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Chapter 355: Overall defeat

Chu Xiang could not persuade these people to give up their lives for Ye Shen and Liu Yi. He just wanted to kill the war, but Xiaosi blocked him. At this time, the sky became darker and darker, as if a cloud was moving in the distance. Of course, it is not the weather controlled by Chu Xiang, but a group of mutant giant birds with hump t3 and t4 on their backs, flying across the Yangtze River to the Chongming Island.

"Woo ---- oo oo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh," when the sharp air defense siren sounded, Liu Yi and Ye Shen were startled. At this time, there was an air attack, and they looked up to see the target of the attack. Then he was startled again, "It's a zombie!"

At this time, the troops besieging Chu Xiang also stopped attacking and looked up at the sky. Although the number of mutated birds in the air is not huge, they are huge in size, and their wings are spread out to be spectacular, not to mention that there is still a bird on their back. People talk about t3, t of corpse discoloration, like this zombie attack riding a giant bird, this is the first time people here saw it.

The anti-aircraft weapons began to fight back, and the anti-aircraft machine gun organized a tight fire network. However, at this time, the mutant bird flocks were still far away, and even if they were hit, they were not enough to cause damage. Liu Yi's face became increasingly ugly, but at this time When a zombies attack occurred, Ye Shen was also a bit flustered. His army was responsible for the air defense work. He had just deployed a large number of troops to besiege four humans. At this time, the air attack was afraid that there would be problems in the air defense link.

After a while, the flock of kung fu mutant birds reached their heads. The anti-aircraft machine gun bombs slammed on them. Several giant birds could not stand the continuous blow and were injured. Some even fell directly into the air, but the number of casualties was relatively large. As far as the team is concerned, there is no bones and bones, and the zombie on the bird's back took the opportunity to fall to the ground.

The siege of the four members of Chu Xiang was reassigned to return to the air defense forces to increase firepower. However, thousands of people in the remaining place still sealed the airtightness of Chu Xiangwei, and the encircling circle became more and more compressed, but at this time, only a zombie fell in the sky. Their landing point was within the encirclement, and immediately after the zombies landed, they turned to face the soldiers. As if they obeyed their orders.

"嗷 ----" There have been dozens of safe landings, and they have formed a block to block the offensive forces. They yelled loudly in the sky, and their long tongues passed in front of everyone's eyes. Those soldiers had a cold heart, and their murderous footsteps suddenly became messy. They wanted to step further, but now no one dares to move easily. The opposite is t3. They can just sever human bodies with their tongues! Not to mention t4. These monsters walking upside down stared at their heads, and ordinary weapons didn't see them at all!

"嗷 ----" T4 also yelled with ugly heads. They despised the humans in front of them. It seemed that it was just a group of ants. It was as easy as t4 to destroy them by flipping their palms!

"Hit! Hit fiercely!" Ye Jian came out. These zombies did not suddenly attack the base, but were controlled by the other party to protect them! This is really a rare thing. Zombies actually listen to human beings. It's crazy. If they are not destroyed, let them control the zombies. Who else in this world will be its opponent!

The soldiers who participated in the siege had to fire when they received the order, and at this time, the sky and land mutation bird group dropped all the t4s. So those t4 who have become creepers stopped all the bombs, and they used their bodies to build a protective barrier for Chu Xiang and others. At first glance, Ye Shen couldn't penetrate the protective wall formed by these t. He ordered the cannon to be pulled up. The firepower of the Shanghai base was very mixed. There were self-propelled howitzers and rockets. These weapons were very powerful, even t4. It is also difficult to stop.

However, under the control of Xiaosi, these t4s will not stand still and call, scream, scream, they will leap over the encirclement and land on the artillery vehicle, sip with their mouths, and hit their bodies with their mouths. A dozen artillery vehicles were destroyed by hand in just a few minutes. Although the surrounding soldiers continued to shoot at the zombies, the effect was not very obvious. Only a few t3s could not stand the firing in turn, and the rest were killed. Most suffered only minor skin trauma, which did not affect combat effectiveness at all.

Xiaosi did not want to make the zombies too hurtful. After destroying the artillery vehicles, they were recalled to their side. The zombies again circled to protect the four. Chu Xiang also took the initiative on the battlefield without taking a shot. He said, "Liu Yi. Ye Shen. Are you still going to resist the end? The so-called knowledgeable person is Junjie. Don't be obsessed."

