculture is the foundation of all industries.

Everyone was silent for a long time, that is to say, there was no way to cope with the inspection team. After a long time, there was a kind of soil that was not suitable for us, all rotten in the ground. "

Secretary Tang said with a deep groan, and then said, "The current plan is the only way to do this. Let's fool around and count it."

Chu Xiang sighed secretly, these people have to pass each other, and even do not often ask about such big things as planting, otherwise how can the seeds rot in the hands of Minister Liu? The Minister Liu has a little memory and will not forget this important event. Looking at the gap in the tablecloth, Minister Liu's lower limbs are thick and his belly is round. This is rare in the last days. It seems that his daily nutrition is sufficient Otherwise, I will lose weight early.

Secretary Tang said that the following people were naturally in favor, and no one was held responsible for Minister Liu, because this matter is very implicated when investigated carefully. Why did the old name eat the seed? Hungry, of course. Why? It must be that the food distributed by the superior is not enough, but in fact the amount allocated is sufficient to cover food and clothing, but there is little left after being stripped into the hands of the old name in the middle. Many people in this have taken advantage of it. Which one will stand now? Come out and expose your short.

According to a major event, everyone ’s mood was relaxed. Someone said: "Secretary Tang, I think the evolutionary army will also be an important target of the inspection team. Commander Liu Yi has been in charge of this work, and we need to cooperate in this matter. Only. "

Secretary Tang hummed: "Yes, Commander Liu, how is the construction of Changxing Island? Our Shanghai base evolutionary force is second to none in the country, and even the Central Evolution Department will not be much higher than us. This time, we'll show our Shanghai base. "

Liu Yichi sounded loudly: "Secretary Tang is assured that our evolving army can be inspected at any time, and the clothing will be unified immediately. They are also undergoing unified training, and will appear in front of everyone with a brand new look!"

The evolutionary army is different from the regular army. The evolutionary sources are very mixed. They may be soldiers, they may be born, they may be workers, or they may be farmers. So this leads to uneven quality levels. The formation will make a big joke, so simple training must be there. Otherwise, the queue will be crooked and greeted, and this face will be lost. In fact, Liu Yi did not do these tasks before, but he wants to go back immediately. There is no time to do it.

Secretary Tang snorted again: "I know that the evolutionary unit's patrols are hard, but the team size and discipline are also important to you. Let everyone work hard for a while, and these days let the logistics department improve the performance of the evolutionary unit. Food supply, we must fight for our Shanghai base. "

Liu Yi should be right away. The tone was full of joy, raising the standard of food for the evolutionary army, which is equivalent to giving him money and food. These extra supplies naturally fall into his pockets in a faster form. The evolutionary on Changxing Island now eats Living there is much better than the old surnames outside. There is no need to raise living standards at all.

Another problem was solved, and then someone hesitated to ask another. "Secretary Tang, I think the inspection team sent by the central government will definitely conduct inspections in residential areas. If inspections are carried out in a new village, it is better to say that after all, the living standards here are high. It is also in line with the situation of our large base, but outside Case……"

This person will not continue to talk. Actually everyone in this room knows that everyone is starved to death every day. Every day people are sick and untreated. Every day, people die for various inexplicable reasons. The people above saw that the leadership of the Shanghai base would bear great responsibility.

Secretary Tang is most concerned about this. Those little problems can only be appetizers. Now is the time to really solve the problem, he said: "It goes without saying that everyone knows the situation outside. Then let's talk about how to solve it."

No one squeaked for a long time, and Xiao Si sat bored and hugged Chu Xiang from behind. Chu Xiang was glad that he had accidentally participated in the Shanghai base meeting, so he didn't care about Xiaosi ’s small movement. Finally, someone outside coughed and cried out: "It is almost impossible to resolve this matter. I ca n’t help but consider a few living conditions. Fairly good blocks should be erected as pacesetters, and other blocks should be evacuated first. "

Immediately after this person's voice was heard, some people objected: "It's not good to do this, who should be the pacesetter? In addition, where are the other regional films to be withdrawn? You must know that an improper handling can cause riots."

