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Chapter 353: First show

Director Wu said that he would rush out of the table and run out of the conference room. Liang Tian asked Chu Xiang worriedly: "Will this kid escape?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, I'm afraid he's going to betray us. This kind of person is very slick. He treats you as a friend with great enthusiasm. When he wants to betray you, he won't blink."

Liang Tiandao: "What shall we do?"

Chu Xiang said: "Wait here. Let's see how the Shanghai base works. I just listened to them discussing how to deal with the above inspection team. Seeing that all of them are old and slick churros, we are sure of the plan. It ’s better than them, then it ’s better not to plan and see how they behave. ”

Director Wu ran out of the conference room and slipped into his uncle's office without notice. Secretary-General Wu was startled when he saw his nephew. He shouted sharply, "You are so small, you dare to hit Ye Shen. , Have you eaten your heart, and do n’t want to die? Just now I saw that there are all plain clothes of the garrison outside. They are going to stare you to death. "

Director Wu said wrongly: "Uncle, I'm really wrong about this. I used to go to Fenghua Restaurant for dinner. Who knew that the boss gave a fish to two people, and I didn't know Ye Shen's children, and the two quarreled. A few words, he scolded me and I could bear it, but the few people who ate with me shot first, and I couldn't help but slap Ye Gong's followers. "

Secretary-General Wu realized that the cause and effect of the incident were relieved. He said that his nephew did not hit Ye Long, but someone else hit him, whether he was a nephew's friend or not. After the crime was launched, Secretary-General Wu told his nephew, "Where are your friends now? Are you the two men and two women you just led?"

Director Wu said: "Yes, they were hidden in the conference room by me ..."

Secretary-General Wu was surprised: "Did you hear everything when we just met?"

Director Wu froze for a moment, anxious to slap himself. The secret of the leadership let the following people know how this happened, but it has already been said, but fortunately this is my own uncle, otherwise it is really troublesome. "Sorry uncle, I didn't know you were going to a meeting. ==="

Secretary-General Wu waved his hand: "Don't say it, just a few flat-headed surnames, forgive them for making trouble. Besides, they have no chance of going out to make trouble, uncle will solve this matter for you. However, in the future, you should be a low-key person. My position really has no right to speak. This time I have to ask Ye Shen for help. "

Director Wu naturally nodded again and again. After thinking about it, Secretary-General Wu picked up the phone on the desk, "Hey, is it Commander Ye, hello, hello, I'm Xiao Wu, my nephew's affairs have been clarified. It turned out to be such a thing

Secretary-General Wu explained the matter carefully. Of course, it is best to excuse the nephew as much as possible, but Ye Shen said coldly: "Secretary-General Wu. I don't know those people, I only know that your nephew brought someone to hit me. This is a fact."

Secretary-General Wu felt the cold sweat on his head and said, "Commander Ye, my nephew is also being coerced. You know that he is not an ordinary person, and his opponent is so powerful, so my nephew introduced people in order to avenge you. Soothe in the government building, and wait for you to send someone to capture it. "

Ye Shen actually understood the course of the matter long ago. The beating ground is indeed not the nephew of Secretary-General Wu. Although one of Ye Long's men was slap, but in the eyes of Ye Shen, it was irrelevant to be beaten. Now, the main target he is looking for is actually a dude.

"Oh, you can't think of Secretary General Wu, you still have such a heart, but it's easy for others to arrange our garrison when you go to the government building to arrest people. You don't want to set up a set for me to drill."

Secretary-General Wu hurriedly explained: "No, not the ground. Commander Ye understands that my words are slight and there is no support. You ca n’t set it up, how can you set it up, it ’s because the other party is stronger than we thought. They ca n’t be captured by our strength, so only the troubled Commander Ye sent you here, of course not during the day and time, but no one would care about the big things happening here at night. ”

There is a residential area behind the government office building, where the official's residence is located. After work, no one in the government building stays here except the guards. At that time, Ye Shen will demolish the house. As long as there is no witness, he will not be closed. No matter what, or for any reason, no one dares to bother him.