Liu Yi yelled, "It turns out that you are spies of zombies. Comrades. This is the time to make tribute to the motherland. We can't let these zombies occupy the Shanghai base even if we die. Read at zero to show your courage and confidence. Kill! "

Ye Shen came to understand after a brief panic. The strength of the other side suddenly increased. And also controlled t3, t4. This alone is enough to overthrow his position. There is no refund at this time. Only with Liu Yi desperately. Overcoming can keep your position. Only one died!

So they encouraged and urged the troops to attack Chu Xiang again under the two men. However, most of the attacks were blocked by zombies. Little Silk didn't want to let the zombies hurt. But now the other side is bullying. She was finally angry. So under her control, the zombies leaped up into the crowd. Those evolutionists are okay to say. They wrestled with the zombies in pairs. And those soldiers have long been shaken by the training army. Let the zombies rush away. The situation on the court was immediately chaotic.

Chu Xiang could not bear to see humans injured. Because being injured by a zombie is almost equivalent to death. Even the injection of blue life anti-t virus solution is not salvable. The fault is not these people. More importantly, they are the main force of the future base. So Chu Xiang ordered Xiaosi to withdraw the zombies. Xiaosi resentfully said: "Are they allowed to attack us? These people don't know what to do. If not, they wouldn't hurt their lives. They would have been killed now."

Chu Xiang pity these soldiers. I want to subdue them for what they have used. But seeing them still attacking themselves. So Chu Xiang said angrily: "Let me catch Liu Yi and Ye Shen. As long as these two guys are not behind to direct the others, they will stop attacking."

However, Ye Shen and Liu Yi seemed to have guessed that Chu Xiang would think so. They didn't know where to hide. People were everywhere on the field. Chu Xiang's eyes could not distinguish the shape of a person's face. This plan could only be done in the end. This chaos could not be ended quickly. I was afraid that the Shanghai base would really collapse. By that time the loss of personnel and materials will be huge.

Chu Xiang intends to use his skills to suppress them, and at this time there is a roar of an airplane overhead. The two fighter jets dived from the clouds, and the cannons on the plane demonstrated demonstratively outside the field. Some simple buildings could not stand the bursts of fire, which made the strike effect even more scary. Many soldiers were frightened and stopped the attack and looked for a place to dodge.

Two fighter jets are followed by two gunship helicopters, which circle above the crowd. Compared to infantry, these two helicopters are air fortresses. Their powerful firepower can wipe out the ground troops in a few minutes! There is also a bomber behind the helicopter, which was a demonstration in the Yangtze River estuary. The monstrous water column proves that it is not a toy, as long as it is angry, it can blow up the core new village of Shanghai base.

Liu Yi and Ye Shen were a little stupid after hiding in the crowd. These two people knew about the sonic destroyer because they were all using it, but the warships could be used, there were many ports on the Yangtze River Estuary, and there were many ships, and they were controlled Also simple. But the aircraft was not readily available. The first requires a runway and the second requires a driver. The first one needed aviation kerosene, so even if the Shanghai base got an airborne sonic expeller, it was useless. They simply couldn't meet this condition and couldn't form an air force at all.

Since Shanghai does not have an air force, what's more, their attack posture has shown a hostile stand. Are they really from Yutai base? It seems that only they have an air force at the moment. How can this be possible? What did Yutai base go to the Shanghai base to do? Is it really like the bluff that just came to surrender the Shanghai base? But the Shanghai base has nothing to do with them. Is it too much for them to do this and have they not looked at the central government?

Ye Shen's voice trembled and said, "Liu and Commander Liu, we seem to have lost all our advantages. What should we do now?"