Someone further explained: "Of course, the pacesetter districts must be located near Xincun. Residents in other districts can be evacuated to Xinglongsha or Changxing Island. Who has the courage to take charge of this matter with Commander Ye?"

Liu Yidao: "When it comes to this matter, I still have many civilians on Changxing Island. How do they deal with it? In case the inspection team goes to my evolutionary headquarters to see, isn't it exposed?"

Another person said: "This is easy to handle. Changxing Island is not a target for relocation. The focus is on Xinglongsha and Hengsha Island. At that time, as long as the inspection team is prevented from boarding the two islands, it will be fine."

Secretary Tang has not spoken. As the leader of the Shanghai base, he must be cautious. If those officials do n’t even have the ability to look at things, they do n’t need to consider the higher ranks.

The relocation proposal was approved by most people, and even a few people were anxious to discuss which districts could be listed as the relocation destination. Director Wu was annoyed by hiding under the tablecloth because the districts he managed were also discussed by these people. The scope, if the area under his jurisdiction is moved to the outer island, his district governor will not be found dead. Either he will go to the desert island to manage the refugees, or he will stay on Chongming Island as a well-known film director. .

The result of the final discussion was agreed by Secretary Tang, so the matter was settled. Everyone went to their own responsibilities. When leaving the meeting room, Ye Shen called Secretary-General Wu. He had been informed of the beatings, and some people Recognizing Director Wu's identity, it is time to remind Secretary-General Wu.

Ye Shendao: "Secretary-General Wu slowly walk."

Secretary-General Wu said, "It's Commander Ye. I don't know any instructions?"

Ye Shen said: "Don't dare to take instructions. I heard that your nephew has been very arrogant recently. The person he depends on is just you. Hey, you have to be careful that he will provoke you to burn you."

Secretary-General Wu was startled. To be honest, his post was still considered a high position in the past, but in this end time, military power and evolution are the factions. Listening to Ye Shen's tone, he seems to have offended him.

"Commander Ye, what is wrong with my nephew? I'll give you a gift of confession first. Don't worry about him if you have a lot of adults."

Ye Shendao: "It is not necessary to admit your mistake. Your nephew has just injured my child. I need a proper result of this matter. Your nephew is now hiding in the zf building. If you really admit it, find him out. Let me take it! "

Secretary Wu's face turned pale. "Commander Ye, I really don't know what happened. You can rest assured that I will give you an account."

Ye Shen left with a hum. He forgave a small secretary-general who did not dare to fight against him. Even Secretary Tang did not dare to openly challenge him. The only thing that could compete with him was Liu Yi's evolutionary army. If it was not to worry about offending Secretary Tang or the Central Committee, he would have ordered the troops to enter the ZF building to arrest people.

Everyone is gone ~ ~ Director Wu can't get up on the ground with a slump, he knows that he can't hide this time, his uncle can't keep himself, and regrets why he was so impulsive Well, scold yourself for eating **** and go for shit. You have to care about what you are doing now. You are killing yourself now. It ’s all because of this young man named Chu. It ’s not that he first shot himself and wo n’t hit Ye Long. Responsibility is not great, in order to ensure that they should not be turned over.

Chu Xiang had already guessed what Director Wu was thinking. He said, "Director Wu, are you blaming me for hurting you? Do you want to give us your life?"

Director Wu blushed and was told that the central thing was embarrassing. "No, no, you saved me, and you have an extraordinary skill. How can I betray you? Rest assured, let's hide here, forgive those Those who are soldiers dare not come in and make trouble. "

Chu Xiang heard a lot of secrets about the Shanghai base, and now he is not in a hurry to go out for other investigations. He said, "Yes, but are you sure you can hide here for a generation, what about eating?"

Director Wu said: "Of course I can't hide for a generation. I'll go to my uncle to discuss this matter immediately. Don't run around if you stay here."


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