Ye Shendao: "Secretary-General Wu, I'll sell you a noodle, but your nephew shouldn't even try to escape the responsibility like this. After I catch those people, I'll ask him to settle the accounts. Give me those people first. , After dark, I sent someone to arrest them. "

Secretary-General Wu put down the phone a little bit. He said that although Ye Shen did not intend to let go of his nephew, the scapegoat was mostly scolded or severely slapped. This is not a big deal for Xiao Ming. What matters is for the nephew to stabilize the people.

It was gradually getting dark, and Director Wu got up from the chair and said, "I'm not lying, I'll go out and get something to eat. You stay here and don't move around. I'll go outside and see if the plain clothes have been removed."

Director Wu left the meeting room and Liang Tiandao said, "I'm afraid it's time for action?"

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "It's a pity that this surname Wu didn't go to play. He provided us with so much internal information. I really wanted to save his life. Now it seems that he is hopeless. "

Zhang Yandao: "How many people are able to ignore their own dangers at present? The army and the evolver are the biggest on Chongming Island. A little director wants to fight with others. This is simply impossible, so He chose this one in line with his personality. "

Suddenly there was a messy footsteps outside, Chu Xiang knew that the other party rushed in, and the guards guarding the government office building were very good at solving it, and even he could be dismissed with some benefits. The staff here have already come out from work There is no scruples about catching people.

"Surround the conference room, fast, fast!" The outsider issued a command in a low voice. The advantage that Chu Xiang could not see was shown at this moment. He could clearly see the energy group sent by everyone outside through the wall.

Liang Tian ’s energy recovered a bit, but Zhang Jingyao was not here. Otherwise, Liang Tian and Zhang Yan ’s energy recovery rate could be increased by more than ten times, and Liang Tian stunned the steel knife in his body. \\ said: "Chu Xiang, let me go out to deal with them."

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "No, it's not worthwhile to fight face to face with them. These people are just acting on orders. Killing them has nothing to do with Ye Shen and others."

With a loud noise, Zhang Yan said, "They hit the door!"

After Director Wu ran away, Liang Tian went to lock the doors, but these doors were simple, but they were cracked after being hit. Chu Xiang aroused his bone knife to cut a piece of cement on the ground, and the ground was really dirt. This is the first floor. At that time, in order to save the cement foundation, Chu Xiang was thrown into the soil.

Just when someone outside is going to break in. A cluster of plants quickly shot at the door of the conference room. It immediately formed a thick protective wall with the wooden door as a structure, so the impact on the outside changed, and the original crumbling door suddenly became strong and abnormal.

"What's the matter? This door suddenly became strong!" Someone asked outside.

The leader's officer was impatient, and said, "Blast it!"

Someone reminded him: "The commander said to be low-key, if the spread is too big, the whole building will be destroyed."

The officer said: "Then use a knife to cut them down. Anyway, you will catch me inside!"

Alas. The sound of chopping outside came in. Liang Tian and Zhang Yan were happy, and cutting these plants strengthened by evolutionary energy with a knife was whimsical. Don't try to cut a rattan unless the person who made the knife is an evolutionary.

Sure enough, it stopped for a while. The speaker was panting, "Coachman, no, you can't cut it!"

The company commander furiously said, "You still have to use a weapon, give me a gun to smash it!"

The sound of the machine gun sounded, and the echo in the corridor shook people's ears. The outermost wooden door had rotted. At this moment, you can see the plant wall blocking the door of the conference room. It was hitting it as if it was hitting a cotton pile. , Constantly making a gurgling sound and then the sound of the bullet falling to the ground. ^^^^

Someone exclaimed, "These plants are weird. There must be an evolutionary among them!"