Liu Yi knows that this is a tough task. Now he said that he might give up too late. Even if the other party accepts his surrender, his fate will not be better. Thinking of this, Liu Yi said fiercely: We are grasshoppers, Commander Ye, tethered to a rope, and order your people to hit their planes with anti-aircraft machine guns! "

Ye Shen was startled: "You are crazy, do n’t talk about how precious those planes are, it will make us madly retaliate against them! I think we will surrender. If they really come from the Yutai base, maybe they will The Internet is not on our side. "

Liu Yidao: "Commander Ye, are you crazy, surrender? Others can surrender, but we must not. If you want to surrender, you might as well fire a shot on your head. You have no temper at Yutai Base. I have n’t heard of it. We offended them. This is a dead one. Do n’t expect miracles. Now we only have to fight for a dead net. What about the Yutai base? They are not immortals. We just have to prove it. From the perspective of others, our land is not necessarily weaker than them. "

Ye looked at the chaotic troops outside. He really couldn't think of any strength to prove to others, but Liu Yi said well, others could surrender. The two of them, as their minds, surrendered would not fall off. In the end, instead of waiting for death, it is better to fight hard. When I think of Ye Shen, I will tell my subordinates to let the air defense forces shoot the invading fighter!

When the catapult hit the helicopter, the early warning system on the helicopter issued a warning, and the pilot fired ultrasonic waves in accordance with the normal counterattack procedure. Because of the prevention of mutant birds, the ultrasonic destroyer was always turned on. All shocked!

This result surprised everyone in the Shanghai base. The current ultrasonic weapons can be attacked and defended. In a defensive state, it is like adding protective shields to aircraft and tanks. It is not easy for the opponent to break the ultrasonic defense. Increasing the launch power of the ultrasonic destroyer will be a superweapon!

Seeing Ye Shen and Liu Yi attacking the air forces desperately, Chu Xiang knew that the two were desperate and that the Shanghai base could no longer be held in their hands. This is what they called, so Chu Xiang Contact Shi Zhengqian, who is in charge of the Air Force, decisively issued an attack order.

Hum, the helicopter hovered over the high-altitude force and fired an ultrasonic wave. This was not a defensive launch, but an offensive weapon that boosted the launch power and bombarded the Shanghai base ’s high-altitude troops under heavy helicopter attack. The anti-aircraft machine gun quickly mutated.

Seeing the bad situation, Liu Yi shouted and ordered his evolutionary forces to strike the air plane. Ordinary soldiers could not withstand the ultrasonic waves. However, there are people who live in evolution. At least when the sonic weapons on the helicopter did not do their best to attack, they lived on the ground. Some evolutionists even rely on the evolution skills to fly to the helicopter to prepare to seize the opportunity! By then, the strength of the helicopter will be greatly increased.

boom! The sound of the first sniper rifle sounded, and the evolutionary who jumped into the gunship dropped down! Then the sniper gun sounded like fried beans. The Liu Yi evolutionary forces that were attacking the helicopter were fatally hit. Those evolutionaries were not afraid of bombs, but for some reason, the speed of the projectiles that hit them at this moment was high. Most of the Liu Yidi evolutionary forces were injured. Skin trauma will not affect their strength. However, the results were unexpected. Those evolved were rolled to the ground in pain within a few seconds, but the pain came to an end soon. After a while, they stood up again, but realized that they did not Helicopter looked in their eyes, but now they can't attack the helicopter above them!

Liu was taken aback by the situation on the field. There were exactly two injured evolutionaries who hurried away from him. He grabbed one of them and asked, "What's wrong? What's the matter with this? Hurry up and drop me a helicopter. .Otherwise they will destroy us! "

The evolver said in horror: "No, no. My superpowers have disappeared, it must be that there is something wrong with their bombs!"

Liu Yi was even more surprised: "Superpower has disappeared? How is this possible? Could it be that you have something wrong and there is no way to take the superpower. This is unimaginable!"

The evolutionist said loudly: "It's true, they have problems with their bombs. After hitting our bodies, it seems that they will **** up all our super powers in a moment. Commander Liu, we lose. Let's run away. It's late. Can't even save my life! "

escape? Snipers have been everywhere inside and outside Xincun, and their sniper points are everywhere. Once they are hit by the ground, the evolver will quickly lose superpowers and become ordinary people. Liu Yi had to be convinced after seeing the experience of an evolver in person. This kind of bomb is so powerful that it is just a devil to the evolutionist, and the skill that evolved from hard work is eliminated in a moment! Most evolutionaries knew this fact and adopted a surrender policy, because surrender would save them from being superpowered!