The company commander immediately contacted the headquarters via the walkie-talkie: "The Red Eagle asked for support, and the other side has an evolutionary. We cannot break their defense circle!"

Ye Shen originally thought it was a matter of capture, but after hearing the report, I knew that the strength of the other party was not simple, but the evolutionist was not in the hands of Ye Shen. He was mainly responsible for external defense. To find the evolutionary to reinforce him, he must obtain it from Liu Yi. got engaged.

Let's not talk about how Ye Shen negotiated with Liu Yi. Naturally, there must be pay for it. In the meantime, the two will not do less. They just said that the soldiers in front of the conference room had racked their brains at the moment. If you can't get in, then go through the windows. There is no window on the outward side of the meeting room, but there are a few small windows on the side of the corridor, and a soldier broke the glass.

Chu Xiang had realized the intention of the other party. He waved a handful of plants and blocked the window again. Some of the soldiers outside shouted, "Put a tear gas bomb! Drive them out!"

Because these windows had been sealed, someone immediately hurried to cast tear gas bombs into the conference room from the shooting holes and exhaust holes. Chu Xiang controlled a few **** of water to envelop the smoke and returned to the corridor. Then, Withdrawing the water covering the tear gas bombs, the smoke coughed continuously outside, and those people couldn't stand sipping and then quit first.

Chu Xiang opened the space ring and said to Xiaosi, "Take out something to eat and drink. Let's sit and wait and see what tricks they have. Maybe we can solve things here tonight."

Xiaosi found beer and ham from a locker with a set temperature, and a few packets of peanuts. She said, "Brother, would you like to notify the family to receive it, otherwise it won't be a mess here?" I have control. "

Chu Xiang nodded and said: "It is necessary to inform, it is best to bring more people and weapons. I'm afraid there will still be people who disagree and say they have to give them pressure."

Xiaosi set up the beer and side dishes and went to call. Chu Xiang signaled Liang Tian and Zhang Yan to be polite. Now Liang Tian and Zhang Yan admire Chu Xiang for the five bodies. Chu Xiang let them do nothing. Hesitation, besides, the temptation of wine and food is very great, four people wait while eating. \\

The tear gas's smoke dissipated, and people outside came back again, this time they took a flamethrower, and the fierce flame burned against the plant wall. This weapon is really a plant wall killer. Soon those plants start to wither, and a large hole appears on the plant wall.

The soldiers were cheering, and suddenly the air was cold. The high-temperature flame from the flamethrower burst out suddenly, and the people standing nearby felt the air was hot and unbearable, but now they are snoring and their knuckles are stiff and unable to move.

The plant wall grows again. The group of soldiers slowly recovered after the ground temperature rose a little bit, and then they tried to open the flamethrower and found that they had been frozen. But at this time Liu Yi's evolutionary reinforcements arrived, and these fighters could finally meet, making it difficult for ordinary people to fight the evolutionary.

After discussing with Ye Shen, Liu Yi has understood that the troublemaker is also his enemy. Although his master Beijia was on his way, the other suddenly jumped over the surface of death to Chongming Island, which made Liu Yi feel uneasy, so he didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately sent a team of evolutionaries to drag Chu Xiang first, He called to urge his cheap master to come over as soon as possible.

Don't look at the current flowers in the evolution world, in fact, there are just a few skills, some of which are practically unknown. For example, look at words with your belly. Drink water with your eyes. These skills are not needed, so there are only a few representatives to go around. This time Liu Yi was sent to be a strong man and an evolutionary who would release white light to bind energy.

The energy-bound evolutionary said to Hercules: "Cut open the door and let me go in and catch them."

Hercules took a large axe with him. This axe was carefully built. The weight and rigidity were abnormal. Huh, when Hercules cut it with an axe, the plant wall broke open immediately, but then there were other rattan supplements. In the end, the Hercules could only keep chopping, but the plant wall continued to grow. Finally, he gasped and said, "No, the person inside has great ability to control the plants, so I can't cut it from exhaustion."

Li Li constrained the evolutionary and said, "Break the wall, you have already made things big, and let go of sex, just catch them."

The company commander received the above order, allowing him to follow all the instructions of the evolutionist sent by Liu Yi, so he immediately ordered to prepare for blasting. Chu Xiang observed the intention of the other party and thought about his decision to stop the other party ’s blasting. After all, this place will soon belong to their own site. If they were to blow up this building and rebuild it, it would not be cost-effective.

Thinking of Chu Xiang removing the plant wall behind the door, people outside suddenly saw that the plant wall disappeared. They were taken aback. Some people even shot in with a shake of their hands. The energy bound the evolutionary said: "Do n’t shoot, your weapons are useless by their strength, just step back and let me meet them."

Liang Tian saw his face change, reminding Chu Xiang: "Pay attention to this person, he is the evolutionary who captured us in the old city. This person can restrain our energy, it is overbearing, it is our evolution. The bust of the player. "

The evolver was wearing black clothes last time, so Chu Xiang did n’t pay attention to his appearance, only to be reminded by Liang Tian, ​​but with the last experience, Chu Xiang knew that this person ’s evolution was not high, and he wanted to restrain him. Evolutionists like Liang Tian and Zhang Yan are easy, but I'm afraid he is far behind.

The energy-bound evolutionary walked into the conference room, and he emitted a few white lights without saying a word. This white light specifically absorbed the energy of the evolutionary and would suppress the energy of the evolutionary in a short time. Although Chu Xiang was not afraid, Blind dodging was not good. Since the Shanghai base is almost checked, and the Yutai base has been notified to receive it, it is no longer necessary to hide his strength.

"Hi!" Chu Xiang suddenly yelled, and an ultrasonic wave greeted the white light emitted by the energy-bound evolutionary, bang! The two energies collided. Although white light was born to suppress evolutionary energy, it is like a child twisting his thigh. It has the heart but not the force. The ultrasonic wave disperses the white light, and the continued power hits the evolved energy. He flew out of the conference room and threw himself on the wall of the hallway. If he had not been blocked by the white light in front, the evolutionary would have been directly knocked out.

Alas, the energy-bound evolutionary squirted blood, and the Hercules was startled. "Captain II, how are you? What is going on, how can you not subdue them? You are the evolutionary nemesis."

This energy-binding evolutionary is the captain of the second team under Liu Yi. He can't believe his eyes. His energy-binding power has failed. This is the first time in history. Caught, why didn't it work this time, but was hurt by the opponent.

The energy-bound evolutionary got up, he pressed down another blood on his chest, and then walked into the meeting room again. Chu Xiang said: "Give up, Liu Yi's era is over ~ ~ You are the name Very unique evolutionary, I guarantee you a bright future. "

The energy-bound evolutionary took a sip, "What the **** are you! Pick me up and try!"

Say that the energy-bound evolutionary once again emits a beam of white light, and this time the target takes Chu Xiang directly. He has worked hard and is target-specific. In his imagination, this attack will be successful. No one is afraid.

Chu Xiang didn't use other skills, it was still an ultrasonic wave, but seeing that the energy-bound evolutionary was ironed out to be right with himself, this time Chu Xiang used 80% of the energy, hum-the air seemed to be distorted by a huge energy The white light of the energy-bound evolutionary was directly scattered, and the ultrasonic wave hit him. Alas, the blood vessels of the energy-bound evolutionary burst, his eyes widened, and he fell to the ground incredibly.

At first glance, the energy-bound evolutionary who most hoped to restrain the opponent died, and the soldiers and several of the evolutionaries who came with them hummed away. How can these untrained people have any discipline and small life is important, but Fleeing and fleeing, they each reported the situation to their superiors. Ye Shen and Liu Yi received the news for a few seconds, but they made the same decision immediately, and they must destroy the person, otherwise their status would not be Guaranteed!


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