Liu Yi's heart is bleeding, and he depends on the evolutionary army. What a powerful force it is, now it is so vulnerable in the eyes of the other party. Under the circumstances of the attack, those evolutionaries are not Help yourself find a way to solve the problem, but instead choose to surrender, which makes Liu fall faster, he is going crazy.

The huge roar of the tank engine came from afar. Liu Yichu initially thought that he was his own tank unit. When he initially withdrew from Chongming Island, he brought a group of amphibious tanks, but it was not very useful. Maybe it was Ye Shen. Temporarily respond to this armored fortress to respond to emergency situations. With it as a cover, you are not afraid of ubiquitous snipers. To be honest, Liu Yi is also very worried now, lest the kind of bomb that captures superpowers hit him. Once he loses his super power, Liu Yi will not fart!

The tank emerged from the back of the building. After seeing the tank, Liu Yi realized that it was not a real tank at all. The artillery on the turret was cancelled and replaced with something similar in appearance to the radar, so this is definitely not the Shanghai base. Amphibious tank!

Behind Liu Yi did not know when to stand on Ye Shen, his face had long been pale, and the situation was good for anyone who was blind, and he could see that Liu Yi's evolutionary army was over! And Ye Shen's own troops couldn't stop the helicopter attack, not to mention there were two fighters and a bomber in the sky, and he could take his life anyway!

"Liu and Commander Liu, what have we done, this time, this time we played a lot!" Ye Shen's voice of fear was full of regret, if he was allowed to choose, he would rather give up his son but also keep his own strength , But now he has no choice! This joke is a big joke for losing a painstakingly operated Shanghai base for a fish.

Liu Yi constantly dialed the satellite phones of Beijia and Wang Yang. I do n’t know whether the signal was blocked or Liu Yi was nervous. In short, there was no one to get through. Liu Yi was desperate, and there were countless snipers hidden around him. These snipers were not able to kill his people directly, but as long as they were injured by their bullets, their superpowers would be gone. At this moment, Liu Yi ’s evolutionary forces have surrendered 80%, and only those who are loyal to themselves still stand by Beside yourself.

"How could this happen?" Liu Yi also questioned, everything changed because of a blind arrival! And now that blindly enjoying himself under the heavy protection of the zombies, this caused Liu Yi's lungs to explode, his superpowers were not weak, and a leap forward immediately, "I fight with you!"

Liu Yi had not yet reached the zombies. Suddenly a strong man jumped up from the ground. Liu Yi also responded quickly. His target was not this person, but Chu Xiang behind the zombies. ! "

A strange smile appeared on the other's face, and his fist met Liu Yi, bang! Liu Yi's body was shocked, and his powerful impact made him unable to control himself anymore. He whistled out of the air for more than ten meters. Fortunately, Liu Yi's balance was good. He did not drop a dog **** on the ground, but Liu Yi's arm My heart hurts, and I found out that my arm was broken by a punch just now!

Several loyal Liu Yi's evolvers came up and said, "Commander Liu, we're gone, let's withdraw!"

Liu Yi saw that the strange tank had entered the government building area, and the radar-like gadget emitted a strong sound wave. The building and personnel located in the radiation range were destroyed! Ye Shen's troops had some residual strength, but under the attack of this strange tank, let alone counterattack, even self-protection is impossible! What's more, the armed helicopters above are aggressive, and wherever there is a machine gun that resists it, it will be fired. Under this powerful firepower, even 10,000 soldiers are estimated to be difficult to win! Because for now, ordinary weapons cannot break through the helicopter's defense circle.

If the plane shattered the invincible illusions of the Shanghai base, and the myth that the evolver could never be defeated, then the emergence of the Sonic tank completely killed the rebel forces, and no one dared to act lightly, because that meant the next step Will be sonicated into meat sauce!

Liu Dachao has gone and sighed, "Withdraw!"

But is it still possible to escape? Liu Yi ca n’t fly. Even if he can fly and fighters are waiting in the air, Liu Yi wo n’t stumble. Even the surface of the Yangtze River ca n’t get through, unless it ’s to grab a warship. The tank surrounded the government building area of ​​the Shanghai base. The sniper in the dark was fighting the resistance. Liu was captured as soon as he walked out, but Ye Shen was even worse. He disguised himself as an ordinary soldier and hid in the drop. Tea has been checked before anyone has done it. It can be seen that this person is usually not mixed in the army.


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